Chapter 121 Happy (Additional update for alliance leader Jueying Xuantian) (fifth update)

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  Chapter 121 Happy (Additional update for the leader Jueying Xuantian) (Fifth update)
  Shen Qiu was a little surprised when he saw the points recovered. The price of the green module is quite satisfactory. The purity of the green module P1 sold in the APP is 500 points, and P2 is equivalent to two piece. But other things exceeded Shen Qiu's expectations. Even the sundries brought out from the mechanical ruins city were exchanged for good points. As for the bottle of truth potion, it was even more impressive.

  There was a sound of footsteps coming, and Xiang Yan came over.

  "Mr. Shen Qiu, have you received the estimate? Everything has been evaluated at a high level. If you have no objections, you can confirm the recycling." Xiang Yan said in a good mood. The value of these

  items recycled today is very high. very good.

  If this vote is achieved, her performance will increase a lot.

  "No objection."

  Shen Qiu agreed directly.

  "Okay, please sign."

  Xiang Yan handed a document to Shen Qiu.

  Shen Qiu immediately signed his name and handed it to Xiang Yan.

  Xiang Yan took it, took a photo with his mobile phone, uploaded it, and then went through some operations.

  Shen Qiu's phone vibrated, and it immediately showed that 3,750 points had been credited.

  "Okay, Mr. Shen Qiu, I've finished it for you. We look forward to our next cooperation."

  Xiang Yan stretched out her hand to Shen Qiu.

  "Okay, thank you. By the way, I want to ask you something."

  "Tell me."

  "Where can I get the ID card of the KPI department? Otherwise, I have to show the APP every time I am checked." "

  Go to the lobby." There is a convenient window on the west side, and you can issue your ID on the spot." "

  Also, I remember that KPI non-staff personnel can hold guns. Do you need any ID?" "

  You don't need your KPI ID, which is the best ID, but you do. Note that if you want to carry a gun around the city, you still have to go through security check. Firearms and bullets must be redeemed from the APP. These firearms and bullets are coded! Therefore, the redeemed gun must not be lent to others. , once the bullet hits an innocent person, it will be difficult to explain even if it was not you." "Then what if

  the gun is lost?"

  "The report is invalid, are there any other problems?"

  Xiang Yan Asked.

  "No, thank you."

  Shen Qiu shook his head.

  "If you have any questions, you can send me a private message through the APP group. I'm also in the group. Goodbye."

  Xiang Yan waved to Shen Qiu, turned around and left.

  Shen Qiu touched his chin, thinking about Xiang Yan's words, walked out of the appraisal area, and walked towards the elevator in the distance.

  As he was walking, he suddenly heard the sound of crying.

  Shen Qiu raised his head and looked over, and saw Chen Qin not far away holding a tissue, wiping her tears while crying to another female colleague.

  "It's really such a bully."

  "Is there anyone who is such a bully? He comes all the way here to steal our performance."

  "I can't beat her."

  The corner of Shen Qiu's mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly walked over with his head lowered.

  So embarrassing!

  Soon Shen Qiu took the elevator to a lobby.

  He followed Xiang Yan's prompts and found the convenient window, which took less than ten minutes.

  Shen Qiu obtained a supernumerary certificate for the KPI department. With this certificate, he did not even need to replace his identity card.

  Then he found a chair and sat down. He opened the APP and checked what he could redeem.

  The first is firearms.

  There are many types and styles displayed on the APP interface, and the points required are not many. However, as long as it is a heavy weapon, it will display a gray non-redeemable status.

  There is a reminder above that you need to be a formal member or hold a corresponding mission statement before you can apply for redemption. After the mission is over, it needs to be turned in for recycling.

  At this time, Shen Qiu was quickly attracted by a firearm. It was an automatic pistol with red blood marks all over its body. It had a P2 purity circular atomic module embedded in it and was sold for 3,000 points.

  He was a little moved when he looked at the gun, but then gave up.

  Because there is a better one below, but it requires too many points.

  Shen Qiu touched his chin and couldn't help but fall into thinking. Although I have gained a lot today, it is still not enough.

  This prevented him from putting his mind on the remaining things.

  He originally wanted to let Huang Lang handle the triangle module, but it turned out that it was beyond Huang Lang's ability, so it seemed that it still had to be handled through the KPI department.

  But today's exchange process made Shen Qiu not very trusting of the people here.

  He needs someone he trusts, thought of this.

  Shen Qiu operated on the APP. He found Yun Xiaoxi's avatar and sent a private message. "Are you there?"

  After about a few minutes, Shen Qiu received a reply.

  "Here, what happened?"

  "It's nothing. I just wanted to ask if you are free. If so, I will go to the City of Sinking Star to find you." "

  Yes, come on!"

  Yun Xiaoxi immediately replied.

  "Okay, but can I apply to enter the City of Sinking Star?"

  "It might not be easy for someone else to get in, but it doesn't matter to you, because you are a non-staff member of the KPI here, so it's easy to get in." "

  Okay, then I'll make some preparations . Let's go."

  After Shen Qiu sent the message, he stood up and left.   In a luxurious and elegant room in the City of Sinking Star, on a large snow-white velvet bed, Yun Xiaoxi, wearing a fox mask, read the text message intently, and then rolled around happily on the bed

  .   "Great, Shen Qiu is coming."   "Shen Qiu is coming."   "What is he doing here? Is he going to settle here? Then I will have another friend to play with."   Yun The more Xiao Xi thought about it, the happier she became.   At this moment, the door opened, and an elegant lady wearing a white metal mask, a purple dress, and a shining purple gemstone necklace walked in.   "Xiao Xi, I made your favorite. What are you doing?" "   Mom, you're here just in time. Help me see which dress looks good on me?"   Yun Xiaoxi said as she got off the bed and walked over to In the cloakroom, I started picking out clothes.   Seeing this, the noble lady in front of him also followed her.   Yun Xiaoxi took out a white dress and asked.   "How about this set?"   "It's okay."   "Then it's not good. What about this goose-yellow set?"

  Yun Xiaoxi then put her clothes in front of her and gestured.

  "Why do you choose your clothes so carefully?"

  the lady asked in confusion.

  "My bestie is coming, and I'm going to pick him up!"

  Yun Xiaoxi replied happily.

  "Your best friend is coming? When will she arrive? Do you need to prepare a banquet for you?"

  the lady asked dotingly.

  "No need, I should arrive tomorrow morning."

  Yun Xiaoxi looked at the mirror and said happily.

  After hearing Yun Xiaoxi's words, the lady was slightly startled.

  "Arrived tomorrow? What clothes are you choosing now?"

  "Of course I prepared it in advance."

  "Are you sure they are besties?"

  the lady asked with interest.

  Yun Xiaoxi was startled for a moment, then hung up her clothes, then pushed her mother and said.

  "Mom, go and eat. I'll choose it myself. You'll be hungry later."

  "You kid."

  The lady smiled and said nothing.

  In the evening, Shen Qiu returned home.

  He dug out all the remaining things and put them into his backpack.

  As for the triangular module, he put it in his pocket and carried it close to him.

  After getting ready, Shen Qiu picked up his backpack and left the house. He booked a second-class ticket for the high-speed train to the City of Sinking Star tonight.

  Of course it's not that Shen Qiu doesn't want to make a better choice, but it's too expensive!
  He really didn't want to do it.

  ps: Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone (*^▽^*)!

  (End of chapter)

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