Chapter 390 [390] Wang Ya’s decision to condense the true spirit

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  Chapter 390 [390] Condensing the True Spirit Wang Ya’s Choice The

  dark space is filled with absolute nothingness and nothingness. This is nothingness at the level of reality, without any matter. Two white flames burn out of thin air in this dark space. The center is like matter being born from the original nothingness. This is matter at the illusory level.

  As time goes by, the two white flames become bigger and bigger, and they become more and more gazing, and gradually gain a human color, they are a pair of eyes.

  What is the difference between a formal wizard and a star wizard?
  Wang Ya thought he already understood.

  After analyzing and collecting so much extraordinary knowledge, so many great wizard inheritances, and even the second-level star wizard, the Netherlight Wizard, who has daily interactions, as the object of observation. When truly stepping into the level of the second-level star wizard, some of the original speculations , all conjectures were thrown away.

  Every wizard's path is different, no matter how similar they are, there are differences.

  In the same way, you can refer to other great wizard paths and inherited knowledge, but you can never agree with them 100%.

  But in essence, they are the same. They are both seekers and pursuers of truth.

  "The unity of spirit and body, the perfect ratio of illusion and reality, allows wizards to complete the first major stage of evolution. It corresponds to the extraordinary system of the legendary civilization of the fairyland. It is the leap from mortals to immortals, condensing their own Taoist fruits. ."

  "Wizards also have their own Dao Fruit, which is the point between illusion and reality that is born after completing the perfect balance and advancing to the official wizard. It is the soul, the body, the mind, the energy, the consciousness, and more. It is the definition of existence. According to the extraordinary system of the legendary civilization of the fairyland, the Dao Fruit corresponds to the first-level wizard, the earth immortal corresponds to the star wizard, the heavenly immortal corresponds to the shining moon wizard, and the true immortal is the sun wizard." "From the official wizard to the sun wizard,

  this The process is the definition of self-existence, becoming more powerful, so powerful that its own existence cannot be erased, whether it is time, space, matter, illusion, past, or future. This is the rule. Reflecting the heavens, the only true

  self , the rules created by me are of course the only ones in all the worlds and the multiverse." "

  Using the extraordinary system of the wizarding world, formal wizards can also be called true spirits. Daoguo Immortal corresponds to true spirit wizards. That's it. This is A true spirit is promoted to a rule, and it is the only way to realize the true self that reflects the heavens."

  Wang Ya thought about the broken pages of the Book of Everything he owned, as well as the rusty iron sword and gold pocket watch. Is there a possibility that these The power of rules carried by abnormal objects once existed to create them.

  But why has it become this situation?

  According to what Wizard Lando said and the evidence of Andersen's rules, extraordinary beings who have mastered the rules should be immortal and immortal. Even if the world dies, they should not be affected.

  The wizarding world is a legendary civilization. In the battle between star wizards, using the third-level sublimation witchcraft can only smash the corridor around the island. But if it is placed in the warrior world, it will definitely sink the continent, the sky will collapse, and the world will be destroyed.

  Material rules and illusory rules have different carrying strengths. The foundation of the wizarding world is too stable.

  The rules cannot be affected in the past or in the future, and they cannot be erased. Once they exist, they will always exist. Wang Ya can’t figure it out no matter what he thinks. Just like Andersen, it seems that the Deep Blue Wizard can only seal it in the Deep Blue Book. Maybe He couldn't be killed either, and now he has returned from the past.

  The destructive impact caused by the World-Destroying Meteor Cannon will make that part of the land of mountains and seas completely in a state of nothingness. Unless a more powerful rule force takes action to deny the change of the definition and recognition of that part of the area, even for endless years In the past, the state of nothingness will still exist.

  Of course, as time goes by, it will become more and more difficult to change the definition and twist and reverse the rules, and the world will spontaneously adapt until a new cyclic balance is reached.

  Wang Ya couldn't figure it out, and always felt that there was some big secret in it.

  If he couldn't figure it out, he simply stopped thinking about it.

  As time passed, the aura in the Conquest Tower became more and more powerful. The bodies of many wizards guarding outside were trembling, and some could not bear the wisps of energy emitted.

  It was very scary, at a very high level, beyond their current level of life. Only the Netherlight Wizard could still look normal and not react much. However, her eyes were also fluctuating. It was obvious that she had a lot of ups and downs in her heart, but her thoughts were very different from others.

