Chapter 509【509】Dream Slash Blue Shield, everyone is shocked, Nightmare Meng’s ferocious power appears (please vote for me)

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  Chapter 509 [509] Everyone in Dream Kill Blue Shield was shocked. The power of Nightmare Meng appeared (please vote for me). The
  Blue Shield wizard heard a voice, and it seemed to be an illusion. He looked back and saw that he was still the body of his evil spirit. In the sword world affected by the shock, there is no figure or figure, and there is no danger.

  The huge black and white trees also collapsed, and even the person behind the scenes was easily suppressed and killed by him, leaving only three special bodies that escaped separately.

  All he needs to do next is to take action again to completely kill the clown ant that offended the Pale Hand.

  "But what is this feeling? Why do I hear a voice? Is this an illusion or real?" The

  thinking time of each life's existence is different; the more powerful the life, the faster it can have thinking time.

  At this moment, the Blue Shield Wizard, after thinking about this matter, he thought about it and understood everything in a subtle, nanometer, or even picosecond time.

  But he didn't understand it, so he turned around and looked back. When his pupils reflected and his thoughts responded, he received a more subtle line of information.

  Then he heard the voice of the wizard of the Pale Hand.

  "Landun, run away, you're going to die."

  It was the voice of the Shenmeng Wizard, which sounded anxious, as if something extremely bad was about to happen.

  'I'm dying? run! '

  This was the blue shield wizard's last thought.

  He did not have more time to think about this matter and react with his body. The moment he heard the sound, it meant that something had happened. This was a thinking signal transmission that exceeded picosecond time.


  There was a sound of shattering glass, and a large gap opened in the world. A pair of huge cold black eyes stared at him in the gap.

  Also with a hint of mockery.

  He was very familiar with this look, the look he showed after suppressing and defeating the weak enemy.

  Ridicule, disdain, and think that the enemy is just a villain who only knows conspiracy.

  But now, the expression on the Blue Shield Wizard's face suddenly stiffened.

  The surrounding environment is no longer the Sword World. There is no stream of colorful dream power, and there is no sense of the void of the dream. Instead, it is a restricted, extremely small world in a bottle, with dense black aura as the boundary, and you can still see a The wriggling black root tentacles were the huge black and white tree, which still existed and bound him within.

  The blue shield wizard opened his mouth wide and subconsciously looked at his hands.

  Floating unsteadily, it has become an illusory consciousness, and its own powerful power has gradually left and gone away. The ferocious giant behind it, reaching up to the sky, has disappeared without a trace, like an illusion.


  the blue shield wizard was stunned, and at the same time with a look of fear, when exactly was it? Could it be that everything in the past was a lie, and everything he experienced in the sword world was a lie.

  The mental strength is gone.

  The true spirit disappeared.

  He was like a weak conscious body, without any ability to resist.

  He recalled everything that had happened in the sword world before.

  Easily tear apart the sword world and set foot in it; easily destroy the opponent's true spirit form, cope with all means and then defeat the opponent's body, and the three special virtual bodies fled in all directions.

  Then, with only a slight force, the clown-like enemy can be completely crushed to death.

  Tick ​​tock!

  The blue shield wizard's body was trembling, sweat flowed from the bottom of his heart, and the endless fear made him almost unable to react emotionally.

  Easy is too easy.

  How could it be so easy for him to kill an enemy who could make the entire pale hand fall into a dream state? "That voice. The voice of a divine dream!!"

  The Blue Shield Wizard's pupils shrank and he said dully, "I'm already dead."

  At the same time, in another identical black and white bubble space, the soul belonging to the Blue Shield Wizard The physical and spiritual bodies also said the same thing.

  "It turns out that he is already dead."

  "I am the stupidest and most ridiculous clown; the giant black and white tree I destroyed, the true spirit form is not his, but my own true spirit power; everything was done by the other party Things, the enemy of suppression, is myself who suppresses."

