Chapter 363 [363] The Dark Change of Gunas Controls Nature

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  Chapter 363 [363] The Dark Change of Gunas controls nature.
  He is tall, with long green hair fluttering in the wind. Green colors cover the sky, and the breath of natural wind surges and gathers around him, seeming to be celebrating. His coming.

  He is the contemporary nature wizard 'Gunas'.

  Everyone's eyes were fixed on him and could not move away. At this moment, he was the center of the world. The shield ripples formed by the giant witch formation shattered in an instant, and many witch formations under the earth's veins also shattered and burned.

  Along with them came a series of figures of wizards belonging to the natural ring tower, Diana, Gray, and royal wizards. They emerged from the green canopy of the sky, their bodies shining with the light of particle energy shields, and their faces were excited.

  "Everyone, those who surrender will not die." The natural wizard said calmly, echoing in the ears of all wizards in the department, including formal wizards and apprentice wizards.

  "From today onwards, the Dark Land will be merged into the Natural Ring Tower. Do you have any objections? If you have any objections, you can come forward." The

  Natural Wizard has considered many aspects. Among the elite wizards in the land of mountains and seas, there are only two major wizards left. After gaining power, all other wizards were killed.

  If you want to be promoted to the inner circle, you cannot rely on him alone. Even if you break away from the shackles of the outer circle and gain a foothold in the inner circle, your foundation will be empty for a long time. It is important to have a solid foundation. The best way.

  The wizards in the Natural Ring Tower frowned, but they did not dare to oppose a Huiyue Wizard.

  However, the twinkling eyes clearly contained unwillingness and hatred for each other.

  "So, everyone in the Dark Land, what is your choice?" The natural wizard put his hands on his back and looked down at the entire Dark Land headquarters, with a vague expression on his indifferent expression. The aura of a natural wizard filled the entire headquarters, and everyone felt a sense of terror, as if they would die if they made any abnormal move.

  This feeling is extremely strong, and the gap in the essence of life is so great that the people present are facing the world, and even facing the vastness of the will of the wizarding world.

  The more powerful the wizard, the more he feels this way.

  Polaris's pupils shrank, and the Bone Wizard who was facing him also had a look of horror on his face. The two of them glanced at each other, and an answer appeared in their hearts.

  Moon Wizard!

  Definitely the Wizard of the Moon! !

  I don’t know what kind of methods the contemporary natural wizards used, but they actually advanced to the third level.

  That kind of powerful force that puts everything under its own control and changes and distorts reality at will cannot be faked.

  There is also the way the natural wizard appears. He has only experienced the battlefield of the power battle between two star wizards. In the space layer, the particle energy tide has long been disordered. It can smooth out all the chaos in an instant and open a path to come here. The space node road can only be achieved by the third-level Huiyue Wizard.

  Crossing such a long distance within the Land of Darkness, he appeared directly at the headquarters. The official wizards of the Dark Land who were present were stirred up in their hearts. The situation happened so suddenly that they could not calm down for a while.

  Subconsciously, he looked in the direction of the nightmare wizard.

  The dark wizard is dead and killed by him. Of course, he has become the strongest person in the dark land and has the authority to lead the decision-making.

  Polar Star groped the palm of his hand, feeling uneasy in his heart, and the Netherworld Sword was also throbbing. The pressure from the natural wizard, Huiyue Wizard, corresponded to the third-level sublimation witchcraft level, but even if the Netherworld Sword exploded with all its strength, it was unlikely to defeat a Hui. The Moon Wizard can only make the other party feel in trouble at most.

  A tool versus a real person. Especially when this tool is in the hands of a three-year-old child, it is very difficult to pick it up.

  Nightmare Wizard, what choice will you make? North Star's eyes just intersected with Wang Ya's for a moment.

  Polaris didn't feel much about the death of the dark wizard. Her teacher was always the dark wizard. The dark wizard was too strange and too mysterious.

  If we were to compare familiarity, she was even more familiar with Wang Ya.

  Under his cuffs, he held the Sunlight Lamp a little harder, Wang Ya's face was expressionless. He has exited the basic state of fusion atoms, and the active particle energy and physical body have superimposed and merged to form a complete Wang Ya.

  "Nightmare Wizard, what are your choices?" Natural Wizard Gunas looked over.

