Chapter 326 [326] Quantum superposition state cannot be observed and cannot be affected

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  Chapter 326 [326] The quantum superposition state cannot be observed and cannot affect

  the shuttle between the real world and the dream world. Wang Ya is already familiar with it.

  The body is covered with a layer of faint white light, and the pure dream power covers the real body with a layer of dream state. This is a special ability that can only be possessed by dream wizards at the official wizard level.

  It is closely related to the transformation of the core of dreams.

  The essence of the dream wizard is to turn all illusions and dreams into real reality through the power of consciousness and spiritual power.

  Replacing the territory of the real world with the territory of dreams is only the first step in realizing this process.

  A more powerful dream wizard can use the power of pure dreams to distort more realities and realize dreams.

  As for the further methods, even the Dream Wizard was still studying them and Wang Ya was not told too much at the beginning.

  At present, Wang Ya only has some feelings and can vaguely see the direction of the future.

  Wang Ya thought for a while and felt that the Dream Wizard should have mastered a more powerful method for the follow-up to the realization of some dreams, otherwise there would be no chance of returning.

  When such a situation occurs in the Dream Forest, it is unknown whether the Dream Core was destroyed or was taken away by the Dream Wizard.

  The traces of time have never revealed the longer truth.

  Who is the unknown second-level Starry Wizard, and why he takes action against Teacher Huanmeng?

  Wang Ya's heart is cast with a shadow. This is always a hidden danger, and it also prevents him from going to Huanmeng Forest and using the remaining two Traces of time continue to show up in the past.

  The other party is definitely on guard, and may very well attack him directly.

  Even if he goes, he has to bring the Dark Light Wizard with him.

  Or, he has initially mastered the second stage of the power of the Lamp of the Sun.

  That is the power of the corresponding second-level Starry Wizard level, which can compete with it.

  To think more maliciously, the Netherlight Wizard actually knew the existence of the second-level wizard, and maybe everything was her performance.


  It was as if I had passed through some kind of barrier and entered another world.

  A dreamlike aura lingered, and the white radiance on his body reached an unprecedented intensity.

  The colorful foam pieces are suspended, isolating the sky, forming a strange scene of rainbow light falling. Even if you look up, you will not be affected by the pollution of the dream world itself.

  The transformation of the Bubble Land has further taken root in the dream world, and it is not far away from realizing Wang Ya's idea of ​​a permanent storage in the dream world.

  Standing in the center of the foaming land, my ears twitched. The sound of rushing water continued in a cycle, and the dream creatures living in the circulating river made low chirping sounds.

  The corner of his mouth raised a slight arc. Everything he was familiar with made him extremely happy. Even if there were changes, they were changes in the core of the dream deep in the earth.

  In his perception, the tentacles of many colorful trees located on the edge of the dream territory were intertwined with each other, forming an underground root network. The center of the root network was the existence of the core of the dream, which contained the entire bubble

  . The most powerful force on earth, while suppressing several black steel puppets obtained from the Deep Blue Secret Realm.

  Such rare materials are even rarer in today's wizarding world, and are almost extinct.

  The creation of the Nightmare Mirror did not consume all the black steel metal of the 100-meter statue. The subsequent promotion of the second-level sublimation witchcraft also required a large amount of black steel metal.

  A conservative estimate, coupled with the metal size of several black steel puppets, can at least support the promotion of Nightmare Mirror to the third level of sublimated witchcraft.

  Even if it may actually be worse, it probably won't be too different.

  The crisp and familiar chirping sound, the figure with black and white wings flying and hovering in the sky, transforming into a flying gryphon or a goshawk from time to time. The flying snake Harak is very happy. The land of foam is equivalent to its second home. There are many traces left here.

  As for the first home, the gray-black pupils looked down, and the figures in the pupils reflected the figure in black robes, crossing the river along the stone path and walking towards the huge building in the center.

  Colorful rays of light shine down from the sky and turn into a substantial rainbow, connecting the green forest area and the rice field cultivation area.

