Chapter 494 [494] Preparation for the Big Explosion of Spread of Death

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  Wang Dazhuang leaned against the wall, holding the small-caliber pistol and aiming it at the door directly in front, squinting his eyes slightly and falling into a sleepy sleep.

  However, he was still very vigilant and placed some fragile objects on the door handle. If the experimental subject in the cage had any thoughts of leaving, he would wake him up.

  Indiscriminate shooting will let these guys know what justice and justice are.

  The next moment, his eyes opened suddenly, with disbelief on his face.

  "The rules of the mission have changed."

  He was surprised, and his eyes were full of doubts, so much so that he was a little hesitant when the glass cup was broken and the door was opened.

  He frowned, not understanding why such a change in mission occurred.

  "Boss, we really didn't want to run away. The mission has changed. Did you notice it?"

  The reincarnator who came out looked at the pointed gun, swallowed his saliva, and said tremblingly.

  Wang Dazhuang was not in the mood to pay attention to them, and turned around and walked towards the laboratory.

  "Let's go quickly. Something must have happened that caused the mission to change. It is definitely a bad thing for us."

  The simpler the mission requirements, the greater the hidden dangers.

  The information obtained from the guide gave all newcomers to reincarnation a concept.

  The main god space is not a good place.

  It will definitely not make it easy for them.

  Change is not a good thing.

  "Boss Wang Ya." At the corner of the corridor, Wang Dazhuang met the black-haired young man who was also walking towards him. He said with some uneasiness: "The mission has changed. We are experimenting to study the Metavirus to see if it can still be effective." "The answer is no

  . Is it obvious?" Wang Ya glanced at him, then inadvertently glanced at the swollen part of his waist, and chuckled: "The mission objectives have changed, so naturally it is useless." "Aren't our efforts to do something good

  ? It's all in vain." Wang Dazhuang opened his mouth, looking a little disappointed.

  "What should we do next?" Wang Dazhuang was almost used to obeying Wang Ya's opinions and arrangements.

  "Live for ten minutes." Wang Ya thought for a moment and gave the answer.

  Wang Dazhuang: "."

  Blue liquid dripped from the ventilation ducts into the hall of the 33 operation area outpost. Some scattered objects and paper manuscripts were embedded in the ground and were trampled on. 's shape changed.

  The ticking sound was continuous and getting denser, not just coming from this one ventilation duct, but coming from all directions.

  The blue liquid gathers to form soft liquid tentacles with amazing activity.

  The way they move is like a snail or a worm, leaving traces of body fluids along the way.

  The last bit of human pheromones was extracted from the broken glass in front of the door. Combined with the large amount of pheromones inside the room, a thick part of the blue tentacles stood up, as if to discern something in the air.

  It found the right direction, squirmed extremely fast, and the target point was the elevator.

  There were also some blue beards that caught Wang Dazhuang's pheromones and made the sound of hissing snake Xinzi confiding.

  In the laboratory, there are the largest number of blue tentacles. They climbed almost covering every inch of the corner, but still no trace of any pheromone was found. They can only gather with each other to form the shape of a deep-sea octopus in blue flowing water. Along with other captured pheromones, they can climb up the elevator shaft and enter the main body of the base.

  "Great, the mission has changed. Finally, I don't have to look for any clues. What I hate most is deciphering."

  A tall man with a sinewy face, holding a fruit knife, opened the door of the restaurant area in front of him. The door of the material warehouse; looking at the food resources that had not expired and filled half of the warehouse, the smile on his face became more intense.

  "It's time for me to pass the customs and complete the mission."

  "God is really helping me." He laughed, "Let alone ten minutes, it won't be a problem to stay here for ten months. It's just a little cold. With me My body can bear it."

  Ten minutes is not a long time.

  This is what most reincarnations believe and believe they can survive.

  Each of them found a place that they thought was suitable and safe, and waited for the completion of the task.

  Only a small number of reincarnators are frightened and uneasy. What kind of dangers and dangers will make the Lord God issue a mission that only requires ten minutes to survive.

  Behind the simplicity, there is something deadly.

  Tick ​​tock!

  The sound of water dripping made the reincarnation who was hiding in the main control room on the side stunned for a moment. How could there be a sound of water dripping here? There were no conditions at all. The vents were sealed layer after layer, which would only transmit the sound. There will be no debris entering the air, and it is impossible for water from the central air conditioner to pass through.

  He followed the sound and finally found the source, which was blue liquid condensed out of thin air. It dripped and splashed on the ground, but the water droplets did not splash away. Instead, they still seemed to stick together. Keep growing.

  A look of fear appeared on his face, and the current situation had exceeded the expectations that ordinary people could understand.

  "What the hell is this?"

  Looking at the squirming blue water tentacles, he slowly lifted up the fat part, like a head, looking around and moving, identifying and confirming something; this reincarnation person, in his heart Feeling extremely uneasy and fearful, he stepped back step by step, but leaned against the wall, feeling a sticky layer of liquid on his palms.

  His pupils widened and he turned around suddenly. At some point, the wall had turned into blue liquid, and a flash of fluorescent light hit his face, making his skin extremely pale.

  In an instant, he disappeared, no, it should be said that he melted.

  The flesh, bone marrow, internal organs, and nerves have all disappeared, not even the powder is left, only the clothes that fell to the ground.

  The fluorescent blue liquid on the wall continuously gathered into the blue water tentacles, causing the body shape to condense and become more pure. In the end, there was a skeletal eyeball formed at the thick end of the tentacles, which looked particularly weird.

  Things like this are still happening all over the base. There are a lot of blue water tentacles, and as they move forward, killing and absorbing more reincarnations, their number is still increasing.

  Some Meta germs that were originally in the air, or attached to walls or instruments, were reactivated when the blue water tentacles passed by, came under control, and directly eroded the target organic matter.

  "Ah, my body is melting. What the hell is this!!"

  "Tentacles, blue tentacles, it will bring death, run quickly."

  "There is something inside my body, no, don't come out, I I have to live, I have to survive!"

  The screams and cries of pain came one after another, extremely sharp and miserable, and every reincarnation person who was still alive was shocked.

  At the same time, on the other side. (End of chapter)

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