Chapter 263: The traitor (additional update for the leader’s dream of flowing fire) (fifth update)

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  Chapter 263 The Traitor (Additional update for Liu Huo in the alliance leader's dream) (Fifth update)
  In fact, he was very familiar with Zhou Bin and had a good relationship, so he dared to test it out.

  If it were any other member of the Defeated Army Cult, he really wouldn't dare.

  Not long after, Qi Dong and Zhou Bin came to a remote warehouse.

  The two opened the door!

  A pair of eyes looked over.

  Qi Dong's heart suddenly shrank and he almost suffocated.

  Zhou Bin was also startled, but then he reacted and quickly said to Qi Dong.

  "Come in and close the door."


  Qi Dong quickly closed the door.

  I saw more than a hundred people standing in the goods yard. These people were wearing different clothes, some were wearing soldiers' clothes, and some were wearing clothes of chefs and waitresses. There were also many people wearing dirty clothes who looked like refugees.

  But if you look closely, everyone has a very dangerous aura and their eyes are full of aggression.

  Everyone present was from the Defeated Army Religion.

  If it were a normal place, it would definitely be very noisy, but now it is very quiet.

  At this moment, heavy footsteps sounded from the stairs on the second floor of the warehouse.

  Everyone present looked over.

  Lin Jing appeared in front of everyone, with an enchanting woman clinging to his side.

  "Lord Lin Jing! Lord Lin Jing!"

  A member of the Famous Defeated Army Cult present greeted with a fanatical expression.

  Lin Jing smiled, hugged A Miao and walked to the front of the crowd.

  Qi Dong's heart skipped a beat when he saw Lin Jing. He pinched his thigh to keep from showing any strange expression.

  But he was really ecstatic, finally seeing Lin Jing and confirming this guy's location.

  You can look for opportunities to interact with Shen Qiu later.

  Just then!
  The cargo bay door opened again.

  Everyone's hearts trembled and they turned to look over.

  I saw a man with bandages all over his body, only his eyes exposed, and carrying a black coffin walking in.

  Everyone present looked at him for a moment, as if falling into an ice cave, and couldn't help but shudder.

  The man walked straight towards Lin Jing.

  Everyone along the way moved out of the way.

  The bandaged man carrying the coffin walked straight to Lin Jing. He took off the coffin and patted it vertically on the ground next to him.

  "Azbuek, you're late."

  Lin Jing said with a smile to the bandaged man.

  When everyone heard the name Azbuk, everyone showed fear on their faces. One of the Ten Evils of the Defeated Army Religion, he is known to be a ruthless person, very cruel, and has an extremely twisted personality.

  "Stop talking nonsense and arrange things quickly."

  Azbuk made a deathly hoarse voice.


  Lin Jing didn't care. He turned to look at everyone present.

  There was a lot of discussion for a while and everyone fell silent.

  "I am very happy to meet you all here. You are all the most devout members of the Defeated Army Order. We are about to work together to create an event that can be recorded in history!"

  Lin Jing said in an impassioned speech.


  "Long live the Defeated Army Religion!!!"

  Many believers at the scene shouted excitedly.

  At this time, Lin Jing raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then he spoke.

  "But before that, I want to say one thing first. A spy from the Red Alliance has sneaked into our midst!"

  After hearing Lin Jing's words, all the believers present looked at the people next to them fiercely.

  Qi Dongxin's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and his feet were shaking a little.

  At this time, his head was like a ball of mush.

  "What's going on? Have I been discovered? How is that possible?"

  "Master Lin Jing, who is the traitor?"

  everyone present asked.

  "He is the traitor!"

  Lin Jing stretched out his fingers and moved them over the many believers present, and finally pointed at a scornful young man with yellow hair and a snake tattoo on his neck.

  The young man knelt down and said to Lin Jing.

  "Lord Lin Jing, you are wronged! I am not a spy!"

  "Take it!"

  Lin Jing waved his hand with a smile, not listening at all. In an instant, the young man who was kneeling stood up and wanted to run away.

