Chapter 374 [374] Five years of complementary analysis of the characteristics of the Black King in the three stages of Nightmare Mark!

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  Chapter 374 [374] Five years of complementary analysis of the characteristics of the Black King in the three stages of Nightmare Mark!

  His palm touched the yellow-robed figure and passed directly through it. Wang Ya himself also overlapped with the yellow-robed figure. Like scattered yellow light, he disappeared, as if he had never appeared. Wang Ya looked at the center of Xinmeng Island, the huge dream tree, and in a trance, the figure and face belonging to the dream wizard appeared again. On top of the tree.

  The Fantasy Tower stands tall and majestic like a sea-fixing needle standing on this land. The halo of the witch array flashes at the top, radiating throughout the Maple Leaf Forest, and allows beings with authority to teleport at will through the power of the witch array.

  "The memories in the mind can recall the traces of the dream wizard's existence in Maple Leaf Forest." The

  extraordinary mental power at the illusory level can distort and affect reality. Wang Ya's power has become stronger. The effect of the legendary series of potions he takes will reach its end at the moment of taking it, and the changing effects will last for a long time in a subtle way.

  He was almost reaching the end of the official wizard, the limit area.

  [Target: Wang Ya Halak]

  [Strength: Level 1 Official Wizard (Legendary Road)]

  [Current Mental Power: 94
  [Current Physique: 96
  ] [Special Talents: Ancestral Dragon Bone, Spiritual Dragon Tendon, Long White Spine, Poor Breathing Lung , Tianyuan Heart]

  [Particle Energy: 320]

  [Dream Power: 280
  [Number of Fission Fire Cores: 180]

  [Virtual Reality Nightmare Destruction Meditation Method: (9/36)]

  [Current Active Neurons: 42]

  [Current Elemental Life Transformation :8.3]

  It almost only takes a few more doses of the legendary blood potion to increase the mental and physical values ​​to the limit of one hundred.

  To break this limit and make one's own life level jump up again, only one dose of the legendary heart potion that requires subsequent advancement is enough.

  There were three Legendary Heart potions in the Zhanzhan treasury at the beginning. In order to quickly improve his strength and reduce the time-consuming process of accumulating knowledge, Wang Ya took them directly.

  Now that I think about it, I have some regrets after all.

  But it doesn't matter much. Next, you only need to find a new world through the World Altar, and find a way to plant the Dream Seed anchor point, and then you can directly invade that world through the characteristics of the Dream World.

  The battle fortress absorbs the energy of the earth's veins. If the indigenous races have value, they are put into the slave area for periodic breeding. If they have no value, they are directly devoured and digested. Bioenergy is also energy. Many wizards collect and obtain the contents of the fruits of civilization. He digs a hole in the world and brings The core of the world in the center of the earth's core was dug out together with the embryo of the world to refine the legendary series of potions.

  If there is an extraordinary world, that would be even better. Maybe it has the qualifications to produce special extraordinary substances, which can also have a certain effect on wizards, or it may have trade value.

  Make the best use of everything and don’t waste a penny.

  There may be cruelty and cruelty, but this is the essence of the entire outer space. The law of the jungle among civilizations, the absolute dark forest, is different from the massive civilizations in the wizarding civilization universe. It is maintained by a network, which is orderly, upward, and overall. Continuously defending the legend of wizards and civilization itself is improving the foundation of wizards.

  Even the human civilization in the previous life that had not left the planet, America, which was known as an outstanding person, also slaughtered a large number of natives in the New World and occupied resources and territory.

  Under the Dream Tree, there was a figure in a yellow robe, her hair reaching her knees. She turned her back to Wang Ya and stroked the tree with her palms.

  Turning around, a pair of light yellow pupils reflected Wang Ya's figure. The changes in Wizard Kelan are getting bigger and bigger, and Wang Ya can already see that she has reached a symbiosis with the Dream Tree at this moment, even to the point where life and death are equal.

  The aura of strength is almost the same, very powerful, almost leaving the apprentice wizard level and reaching the essence of a formal wizard.

  Wang Ya narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he could see the inner core through the tree body of the Dream Tree; the core of the dream belonging to the Dream Wizard must grow back to round out the whole, leaving the last missing corner that has not been filled in. However, It's not far away, the moment it is completed, it will be the Tree of Dreams, and it will also be the moment when Wizard Kolan is promoted to an official wizard.

  "Junior brother, thank you for your hard work. You spent so much effort to help me. In fact, you don't have to do this. Staying next to the Dream Tree to welcome the teacher's return is what I want and want." Wizard Kelan's yellow With a bit of complexity in his eyes, he sighed and said: "I can detect the changes in the Dream Tree, your pure dream power, and even the core of the dream in the Dream Territory, which echoes in the Dream Tree. Resonating with each other, this will add a new burden to you." "

  The influence is mutual. I am just verifying what I think in my heart, and at the same time testing the potential of the bubble world. I paid a price and gained something. ."

