Chapter 247 Rare Guest (Additional update for the alliance leader Canghai Hu Yang) (fourth update)

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  Chapter 247: Rare Guest (Additional update for the leader of the alliance, Canghai Huyang) (Fourth update)
  At this time, voices of complaint kept coming from next to him.

  "Hey, I can't live this life. I'll give you points for the things you bring back." "

  Looking at the best, the prices of things in the mall have also been reduced." "

  They are, but our income has dropped sharply. In fact, it's more expensive to buy them. It's a lot of effort."

  "Hey, I think I can only earn points by completing more tasks in the future." "

  Let me tell you, this is what the people above planned. In the past, you could get a lot of points by collecting things. Who wants to earn points from tasks? Points. But it’s different now. You can’t exchange things for points, so you have to keep earning points.”

  At this time, Shen Qiu’s phone vibrated.

  He immediately opened his eyes, picked up his phone and opened the APP to push information.

  "Dear Mr. Shen Qiu, please hand over your things. The evaluation has been issued. The details are as follows. If you have any objections, you can communicate with Xiang Yan." "Bone-type triangle gene module: quality level P1, sold for 15,000 points." "Beast-type triangle


  module : Quality level P1, sold for 10,000 points."

  "Rotten Triangular Gene Module: Quality level P3, sold for 22,000 points." "

  Rat King Tooth: sold for 600 points." "

  The total estimated points recovered are: 47,600 points."

  Looking at the recycling price, Shen Qiu was quite surprised. The Rat King module was actually rotten, and the price was so ridiculous?

  He immediately made a comparison, and he remembered clearly that the earliest relatively best-selling fire-type round P1 module was sold for 800 points, and the recycling price was 750. Now it has fallen, the selling price has dropped to 720, and the recycling price is estimated to be hovering around 650.

  For the triangle fire P3 module, excluding the synthetic floating premium, the recycling price is equivalent to 650*16*2*2=41600 points.

  The price of this rotten piece was directly discounted by half.

  But after Shen Qiu thought about it, he felt it was normal. After all, this series will rot unless you are a person who naturally awakens!
  Normal people would not think of actively awakening to this series. So it's no surprise that prices have plummeted.

  Thinking of this, Shen Qiu took a look at the thunder module, and he was surprised to find that the price of a round thunder module was still at 1,000 points and had not dropped at all.

  He then carefully browsed through the prices of all modules in the mall.

  "Mr. Shen Qiu, are you looking at the price?"

  Xiang Yan walked up to Shen Qiu and asked with a smile while holding the document.

  When Shen Qiu came to his senses, he said to Xiang Yan.

  "Well, I can't understand the price fluctuation."

  "Actually, it's very simple. The price fluctuation in the mall is based on one criterion, supply and demand! Popular products with very high demand will not have their price reduced, just like those extremely rare modules, in fact, there is no price reduction at all. , but because it is more difficult to obtain points, the value has increased in disguise!" "

  But I see that the popular fire system has dropped,

  but the thunder system has not?" "Although the fire system is popular, its output is large, so it will naturally drop a little. But the thunder system will not drop. There is something wrong with the system. Too many people took it away before. Although the output is more, the supply and demand are just right, so it will not drop."

  Xiang Yan explained to Shen Qiu.

  "I understand."

  "Of course, these declines are normal. The real decline is between modules and alliance coins, because the modules were very rare when they first came out, and many people bought them at sky-high prices. Now that the output is large, the price has cooled down. It will reach one-tenth, and it may continue to drop in the future."

  "Thank you for clarifying my doubts. Give me the document and I'll sign it."

  Shen Qiu stretched out his hand to Xiang Yan.

  "I like to trade with Mr. Shen Qiu the most, clean and neat!"

  Xiang Yan handed the document to Shen Qiu.

  "Continue to cooperate next time."

  Shen Qiu signed the document and handed it to Xiang Yan.

  "Then I'll leave first. See you next time!"

  Xiang Yan immediately took the document and left.

  Shen Qiu did not leave immediately. He opened the Tianming Workers App and looked at the total points. It had reached 265,228 points.

  Then he pondered for a while and then transferred 10,000 points to Chen Ye, and then sent a message to Chen Ye.

  "Team dividends."

  Chen Ye quickly replied.

  "Thank you, brother!"

  After reading this, Shen Qiu put away the phone and got up to go home. The matter was finally settled and she could go home and have a good rest.

  Early next morning.

  G941 Qingyue Highway.

  Black high-end off-road vehicles with KPI department license plates followed behind an eight-meter-long, specially modified RV.

  In the RV, Yun Xiaoxi was sitting on the sofa, her mask slightly raised, holding a cup of hot coffee in her hand, sipping it carefully.

  Li Yan came over, sat opposite Yun Xiaoxi, twisted his neck and chatted. "We are about to pass the City of Clear Sky. I remember, doesn't that guy Shen Qiu live here?" "


  Yun Xiaoxi said, her eyes lit up when she heard Li Yan's words.

  "Since we are passing by, would you like to go and see him?"

  Li Yan said to Yun Xiaoxi with his white teeth exposed.

  "Is that okay? Aren't we pressed for time?"

  Yun Xiaoxi looked happy, but then a little worried.

  "Don't worry, there's still plenty of time. It won't be long."


  In the living room of the villa.

  Shen Qiu sat on the sofa with the fried fish steak and red wine.

  Enjoyed breakfast and watched TV.

  At this moment, the mobile phone placed on the coffee table rang.

  Shen Qiu looked down and saw that the caller ID was Yun Xiaoxi.

  He picked up immediately.


  "Chen Qiu, where are you?"

  Yun Xiaoxi asked happily.

  "I'm at home, what's wrong?"

  "No, I happened to pass by the City of Clear Sky, and I thought I'd stop by to see you." "

  Okay, I'll send you the address."

  "Yeah, see you soon!"

  Yun Xiao Xi then hung up the phone.

  Shen Qiu immediately finished his breakfast in a few mouthfuls and then tidied up.

  It's rare that Yun Xiaoxi comes over, just in time to entertain her. After all, when I went to the City of Sinking Star, people entertained me a lot.

  In addition, Shen Qiu was a little lucky that he had disposed of the gold coins and still had some money on hand, otherwise he would not be able to entertain.

  Everything is really just right.

  At noon.

  Shen Qiu stood at the gate waiting.

  At this time, a black off-road vehicle drove over and parked directly in front of the villa.

  Shen Qiu looked at the KPI license plate on the off-road vehicle and knew it was Yun Xiaoxi and others.

  At this time the car door opened.

  Yun Xiaoxi, Li Yan and Huayue walked down.

  "Chen Qiu!"

  Yun Xiaoxi saw Shen Qiu standing at the door and waved happily, like an old friend.

  Shen Qiu greeted him with a smile and said.

  "You guys are here, sit inside the house."

  "Okay, this is your home, it's nice."

  Yun Xiaoxi looked at Shen Qiu's home with great curiosity.

  "It's not bad."

  Shen Qiu said while leading Yun Xiaoxi and others into the house.

  "You guys sit down wherever you want, and I'll make some tea."

  Li Yan and others sat on the sofa and tried it.

  "Hey, that's right. This kid really knows how to enjoy himself."

  "What's so strange? If you don't enjoy this business, you'll be in trouble."

  Hua Yue said with a smile.

  (End of chapter)

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