Chapter 273 Life (Added update for book friend Huo Yuanzi) (Fifth update)

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  Chapter 273 Life (Added for book friend Huo Yuanzi) (Fifth update)

  "You don't want anything, why are you risking your life to come here?"

  "Haha, of course it's for faith."

  Long Er responded with a smile . road.


  Shen Qiu didn't know how to evaluate it for a while.

  "Boy, do you think it's incredible? In fact, it's nothing. I just experienced too much and looked away. When I was a teenager, I was competitive and pursued fame and fortune. When I was in my twenties, I had my first love. I have pursued love. When I was in my thirties and forties, I was obsessed with interests. I pursued money and power. When I got old, I also pursued the continuation of life. But in the end, when everyone around me left one by one, everything changed. I just looked away. Life is like that, what you don’t bring with you in life, you don’t take with you in death, now all that’s left is faith.”

  Long Er replied in a good mood.

  "Okay, everyone has their own ambitions, that's understandable."

  Shen Qiu also replied with some emotion.

  "Chen Qiu, I think you are old-fashioned. How old are you?"

  Long Er asked playfully.

  "28, almost 29."

  "Oh, so I'm going to be 30 soon. Have you started a family?" "


  "Haha, what a good person! I haven't even started a family at this age. Is it because no one is interested in me?" You."

  "Hey~ I can't help it. The one I love can't live up to him, and the one who loves me is miserable!" "

  You kid, you don't want to be with a rich woman, do you?"

  "Go away! Don't just talk about me, you're married. Huh?"

  Shen Qiu asked angrily.

  Long Er paused for a moment, then replied naturally.

  "Of course I am. My grandson is older than you."


  Shen Qiu responded helplessly.

  However, while walking, Shen Qiu found that Long Er had stopped. He also stopped and turned to look over.

  I saw Long Er leaning against a black four-seater hardtop convertible.

  "Huh? What's wrong?"

  Shen Qiu asked doubtfully.

  "You really plan to carry it and walk over and get in the car!"

  Long Er smiled and patted the car door.

  "I don't have a key, how can I open it? And are you sure you can drive? It won't make too much noise?"

  Shen Qiu asked helplessly, knowing that they were in a disaster area, not a safe area.

  "What's wrong?"

  Long Er stretched out his hand to hold the door handle, took a deep breath, and then exerted force.

  The entire car door was pulled down directly, and the car suddenly sounded a piercing alarm.

  "Fuck, physical unlock, turn off the alarm!"

  Shen Qiu said with a dark face.

  "Give me some time."

  Long Er sat on it.

  Shen Qiu turned around and looked around, only to see corpse monsters gathering over after hearing the noise.

  "Hurry up, zombie monsters are coming around."

  "Right now, play with them first!"

  Long Er replied while disassembling the car's starting device.

  Shen Qiu had no choice but to stuff the body of the woman with the gaping hole into the back of the car, pulled out Han Ye and went up to it, and chopped down one of them with a single blow.

  He fought for a while.


  Long Er parked behind Shen Qiu in a convertible and kept honking the horn.

  "Get in the car!"

  Shen Qiu quickly climbed into the passenger seat from the car window.

  "Sit tight."

  Long Er immediately stepped on the accelerator.

  The convertible rushed out and hit a corpse monster head-on.

  "I didn't expect you to drive, you are quite wild."

  Shen Qiu said quite unexpectedly.

  "Who didn't ride a car when they were young?"

  Long Er said while blowing the wind.

  "I don't have it. I couldn't help it when I was poor and couldn't afford to play." "

  Okay, I'll teach you later when I have time and help you make up for your regrets!" "

  Okay! I'll wait for you to teach me."

  Shen Qiu leaned back on the chair. Lean back.

  "Here, this is for you!"

  Long Er suddenly took out a bottle of unopened red wine and handed it to Shen Qiu.

  "Where did you get it?"

  Shen Qiu asked in surprise as he took the red wine.

  "I just finished getting the car, so I went to the convenience store nearby to pick it up. Don't worry, drink it. I've seen the production date of this wine. The inventory has not been sold for more than half a year, and there is a code that can be checked." Long Er said that he

  also I touched a bottle from under my feet.

  He held the mouth of the bottle and squeezed the cork up on its own!

  The cork fell out on its own.

