Chapter 48【48】Destroy it! That touch of purple

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  Chapter 48【48】Destroy it!

  Fifteen days for that purple meaning was quite a long time.

  Wang Ya's eyes fell on the unfinished extraordinary books on the bookshelf.

  Ancient Forest Mountain will no longer live up to its existence. It is really a waste to leave these basic extraordinary knowledge here.

  Decisively put some of the books he didn't master into the silver bracelet.

  In Mo Xibailin's study, the books on the bookshelf were generally similar to his, and there were no extra extraordinary witchcraft books. Otherwise, Wang Ya would have the idea of ​​going out to the study rooms of every new wizard to take a look.

  The fog was thick and thin, and I could vaguely see the outline of one of the buildings. A figure in a black wizard's robe stood at the entrance, which triggered the internal witch array sensor. Soon, a figure walked out with a confused look on his face.

  "Who are you? If you have anything to do with me, come to me."

  Wang Ya said nothing, looking at him indifferently, raising his right hand, and with the injection of particle energy, the blade of the Shadow Killing Blade in his hand reached one meter in an instant.

  No matter how slow the new wizard was, he noticed something was wrong and ran back with a frightened face, but the sharp blade pierced his chest and penetrated his heart.


  His body fell heavily to the ground, blood flowing out. He raised his head slightly, looked in the direction of his residence, and raised his right hand with great effort, trying to grab something. His unwillingness accompanied the passage of life, and finally fell. Go down.

  Wang Ya pulled out the Shadow Killing Blade, numbly took out a piece of white cloth and wiped off the blood on it. He was tired, not physically but mentally.

  The fresh life was constantly being strangled in his hands, and the instinctive discomfort in his body made him more silent as he killed more people. In particular, many new wizards did not have much hatred against him, and gradually felt a bit confused in their hearts.

  Finally he came out, his hand holding the knife had never been so firm. No matter where it is, it is like this. The weak cannot control their own destiny. The only thing that can change is to become a strong person and decide the fate of others.

  He couldn't refuse Wizard Yisi, he could only do what the other party thought he should do.

  His opinions, his views, his thoughts, are unimportant. Just an executor.

  Wizard Yisi can bear the price of all this, but he cannot bear the price of rejecting Wizard Yisi.

  Only strong enough to be able to bear all the costs. The price of pursuing the truth is also borne as the wizard continues to grow stronger.

  it's over!
  Wang Ya crossed the last spot on the list.

  In two days, all the new students of the wizard family were killed, as well as more than 130 new students on the island mainland. Even most of the new students were not aware of what happened. Due to the ancient forest environment of Gulin Mountain, Xinsheng's residences were widely separated. When Wang Ya killed people, he killed them with one knife.

  Even if they see the corpse, the new students will only become more frightened, thinking that the murder has worsened, and they dare not go out and communicate with others. Hiding in the freshman residence, they even dare not go to the automated restaurant.

  When Wang Ya returned to his residence, he went to the bathroom to wash his hands first. The young man in the mirror had a cold and numb face. The dark apricot pupils next to the tear mole had a coldness of indifference to life, and also extended a new dimension. An intangible thing.

  A murderous aura that sends chills down your back.

  It took about three minutes for Wang Ya to come out of this state, and his eyes returned to calmness and rationality.

  Da Zi lay on the bed, staring at the wooden ceiling. Next, he could only wait for the follow-up notification from Wizard Yisi.

  Gu Linshan, is this the wizard?

  His eyes were firm, and he had already had such an awareness.

  His eyelids slowly closed and he fell into the deepest sleep.

  The top of Gulin Tower.

  In the management office, Wizard Yi Si sat on a chair, still holding the metal mechanical device in his hand, as shown in the picture.