  Wang Ya raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, "I believe it can also speed up the growth of the Dream Tree, and at the same time allow the senior sister to be promoted to an official wizard faster. Now that the land of darkness is gone, we can only rely on ourselves to obtain what we need. Everything, whether it is resources or knowledge. More power means more opportunities." "

  The potential of the bubble world has been verified, absorbing some characteristics and potential of the Dream Forest, and blessing it on the bubble world, my dream The territory has been expanded in all aspects."

  Wang Ya did not lie, this is a fact, otherwise he would not waste such a long time to do this, the most important thing is that even the Dream Tower has been moved in.

  [Target: Fission Dream Core]

  [Current Stage: Mature Stage (7%)]

  [Range: 50,000 meters]

  [Dream-Destroying Power: 380 (60 can be produced daily)]

  [Special Ability: Core World (Second-level ecological cycle balance), fission defense field, fission ley network (the power of nightmare destruction can be used to perform Burning Silence inheritance series witchcraft and nightmare inheritance series witchcraft)] Permissions are given to the Seal of

  Nightmare , you can use related witchcraft supported by the three powers of fire element particle energy, burning particle energy, and nightmare particle energy.

  It represents the changes in power and magic that Wang Ya has come along the way.

  This is also divided into three levels of the Seal of Nightmare. The third level of the last one can also consume the power of Nightmare Death, distort and affect reality, and achieve perfect resurrection through the split soul consciousness stored in the core of Nightmare Death. Perfect resurrection means being able to restore one's strength to its previous peak level in a short period of time without any hidden dangers.

  The price Wang Ya had to pay was the consumption of the power of Nightmare Destroyer.

  In addition, when supplying the bearers of the Seal of Nightmare and using the power of the related fission leyline network, the conversion process is also a big trouble. If it is in a bubble world, there is naturally not much conversion consumption, and it can be almost cost-free.

  But if it is supplied to the real world, different worlds will have conversion output consumption. Based on the characteristics of the dream world, as long as there is life, the bearer of the Nightmare Seal can be connected to the bubble world by induction, and Wang Ya can bring him back at any time and provide strength support as long as he wants.

  Conversion output consumption is unavoidable, but can be optimized. The existence of the Black King emerged in Wang Ya's mind. When he created the Black King, he also had some thoughts in this regard. If some of the characteristics and essence of the Black King are integrated into the bubble world itself, the potential of the bubble world can be enhanced. It is even an important part for Wang Ya to recover costs and earn profits.

  There is contamination in the power of the mind, the power of faith, which is poisonous to wizards. Cheap power is easy to absorb and obtain, and it affects one's own essential existence, which is extremely bad for the future of the wizard's path.

  The Black King is a relay that can convert the power of spiritual belief. There is a conversion output loss, but if it is combined with the bubble world and has complementary potential, this output loss will become very small.

  At that time, who could be sure that the Black King could only transform the power of spiritual belief, but could not transform the true essence and immortal power of the fairyland civilization system; the merits and magic power of the prehistoric legendary civilization; the material origin of the evil god of Cthulhu legendary civilization; With the divine power of the legendary civilization and the godhead, everything is possible. Wang Ya has confidence in this. With the assistance of the Eye of Truth, if he spends some energy to overcome it, it is only a matter of time before the trouble of output conversion consumption is solved.

  "I understand, junior brother, don't worry, I will not betray your trust." Wizard Kelan's voice was very gentle, her temperament was ethereal, and it was consistent with the entire Maple Leaf Forest. She patted her gently. The Tree of Dreams has a gap in its body. "Teacher seems to like this little guy very much, but you are a little too harsh. This little guy hasn't woken up from the black and white dream yet, and he is still experiencing it again and again." The test of memory reincarnation."

  "When she woke up, she found that the dark place was gone, and all the familiar faces were dead and gone. She didn't know how she should feel." Wizard Kelan said in a tone. She lamented that she had already learned everything from Wang Ya.

  "I hope this little guy can withstand the blow."

  Wang Ya looked at the green girl lying in the tree hole, the tree roots entangled to form a big bed, her fair face covered with a black and white halo, her brows furrowed, It seemed like he was trapped in some kind of nightmare.

  His expression was calm and he said calmly, "This is her luck. There are too many people who dream of having such an opportunity. They only need to sleep for a while to survive such a horror. There are also too many People don't have such an opportunity to survive and welcome the new world after just one night's sleep."

  Wizard Kelan was stunned for a moment, looking at Wang Ya's erect and exquisite facial features, and his black eyes were full of experience. The precipitation and vicissitudes of life, the expression of neither joy nor sorrow, it seems that nothing can make it move anymore.