  'It's strange that the aura is so powerful that it is almost indistinguishable from a second-level starry wizard, but why has the will of the wizarding world not yet reacted, and there has been no change in the celestial phenomena, only the wind pressure caused by the powerful aura sweeping across. '

  The Ghost Wizard was puzzled. She was really confused.

  At least this was not the case when she was promoted to the second-level Star Wizard. The will of the wizarding world came quickly, and the process of facing the test was not long. After passing it, she would be blessed. If she could not survive it, her consciousness and soul would collapse, and her body and soul would die. A small number of wizards have excellent luck or possess some special extraordinary items that allow them to survive.

  She didn't quite understand whether this situation meant good or bad, so she could only wait for the subsequent development of things.

  I hope the Nightmare Wizard can break through successfully.

  The Netherlight Wizard glanced at the many wizards present from the corner of his eye. Without the Nightmare Wizard, the spirit of war that had been so united would fall apart again.

  "So that's it, this is the Level 2 Starry Wizard. Real matter does not exist, so it uses illusory power to distort reality and create something out of thin air." In the Tower of Omens, waves of joy rippled, causing the void to rise and fall

  . Then, a figure sat cross-legged in the deepest part of the tower, with the bloody door behind him, investing a large amount of biological energy and particle energy supply to maintain transformation.

  The black and white door is located on the left, and a steady stream of nightmare-destroying power fills this space, and is supplied by Wang Ya at any time.

  On the right is a looming red door. There seems to be a large amount of fire element particle energy and destructive particle energy qi inside. However, there seems to be something missing. It is not completely condensed, so that the fire element particles flowing out It has less energy, but its mass is extremely high.

  "The union of spirit and body gives birth to the true spirit, which makes the true spirit even more powerful and creates the existence form of the true spirit. It can be clearly felt. It is no longer beating in the flesh, soul, consciousness, heart, and spirit. Between energy and blood, the true spirit is a real existence, and can perceive the broader nature, heaven and earth, control more external environments, control material energy, and illusory spirit." "I need to choose a direction to transform the true spirit into reality

  . The spirit is completely condensed in it, which is related to the wizard path chosen by each wizard. Blood wizards are naturally condensed in extraordinary bloodlines. Elemental wizards generally choose to condense in particle energy. Dream wizards and black wizards are naturally the spirit, soul, and The soul. The mechanical wizard is the consciousness, the soul, the battle wizard and the white wizard are the body. Everything is based on the choice that best suits the path of the wizard." "Then how should I choose."

  Wang Ya was caught in a choice and began to ask himself.

  During the apprenticeship period, many teaching wizards said that there are advantages and disadvantages to choosing multiple paths. In many cases, no one path is clear and goes further. If there is only one path for elemental wizards, then Wang Ya's choice today is naturally to condense the true spirit with particle energy.

  Why is it so difficult to transform elements into life? Among the ten elemental wizards, not one of them can achieve it. Now Wang Ya can understand it.

  It has a lot to do with True Spirit. It should be said that True Spirit chooses particle energy, which is of great help in turning energy into life.

  Do you want to choose to concentrate in the energy of the annihilation particles? Wang Ya's black eyes showed a rare hesitation.

  If you are a dream wizard, it is appropriate to choose to condense the true spirit in the spirit, the heart, and the soul. Of course, the highest priority is naturally the spirit.

  The source of dream power is spiritual power.

  "How should I choose? Teacher, if you are here, can you give me a hint?"

  Wang Ya's eyes flickered, and then he closed his eyes. The aura on his body began to calm down, and it was no longer so strong that the outside world could feel it. A steady stream of biological energy, natural particle energy, fire element particle energy, and the power of nightmare-killing dreams are all injected into his physical body.

  The ancient yellow trees have become extremely huge. Their roots are rooted in the ground, and each root is like a giant snake, winding and circling. The contrast between the surrounding maple trees is like the contrast between a giant and a child. They are slightly tilted towards the giant dream tree in the middle, as if they are bending down to worship it.

  Branches and leaves are swaying in the breeze, and there are swishing sounds among the trees. Xinmeng Lake is covered with yellow maple leaves. Some scenes reflect a figure in a yellow wizard robe. Wizard Kelan is teaching another black wizard robe. figure.

  Lusen rubbed his long green hair, his appearance and figure gradually matured. Time can take away some things, but it can also bring some things. Such as childish thoughts and mature psychology.