  When Shen Qiu saw this, he looked at Long Er with interest. He wanted to see how this guy drank. He would definitely not be able to drink in this state without taking off his mask.

  To be honest, Shen Qiu really didn't believe Long Er said he was just an ordinary detective captain. This guy's strength was a bit ridiculous.

  Therefore, Shen Qiu was quite curious about what he looked like.

  At this time, Long Er released his right hand from the steering wheel and held the mask underneath.

  Shen Qiu looked straight at it.

  The result clicked!
  The metal mask on Long Er's face was split into two, and the mouth part was taken off.

  "Is this okay?"

  Shen Qiu's face twitched slightly.

  "Hehe, do you want to take a peek at me?"

  Long Er took a sip and teased with a smile.

  "No, there's nothing good about it. You're not a beautiful woman."

  Shen Qiu decisively denied it.

  "I'm telling you, don't look around at what you see under the mask. Be careful, curiosity killed the cat." "

  Oh, drive your car carefully. There are zombies wandering in front of you." "

  Don't worry, it's a joke. "

  Long Er replied confidently, turning the steering wheel fiercely as he spoke.

  The entire sports car passed through the zombie monsters in an S-shape, but Shen Qiu, who was sitting in the back seat, didn't have a great experience. Of course, he didn't say a word.

  However, just after Long Er drove for more than an hour.

  Suddenly, at the street entrance ahead, a bloated, three-meter-tall evolutionary body suddenly appeared. It roared and rushed over like a bulldozer.

  "Hey, hey, get out of the way, don't hit me!"

  Shen Qiu shouted quickly.

  Too late!

  "Don't be afraid, watch my operation!"

  Long Er shouted excitedly.

  The head of the whole car dented directly, and then the whole car tilted up and rolled over the bloated corpse monster's head.

  "Fuck, is this how you drive?"

  Shen Qiu also collapsed in mid-air.

  At this time, Long Er quickly snapped his fingers.

  Shen Qiu suddenly felt the air flowing around him, holding the car and landing safely.

  "Haha, you're not coming here."

  Long Er replied with an awkward smile.


  At this time, the corpse monster turned its bloated body and roared at Shen Qiu.

  Shen Qiu quickly got out of the car, raised his left hand to accumulate thunder energy with all his strength, and blasted all his anger on the bloated zombie monster.

  Along with the screams, the bloated zombie monster in front of him fell down with his whole body black and smoking.

  After Shen Qiu vented his anger, he turned around and walked back, got back into the passenger seat and said.


  "There is no way to drive, the car is destroyed."

  "Is this what you call operation? What to do now?"

  "There is no way, this car is too crash-proof. Forget it, let's find another one. , if you can’t find it, you can only walk.”

  Long Er smiled and replied.

  Shen Qiu sighed helplessly and took out the body of the cracked girl.

  "Come on, let's go over there!"

  Long Er then pointed to a trail on the right.

  "Okay! I said you can't apply for an armed helicopter or something to pick us up?"

  Shen Qiu didn't waste any time and followed Long Er towards the path on the right.

  "I'm sorry, I'm the captain, but I'm not the captain. I don't have that right! Besides, deploying helicopters costs money. If it crashes or something, it will be all on you. And the subsequent losses will be You will be responsible for the subsequent burial expenses."

  "Um, what else is there to say?"

  "Nonsense, look at those executives who are so cool, that's because their families are rich, and I, an old man, am very poor."

  Long Two pairs of Shen Qiu said nonsense.

  "I believe you are a ghost."

  The two of them chatted and walked farther and farther away.

  Time passes gradually.

  Unknowingly, night fell.

  Shen Qiu and Long Er are still on their way.

  "It's good to be young. You can carry such a corpse without even breathing. You have good physical strength." "

  Not bad."

  "No, you look pretty good and have good physical strength. How can you not get a wife?" , You shouldn't have any problem there, right?"

  "Get out."

  Shen Qiu replied angrily.

  At this moment, Long Er, who was still joking, suddenly grabbed Shen Qiu's hand, backed away wildly, and spoke at the same time.

  "Back up!"

  Shen Qiu followed Long Er's pull and stepped back while looking forward.

  I saw overlapping buildings in front, and a towering steel building could be vaguely seen.

  "It overlaps. It seems to be from the Machinery City."

  Shen Qiu said in surprise.

  (End of chapter)

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