Chapter 9 [9] Benign transformation, new form of crow

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  Chapter 9 [9] Benign transformation, the new form of crow
  is here!

  The dagger cut open the thorny sea beast's chest and took out the still weakly pulsing heart. It felt warm to the touch and had a unique smell with it.

  It was like staying in a slaughterhouse for seven days and nights, and then wandering around in the rose field. Underneath the faint floral fragrance, there was a deep and indelible stench.

  Wang Ya held the black, bloodshot, fleshy spherical heart in both hands. Harak next to him immediately came closer and made a trembling sound.

  He raised his brows. The special substance contained in the heart was unknown for the time being. Judging from the desire shown by Harak, it should be of great benefit.

  [Iron Steel Claw] Cultivating witchcraft is the core of Halak. If he takes this black heart, he will transform into an amphibious creature like a thorny sea beast. Wang Ya thought about it and decided to
  give this heart to Halak.

  A little improvement in strength is a little strength, and the crisis of the wizard ship is not over yet.

  Compared with the more frequent human screams before, they are now sparse.

  In addition to the fact that there are fewer people, the new wizards who can survive the first round of attacks are naturally unique in some aspects, and the chance of being discovered and killed by the thorny sea beast is not high.

  The eating process is slightly bloody, and is cut into strips with claws before swallowing.

  It took about three minutes for a whole heart to be eaten.

  Harak covered his head with two wings and squatted on the spot, his body trembling.

  I don't know if it's an illusion, but Harak's wings actually have deep shiny spots in color.

  Wang Ya's pupils glowed with blue fragments of light.

  [Target: Black-feathered crow]

  [Physique: 9]

  [Spirit: 0.9]

  [Status: Low extraordinary creature]

  [Ability: Iron claws, steel skin]

  The physique has changed, but the spirit remains the same.

  The imagined mutation did not occur, perhaps because there were not enough thorn hearts eaten.

  [Tip: Harak successfully digested the heart of thorns, and the current degree of alienation is: 20%. The directions of alienation are: particle energy resistance direction, water pressure resistance direction, and speed direction.

  Wang Ya's brows relaxed. As expected, at least four more hearts are needed to complete the benign alienation.

  As for the direction of alienation, the first one should be resistance to particle energy such as witchcraft, and even high-intensity resistance to the effects of radiation.

  Second, there are different pressures at different depths of seawater. After the alienation, Halak will adapt to the pressure in seawater.

  The third one, as the name suggests, is to increase Harak's speed.

  Overall, it is indeed improving Halak's strength and improving its shortcomings.

  However, Wang Ya still couldn't imagine the scene of black-feathered crows with feathered wings going deep into the depths of the ocean floor to fight.

  If it grows the gills of aquatic creatures and uses its unique paws to push, it is somewhat possible.

  He looked at the sharp iron claws on Harak's feet, which were hard and glowing like black iron. They could easily crush the bone-spurred spine of the thorny sea beast.

  There should be a lot of thorny sea beasts entering the wizard's ship, and there should be no problem in gathering the remaining four hearts.

  Of course, Wang Ya was not going to leave the room, so there was another way to attract him continuously.

  Use another sharp, non-toxic dagger to gently make a small slit in the palm of your hand.

  Tick ​​tock!

  Bright red blood splattered on the floor.

  The smell of blood filled the air.

  For humans, this blood can only smell a little in the room.

  The thorny sea beast can smell a drop of blood in the sea from thousands of meters away. Especially contains extraordinary and full of fresh blood, which makes them fascinated and greedy.

  Among the thorn sea beasts, there is also a very obvious feature. After the prey target is determined, a unique pheromone will be released to keep other thorn sea beasts away.

  First throw the corpse in the room out of the window.

  About two minutes later, a sound of movement came from the other end of the corridor.

  Wang Ya was still hiding in the shadow corner behind the door, and Halak, who had tasted the sweetness, stood majestically on the other side of the door, quite like a golden rooster with an independent attitude.

  The fishy smell of the ocean hits your nostrils, along with the smell of human blood.

  This thorny sea beast was extraordinarily large, and its ferocious bone spur spine was constantly scraping against the wall in the corridor.

  Some seaweed is wrapped around the bony spine, as well as a large bony head with gills on both sides of the chin. Except for the fragile eyes, there is visor defense on the face.

  The three-dimensional form is presented in Wang Ya's consciousness and shared with Harak, who can be manipulated to make the most accurate coordinated actions.


  A very unique cry. This thorny sea beast obviously smelled the scent of its companion, but did not respond, so it thought that its companion had left.

  Seduced by the smell of blood, it didn't hesitate too much and rushed directly to open the already dilapidated door.

  The sharp dagger pierced into the eye socket at the perfect angle.

  Harak followed the trend, flapped his wings, and clamped the bone spur spine with his iron claws.

  With a 'click' and almost no struggle, another thorny sea beast became a trophy.

  Hold the dagger and slit the chest.

  After Harak ate the heart, his body shape and black feathers obviously changed.

  The black shiny spots on the feathers are more obvious and have spread over one third of the area.

  Instead of increasing in size, he decreased in size. He shrunk at least once, from a calf to a lamb.

  Overall, it is full of streamlines, suitable for diving, gliding, and rapid takeoff.

  The result of benign alienation will further reduce the body size to the size of the black-feathered crow itself.

  If you want to be fast, you have to be light. Birds like crows do not rely on their size to fight melee.

  If his own defense and claw attack power remained unchanged, he would be a terrifying assassin.

  Wang Ya disposed of the body of the thorny sea beast and then processed it according to law.

  This time, a thorny sea beast arrived in about two minutes.

  The number of new wizards on the wizard ship must be small, or they must find a way to prevent these thorny sea beasts from being traced.

  Wang Yacan knows how to use scent, so others are not fools.

  Twelve minutes passed.

  When the fifth thorny sea beast fell to the ground.

  Wang Ya breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of exhaustion on his face, but he was finally done.

  Harak feasted happily, while Wang Ya was looking forward to what the final benign alienation would be like.

  The door was completely gone, so he took Harak to a nearby room that had not been visited by thorny sea beasts.

  The new wizard here probably didn't come back, maybe he died outside.

  Halak's transformation will take about ten minutes.

  I washed myself in the bathroom, mainly changing out of the clothes soaked in the green blood of the thorn sea beast.
  (End of this chapter)

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