Chapter 472【472】Virtual and Real Amplification Generator to Overcome the Tribulation and Creation

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  Chapter 472 [472] Virtual and Real Amplification Generator to Overcome the Tribulation
  [Master, the changes made by the Divine Blood Wizard to the bubble world have three aspects, the needle-covered strike system, the thorn surrounding defense system, and the master you brought to the Divine Blood Wizard. Inspired by this, the virtual and real replacement and reversal system was created. ]

  Wang Ya stood under the ancient nightmare tree, and the human world condensed by the Black King was talking about the layout over the years and the changes that had taken place in the bubble world.

  Wang Ya also participated in the process, but he did not know all the details, and he was also doing his best to conduct research on the path of wizards.

  The black and white giant tree, every branch, seems to be shining with spiritual light, and has small markings, black, as the transmission input of the power of the nightmare, every node in the entire bubble world, that is, these nightmares The place where the power gathers.

  The black and white bubbles floating one by one reflect a strange light. They seem to be black, but they are extremely bright to the visual sense. They are opposite and conflicting, and extremely weird.

  Wang Ya walked on the stone road and observed the changes in the entire bubble world.

  With the Black King's words and the mental connection with the Nightmare Ancient Tree, he gradually understood all the substances of the divine blood wizard.

  He immediately snapped his fingers.

  The suspended black and white bubbles that existed at the boundary of the bubble world broke through the limitations of spatial distance and appeared directly around him.

  In the refracted black and white light, you can see the massive wizard technology weapons that exist in each organized world, which can almost be called a fortress.

  The mechanical fortress has reached a height of one thousand or ten thousand meters, and the metals, vein materials, and resources used are no small matter.

  This is the result that Wang Yada achieved by incorporating a lot of dream power to change reality.

  A black and white bubble like this, that is, there are three wizard technology weapon design systems, at least starting from ten.

  Or the ten starting points of a separate system.

  After all, we are dealing with Star Wizards and even higher-level enemies. Only by being fully prepared can we be completely prepared.

  There shouldn't be any enemies that surpass Wang Ya's strength in the Dream Catastrophe.

  Otherwise, it would not be called a disaster, but only a difficulty.

  It is still a difficult time that cannot be overcome.

  The threat level and difficulty should be taken into consideration with daily life, including the natural dream power absorbed in the past.

  Wang Ya waved his hand, and the many black and white bubbles in front of him dissipated and receded, along with the human face formed by the Black King.

  If the dream world does not respect martial ethics and adjusts the difficulty level too high, and really allows dream creatures at the Huiyue Wizard level to invade the black and white bubble world, then he can only use mechanical deity.

  Let the battle fortress come out and move.

  Anyway, this is in the dream world, and after so many years, the energy accumulation has been quite satisfied. Without firing the world-destroying meteor cannon, it can start to activate the power of basic rules, runes, and spells.

  Wang Ya did not choose to use the battle fortress directly because of the transformation of the bubble world.

  After the calamity, there must be good fortune.

  No matter what kind of legendary civilization the world rules are, there are similar confirmations.

  At the moment when you break through the official wizard and condense your true spirit, the records of wizards who follow the traditional wizard path will be tested and judged by the will of the wizard world. After passing it, they will be promoted and receive blessings at the same time.

  In the knowledge passed down by the Dream Wizard, there is very little information recorded in this regard, but it is clearly pointed out that there will be benefits after overcoming the tribulation.

  The benefits that everyone obtains bring different changes to the core of the dream and the territory of the dream. Some are to increase the total amount of dream power, some are to expand the territory, and some are to make the core of the dream stronger, increase maturity, and save a lot of time and hard work.

  Wang Ya is also curious about the direction this creation will take.

  Assume that all the dream creatures in the four directions come to attack. If the defense is successful, will it be regarded as a successful escape?

  Is it possible that creation is the dream creatures themselves, or is it possible that the corresponding dream creatures have been lost, resulting in an ownerless and vacant dream territory area.

  If the bubble world swallows them, it will indeed be considered a great blessing and a great benefit.

  There is no will in the wizarding world in the dream world. In terms of instinct, the dream world is more primitive; the latter will be affected by the definition of wizards and tend to move in the direction of wizards.

  In some ways, there is some consciousness in the wizarding world, not just instinct. Of course, this is only for target creatures and races other than wizards.

  Several years have passed, and the wind and snow in the sky are still as cold as ever, as if they will never end.

  During these times, Wang Ya was dealing with the possible disaster of dreams in the bubble world.

  On the one hand, it is also working with the divine blood wizard and the ghost light wizard to create a device and generator that guides the spirit of Fengxue and allows the virtual and real replacement witch formation to accelerate the expansion and replacement process.

  There are many difficulties.

  The most important thing is to be able to avoid being affected by the wind and snow spirits, but to guide them to the corresponding area and direction.

  It is also necessary to keep accelerating the process of node placement and diffusion without causing any changes in the overall wizard formation.

  This leads to exposure and creates some unplanned problems.

  If you want to solve troublesome things, you have to get involved in the subtleties of the witchcraft formation, and you need to take care of both.

  The wizards who participated in making the generator device were the ones with the strongest fighting spirit.

  At the same time, they also joined the high-level team of mechanical wizards, a team led by the divine blood wizard, which is dedicated to handling such matters.

  Including the three major weapon systems in the bubble world, there is also the participation of the team.

  "It's finally done. The efforts we put in for this little thing are enough to overcome the difficulties of wizard experiments that trouble a formal wizard throughout his life." Inside the expedition fortress, in the research laboratory for the 'Virtual and Real Amplification Generator'


  The divine blood wizard cheered.

  The center of the various colored lights is a unique occurrence field, where various mechanical tentacles are entangled with each other, and are connected to the results of this research through the machine port, providing a massive amount of energy.

  From the outside, it looks like a cube metal box. The surface is extremely smooth and there are no gaps visible to the naked eye.

  But as soon as it is activated, it will be like the connection between a hive and worker bees, and small generating devices will be separated. The material has dual properties of metal and biological organisms, which is very special. In addition to special frequency signals, there are also pheromones and spores, biological levels of contact.

  Even if one of them is troubled by the environment or other influences, resulting in the loss of function and connection, the second set of functional systems can play a role.

  The metal box is large and pitch-black in color. Its smooth surface is faintly flashed with bright luster; in fact, energy is transmitted through extremely small transmission lines and contains various small functional accessories.

  (End of chapter)

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