Chapter 490 [490] Hidden Plot in Experiment Log

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  Chapter 490 [490] Experiment Log Hidden Plot
  [Experiment Log 1: The earth vein layer space excavated from Area 33 contains a large amount of precious soil and ores, and is in a blue fluorescent state. This is a magical phenomenon, Connor Dr. Si decided to study the soil and ores here, trying to find out the cause of the blue fluorescence. The experiment began. As a deputy, I helped Dr. Connors extract various substances present on the soil ore; I extracted thirty-six Among the substances, most of them are substances on the surface or have been discovered by science. Fortunately, I discovered an unknown substance. ]

  [Experiment log two: The discovery of new and unknown news made all members of the laboratory very happy. Dr. Connors was also the same, and he praised me and began to explore the characteristics and essence of matter; each of us carries a Exciting, because the emergence of new substances is very likely to lead to the discovery of new elements or some new breakthroughs in materials science. In short, this is a discovery that is very likely to win us a science award and leave a name in history. ]

  [Experiment log three: Observed at the microscopic level, this substance is very special and has luminescence. As for what it is made of, it is not yet known. What role it can play. Whether it can change the current scientific situation in the world needs further research. Test variables; tried various methods to try to react with the substance. Unfortunately, the temporary experimental base did not have high-end experimental equipment enough to complete the more detailed identification of individual arrangement structures. High temperature, low temperature, liquid nitrogen, acid, etc. All methods have been tried, and research has found that when exposed to high temperatures, the blue luminescent material changes. This is a breakthrough. ]

  [Experiment Log 4: It’s incredible, it’s hard to imagine that this blue luminous substance itself is some kind of active substance. It seems to be related to the bacterial colonies that remain in the decay process of nature, but it’s so strange. How can such a bacterial colony be possible? It will exist deep underground, with no survival conditions at all. According to speculation, all soils tend to be extremely cold. Dr. Connors of the frozen soil proposed a new concept. The blue luminous substance has been sleeping in the frozen soil. The high-temperature working reaction caused the micro-colonies of this substance to reappear. Survived; but even so, it still took such a long time and harsh environment. Logically speaking, it is impossible for viruses to survive, let alone the bacterial colonies that participate in the ecology. ]

  [Experiment log five: The never-discovered bacterial colony is suspected to come from the past, frozen and sleeping. What role does it play, and whether it can promote human society. Finally, we awakened this special colony, it is too What's special is that the survival rate has reached over 50%. The individual parts of the colonies that died were only due to lack of nutrients, not because they could not tolerate the cold environment; the experiment is still continuing, and we named the colony' Meta', it can almost swallow most organic matter, but it also has the opposite nature of fearing cold and will lose certain activities.

  【Experiment log six: Meta colony has the self-replication characteristics of viruses, which is incredible. The more organic matter it devours, the more individuals it replicates. The previous experimental data needs to be changed. Extreme environments will cause it to die, whether it is Cold or high temperature, the former can reduce its activity and cannot kill it quickly, but can still reduce its own consumption and fall into sleep; the latter can kill it, but it needs to reach a high temperature of two hundred degrees. Incredibly, this is not something that the bacterial colony can tolerate. The degree, if it can be applied to materials, food, human living standards, and technological development, will be updated and iterated. ]

  [Experiment log seven: Why is this happening? The self-replication speed of the Meta colony is too fast. When did it leak out of the laboratory? No, it’s impossible. Our experimental results turned out to be wrong. The Meta colony has The characteristic, the speed of devouring organic matter, is far beyond the observed data. It is faster and more rapid, and becomes more terrifying with the degree of recovery. It infected everyone in the lab and instinctively targeted us, replicating itself to create more colonies. I thought we were all in big trouble. ]

  [Experiment Log 8: Meta Colony was renamed Meta Bacteria. It spreads faster than we imagined, and the individuals that exist are below the tiny level currently observed. It is not just a colony, but also a special species. The virus, our conditions are too simple, we have not detected its essence; it is alive, resurrecting, spreading, using our bodies as nourishment, constantly breeding more selves, and the entire base has been There is no specific medicine or cure for infection. From the moment you are infected, the outcome is already determined. ]

  [Experiment Log 9: Some people started to die. This was a trigger, but we had no way to do it. More and more people died, and panic gradually arose. Many people wanted to leave the base, leave here, and return to humanity. Go into the world; the top commander of the base, as early as the very beginning, issued the ban regulations. No one can leave the base. More people died. Gradually, some patterns were discovered. The frail old people were the first. He died, no, it shouldn't be said to be dead, but disappeared and was eaten by Meta. Finally, more and more people died, and the panic could no longer be contained. There was a riot in the base, and everyone went crazy. Attacking the checkpoint blocked by the security personnel, trying to leave here]

  Wang Ya put down the manuscript in his hand, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. At the end, the written words were already a little distorted, and it could be seen that the owner of the writing was extremely unhappy. calm.

  This is not an experiment log, but a diary that records the source of events within the base. It can also be a piece of evidence to prove the reason why the base lost contact.

  [Tip: Samsara Wang Ya, you have successfully completed the mission and discovered the reason why the base lost contact. Do you choose to leave? ]

  Stacking the manuscripts of the experimental diary neatly one by one, he put them into his pocket. Wang Ya was not ready to leave just yet. He found that the Meta-Bacteria had a certain value. If possible, he would like to study its characteristics and try to control this meta-bacteria.

  The main body also made its fortune by studying flesh and blood, and initially relied on the Halak phage to gain the upper hand against its enemies.

  The situation of the main god space is currently unknown.

  If there is a way to improve, the reincarnators must pay a price, and the situation may not be very balanced and stable. Zhang Xiaojie, an old man, chose to select new reincarnators in the mission world, which made Wang Ya vaguely aware of something.

  [Tip: Reincarnator Wang Ya, you choose to stay in the mission world and trigger a new hidden mission 'Uncovering the Truth'. ]

  [Details: The existence of Metavirus is unusual. It comes from the deep underground permafrost in Area 33, but this is not a bacterial colony that can appear on the surface. Whether there are secrets in the permafrost, perhaps, we can learn from the Metamorphosis itself. Get started. ]

  [Task rewards: plot points x2000 (can be consumed within the main god space), hidden plot x1 (hidden plot points can be exchanged for extremely rare rewards in the main god space)] Wang Ya raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, it was really interesting, in

  a Underneath the incident, there are other incidents hidden.

  It seems that this is something that none of the base personnel have discovered.

  "Hidden plot, good stuff, a bit like the golden legend in the game."

  (End of this chapter)

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