Chapter 346 Not interested (first update)

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  Chapter 346 Not Interested (Update 1)
  Shen Qiu and Chu Wuji also looked at each other, and then quickly missed their gazes, feeling deep in their hearts the other's arrogance.

  At this time, a mechanical corps of Storm motorcycles and Storm tanks rushed over.

  At this time, Chu Wuji kicked the Aker's ax that was stuck in the ground, put it on his shoulder freely, combed his hair, and said proudly to Shen Qiu.

  "So you are the mysterious boss who has caused a lot of trouble recently. I didn't expect to bump into you here today. It looks like there are two brushes. How about we compete to see who kills more?" Shen

  Qiu After hearing what Chu Wuji said, he was slightly startled.

  This guy actually challenged him? It’s true that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

  However, Shen Qiu refused without any hesitation.

  "No, not interested."

  It wasn't that Shen Qiu was afraid of Chu Wuji, but he didn't want to get confused with these noble men.

  If you lose in the competition, you will be the one who is embarrassed.

  But if he wins, these noble gentlemen may not be able to bear it. Who knows how big their minds are, if they start holding grudges, they will only cause more trouble for themselves.

  So after Shen Qiu finished speaking, he walked straight past Chu Wuji.

  As a result, Chu Wuji directly extended his left fist to block Shen Qiu.

  Shen Qiu couldn't help but frown and said in a deep voice.

  "What do you mean?"

  However, at this moment, Chu Wuji turned up his left fist, spread out his palm, and a cube lightning gene module appeared directly in front of Shen Qiu.

  "It doesn't mean anything else, and I won't let you compare! This is the cube module of Thunder Series P1. Lei Hu has always wanted it, and it drives him crazy. I haven't even given it to him, as long as you If you beat me, this one will be yours."

  Shen Qiu's expression did not change when he saw the cube thunder module.

  But my heart surged like a stormy sea, with great longing.

  His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how he could accept this challenge without losing face and style.

  At this time, Shen Qiu coldly took out a cube atomic module from his pocket and said to Chu Wuji.

  "Am I the kind of person who takes advantage? Do I care about this module? Since you want to compete so much, let me play with you. If you can beat me, this atomic module is yours and mine. This piece is more expensive than yours.

  Chu Wuji looked at the atomic module that Shen Qiu took out, with the longing in his eyes clearly visible. He laughed excitedly.

  "Okay, okay, very good! I, Chu Wuji, have few people I like in my life, but you, Shen Qiu, are one of them, so let’s get started! "

  Start! " "

  Chen Qiu put the module back in his pocket.

  The two of them rushed towards the mechanical corps at the same time.

  Chu Wuji was the first to get close because he ignored the attack. He swung Aker's ax across the board. The surface armor of any mechanical weapon that was hit looked like chocolate chips. Crack, almost one by one with an axe.

  However, while killing, Chu Wuji couldn't help but look at Shen Qiu with the corner of his eyes. He

  saw that Shen Qiu almost killed one with one sword, and at the same time, he raised his left hand from time to time to release Crazy Thunder Burial. , killing a large number of mechanical reptiles that were swarming in an instant.

  It seemed that the killing efficiency was even more powerful than him.

  The anchor Xiao Run who was filming couldn't help but exclaimed.

  "Damn it, who is this guy? He has such a strong fighting ability. , killing monsters so fast, even more powerful than Chu Wuji. "

  As soon as this sentence came out, the live broadcast room exploded immediately, and countless fans watching were unhappy.

  "If the anchor can speak, if he can't speak, he will go back to his mother's womb and rebuild for a few years!

  "Fart, there's no way this brat who jumped out of nowhere can compare to our husbands. " "

  Xiao Run suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing and apologized quickly.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. How could anyone be better than the male god Chu Wuji? This guy is here to steal monsters. "

  That's pretty much it. " "

  However, Chu Wuji felt a hint of threat at this time, and immediately put his hands on the ground!

  "Wanren pierced! "Crack!

  Metal spikes rose from the ground and instantly penetrated the mechanical reptiles and dogs.

  Everyone watching in the live broadcast room shouted excitedly.

  "So handsome! "

  All kinds of gifts were being bought wildly.

  Shen Qiu turned around and glanced at Chu Wuji's cleanup. He was also slightly touched. Is this guy so fierce?
  At this moment, the noise swept over.

  "For glory. "

  Groups of Storm motorcycles, mixed with a large number of mechanical dogs and several Storm tanks, swarmed in like a

  tide. Shen Qiu turned around and looked around, seeing scattered and broken high-voltage wires everywhere on the street, and in his mind A thought flashed across his mind.

  He then stretched out his left hand and used all his power.

  Terrifying current was pulled out from those high-voltage wires and converged on him crazily.

  In an instant, terrifying thunder and lightning erupted from Shen Qiu's whole body, and the momentum was extremely horrifying.

  Everyone in the City of Sinking Star At the power plant, the instruments were spinning wildly.

  However, Shenxing City is indeed not comparable to other cities. The quality of its power supply lines is not generally good, and there are no explosions or collapses. At this moment, Shen Qiu feels that his body is full of unprecedented power, and he really responds

  . As Long Er said, the advantage of the thunder element over other elements is that it can be charged and strengthened.

  Then Shen Qiu's body slightly bent down, and he jumped up instantly. The thunder and lightning from his whole body penetrated into the Canggu Blade, with a huge force. Cut it down hard.

  The destructive thunder and lightning overflowed, covering the entire area, and the violent impact swept across! The   mechanical weapons fell apart, and the number of Shen Qiu's kills suddenly skyrocketed.
  Chu   Wuji saw this At this scene, his heart sank to the bottom, and he immediately killed towards the mechanical corps in the distance.   After the attack, Shen Qiu felt unprecedented pleasure. His blood boiled a little, and then he followed and killed forward.   The two of them seemed to have no emotions. The killing weapons started competing crazily.   "Hey, there is the central battlefield ahead, don't go there! "   Xiao Run looked at Chu Wuji who was getting deeper and deeper. He was immediately anxious. The two lunatics dared to enter the central battlefield, but he really didn't dare. It's a pity that   Xiao Run couldn't bear to go.   Many fans saw Chu Wuji going further and further away. Suddenly he was unhappy and urged desperately.   "Follow me quickly!"   " Hurry up anchor! " "   No, if you go further, there will be a central battlefield in front of you. People will die if you go in." "   Xiao Run quickly waved his hand and explained awkwardly.

  "We don't care. If you don't go in, we will report you! Block your account!"

  "Yes, block your account!"

  "We also want to initiate a refund!"

  Xiao Run's face turned green when he saw the overwhelming abuse. I had no choice but to reply.

  "Okay, I get it."

  At this time, on the Tianming Workers APP forum, everyone who was eating melon suddenly exclaimed.

  "Damn it, there's an anonymous guy whose kill points are soaring. He's soared to third place. He's almost catching up with Lei Jing!" "

  Look at Chu Wuji's kill points, which are also soaring quickly." "

  At this time, I have to just go up. The rhythm?"

  (End of chapter)

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