  The golden ant rice obtained from the Dream Wizard has been successfully placed in the rice field area after Wang Ya's many improvements, and its effect and appearance have been changed to a localized version.

  Maybe it shouldn't be called golden ant rice anymore. Looking at the rice swaying like flowers, the fruit is already the size of a fist, all the nutrients are in the fruit, and the branches appear to be crumbling.

  The most peculiar thing is that the surface of the fruit is dark in color and has weird spider-like hairs, and the tiny legs are densely arranged together.

  From a distance, you don't notice anything. If you look closer, you may be scared to death and faint if you are a timid mortal.

  The fruit is alive, still vibrating and breathing.

  This is the peculiarity of things in dreams, whether they are animals or plants, and even certain wonders of the natural environment contain special functions or unknown dangers.

  Wang Ya picked one and looked at it. The fruit was very sedimentary. After smelling it, it had a rose-like fragrance, and he gradually felt a sense of appetite in his heart.

  He did not suppress his inner desire, and blew some dust on the hair on the black fruit. His densely packed little feet were trembling, as if he felt his fate and was afraid.

  After one bite and chewing, the black juice explodes in the taste buds, creating an unprecedented sweetness and deliciousness.

  Wang Ya's eyes widened. Although he was cultivated very early, he has never completely adapted to localization and matured. Wang Ya used various means to graft, and after using the Eye of Truth to analyze the essence , and then got examples of successful cultivation.

  A look of satisfaction appeared on Wang Ya's face. The taste alone was much better than the golden ant rice.

  In terms of improvement, there are more physical values. As for the improvement of mental values, it is relatively weak and cannot compare with the original golden ant rice effect.

  Switching from the stone path to the warm stone path, the three-way intersection leads to the place on the left that originally cultivated dream creatures such as Garuru Leopards, which can be regarded as animal resources.

  The right side leads to the flower garden, which contains a large number of dream magic plants, which are plant resources and also have many different effects.

  Some dream plants even have the flesh and blood of animals, and can pull their roots out of the ground and run around.

  Of course, there were no animals or plants in the flower beds and biological cultivation areas at this time, and Wang Ya had moved them all to the actual three-story space.

  After Wang Ya's initial creation, it has become the second bubble place together with the Bubble Land, infected by the power of pure dreams.

  However, at best, it can only maintain the existence of those animals and plants, and the basic supply of energy and nutrients, which consumes Wang Ya's own extraordinary mental power and a fixed amount of pure dream power.

  If you want to continue to grow, you have to return to the dream world and continuously absorb the natural dream power of the dream world through the dream core to supply it.

  A huge colorful tree stands in the center with lush branches and leaves. Under the shadow formed, there are well-equipped buildings, including laboratories, living areas, and temporary dream biological treatment areas. The colors of the branches and leaves are different. The seven colors echo each other, it should be said that they are transforming each other, and there is a bright light, forming a ring-shaped ripple of light points.

  The core of the dream is under the huge colorful trees. No matter how many times he sees it, Wang Ya is always amazed by its breathtaking beauty.

  He stood under the colorful giant tree, his palms pressed against the tree, with a look of surprise on his face.


  Wang Ya clutched his chest. This touching feeling was very obvious, as if there was an extra heart deep in the earth.

  "This is the dream wizard at the official wizard level. The transformation process of the core of the dream is beyond my expectation. There seem to be more changes." Wang Ya

  cut off the connection with the huge tree and pure dream power Interaction is not the best moment.

  The huge tree is the external expression of the core of the underground dream. There is an alternative space inside the tree, which is also the location of the foam storage set up by Wang Ya.

  The strange lines vaguely appearing on the tree, and the wizard's words composed of colorful lights, are densely packed, constantly rising and falling, and arranged, and it seems that they can be combined into different wizard knowledge.

  It records Wang Ya's Book of Halak, whether it is the three chapters of Fenji's inheritance, or the nightmare inheritance, and the recipes for dream creatures are all on it. If there are talented wizards who come here to watch, they will be able to see what belongs to Wang. Asia’s path as a wizard, as well as his vision and ambition for the future.

