Chapter 259 Master’s Position (1st update)

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  Chapter 259: Teacher Position (Update 1)
  It is obvious that the situation over there is getting worse and worse.

  Then Shen Qiu also picked up a backpack and symbolically packed some supplies.

  Although he has a mechanical capsule, he barely uses a backpack. But in an environment where everyone has a backpack, it would seem too strange and eye-catching to not carry a backpack.

  As time continues to pass, the night becomes darker and darker.

  Suddenly there was thunder in the sky.

  The majestic heavy rain poured down, accompanied by the howling wind, and the heavy raindrops hit the windows, making continuous sounds.

  Shen Qiu turned around and looked out the window.

  "It's raining heavily."

  "Let me look at the weather! We are so unlucky. It has rained in the past two days."

  Yun Xiaoxi picked up her phone and checked the weather forecast.

  "That's it. Ever since the world changed, the climate has never been normal for a few days. It's good and bad."

  Shen Qiu sighed, looking at the heavy rain outside the window in a daze.

  I don’t know how long it took, but the RV slowly slowed down and finally stopped.

  Shen Qiu slowly came to his senses. At this time, Li Yan picked up a folding umbrella and walked past, preparing to get off the car.

  "What happened?"

  "Nothing happened. We have arrived at the checkpoint in the southern area of ​​District 8. Let's go down and negotiate with the guard sergeant here."

  Li Yan explained lightly, and then got out of the car with an umbrella.

  Shen Qiu sat in front of the car window and looked out.

  I saw Li Yan holding an umbrella and walking towards the front blockade. A non-commissioned officer wearing a raincoat and a gas mask came up to meet him.

  "This is the control area. I am Second Lieutenant Wei Dou. Who are you?" "

  I am Li Yan, the executive of the third detachment of the KIP force in the City of Sinking Star. The entire convoy behind is from our detachment. We are here to support."

  Li Yan took out his ID and handed it to Wei Dou.

  Wei Dou checked Li Yan's ID, saluted Li Yan and said,

  "Where are you going to provide support?"

  "The north."

  "The north where the situation is most serious?"

  Wei Dou suddenly felt a little moved and checked again.


  "Let's do this. Don't go straight through, as that can easily lead to problems. I suggest you take the national highway on the edge of the second planting area. When you get close to the first planting area, turn into the central storage area, and then follow the Going up the national highway from the drug cultivation area, the entire route map is similar to an inverted lightning bolt. Although it is a longer journey, it is much safer." "Thank you." "It is us who should be grateful. I will let the people below pass



  Wei Dou replied in a deep voice.

  Li Yan nodded slightly, then returned to the RV and explained to Chen Wei who was driving.

  Soon the convoy set off again, and Shen Qiu saw the majestic heavy rain through the window. Soldiers wearing raincoats stood at their posts one after another, saluting them and watching the convoy move forward.

  A few hours later, the convoy moved forward at high speed along the national highway on the edge of Plantation Zone 2.

  Shen Qiu lay on the window, looking at the endless rice fields in the light of lightning.

  "This planting area is so spectacular."

  "That's for sure, and the soil here is also the most fertile in the entire Red League."

  Li Yan came over and sat down with a cup of coffee, and he couldn't help but sigh.

  "If you're sleepy, go take a nap."

  Shen Qiu looked at Li Yan and said.

  "It's easy to go into trouble if you don't sleep. We are now in the eighth district, and we may be attacked at any time. Although they pointed out this road to us, it is relatively safe, but it is probably not much better." Li Yan took a sip of coffee and said to Shen Qiu.

  "Oh my God!"

  Suddenly, Yun Xiaoxi, who was checking her cell phone, made a very surprised voice.

  "What's wrong?"

  Shen Qiu and Li Yan stood up with tense expressions.

  "Have you not seen the headlines on the Tianming Da Gongren APP? Someone has broken through to LV2."

  Yun Xiaoxi said very excitedly.

  Shen Qiu and Li Yan looked at each other, sat down with a sigh of relief, and then spoke.

  "We were shocked. Who broke through?"

  "I don't know, it's anonymous. But it's really amazing. I don't know how he broke through."

  Yun Xiaoxi shook her head and replied.

  "Hey~ It's no big deal, it's just level 2 master."

  Li Yan said nonchalantly.

  "It's not that easy to break through. You can also take shortcuts to strengthen your genetic strength by relying on your wealth and crazy accumulation of resources. As long as you have a good foundation and can withstand it, you can soar all the way! But it's not that easy to break through the realm of awakened abilities. That's all It needs to be explored in a long-term battle."

  At this time Huayue came over.

  "How big is the difference between LV2 and LV1 realms?"

  Shen Qiu asked curiously.

  "If LV1 is the entry level, then LV2 is the master level. You can use your abilities proficiently and make your abilities soar. To explain in layman's terms, one is a student and the other is a teacher." Huayue said simply Explained.

  "Then this person who made the breakthrough is truly a genius!"

  Shen Qiu said with great emotion.

  "That's not necessarily the case. I just read the forum discussion post. I got a rumor that the person who made the breakthrough may have cracked some special documents and obtained ability advancement skills. In layman's terms, he picked up the promotion manual."

  Huayue He said metaphorically with a smile.

  "Then if the documents are uploaded, wouldn't we all be able to download them and study?"

  Shen Qiu asked with his eyes shining.

  "Go and sleep, maybe you can still dream. Let's not talk about whether the gossip is accurate, even if it is true, no one should hide it like a treasure."

  Li Yan waved his hand, not optimistic at all.


  Shen Qiu couldn't help but sigh when he heard this. But when he thought about it, if he had broken through to LV2, he probably wouldn't be willing to share it.

  Unless the APP opens up functions to allow you to make money, after all, people are more or less selfish.

  Of course, I understand, but he is still very coveted for the LV2 realm!
  Eighth Administrative Region·Northern Peripheral Blockade.

  Along with the roaring thunder, dazzling lightning lit up, and everywhere you looked were black corpse monsters.

  Cannonballs and dense rain of bullets poured crazily into the tide of corpses, and groups of corpses fell down.

  The defensive soldiers occupying a large number of residential buildings continued to launch attacks.

  But a group of corpses fell, and a large number of corpses were immediately added.

  It didn't take long for the corpse group to approach. The evolved corpse monsters shuttled through the heavy rain at extremely fast speeds. Under the cover of the night, they quickly rushed in and rushed into the residential building serving as a bunker. They screamed one after another

  . The sound sounded.

  Behind the blockade, a middle-aged man wearing protective clothing, a major rank logo on his shoulder, and a gas mask was arguing with Qin Shu, who was wearing modular armor.

  "Zhao Wugang, it's impossible! There are too many corpses! Wave after wave is coming, and now it's in our faces. And we don't have much ammunition. We can't hold it if this continues." (End of Chapter


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