  She, Wang Ya, saw the shadows of too many people, including the Shadow Wizard, the Bone Wizard, the Fantasy Teacher, the Rhine Wizard, and even the Dark Wizard. However, in the end, they all converged into the shadow of the Nightmare Wizard, including surpassed them all, and surpassed them all.

  "Senior sister, please let Lusen stay with you. Please teach her. When she meets your standards, let her leave the Maple Leaf Forest." Wizard Kelan said with a faint smile

  . Then this time will probably take a long time. It seems that the child's wizard's heart is not very strong. It will take a lot of time to pass the black and white dream." "The black and white dream you set up

  , The requirements for the wizard's heart are not simple."

  Wang Ya was silent for a moment, then continued: "It's just a very basic standard. If you can't even achieve the wizard's heart that is comparable to the direct members of the ten major families, .I believe she has this potential. After all, she is my sister, Wang Ya."

  In addition to these three places in the core area, the bubble world is an outer area, an inner area divided like the Wizard Continent, including Some of the more important resource areas and buildings. For example, the breeding factory 'Zoo' that breeds dream animals; the breeding factory 'Flower Field'/'Garden' that breeds dream plants; the planting fields 'Rice Field'/'Farmland' that are dream crop resources; and the 'Bubble River' that is a circulation balancing river for aquatic products. ; As a restaurant 'Gourmet Restaurant' that studies the functions and eating methods of dream products; as an upper house of Nightmare Wizard Academy for apprentice wizards to further their studies. Every once in a while, a formal wizard will exist to stay and teach the remaining apprentice wizards. seed.

  There is an upper chamber of Nightmare Wizard Academy, and naturally there is also a lower chamber. The reference is to the upper and lower chambers of the Dark Land in reality. It also has some meaning of commemoration and remembrance. Everything in the past still exists in the memories of the survivors.

  The lower courtyard is where all apprentice wizards currently stay. They need to pass the assessment before they can enter the upper courtyard for further study. The daily place they stay is still the lower courtyard in the outer area, and the corresponding accommodation buildings have also been built. Including the residences of many official wizards, they are also in the outer area, even closer to the border of the bubble world. The wizard towers built by consuming the power of Nightmare Destroyer are more like watchtowers, watching the black and white in the center. Giant trees.

  The closer you get to the border, the more dangerous it is to defend against attacks from the outside world. Although the existence of the evil god Gendas is intimidating and deterring, it is almost impossible for such things to happen.

  If you have enough energy in the battle fortress and can freely use regular rune spells, you can even directly enter the bubble world, eliminating hidden dangers around you.

  In that way, the development of the bubble world will no longer be subject to any constraints.

  Some necessary buildings have also been built in the outer area, which are probably connected to some buildings in the Dark Land.

  If it corresponds to the real world, the bubble world can almost be regarded as a small wizarding force, with all the internal organs, lacking nothing, but lacking everything.

  Changing so many patterns within the bubble world, and adding so many extraordinary beings, also added a lot of burden to Wang Ya.

  Of course, it is impossible for Wang Ya to waste the power of Nightmare Destroyer used to expand his bubble world in vain. All official wizards have left their soul-divided consciousness in the core of Nightmare Destroyer and accepted the third-level Nightmare Mark. The Ultimate Sorcerer Apprentice is a Level 2 Nightmare Mark. The rest are all level one. If you want to change in the future, in addition to reaching your strength, you also need to meet some assessment standards.

  Wang Ya is still setting up the permissions of different nightmare marks. Everything is in the early stages. Wang Ya still needs to further improve the platform of the fission leyline network.

  Wizards with nightmare marks need to provide part of their extraordinary spiritual power and inject it into the core of the nightmare to maintain the original expansion speed of the bubble world.

  [Goal: 'Black King' integrates into the bubble world and analyzes complementary characteristics.

  【Purpose: To complete the complementary characteristics of the fission leyline network, so that it can absorb the extraordinary power of different systems, make up for the core of the nightmare, speed up the expansion process of the bubble world and reduce the energy consumption of the output conversion of the leyline network, and speed up Wang Ya's own dream wizard path Strength improvement, and then rely on the characteristics of the virtual and real nightmare meditation method to accelerate the improvement of all-round strength values. ]

  [Computing power used: Dual (2/5)]

  [Estimated analysis time: 5 years]

  This time is still within Wang Ya's expectations. The more multiples used in computing power, the analysis time will be further shortened. Wang Ya also has another analysis plan for the remaining three levels of computing power, which is related to the further improvement of the Eye of Truth and the continued promotion of the Nightmare Mirror, as a reflection of Wang Ya's future path as a second-level star wizard.

  If some defects are discovered through the Nightmare Mirror, they can be made up for in time.

  At the same time, on the other side.
  (End of chapter)

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