  "The destroyed body is myself, the three scattered virtual bodies."

  The blue shield wizard roared angrily, with resentment, anger, and fear, "I kill Myself."

  The voice continued to be sharp and upward, seeming to be transmitted outside this dream bottle world.

  In the sword world, the huge black and white trees still stretch out their root tentacles, taking root and piercing into the void of the dream.

  The Great Wizard of Nightmare seemed to have heard something. His calm black eyes glanced at the three hanging fruits on the upper left. The three virtual bodies of the Blue Shield Wizard among them looked up to the sky with hoarse voices, seeming to be criticizing something. , and what is it announcing.

  That kind of resentment and anger seemed to leak out through the limitations of the black and white foam fruit itself.

  For the sake of safety, Wang Ya divided the three virtual bodies of the Blue Shield Wizard to ensure that there would be no possibility of any accidents.

  As for the body of the Blue Shield Wizard, the true spirit form and the bloodline of the fierce giant have very precious and cherished research value. Wang Ya will not waste it under the black and white foam fruit where the three virtual bodies are, with the limbs and limbs imprisoned. There are also a lot of black and white foam fruits in the body, as well as the true spirit form.

  Seeing the Dream Sword disappearing for a long distance again, Wang Ya raised the corners of his mouth. The blue shield wizard came at the right time, just in time to help him speed up the mastery of the Dream Sword.

  The black and white fruit will continue to feed back the ancient nightmare tree itself, affecting Wang Ya himself, the core of the bubble world dream; of course, it is only the useful part, but that part is very few. The blockade restrictions of the legendary potion still exist, and at most it can be pried Open a part for gain.

  The great wizard of nightmare shifted his gaze and landed on an extremely far distance outside the sword world, but for the star wizard, it was within reach in the blink of an eye; but after all, it requires a process. For example, two people standing at a certain distance need to You can attack each other by waving your hands.

  This time of raising hands and waving is the safe range for the two parties to distinguish each other and respond appropriately, either to dodge or to face directly.

  "The Blue Shield Wizard is indeed powerful enough, but it's a pity that he wasn't too calm and didn't notice anything strange." Wang Ya adjusted his robes, then slowly took out the black and white mirror from the cuffs that was the same as the giant tree behind him, and said with a smile: "Shenmeng Wizard, you came a little too late. If you come faster, you might be able to persuade the Blue Shield Wizard who is a little too excited." "But there is a

  saying of the Blue Shield Wizard that I like very much, a clown-like conspirator. ." The Great Wizard of Nightmare gently threw up the Nightmare Destruction Mirror in his hand, his eyes as cold as lightning, "Let's try and see if we can break into the Sword Realm and take away this sword. You don't have much time."

  " I think the Blue Shield Wizard’s clown behavior, as a true Starry Dream Wizard, will not offend again.”

  The old face was full of folds tightly knitted together by anger and shock. The gray hair of the Shenmeng Wizard was flying, and his cloudy eyes were staring at Wang Ya. He opened his mouth to speak words of warning, but also closed it. On.

  He had arrived in time and noticed in advance that the Blue Shield Wizard was in something wrong. He tried to wake him up through the divine dream halo, but still failed.

  The Blue Shield Wizard is dead.

  too fast.

  So fast that they didn't even react.

  He died like this on the physical level. The official wizards who accompanied him, the Star Wizards, all had gloomy faces and did not speak. They stood at a safe distance and stared at the sword world.

  If looks could kill, Wang Ya would be in this moment. Probably died hundreds of times.

  But they still remained calm, and even felt fear and nervousness in their hearts; it was hard to imagine what kind of method could be used to kill a star wizard so easily on the physical level.

  What if they meet?
  The sword world is shrouded in a sense of mystery, or there may be special hidden dangers and crises.

  Everything needs to be dealt with by the dream wizard.

  Both parties are means related to dreams.

  The Dream Wizard does have some opinions.
  (End of this chapter)

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