Chapter 406 [406] The New World Layer of Andersen’s Plan (Second Update)

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  Chapter 406 [406] The New World Layer of Andersen's Plan (Second Update)
  "Master Nightmare Wizard, you need to understand the environment of the canyon with your heart of war."

  In the white stream of light formed by the white spores, the Ghost Wizard Ruo said pointedly, with a cold look in his eyes.

  Wang Ya's keen perception cannot ignore the malice emanating from the giant primitive forest below.

  "I'll leave this matter to you and investigate the specific situation carefully."

  Wang Ya added: "It has been many years and there is no statistics on the situation in the canyon. The first time I did a rough investigation. There are always some rats hidden in the sewers, so be more careful in your investigation this time." "

  I understand, Mr. Nightmare Wizard, I will definitely do a good job in this matter."

  At any time, livestock can unleash malice on their owners. Yes, this is simply an incredible thing in the land of mountains and seas.

  The Netherlight Wizard bowed slightly, expressing his respect for the leader of the Heart of War.

  "But don't cause too many killings. Just clean up the restless beast kings and mark the number and territory locations of first-level extraordinary creatures." Wang Ya mentioned.

  Although extraordinary creatures at the official wizard level cannot compare to wizards of the same level, they can still explode with considerable power.

  For the heart of war, it is of great value and is also a cherished resource.

  The extraordinary races in the sword-raising area are also a method of using extraordinary creatures.

  The extraordinary spirituality and extraordinary nature of first-level extraordinary creatures are extremely powerful, which can completely allow them to develop a huge group, continuously give birth to new extraordinary creatures, and inherit the bloodline.

  The specific situation still needs to be experimentally studied to discover the role of the corresponding target, whether it is edible or other aspects.

  Wizards with a heart for war have rich experience.
  As for constant childbirth and inheritance of extraordinary bloodline, the original extraordinary creature's own extraordinary nature and spirituality will weaken. Wang Ya feels that this is not a big problem. Extraordinary creatures should be It is used as such and deserves its value.

  "Master, I have good news to tell you. The world of warriors has been completely swallowed up by me, and a new world space was born inside the Zhan Zhan Fortress." The buildings in Zhan Zhan's Heart continued to expand, and a voice sounded in Wang Ya's mind


  The Hanged King's tone was filled with joy, "This is a moment worthy of recording and being included in the history of the Fortress. Under your leadership, the Fortress has once again devoured the world." Wang Ya also had a smile on his face, but

  he The concern is the benefits to be gained.

  The Hanged King responded promptly, "The world space is attached to the interior of the battle fortress and forms a self-contained cycle system. All kinds of life can live in it and the extraordinary resources that are already there are born. The only limitation is that a part of the energy needs to be supplied so that it can calmly Circular balance."

  "The core of the world of the warrior world was also stripped out by me. Unfortunately, no complete world embryo was born, only a part of the world's afterbirth." Wang Ya only has some regrets about this. If the birth of

  a The embryo of the world can refine the legendary soul potion, and there will be no obstacles or restrictions for him to advance to the level of the Huiyue Wizard.

  However, the level of the warrior world is not high, and the civilization is only a low-level civilization.

  In a world where embryos can be born, the civilization level is at least a medium civilization, with high-end combat power.

  It may not be possible to do it just by relying on the power currently possessed by the Nightmare Scourge.

  "The world's afterbirth is not as large as expected. Preliminary calculations indicate that only about twelve copies of the legendary heart potion can be refined." "The amount of

  world core fragments is very large, and about fifty copies of the legendary heart potion can be refined. Blood potion."

  The Hanged King's voice echoed in Wang Ya's mind. The life that embarks on the road of legend will only become stronger and stronger, and the legendary series of potions that can be taken also have corresponding restrictions.

  That is, you can only take higher-level legendary series potions, but not lower-level legendary series potions.

  The legendary blood potion has no effect on Wang Ya.

  But it can become one of the rewards that can be exchanged internally in Nightmare Scourge.

  I believe no one can refuse such a reward.

  The former Wang Ya did not refuse and embarked on this long but powerful and bright legendary road.

  The nightmare mark is the guarantee of life, and the legendary series of potions is the future benefit. When the two are combined, no one will reject such a nightmare network platform.

  Only he can understand the refining method of the legendary series of potions.

  It has become the prototype of a force that spans all the worlds and the multiverse, and has gradually taken shape, with immeasurable potential.

  As the Nightmare Heavens Network develops, the types and levels of resources that can be obtained will also expand and increase. Even some ancient beings who know the existence of refining methods will be attracted to it.

  Wang Ya believes that this day will come and looks forward to it.

  The desire to conquer is not his goal. It can even be said to be just a shell. The real essence is the Nightmare Natural Disaster and the Nightmare Heaven Network. That is what he wants to build.

  The dream wizard's path is to continuously expand his dream territory. The stronger the territory, the more powerful the dream wizard can exert. But the time is too long. If he follows the normal path and relies on the core of dreams to absorb the power of the dream world, Wang Ya's current dream wizard path may be worthy of being promoted to the ultimate wizard apprentice.

  Harak's talent and the Blood Lord's mutation caused many dream creatures to flock into the foam world like moths to a flame, thereby shortening this long time with their flesh and blood and the power of dreams.

  In addition, there is the help of the legendary series of potions and the promotion of the meditation method of destroying virtual reality.

  The core progress of the dream in the bubble world is currently about 30% in the mature stage, and it will take at least three hundred years to advance to the second level.