  "Teacher, when can I leave Xinmeng Lake? I really want to see my brother and tell him this happy event." Lu Sen's watery eyes blinked, with a helpless smile on his lips, "In the black and white bubbles The reincarnation is too terrifying. I can actually dream that my brother has become my enemy. This is really..." "

  Then have you defeated him?" Wizard Kelan was also a little curious.

  This time it was Lusen's turn to be silent. He rarely answered Wizard Kelan's question. He just smiled sweetly and smoothed the hair beside his forehead.

  "Then you didn't win."

  "If you can't beat me, how can you beat my brother?" Lusen's voice was small, as if he was distracted.

  Wizard Kelan shook his head and said: "The reincarnation in the black and white bubble is based on your thoughts and dreams. If you can escape from the black and white bubble, you have proven your potential and your wizard's heart." "

  No. You must think that your brother is invincible. If you have the slightest fighting spirit in your heart, the thought of defeating Wang Ya will not be the result you said." "But my brother is really powerful,

  very strong! " Lusen rubbed her somewhat stiff cheeks. She had been lying inside the tree of the Dream Tree for who knows how long. The reincarnation process in the black and white foam was very real, almost indistinguishable from reality.

  I don't know if it's her brother's bad taste. The last part of the reincarnation process that she wants to escape from the black and white bubble is to face her brother as her enemy and defeat him.

  There is no doubt that she failed again and again, and never defeated Wang Ya. If some special things hadn't happened, she might not have been able to break away from the black and white bubble.

  She looked in one direction from the corner of her eye, and seemed to see Wang Ya's location through the gap between the dream world and the real world.

  The special induction originating from the depths of her bloodline soul allowed her to wake up from reincarnation. She did not tell Wizard Kolan about this.

  If it is true, there is a high probability that he will still be unable to leave Happy Dream Lake, and will have to lie in the tree hole and accept the black and white reincarnation. Of course, Green Forest can understand his brother's good intentions, but the wizard's heart is really too difficult. Well, there is a high probability that she will never be able to escape her brother's shadow for the rest of her life.

  Lu Sen suddenly turned his head and said to the back, "Sister Su'er, do you think my brother is very strong, right?" On the edge of Xinmeng

  Island, there were figures in black robes and hoods near the lake. The body is in a looming state, and there are no legs under its feet, so it is moving in an erratic manner. The aura of soul consciousness is very apparent, and the power of nightmare-destroying dreams is injected into these hooded figures from every corner of the world.

  There are about ten people in black robes and hoods. Their faces cannot be seen clearly. There is a layer of faint ripples of light and shadow. They also have their heads lowered. The hood covers one of the tall figures at this moment. After hearing Lusen’s call, , subconsciously raised his head, revealing a face that was still beautiful even in the ripples of light and shadow, with long fiery red hair falling down on his chest.

  He just raised it for a moment, his face and features were confused and at a loss, as if he had lost a lot of memories and had not established a thinking circuit. She lowered her head and followed the other black hooded figures, wandering back and forth on the shore without any pattern, like a zombie.

  If wizards who are eager to conquer the outside world can enter this place, they will find that these black-robed and hooded figures are wizards they were once familiar with, and they have all eaten banquets hosted by nightmare wizards. These people were all wizards who Wang Ya did not have time to take away when he escaped, and who did not choose to take sides, but were killed in a series of battles between the dark wizard, the natural wizard, and Andersen.

  They are resurrected, but they don't seem to be fully resurrected. Once word spreads, it will cause an uproar in the Dark Land.

  "It's been ten days and ten nights. It's incredible. Has the breakthrough process of a Level 2 Starry Wizard lasted for so long in history?" "Compared to the

  initial powerful aura, the current Nightmare Wizard's aura has become smaller and smaller. If you don't The vitality is still there, I even thought, "

  I have a hunch that the Nightmare Wizard may bring about some unexpected and shocking changes."

  A group of formal wizards and apprentice wizards were discussing individually, their voices were very low, and more Use mental power to convey information to each other and maintain the most basic silence. However, the look towards the Zhan Zhan Tower was filled with anticipation and expectation.

  "The Qi is different, this is..." A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the Ghost Wizard, and she stood up straight, staring at the Conquest Tower. She said in shock: "This Qi is increasing at an extremely astonishing speed. Okay. Quick, don’t tell me.”

  (End of chapter)

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