  At this moment, Wang Ya seemed to feel that the entire sky was oppressing him, and every cell and flesh in his body was trembling.

  The gap is very obvious. His life level is far different from that of the natural wizard at this moment.

  Wang Ya did not answer, but silently lifted the lit golden oil lamp from his cuffs. The lamp oil inside was almost overflowing, and the golden flame was condensed like never before. A touch of warmth covered the surroundings, which also dissipated the influence from the natural wizard, giving Wang Ya an extra area under his control.

  There was no joy or sadness on the face of the natural wizard, and the indifference in his eyes became more and more serious.

  His goal has been achieved. Since there is a leading bird standing up, he will decisively kill the strongest leading bird.

  As for other official wizards, he has many control methods to make them obey. '

  Just like the restrictions and control methods imposed on the wizards of the Heart of Machinery.

  "Is this light what you rely on? The third-level sublimation witchcraft is indeed powerful, but can you exert its true power? Or how many times can you use it?" The natural wizard slowly released his hands on his back and raised his right hand. , the cuffs slipped down, revealing the fair skin of the wrists. His frame is very thick, and his palms are also very large. The palm prints are clearly visible, and he is full of the wizard's aesthetic perfection.

  Wang Ya felt hairy in his heart, and the fear of death shrouded his heart. He squeezed the sun lamp harder, and the golden flame expanded suddenly, and the light spread, making people feel as if the sun had descended into the human world.

  With a little confidence brought by the spread of warmth, Wang Ya has mastered the third stage of the power of the Sunlight Lamp and can deal with the Bright Moon Wizard.

  But he did not take action immediately. Instead, he let the golden flames cover the surrounding area of ​​1,000 meters, forming a vast area of ​​​​fire. The large golden fire protected him layer by layer, as if forming a giant fire suit.

  Such a defensive force may not be able to withstand the attack of Huiyue Wizard, but it can at least buy Wang Ya time to use the third stage of power.

  He is waiting, waiting for an opportunity.

  The natural wizard's expression suddenly changed drastically, and he lost his previous indifference. He was just about to hold the hand, and waved it behind him with his backhand.

  The terrifying force directly shattered the space in the 10,000-meter area, far exceeding the limit that Wang Ya's [Tian Yuan Strike] could reach. A huge crack appeared in the airspace, and a black storm surged out from it. The earth trembled, and the buildings layer upon layer The collapse and the aftermath alone caused the death of at least dozens of apprentice wizards. This was like a fuse, causing apprentice wizards to stay away as if risking their lives. Many official wizards also noticed something in advance and turned into streams of light to escape and stop at a farther distance. It's not that they don't want to escape further, but a sense of crisis lingers in their hearts, as if they will die violently if they leave a certain range.

  Apprentice wizards have far less restrictions than they do.

  They've been targeted.

  The figures of many wizards in the natural ring tower also turned into streams of light and moved away, leaving the battlefield area empty.

  The Deadwood Wizard controls the energy of deadwood particles and can sense nature. She is also the only official wizard who does not suffer too much oppression.

  Through the natural wizard's Qi machine, he could barely sense some of what was happening inside the battlefield.

  With excitement on her face, she said in surprise: "The dark wizard is not dead yet. He is still alive and has become more powerful." "It's so scary. It

  actually gave me the same feeling as facing a natural wizard."

  Everyone had the same look on their faces . There was a look of shock, they also sensed the crisis and left instinctively.

  Looking up at the vacated battlefield, the dark light squeezed out half of the green sky. With such fast speed and strong momentum, the powerful energy belonging to the dark wizard was blooming. He emerged from the darkness. A huge figure condensed in the light, and the whole body was constructed by incredible soul power. It even directly distorted and affected reality, artificially creating a physical body out of thin air.

  The long black hair was fluttering in the wind. The dark wizard was wrapped in a robe and walked out step by step in the dark light. A faint smile appeared on his face, "I had a hunch very early, Gunas, you will be the greatest love in my life." Opponent."

  "It seems that you have successfully accumulated the flesh, blood and life energy through the mountain and sea wars, thus breaking through the third level of Huiyue. Although the breakthrough time was beyond my expectation and much faster, it is still under my control. Among them."