  The idea of ​​merging two wizard paths and creating a new path of your own is extremely crazy.

  In terms of potential, it exceeds the inheritance of a third-level wizard.

  One day and one night passed, under the observation of the Eye of Truth, Wang Ya finally confirmed that the transformation of the core of the dream was complete. The thoughts go deep into the ground along with the spiritual perception. A large number of root veins are emitting white light, like energy transmission pipes, flashing in bursts. The huge dream heart is covered by a faint colorful light on the surface, but inside it is... It is pure white, spherical in shape, with many roots embedded in it. If you listen carefully, you can hear it breathing.

  As if returning to his own body, Wang Ya and the core of the dream became one, and there was a clear sense of gratitude in all areas of the dream territory.

  The powerful pure dream power spreads across every inch of Garo, and the parts that can be used are extremely amazing. If you completely give up maintaining the bubble land, you may be able to compete with the second-level star wizard in a short period of time.

  It is not impossible to even overpower the opponent and gain the upper hand.

  Of course, one of the costs to be endured is the shrinkage of the dream territory, as well as major problems in the foundation, and the serious core of the dream is broken.

  Soon, Wang Ya had an intuitive data understanding of the core of the dream in the bubble land.

  [Target: Dream Core]

  [Current Stage: Mature Stage (1%)]

  [Range: 35,000 meters]

  [Pure Dream Power: 865]

  [Tip: 50 Pure Dream Power can be generated every day force. ]

  [Special abilities: core world (level one ecological cycle balance), nightmare manipulation, level one defensive isolation field.

  The core of Wang Ya's dream has truly entered a mature stage.

  The so-called core world is equivalent to being outside the independent dream world and within the dream world, enjoying the support of the natural dream power. The internal world operates according to the rules of the dream territory itself and will not be assimilated by the dream world.

  Just like the deep blue secret world, it is its own sect. The will of the world is equal to Wang Ya's own will. Any outsiders will be under Wang Ya's eyes and have no way to hide.

  Just thinking about it, Wang Ya can infect it by consuming the pure dream power in the bubble world.

  There are many other methods, such as consuming pure dream power, creating things and facilities, and eliminating the existence of certain things and facilities. Everything is done as he pleases and is controlled by Wang Ya himself. In the territory of dreams, he is the absolute home field. .

  Even facing the second-level Starry Wizard, he had enough confidence to remain invincible.

  Of course, when it first enters the mature stage, the bubble world is still too small and can only satisfy the basic self-ecological balance and stability. Once there is too strong external influence, this fragile balance may be broken.

  The average dream wizard will go into seclusion at this time to stabilize his strength, and will not come out for at least ten years.

  Only when the self-ecological balance reaches a certain level can the Dream Territory continue to develop on its own with confidence.

  The power of nearly nine hundred pure dreams, Wang Ya estimated, was enough to complete the fission path transformation experiment.

  [Goal: Surgical transformation of the core wizard of the fission path dream]

  [Purpose: To complete the prerequisites for the fusion of the two wizard paths by replicating the nightmare mirror. ]

  [Scan analysis results: The estimated transformation success rate is 72%, and the estimated transformation time is one year.

  Just in time to catch up with the Dark Light Wizard to implement the wizard's combat deployment.

  It is too wasteful to use the last layer of computing power on this transformation surgery. Wang Ya himself has rich transformation experience, and his body is moving towards a deeper fission path transformation.

  It is expected that when he reaches the fourth level of wizard, he will complete the energy vitalization of his life existence.

  This is also the stage of the path that countless elemental wizards dream of, but they are afraid of the possibility of failure and often choose to give up.

  The fusion of the two wizard paths is also a way Wang Ya envisions to preserve his body.

  The path of the dream wizard represents the illusory level, and the path of the elemental wizard represents the level of reality.

  After becoming an energy life, the physical body is like clothes and can be changed at will. After Wang Ya merges the two paths, he can use the dream wizard to keep the physical body in an illusory level.

