Chapter 291 Washing the Floor (Second Update)

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  Chapter 291 Cleansing the Floor (Second Update)
  In the combat command room.

  A female officer wearing a major's uniform said angrily to a lieutenant colonel who had a calm expression, a tanned face, and very rough skin.

  "Sir Zhou Quan! I don't understand why we need to use these medium-range ballistic missiles equipped with cluster warheads. It's such a waste! Moreover, our own situation is very tense, and this combat plan has not been reported to the Red Alliance and the Eighth District. Report."

  "This is the city lord's order. Pass my order now and immediately prepare for launch according to the emergency battle plan. Everyone's coordinates have been adjusted for me!"

  Zhou Quan did not give any explanation. Of course he knew that this was against the rules.

  The female officer was speechless and wanted to say something, but finally gave up.


  The operators present responded one after another.

  A few minutes later.

  Bang bang!

  Giant medium-range ballistic missiles were shot out one after another and took off at high speed.

  They streak across the sky like shooting stars.

  In the Eighth District Center·Command Command Base.

  City Lord Su Yuan was sitting on the command chair, looking at the officials below who were busy processing the feedback information from various regions, as well as arranging various material support and personnel transfers.

  Suddenly, the main operating system emitted a blaring alarm.

  Su Yuan's cloudy eyes moved slightly and she asked.

  "What happened?"

  "Report to the city lord, the radar scan has detected a large number of ballistic missiles flying towards the eighth area."

  "Who shot it?"

  "Judging from the trajectory of the launch, it seems to be from the sixth area Phoenix base. It was launched."

  "What the hell, do we have a relevant combat plan with District 6? Why would they launch missiles privately without any notice!"

  Su Yuan stood up slowly, with a trace of anger on her face. .

  You must know that firing missiles directly into her territory privately is worse than sending fighter planes to break in directly without saying hello.

  After all, she can still intercept and question the fighter planes that rush in without warning, but how to intercept the missiles?

  This clearly meant that he didn't take her seriously.

  The officials present looked at each other and did not dare to say a word.

  Gray Fruit Factory·Emergency Exit.

  Shen Qiu waited anxiously for fire support. He kept looking at the time on the bracelet he was wearing. Fifteen minutes had passed. Where was the support?

  There is not enough time in the first place, if we delay it any longer, we will definitely be doomed.

  Another point is that the zombie monsters that have gathered are getting closer and closer, and the situation is becoming more and more dangerous.

  Just when Shen Qiu was extremely anxious, he suddenly saw countless bright spots appearing in the sky in the distance.

  Accompanied by sharp sounds, precision-guided missiles struck one after another. These missiles exploded in the sky and turned into dense warheads.

  Suddenly, they fell into pieces in the designated area, and fires flashed one after another within a few kilometers nearby.

  There were explosions one after another.

  Thousands of buildings and corpse monsters were swallowed up by the explosion.

  At that time, the zombie monster was surrounded by darkness, and a gap was forced out.

  Although not all the zombie monsters inside have been killed, they have become relatively sparse.


  This scene also stunned Shen Qiu.

  Then he immediately climbed out of the emergency exit, took a deep breath, and breathed out the cold night.

  In an instant his feet flashed with lightning.

  "Thunder!" Shen Qiu ran extremely fast according to the escape route planned on the bracelet.

  The only thought in his mind at this time was, run! run!
  However, things did not go as smoothly as expected. Just after Shen Qiu ran two or three kilometers, surviving corpse monsters surrounded him on the road ahead.

  When these corpse monsters saw Shen Qiu rushing towards him, they rushed towards him like they were seeing delicious food.

  Shen Qiu looked at the corpse monsters, his eyes flashed with a stern look, he had no time to dodge, anyone who stopped him would die.

  So Shen Qiu swung Han Ye, chopped off the head of a blocking corpse monster with one knife, and chopped down another corpse monster with another knife, killing it with great force.

  But as he kept killing, Shen Qiu felt that his speed had slowed down. It was too late to continue like this, so he stopped.

  He looked at the bombed-out pitted ground in front of him, and it was obvious that conventional vehicles would no longer be able to survive.

  So he reached out and tapped Qi Lin's bracelet, preparing to try using Qi Lin's bracelet authority to see if he could dispatch supporting troops to come over.

  As a result, when I pressed it with my hand, I found that the bracelet did not respond at all, and a prompt popped up.

  "Warning, you do not have permission to operate!"

  Seeing this prompt, Shen Qiu's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and she wanted to beat Qi Lin.

  Then Shen Qiu took a few deep breaths to calm down, his eyes became very firm and cold, and he sprinted forward.

  At this time, the surviving zombie monsters wandering around came up to them.

  Shen Qiu suddenly acted like a cold-blooded war weapon, constantly waving Han Ye to kill the corpse monsters and rush forward.

  five minutes!
  ten minutes!
  Half an hour!

  An hour passed.

  Shen Qiu's breathing was constantly panting, and the high-intensity sprints and brutal killings continued to consume his physical strength.

  However, the situation became worse and worse, and more and more zombie monsters gathered.

  Shen Qiu had no choice but to raise his left hand to accumulate thunder and lightning, and then struck with terrifying shocks, sending the groups of corpse monsters flying away.

  Shen Qiu looked down at the map. He had already run more than fifty kilometers, and there was less than thirty minutes left.

  Time is getting tighter.

  Just when Shen Qiu became more anxious, bad luck followed.

  A terrifying roar suddenly sounded.

  I saw an advanced evolved corpse monster that was four meters tall, bloated like a ball, and had flesh-touching hands lying across the intersection.

  Qi Lin's combat bracelet immediately displayed the value 1024. It was obvious that this monster was LV3.

  Looking at this corpse monster, Shen Qiu narrowed his eyes. He could tell at a glance that this monster was of a rough-skinned, fleshy variety with extremely strong vitality. It was simply impossible to kill it in a short time.

  Not to mention that he was carrying a burden on his back, and he didn't even dare to use his abilities.

  At this time, the corpse monster didn't give Shen Qiu any time to think. It rushed over like a bulldozer, and extended its flesh-touched hands to outflank Shen Qiu!

  "It's really crazy!"

  Shen Qiu cursed in a low voice and sprinted forward with all his strength. I saw his left hand accumulating a dazzling thunder ball, then throwing it in front of the zombie monster and exploding.

  Suddenly the whole area turned white!
  When the light dissipated, Shen Qiu was seen stepping on the opponent's hand, jumping onto his shoulder, then jumping over the corpse monster's shoulder, and ran away.


  With an angry roar, the evolved body turned around and stared at Shen Qiu with its scarlet eyes.

  Shen Qiu turned around and looked back, and saw that the corpse monster was chasing after him like crazy.


  Shen Qiu ran as fast as he could. If he was caught up, he would be in big trouble.

  Outside the industrial park command base.

  Heavy main battle tanks, armored vehicles and numerous heavily armed soldiers guarded the area.

  (End of chapter)

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