  The screen showed various operations performed by Wang Ya. Even the battle with Moxi was under the observation of Wizard Yisi. When he saw Wang Ya decisively killing Moxi, he raised the corner of his mouth and said, "The strategy, character, and fighting ability are not bad. I didn't expect that such a good seedling would appear among this batch of new students on the island continent. "

  It's really interesting. The new students of the wizarding families in the mainland have their eyes raised to the sky one by one. Relying on the resources of the family behind them, some genius new students are selected. I really don't know what will happen if I meet this little guy. Such a situation."

  As for Wang Ya's low-level witchcraft, he didn't care, everyone had their own opportunities.

  The metal mechanical device gradually changed its form, reassembled into a Rubik's Cube, and converged into Wizard Yisi's cuffs.

  He stood up, the expression on his face became extremely indifferent, and his aura filled the whole room.

  From the shadows of the room, Wizard Fengxing and Wizard Lando walked out, with the same look of solemnity on their faces.

  "The evidence has been collected. Wizard Gandhi betrayed the Dark Land, the Bailin family and the Zijinhua family, and violated the rules." Wizard Yisi's

  eyes were cold, "The mission information from the Dark Land is... let us handle it, As long as it doesn't affect too many irrelevant people."

  "My decision is...the Bailin family and the Purple Flower family have no need to exist in the future." The

  Fengxing wizard was shocked by the cruelty of the Yisi wizard and subconsciously spoke. Said: "Isn't this a bit too exaggerated? Those guys in the Dark Land will target you, senior brother." "

  Rules are rules. There is no reason for most of us to follow them. People from their wizard family are doing something special and causing trouble. Such a bad thing has happened."

  Wizard Yisi said nonchalantly, "If you want to cause trouble for me, then come and do it. I don't mind killing a few more trash from the wizard family on the battlefield." "

  There are too many wizards. The wizards in the family have violated the rules and need to be taught a bloody lesson to let them know that there are some things they cannot touch."

  The tone was decisive, and the two stopped talking, knowing that they could not change it.

  "Wizard Gandhi is still in the Bailin family. It's a good time tonight to solve it together." Wizard Yisi said again, "You two go to the Zijinhua family. If you can't handle it, just wait for me for a while."

  Lan Wizard Duo said with a smile: "That's feasible. I can rest assured about Senior Brother Yi Si's strength. It would only take half an hour to deal with a Bailin family. I'll just wait for Senior Brother to show off your power." Feng

  Xing Wizard: "."

  He has reason to suspect that Lando's third-level wizard apprentice strength is greatly mixed.

  How on earth did you enter the Mizusawa School! The chief of the Mizusawa School, the Saiyan wizard, is so old-fashioned and rigid, he doesn't seem like someone who can use the back door.

  Wizard Yisi ignored these two guys, turned around, gradually walked into the void, and disappeared into the office.

  Wizard Lando clicked his tongue, "No matter how many times I see it, Wizard Yisi's method is really outrageous. The path of wizards who choose the direction of space is different from most people of the White Bone School, but it seems that they have really taken it. ."

  Fengxing Wizard nodded and said, "Yes, Senior Brother Yisi, maybe there is a chance to be promoted to an official wizard."

  "Be good! There is one more person to be added to the title list."

  "Brother Yi Si, I guess you won't care about these false names. They are just some people from the wizard family who maliciously ranked them in order to provoke disputes."

  When the last ray of sunshine came , Passed away, the night came, but the ancient forest wizard city was still brightly lit. Wizard technology is used in many aspects, including street lighting and building exterior decoration, all decorated with colored lights powered by magic stones.

  In the easternmost part of the Ancient Forest Wizard City, there are fewer people here, and the buildings look tall and stern. It was even built into a city within a city, with the word "Bailin" engraved at the entrance.

  The figure in the brown wizard robe walked out of the void and stood above the Bailin family. The cold wind blew his purple hair. He raised his right hand and the metal device appeared.

  : I beg everyone to read it, and I am recommending PK. I need everyone’s energy to gather in my heart and give me infinite strength.

  (End of chapter)

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