Chapter 409 [409] Knocking on the door of truth The Trinity rules the way forward

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  Chapter 409 [409] Knocking on the Door of Truth Trinity, rules the way forward
  [Target: Primordial Power Witch Body]

  [Details: The Nightmare Sorcerer commands the five talents possessed by his own body, combined with the extraordinary knowledge of the martial arts world, the Eye of Truth is huge The database, based on the "Kinetic Energy Chapter" of Nightmare Heritage, creates a wizard's physique. It has one of the purest powers, and has the terrifying power to destroy the heaven and earth, and even tear apart the continental plates of the planet world. ]

  [Tips: The power of the original power witch body has become part of the soul and spirit of the nightmare wizard. Regardless of whether he has a physical body or not, he can exert corresponding power, and by dispersing this part of the power, he can create descendants with the bloodline of the original power.

  Wang Ya's eyes were full of excitement. This was very much like the bloodline inheritance of extraordinary creatures. There were spiritual fragments of the past in the bloodline. He realized that by inheriting those spiritualities, he could be inherited and gain the power from the source.

  It can be said that Wang Ya has become a new spiritual source and can create a special human race.

  It is not just about creating descendants of wizards. The key point is that the new human race is different from humans in the general sense, but transcends genetic limitations, truly evolves, leaps, and becomes a new human race.

  In the deep blue secret world, those transformed humans also belong to a new human race, but they are not benign and have no special place. They are just containers.

  The human races created by Wang Yaneng are different. In ancient times, they were comparable to the descendants of some powerful extraordinary creatures.

  It can be said that as powerful as Wang Ya is, the power of traceability will be so powerful if the bloodline of his descendants can be traced.

  These are all secondary, the most important thing is the description of strength.

  Really pure power, exerted to the extreme, shattered continental plates. Even Wang Ya had expected it, but he was shocked by such a description.

  What is this concept? How much weight and mass should the continental plates of a planetary world have? The most important thing is to maintain balance. The collapse of the continental plates means breaking the local ecological balance cycle of that world.

  Wang Ya's face was already filled with surprise, but what was surprising was that he carefully felt the power existing in his physical body.

  If that surging biological energy, like the high temperature of the sun, pours out and is fully exerted, it may not be impossible to describe the situation.

  The premise is that this is in a small world, similar to the Deep Blue Secret World, and there is no extraordinary power system, so that the stability of the world's ecological balance will not be too exaggerated.

  Wang Ya still has some confidence that he can achieve the point described.

  Since the Eye of Truth has described it, he can do it. Sometimes, you still have to have the confidence to believe in yourself.

  The improvement this time can be said to be very great. The emergence of the original strength shaman body gave birth to some other ideas of Wang Ya.

  It is not necessary that there can be only one shamanic body.

  The original power of the witch body is absolute power, absolute physical destructive power in reality.

  What if another witch body appears on the illusory level to carry Wang Ya’s illusory power?

  His eyes became brighter and brighter. The more Wang Ya thought about this idea, the more feasible it became.

  This is indeed feasible. Illusion and reality are closely related, and it is an absolutely balanced path. The emergence of the powerful shamanic body represents that Wang Ya's current wizard path has reached an extreme in terms of reality.

  "Next, I need to create a new illusory witch body. No, not just two witch bodies, but three witch bodies. Balance can also be regarded as a sustaining force, which is the biological energy and energy born from the physical body. The energy of the nightmare particles in the extraordinary spiritual power of the spiritual sea corresponds to my perfect balance. In addition, during the period of breaking the limit state, I need three witch bodies." Wang Ya's eyes seemed to be burning with sparks of wisdom, and his deep voice echoed,

  " It is the Trinity, the road of legends, there is no end."

  Sometimes there is a lack of an opportunity. All the past experiences, as well as the collection and understanding of extraordinary knowledge, and the creation of corresponding pictures of the inheritance of extraordinary knowledge - green light appears one by one. Appearing in Wang Ya's pupils, a torrent of large amounts of data filled his spiritual sea and filled the sea water, forming an unprecedented sea of ​​data.

  He saw his own path for the future, the most correct one, a path that no one else had taken.

  The witch body at the realistic level can also find traces of the Tao and the knowledge passed down in the past, whether it is the 'Kinetic Energy Chapter', the material stacking witchcraft, the strike of Tianyuan, or the all-seeing true energy of the Wanxiang Swallowing Heaven Sutra. The witch body at the illusory
  level , and what should it correspond to?
  What should the shaman body at the balanced level correspond to?
  Wang Ya saw the correct future that belonged to him through the opportunity, but there was still something missing. He was unable to fully see the future and fully understand how to do it.

  The sparks of wisdom in my mind kept burning, but I still couldn't figure out the specific key.

  However, what he didn't know was that during the process of his thinking, the Eye of Truth was analyzing and the corresponding time was rapidly decreasing.

  [Analysis of inheritance of sea dragon level 3 wizards from past generations: 20 years. 15 years. 10 years.]

  [Analysis of physical talent resonance: Completed]

  [Analysis of extraordinary knowledge in the world of warriors: Completed]

  [Analysis of Halak biological weapons: Completed]

  [Sunday Research and analysis of wizards breaking through the rules: 2000, 1900, 1600, 1000.]

  There is epiphany in the legendary civilization of the fairyland, there is the unity of heaven and man, there is the perception of heaven, and gods are gods. Corresponding to the legendary civilization of wizards, there are also The corresponding saying is that knocking on the door of truth, sparks of thought burn, and the wizard's path circulates.
  [Tip: Please exit the current state as soon as possible. The mental power is consumed too much. After one minute, the mental power will be completely dried up and the active neurons will Insufficient nutrition will lead to death. Biological energy is being consumed in large quantities. Please wake up in time, regain your senses, and act in the best way according to your judgment. ]

  The text prompts presented by the Eye of Truth kept appearing in the void in front of him, but Wang Ya ignored them, still thinking, burning everything in himself in exchange for the answer he wanted.

  He thought a lot, and his mind was almost filled with all the information he had thought up, making it feel particularly swollen and painful.

  The originally well-proportioned physical body began to shrink continuously, becoming smaller and skinny. The strong energy and spirit also collapsed and became weak.

  "Sure enough, my background is still not enough to deduce the information content at that level. Although the way forward has clearly appeared, it is not enough. I have not seen the information content that breaks through the fourth level. Even if I have a prediction, I cannot guarantee that it will be certain. It's possible."

  In the end, Wang Ya sighed and gave up continuing to think and deduce, and all negative effects on the state were stopped.

  But he also gained unprecedented gains.
  (End of chapter)

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