  It's a pity that he couldn't run away. The defeated army cultivators all around rushed forward and held him down.

  Lin Jing walked up to the young man and said.

  "Why are you running?"

  "If you want to kill me, of course I will run away."

  The young man swallowed and said in fear.

  "Get on the sawing machine!"

  Lin Jing was too lazy to talk nonsense.

  Immediately, the subordinates pushed over a simple sawing machine and tied the young man to it.

  "Spare my life! Master Lin Jing."

  The young man immediately begged.

  Lin Jing didn't listen at all. He snapped his fingers and immediately started the saw, cutting straight towards the young man.

  Seeing the saw blade getting closer and closer, the young man couldn't hold it anymore and shouted.

  "Spare your life, I'll explain!!"

  Unfortunately, Lin Jing had no intention of stopping, he just watched quietly.

  In an instant, the saw blade cut into the young man, and accompanied by screams, blood and flesh flew everywhere. The young man was cut into two, and the scene was extremely bloody.

  When Qi Dong saw this, he swallowed hard and his legs became a little weak.

  However, at this moment, Lin Jing said with a smile.

  "Okay, the Red Alliance spy has been dealt with. However, there is one more."

  Qi Dong's face turned a little pale when he heard this.

  At this moment, Lin Jing pointed directly at a strong blond man wearing earrings and a leather jacket.

  "That's you, Yoden!"

  "Lord Lin Jing, are you mistaken? I am from the Blue Alliance. How could I be an undercover agent sent by the Red Alliance?"

  Yoden's expression changed and he defended.

  "I didn't say you were an undercover agent sent by the Red Alliance, but you were an undercover agent from the Blue Alliance. Do you think I didn't know if you secretly sent a message to the Blue Alliance?" The smile on

  Lin Jing's face made people shudder.

  At this time, Yorden also asked directly.

  "But, what's the use? This is the Red League."

  "It's really useless, but it will be used later. You don't have to quibble, your every move is recorded."

  Lin Jing narrowed his eyes and smiled. replied.

  When Yoden saw that he was exposed, he stopped hiding it and directly showed his cards.

  "Now that you have discovered it, I have nothing to say. I was sent here by the Blue League, but what can you do to me? If you dare to touch me, the Blue League will not let you go." "Blue

  League Well, it is indeed a bit tricky."

  Lin Jing looked very troubled when he heard what Yoden said.

  However, before Yoden could speak, Lin Jing, a lunatic, rushed in front of Yoden very quickly. He pulled out a sword and chopped off Yoden's right arm.


  Yorden covered his arm and wailed in pain.

  Members of the defeated army sects all around stepped forward to hold down Yoden.

  Then Lin Jing snapped his fingers, and several subordinates opened an iron cage covered with cloth.

  I saw a ferocious corpse monster locked in an iron cage. At this time, the corpse monster kept chewing on the iron cage.

  "The Blue League is indeed quite troublesome. I'm not in the mood to play with the Blue League now. But as long as you turn into a zombie monster, who can tell clearly? Throw him into a cage." "Lin Jing, we'll see you in hell, haha

  . !"

  Yorden cursed with a painful smile.

  It's a pity that no matter how much he scolded him, he couldn't change the outcome, and he was eventually thrown into the cage.

  Then the screams continued to sound.

  At this time, Lin Jing clapped his hands and said.

  "Okay, the foreplay is over. Now let's get down to business. In order to ensure that our operation can be carried out confidentially, I will directly issue all the mission contents to your respective captains. You just need to obey the execution! Of course, you can rest assured, as long as This time it is done, the Defeated Army Religion will not treat you badly, you will get whatever you want! I promise you."


  "Long live Lord Lin Jing!"

  "Long live the Defeated Army Religion!"

  Those present Everyone responded enthusiastically.

  Qi Dong swallowed a mouthful of foam, and cold sweat broke out all over his back.

   Book Title: Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

    If you are interested, you can read my friend’s new book.

  (End of chapter)

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