Chapter 477 [477] Main God Space! yes

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  Chapter 477 [477] Main God Space! yes
  Wang Ya did not use extraordinary power to affect reality or even affect other ordinary humans. He only did some suggestive misleading. It can also be said to be a disorder in the body's feedback, which caused the humans who saw Wang Ya to have illusions.

  Such a method can be achieved through some modern technologies and is not out of the ordinary.

  With unique drugs and hypnotic techniques, the goal can also be achieved.

  Wang Ya decided to keep a low profile before discovering the real secrets of the world.

  The pressure borne by the world altar indirectly represents the strength of a world's potential. It can also be used to determine whether there is an embryo of the world's core world and the corresponding strength of the extraordinary beings and extraordinary people who exist in the world.

  Two world invasions, although the second world has not yet completed its aggression, some common conclusions can be drawn from the experience accumulated through practice.

  To cope with the ever-changing situation, as an outsider, if the identity can not be exposed, the role that hiding in the dark can play will be much better than being directly exposed and enduring the suppression of the world's will.

  Wang Ya is not a separate spiritual consciousness, but is combined with the spirit power and put into the body of the natives of this world.

  It is equivalent to a different kind of body seizing. It can also be said that the original consciousness of this body has been changed and it has become the nightmare wizard Wang Ya.

  If there is a new world, he is ready to try to experience the mystery of reincarnation, reincarnate, or awaken Su Hui to complete the implantation and invasion of the new world.

  This is gentler, and due to the experience of reincarnation, they will also be recognized as indigenous by the will of the world.

  'The methods used in the past were too rough after all, otherwise the warrior world could have ended the invasion faster. '

  The body Wang Ya chose is an orphan. He doesn't have many social connections, and he doesn't have to worry about troubles in this regard.
  He can flip through books very quickly. With the spiritual power of a formal wizard, even if he doesn't open the book, he just puts his palm over it. Anyone who comes into contact with it can accept the knowledge content existing on it, just like a scanner.

  It took him almost only a few hours to completely absorb the contents of this book on history and anecdotes.

  It's a pity that I didn't gain much, it was still ordinary and ordinary.

  'Is this really an ordinary demon-free world? I don't really believe that the pressure on the World Altar is fake. This world is unusual. There is a high probability of embryos existing in the core of the existing world. Wang

  Ya walked out of the library. The sunset glow came from the other side of the sky and hit his cheek. His eyes were calm and he had plenty of time to investigate and explore slowly.

  The connection of the world altar anchors the time flow rate of the two worlds to a certain extent, but it is not absolute, and there is still a considerable difference.

  There is a high probability that one day has passed in this world and only about an hour has passed in the wizarding world.

  The human body will have physiological reactions and will also eat; the feeling coming from the abdomen made Wang Ya feel a little nostalgic. After becoming an official wizard, he almost didn't feel much hunger anymore, even if he just relied on breathing, he would feel nostalgic. They can all survive and have plenty of energy.

  The breathing of high-level wizards is no longer the breathing that ordinary creatures understand. Instead, it absorbs the natural particle energy of the world to replenish its own consumption.

  This can be satisfied through spiritual power or some special means.

  It is no longer important to breathe or not, what is more important is to inhale and exhale natural energy.

  In a stir-fry restaurant, Wang Ya was a little unfamiliar with using chopsticks. The memory deep in his soul allowed him to quickly master this skill.

  He picked up the dish with great familiarity and put it into his mouth.

  In his previous life before time travel, he was from the Sichuan and Sichuan side of the earth. To be honest, these dishes did not satisfy his palate and the taste was still too bad.

  But it's better than nothing, and it would be nice to have some nostalgia.

  The last ray of sunset disappeared under the sea. As night fell, the wind blew a little more damp and cold. This world is very special. Even if a real embryo is not formed, it definitely has the world's afterbirth; the refined legendary potion can enhance his strength and push him to the limit of the star wizard level.

  Wang Ya's eyes flickered, and he was already thinking about how to invade and devour this world.

  The anchor seeds are still left behind to increase the connection between this world and the Conquest Fortress, and finally make the time flow rate of the two equal. At that time, it also represents the real chain that has been inserted into the Conquest Fortress, and is ready and can be pulled in at any time. Go to the heaven and earth inside the fortress and devour it.

  There is no abnormality in reality, and it may be possible to hide it, but it is much more difficult to hide it in the dream world, and there is a higher probability of finding clues.

  At this moment, Wang Ya's walking legs stopped, and he looked in one direction in surprise.

  The location is an alleyway near an old residential area. Generally, only some poor or elderly people live here.

  At that moment, he noticed that the life breath of a human being had disappeared.

  He either lost his life or just disappeared into the world out of thin air.

  It was as if an unknown existence had kidnapped him.

  In order to be sure, Wang Ya even expanded his mental perception ability to a kilometer range at once.

  There is still no result. The human beings with that life wave and life pheromones have disappeared.

  Why is this so!
  He felt a little excited, maybe this was the reason why this world was special.

  The real secrets hidden in the background of a seemingly ordinary world without demons.

  The dark corridor smelled damp and rotten, and several black rats got into the holes with food in their mouths.

  Wang Ya's figure completely blended into the shadows, and the doors and windows where he lived did not stop him in the slightest.

  Looking at the computer screen that was still on, the smell of garbage instant noodles and cigarette smoke all over the floor, and the dirty and messy room environment, Wang Ya could easily construct the original situation in his mind.

  There was nothing special on the computer screen, it was just an open folder, which was also empty, nothing surprising.

  But why can a person disappear out of thin air? There is no trace of him in the whole city.

  Wang Ya's eyes narrowed.

  The perspectives in front of him suddenly overlapped, as if there were ribbon-like ripples of light, filled with various pigments and colors that were distorted and bizarre in dreams. At this moment, Wang Ya entered the senses of the dream world.

  This is the past that belongs to this city’s dreamland.

  Time is flowing backwards, and a man's figure gradually appears in the room.

  Very decadent, very depressed, as if he had encountered some misfortune in his life.

  Wang Ya saw the real reason for his disappearance.

  It turned out to be...

  (End of chapter)

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