Chapter 287 Xuan Jia (Additional update for book friend Yan An) (Fourth update)

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  Chapter 287 Xuan Jia (Additional update for book friend Yan An) (Fourth update)

  Not long after, Qi Dong and others drove to their destination.

  In the open space in the granary storage area in front of me, I saw a car parked here, and more than three hundred fierce members of the defeated army gathered here.

  Zhou Bin and others quickly parked the car, then got out of the car and joined the crowd.

  At this time, one car after another arrived.

  After about ten minutes, everyone arrived, and by this time the number of people had reached more than 500.

  At this time, Lin Jing hugged A Miao and appeared in front of everyone.

  The originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet.

  Lin Jing looked at everyone and said happily.

  "Very good, everyone is here! I am now announcing this mission: Search the granary!"

  Upon hearing this mission, everyone present was stunned, and then started talking in confusion.

  "Search granaries? Did I hear you correctly? Why are we searching for this?"

  "Yes, what are we searching for?"

  "There are also hundreds of thousands of granaries here. What year and month are we searching for?" Huh?"

  "Shut up, everyone!"

  Lin Jing twisted his neck, his eyes pierced, and he made an intrusive voice.

  Everyone present immediately shuddered and closed their mouths, not daring to say anything anymore for fear of angering Lin Jing.

  Lin Jing glanced at the quiet crowd and suddenly said with a bright smile.   "I know this job is not easy to do, but the rewards are also very rich. Whoever can find what he is looking for, I can

  promise him to enter the upper echelons of the Defeated Army Religion and receive a large number of genetic module rewards! There are countless beauties and money."

When they reached Lin Jing, everyone's eyes suddenly shone.

  "Master Lin Jing, tell us what we are looking for, and we promise to turn this place over."

  Lin Jing said directly.

  "What you are looking for is very simple. When you open the granary and find that there are things inside that should not be in the granary, then those things are what we are looking for. And don't question the mission. If you don't find it, it only means that you are incompetent. . Because we obtained this mission information through very reliable channels, what we are looking for is right here, understand?" "


  Everyone responded.

  Qi Dong swallowed hard. He was inexplicably panicked and his eyelids kept twitching.

  At this time, Lin Jing continued to say with a smile.

  "One more thing, during the search, everyone should supervise each other's teammates. If anyone is very suspicious, they will be captured on the spot and shot to death if they dare to resist!" "Yes!" "Very good,


  put on gas masks and start taking action. !"

  Gray Fruit Underground Factory.

  Corpses with blood in their mouths rushed towards Shen Qiu and the others like crazy.

  At this time, Chen Shaoyang, who was wearing black armor, came forward with 29 soldiers wearing the same equipment.

  Bang bang!

  They raised their automatic rifles and killed them one by one.

  Gunshot to the head!

  However, the number of zombie monsters rushing over was a bit large, and soon some zombie monsters were approaching.

  However, Chen Shaoyang and others did not panic at all. They directly raised their left hand and punched the zombie monster that rushed up. Suddenly, the corpse monsters were like rubber balls, flying out one by one and hitting the equipment and the ground.

  The area that was hit was completely dented, and he lost the ability to move on the spot.

  At this time, a soldier didn't pay attention and was attacked from the side by a corpse monster. It opened its fangs and bit his arm!
  As a result, the teeth were all chipped, and there were only slight bite marks on the armor where they were bitten. The soldier kicked the corpse violently, and the corpse monster was immediately kicked away.

  Shen Qiu also took a breath when seeing this scene, and said to Long Er in shock.

  "It's so strong. Not only is the defense power amazing, but the power blessing is also very powerful. This level of blessing is no less than that of ordinary power and rock awakeners." "You are right, this set of black armor version 1.0 is extremely powerful

  . An ordinary well-trained soldier wearing it can even compete head-on with ordinary awakened people, but unfortunately it still has a fatal flaw!"

  Long Er said with great emotion.

  "What shortcomings?"

  Shen Qiu asked curiously.

  Before Long Er could speak, Qi Lin said coldly and arrogantly.

  "What other shortcomings are there, of course, the cost! Most of the materials used in this equipment are newly synthesized, and the cost is very high. And the reason why this equipment is so sensitive is because there are many sensing devices in it, which use secret gold. These special rare ores are produced in other worlds. But in my eyes, this is not a shortcoming. It can only be said that you are too poor!" "Ahem, how many alliance coins does

  this set of equipment cost?"

  Shen Qiu tried to ask.

  "Materials are currently scarce, and the price is 50 million per set."

  Qi Lin replied coldly.

  Shen Qiu took a sharp breath, and he suddenly felt that even if this equipment was not popular, it would be okay to gather more people.

  Long Er shook his head. This Qi Lin really could stand and talk without pain in his back.

  "Okay, let's not talk about this with you bumpkins. There's nothing we can talk about if we have different values. Let's go!"

  Qi Lin strode forward. Chen Shaoyang and others were very powerful and cleared the way very quickly.

  Shen Qiu and Long Er quickly followed, and everyone went deeper.

  In less than half an hour, Shen Qiu and the others were halfway into the factory. Chen Shaoyang and others thoroughly demonstrated the performance of Xuanjia.

  No matter what equipment the corpse monster is hiding behind, or on the ceiling above his head.

  As soon as they move or approach, they will be discovered by Chen Shaoyang and others and shot immediately.

  Shen Qiu even doubted whether they were here to make soy sauce. If this trend continued, there would probably be nothing wrong with them.

  Of course, Shen Qiu would not know that this time Chen Shaoyang and others would appear here equipped with these mysterious armors, which were actually used as testing equipment.

  Judging from the current situation, the effect is not generally good.

  Everyone also continued to go deeper. At this time, the emergency lights in front of them were flashing. I don't know if they were damaged or for some reason.

  There were corpses and remains of monsters everywhere, and the scene was extremely eye-catching.

  It gives people a very strong sense of mental fear and oppression.

  At this moment, a short companion next to Wang Chen suddenly spoke in warning.

  "Something's wrong."

  At this time, Chen Shaoyang, who was walking at the front, also raised his hand and made a tactical move to signal everyone to stop.

  Although the rest of the people didn't know what was wrong, everyone's expressions were tense, and everyone kept staring ahead, their eyes becoming more and more solemn.

  At this moment, Shen Qiu and others suddenly felt the ground shaking slightly.

  Chen Shaoyang's heart trembled suddenly and he shouted immediately!

  "Defensive formation, protect Lord Qilin."

  More than 300 elite soldiers were present, forming a semicircular fire defense line with Qilin as the center.

  Wang Chen, Shen Qiu and others all relied on Qi Lin.

  For a moment, everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy and were alert to their surroundings.

  (End of chapter)

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