  Wang Ya couldn't wait for that long time. With the Dream Sword in the sword-raising area and the legendary heart potion refined from the world's afterbirth in the warrior world, he was confident that it would transform from the mature stage to the flowering stage within twenty years.

  "The world space also has many benefits. It can cultivate fresh blood to polish the power of wizards. It allows those young wizards to enter and train in it, and temper the hearts of wizards. It is also the best way to screen out good talents." The Hanged King's voice continued

  . .

  "You can carry out an alternative colonization of the world, allowing the world's native species existing in the world space to survive, and shepherding all living beings behind the scenes. Harvest every other period, and take away the extraordinary ones who have grown to a sufficient level, whether as experimental materials or It becomes a nutrient resource for certain magic weapons. Everything is based on your choice as the master, and you will prepare these lies for these natives to break the void, ascend to the upper world, and transcend the world. They will work hard to improve themselves and strengthen themselves." "

  World Space can be used as an energy reserve. When the energy of the six major engines is all consumed, the existence quality of the world space can be burned to obtain a massive energy supply." Wang Ya's eyes lit up. At a critical moment, insufficient energy caused the World-Destroying Meteor

  Cannon to fail. This feature comes in handy when used.

  At present, among the six major engines, the energy in the first engine core has been fully replenished, and the second engine core has also been filled to about 60%.

  "Diana, do you know what you are doing? I am a descendant of the Mammoth Wizard, and I am the most talented one. If anything happens to me, you will definitely die without a burial place." The long and narrow corridor is located underground

  . There was a little dust on the steps, and the candles on both sides kept burning as Diana's figure walked past, reflecting the environment. There seemed to be another world deeper, which was extremely dark and profound.

  He was also holding a young man about 1.8 meters tall in his hand, bound by chains formed by particle energy, which even penetrated into his flesh and blood, blocking the fluctuations of his soul.

  "You're done, you're dead. You know, my ancestor will never let you go. I swear, I will let him kill you, and your brother, you two despicable wild wizards." "Primitive

  " The local wizards will definitely know that you imprisoned me privately, and you will all die. Let me go quickly, and I will let you live with great mercy." The young man shouted with anger on his face, his voice echoed in the corridor, and even

  more Passing to the depths, a cold breath came out, and the flames on the torch kept flickering.

  The young man's face suddenly stiffened, and his pupils lost their fluctuations and became numb.

  Diana smelled the strong smell of blood and frowned slightly.

  The thick stone door that was opened revealed a huge underground cave space, and a special stone altar was built. Skeletons were all over the floor, and the altar fires were burning all around. As the god enshrined in the middle, there was a living figure.

  Wearing a gray wizard robe, which is the same style as Diana's wizard robe, it comes from the wizarding force - the primitive land.

  "Can't you control it better? Or is it that as a former ancient, you are so weak that you can't even control the breath as well as me, a formal wizard." "There is no way to control this. As you said, I am too weak

  . , so weak that only this last ray of soul is left. If even this ray of soul disappears, my return will be even more elusive."

  Andersen, sitting in the position of the god, regarded himself as a statue, with a pale face showing A meaningful smile.

  "You are an official wizard, I am just an apprentice of the ultimate wizard, but I haven't even broken the limit yet." "I

  brought you the man, but you can't do it any longer, otherwise the wizards in the primitive land will start to internalize A thorough investigation is extremely likely to reveal something strange about you and me, especially the hidden strength, which cannot withstand investigation at all."

  Diana threw the demented young man towards Andersen, who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the altar, and the latter raised his head slightly Lifting his right hand, an invisible force acted on the young man's body, pulling him and suspending him directly in front of him.

  The smile on Andersen's face became even stronger, "It doesn't matter, this is the last one. With his flesh and blood, bones, soul and spirit, I have the wizard qualifications to fill the dead soul box and raw meat I made." Box."

  "With the blessing of the two, I can make up for the shortcomings in my soul and spiritual power, and this physical body can also be transformed, whether it is particle energy or the spirituality possessed by the physical body. It is not even weaker than some official wizards. , the special witch body created by the Star Wizards with all their efforts, can give birth to some physical talents, comparable to extraordinary creatures."

  Diana's face was expressionless, and she did not have much reaction to Andersen's words, she just stared at him.

  Andersen thought for a moment and then said: "The Dead Soul Box allows me to replace one of the souls, and the star wizards can't detect anything strange. The Raw Flesh Box can bring about some changes in the microscopic level of flesh and blood genes." He looked at it with a smile

  . Diana, "I will become the little guy you brought me, and then step by step I will reach the top of this wizarding force, control it, and then conquer other wizarding forces to get what you and I need."

  " In this process, what you have to do is to make good use of the inexhaustible extraordinary resources to improve your strength as quickly as possible." "There

  are corresponding points in the online areas in the southeast, northwest, and mine. Some arrangements even hide precious resources that play a big role in beings below the Sunrise Wizard. However, they are generally found in places with strong natural particle energy tides. Where wizard forces exist, they are generally there, and they are an obstacle for you and me to achieve our goals. ."

  Andersen frowned slightly, as if he had thought of something, and whispered: "It's a little strange. The position of the online area has changed. It's not like someone interfered with it as I have seen in the past, or for some reason."

  " No matter what the reason is, the online area has changed, but the rules of the nature of space are definitely still there, and we need to open the shackles one by one." (End of this chapter


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