Chapter 17 Massacre

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  Chapter 17 Massacre
  "It's murder!"

  The two female staff who were splashed with brains and blood were so frightened that their eyes almost bulged out and their whole bodies were shaking.

  Most of the rest of the people also had their eyes wide open, with expressions of shock and fear on their faces, and they were all confused and at a loss.

  Of course, we can't blame them for their reaction. You must know that thousands of people present grew up in the Red League.

  They were in a peaceful state and probably had never even seen chickens being killed a few times, let alone such a bloody scene. The most powerful weapons they came into contact with were kitchen knives and the like, and they had never seen real guns at all.

  Suddenly a figure jumped down from the third floor of an abandoned steel building in front and landed in front of everyone.

  Shen Qiu and others looked over in shock.

  The figure that fell down was not a human being at all. It is a two-meter-tall robot with a black steel body and a camera-shaped head. An infrared calibrator is embedded on the top of the head. A fully automatic 9MM caliber firearm is embedded in the right robotic arm. Its humanoid machine His feet easily took off the impact of the jump and quickly stabilized his body.

  If you look closely, you can see this killing machine with a line of SW-01 Type Scavenger marked on its chest. Of course, Shen Qiu cannot understand the markings on it.

  But that didn't stop Shen Qiu from jumping down from the trash can and running away.

  From a distance, Tang Kexin spotted Shen Qiu flying away at a glance. She was about to escape in Shen Qiu's direction.

  Cheng Ning, the second generation ancestor, suddenly burst out with courage and dragged Tang Kexin to escape in the other direction.

  "Kexin, run!"

  Suddenly everyone reacted under the shadow of death and fled in all directions like frightened birds.

  "Ah~ run!"

  "Help, someone come and save me."

  "Don't kill me."

  The next second, the scavenger directly raised its two firearms and made a cold mechanical sound from its mouth!

  "Intruders! Clear them out!"

  "Intruders! Clear them out!"

  The jet-black muzzle flames sprayed out, and a dense hail of bullets swept past.

  Suddenly, one of the people who turned around and ran away was hit in the body instantly, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, and shrill screams kept ringing out.

  And an even more desperate scene emerged.

  Swinging and swaying~
  One after another nearby scavengers rushed over, shooting wildly at the people fleeing in all directions, and at the same time quickly caught up with them.

  The fleeing crowd fell in pieces like leeks that had been wielded by a sickle!

  In just a few breaths, more than a hundred people had been shot and fell to the ground.

  The chasing scavenger passed by the wailing people who fell to the ground but were not dead. He coldly raised his mechanical foot and stepped directly on his head.

  Shen Qiu didn't look back. He burst out with terrifying speed, surpassing everyone running in the same direction.

  There is a saying that goes well, when danger comes, you don’t necessarily have to run as fast as you can. But as long as you get ahead of everyone else, you're safe for the time being.

  "Help me!"

  A girl who was extremely panicked and dressed in fashionable clothes instinctively stretched out her hand to pull Shen Qiu, who was running past.

  It's a pity that Shen Qiu tilted his body dexterously and dodged directly.

  Shen Qiu's nerves were extremely tense at this time, and his eyes kept scanning all the buildings in front of him, looking for the best direction to escape.

  At the same time, his ears stood up, constantly listening to the distance of the sound of shooting from behind, and judging how long it was before he was targeted for attack. However, the situation was worse than he expected.

  Within a few seconds, Shen Qiu heard the girl who had just reached out to pull him scream in terror.

  At this moment, a horizontal alley appeared in front of him. Without thinking, Shen Qiu turned directly to the right alley.

  At this moment, the whizzing bullet suddenly struck, hitting the corner directly, causing a burst of violent sparks.

  The cement fragments stirred up by the bullet almost brushed against the back of Shen Qiu's neck, leaving a tiny blood mark.

  This imminent death also made Shen Qiu look frightened and uneasy, and his adrenaline continued to surge.

  He immediately made a decision and rushed towards a scrap steel building with only one-third of its body left sixty meters ahead.

  At this time, the scavenger behind also quickly caught up. With his camera-like head turning dexterously, he locked onto Shen Qiu and chased after him.

  Shen Qiu turned around and looked back, and saw a scavenger locking on him and chasing him. The distance between them was less than fifty meters, and the distance was still being shortened rapidly.

  Thump thump!
  Shen Qiu's heart was beating wildly, his body functions were continuously activated, his speed soared, and he gradually opened the distance.

  The scavenger then raised its muzzle and locked onto Shen Qiu from a distance.

  A violent rain of bullets poured out!

  In an instant, Shen Qiu gritted his teeth and jumped, jumping in through a gap in the damaged building.

  The moment he landed, Shen Qiu held his head in his hands and curled up his body, rolling on the ground like a ball to remove the impact of his jump.

  The next second, a dense rain of bullets hit the gap.

  Shen Qiu, who escaped the disaster, immediately got up from the ground, bent over and ran forward.

  Although there is a certain shelter in the building, hiding here is a target.

  The first floor of this abandoned steel building is full of rickety desks, some dusty electronic equipment, and there are many messy documents and books on the floor.

  If it were normal, Shen Qiu would definitely be in the mood to squat down and explore.

  He didn't even look at it now. He used his parkour skills to jump over obstacles one after another nimbly and rushed to the back door as quickly as possible.

  At the moment when the scavenger chased him in, Shen Qiu narrowly escaped from the abandoned building.

  The moment he rushed out, Shen Qiu glanced around. In front of him was a dense area of ​​steel buildings. There were many alleys between the buildings, which were very suitable for dodging.

  Without any hesitation, Shen Qiu immediately took off his two shoes, picked up one of the shoes and threw it forward, then chose an alley on the left and rushed towards it.

  Directly ahead, I saw a row of five large iron trash cans with a height of 1.5 meters, which were very suitable for use as bunkers.

  Shen Qiu immediately ran to the side of the last trash can and squatted down, suppressing his frantic breathing and reducing the sound to a minimum.

  The fierce escape to death left Shen Qiu in a state of high fear, with adrenaline soaring.

  The corners of his mouth kept rising. Shen Qiu immediately suppressed the increasingly excited nerves, reached out and took out a medicine bottle from his pocket, immediately unscrewed it, poured out two pills containing sedative ingredients, and swallowed it in one gulp.

  After taking the medicine, Shen Qiu took deep breaths to calm his heaving heart.

  Normal people will be very frightened under the threat of death. At the same time, their adrenaline will surge and they will have a stronger will to escape.

  But Shen Qiu is different from normal people. Under the stimulation of death and fear, his brain will gradually become excited, then the fear will weaken, and finally he will become extremely crazy and not afraid of anything.

  (End of chapter)

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