  The words of the dark wizard directly made the natural wizard's face become gloomy, and there was still a bit of surprise in his eyes, but he did not show his weakness rashly, he was still extremely tough, and the airspace covered by his own biopower field was thousands of Particle energy is constantly pouring in, fighting against the equally cold and strange dark light.

  Wang Ya's pupils shrank, and the golden fire clothes in the surrounding kilometer area shrank to about 500 meters under the pressure of the two Huiyue wizards.

  It's not that he doesn't want to leave, but it's that he has been locked by the Qi machines of the two Huiyue wizards. As long as there is any change, he will be attacked by both parties at the same time.

  The opposite is also true. Although his biological force field is weak in comparison, with the blessing of the Sun Fire Clothes, it is like a steel nail, forcefully inserted between the two biological force fields.

  If there is any change on one side, he can also take the opportunity to take action and use the Lamp of the Sun to launch a powerful offensive.

  No matter what, he had intervened in the battle between the two Huiyue wizards, and indirectly became the last weight in the balance.

  No wonder the dark wizard's skin is extremely white, like a newborn baby whose skin has just grown. It turns out that it was condensed with powerful soul power.

  Wang Ya was relieved of his doubts and confirmed his guess.

  The Dark Wizard indeed has a big secret, and he has broken through to the level of a third-level wizard. It should be related to the hidden third person, and his existence is secretly observed in the Garden of Fantasy.

  The person he fought with just now may have been a dark wizard created by the injection of part of his soul power. He has all the strength of a dark wizard at the star wizard level.

  The methods of the third-level Huiyue wizard are so mysterious. Under the legendary civilization of the fairyland, he is already a heavenly existence. He has the ability to move mountains and seas, distort reality on a large scale, and change matter. Even if it is not permanently realized, as long as it is exerted on The energy of the particles is enough. For mortals and ordinary wizards, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years are no different from eternity.

  It's like turning stone into gold! !
  He indeed relied on his own strength to defeat the weak and achieve the feat of some legendary wizards in the legendary era, killing a star wizard.

  What appears now is the dark wizard who has advanced to the third level.

  Even if he controls the Sunlight Lamp and can exert his third-level power, Wang Ya has no confidence that he can defeat a third-level wizard. Unless you master the overload power of the Sunlight Lamp.

  As for the final resort, he can only choose one target, but it seems that the two Huiyue wizards are both his enemies and have clear grudges.

  Suddenly, Wang Ya noticed something was wrong, and his eyes stared at the dark wizard vaguely, with white arcs dancing in his pupils.

  The power of the Eye of Truth is taking effect, analyzing the dark wizard himself.

  What was wrong was the feeling the dark wizard gave him. His keen perception is unmistakable. The dark wizard has changed, and there is a sense of strangeness that he has never had before. Although it is only a trace, it can still become a surprising part of Wang Ya.

  [Tip: The scan analysis results are as follows: The target's soul power is extremely powerful and cannot be accurately calculated. It is larger than the Nightmare Wizard and the Ghost Wizard. Using the unit of measurement 'Red Frost Wizard' as a comparison, the target is currently estimated to have three Ten thousand units of soul power. Based on database comparison, it is judged that the Dark Wizard is at the level of the Moon Wizard. ]

  [Tips: The target's physical state is weak, and the particle energy is based on strong soul power. Spiritual power is part of the soul power, and is exerted through the distortion of the illusory level of power to affect reality.

  Wang Ya was a little frightened. He did not expect that the soul power of the dark wizard could be comparable to the cumulative total of 30,000 red frost wizards.

  The numerical value may be a bit exaggerated, but if the quality of the soul power is added, the comparison is not exaggerated.

  Strong soul power can disperse, reduce quality, and increase capacity to compare with low-level soul power.

  However, it is difficult for the latter to improve the level of soul power through compression and accumulation.

  However, the words of the dark wizard made Wang Ya a little concerned, and his eyes subconsciously looked at the natural wizard.

  The latter's breakthrough seemed to be under the control and control of the dark wizard, or even intentional, controlled and guided.

  Wang Ya's pupils shrank, thinking of something, and a feeling of horror suddenly arose in his heart.

  He quickly applied the Eye of Truth to the natural wizard.

  I don't know the state of the natural wizard at this time.
  PS: It's a little late. The next chapter will be around 1:30, and the two updates will be 8,000.

  (End of chapter)

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