  The power of the dream wizard can turn illusion into reality.

  An idea about the theory of earth technology in the past life came to mind.

  If we follow this wizard's road plan, will we be able to form a quantum superposition of illusion and reality, evolving from unobservable to uninfluenceable?

  The physical body seems to disappear, but it still exists.

  It is essentially an energy life, but it can return to Wang Ya's body-based dream wizard's path of integrating soul and body.

  This idea path has great potential, and it has even achieved staged success, that is, the existence of the Nightmare Mirror.

  The power of nightmare is the result of the initial fusion of the two wizard paths and their mutual influence.

  No matter what, everything needs to be tried, and the 'Level 4 Wizard Breakthrough Preparation Plan' is the biggest wizard plan goal.

  The fusion fire core and fusion atomic state of the elemental wizard's path, and the more powerful stage of influence after the dream wizard's dream materializes, all correspond to the second-level wizard level.

  As one of the stages in the fourth-level wizard's breakthrough preparation plan, it must be completed.

  The transformation of the fission path gives birth to the power of destruction, which is a prerequisite for realizing the initial fusion.

  The extremely restrained black appears on Wang Ya's body, forming a sharp contrast with the pure white presented by the pure dream power.

  Harak fell from the sky, his wings shining brightly, with the same radiant state as Wang Ya at the moment, and they seemed to be resonating with each other.

  The internal balance of the bubble world has reached a self-circulation and no longer needs to be interfered by the dream world, unless the pure dream power to maintain the balance is insufficient.

  As the master of the bubble world, Wang Ya can still manage to partially animate the energy of Fenji particles and present part of its essence in the bubble world.

  The price is that the pure dream power of the entire bubble world is constantly being consumed.

  [Current Pure Dream Power: 840 Channels]

  Only a few minutes have passed, and twenty or thirty pure dream powers have been consumed. Wang Ya is still an ordinary dream wizard with the help of Harak's dream state blessing. It is simply impossible to display the particle energy of reality into the dream world. At best, you can only use powerful and extraordinary mental power to maintain your own real existence.

  If you cannot return to reality, the final result will be assimilation into the dream world.

  Of course, at that time, the particle energy in the body will also complete the dream state. Wang Ya really doesn't know what it will become. Maybe it will disappear, or it will become part of the pure dream power?

  The Dream Wizard seems to be extending and deepening in this direction. His formal wizard-level dream meditation method is created by studying dream creatures, reality itself, and the dreaming of particle energy in the body.

  As for the related witchcraft that can manifest reality in the dream world, Wang Ya has not seen the dream wizard take action, and he is not sure about this.

  As soon as he thought about it, he could formulate a branch of the wizard's plan, which mainly involves studying the results of dream-like particle energy.

  Maybe it will bring some unexpected surprises.

  [Reminder: The core of the dream was affected by the energy of Fenji particles, resulting in a mutation of unknown nature. The changes are very drastic, please be careful] Wang Ya frowned and focused on the trembling colorful giant

  tree, with his palms pressed against the tree. Above, the endless stream of burning particle energy manifests into the bubble world through the ability to materialize in dreams.

  The original white light that shrouded the tree began to be infected by the black light waves that came from the point where Wang Ya's palm came into contact. The speed was very fast, and soon infected most of the tree. Wang Ya spontaneously controlled it to slow down. To maintain the current state, one thing that needs to be paid attention to in any experimental transformation is the endurance of the transformation target.

  The core of the dream can withstand such intense fission path transformation. Wang Ya has the eye of truth and can observe and discover the situation in advance, infect part by part, and let the core of the dream adapt spontaneously first.

  This is bound to be a hard work and will take a lot of time.

  It seems that the infection is very fast, but it only affects the surface. The interior is still the essence of pure dream power. Even in the process of white blood cells killing foreign bacteria in a biological organism, the dream core instinctively resists this erosion. It will be even more difficult to continue the infection next.

  All of this was simply within Wang Ya's expectation.

  "One year, I hope I can make it in time."

  (End of chapter)

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