Chapter 274 [274] The unity of soul and body, the sublimation of spiritual achievements

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  Chapter 274 [274] The Unity of Spirit and Body, Sublimation of Spiritual Achievement.
  The piercing siren sounded along with the bright red light flashing in the corridor, and a complete commotion broke out within the entire Black Dragon Research Institute.

  The mechanical gates of the passages in various areas were all closed under authority control. Those armed personnel who noticed something strange were fully armed and rushed towards the area where the alarm was raised.

  But it was blocked by the heavy mechanical door, which was not a problem they could solve. The door is connected to the load-bearing wall and the entire building as a whole.

  If they are violently demolished, the building they are in will collapse directly.

  The district chiefs were also very helpless, standing in front of the mechanical gate, constantly using equipment to contact the Black Dragon main control center, trying to unlock the instructions through authority.

  Every attempt failed, and the only response was a cold sentence, "The authority has been locked, and it needs to be unlocked with the highest authority before the martial law can be touched and the closed door can be opened." "Damn it, what the hell is going on, the restricted

  area The super-powered people actually rioted. Are those supervisors just doing it for free? With super-powered shackles, how did those criminals escape from the solitary room?" A series of angry voices sounded, and the district chiefs and persons in charge

  , They could only watch as a small mechanical door contained a large number of defense forces inside the institute.

  "Only Dr. Black Dragon has the highest authority. The key is that this is a base-wide martial law. There are only two ways to block the door. Either go to the central control room, or give remote instructions through the highest authority." Dr. Black Dragon did not send any instructions. There are so

  many He has been staying in the research area for days, conducting in-depth research on super genes.

  The confinement area is adjacent to the research area.

  For a moment, many district chiefs and persons in charge had their eyes flickering, thinking about the inside story, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

  Boots stepped on the metal floor of the corridor, making a low sound, and the distant figure flew past quickly.

  Behind him was Mo Shilang, his whole body glowing with light. It was a special kind of light energy that could be generated by consuming physical energy. It could generate a certain high temperature and shape a substantial light object, and then control it.

  The light energy attached to the surface of the skin can also benefit the physical body and gain superhuman strength and speed.

  Mo Shilang stared at the back of the tall windbreaker in front of him, and remembered the words of Captain Bianyuan in his mind, 'Shilang, your super power has great potential, and is directly related to your will. If your will is strong enough, even It can explode to the extent of level four super power. '

  'We cannot afford the price of failure in this operation. If it succeeds, new humanity will have a bright future. If it fails, the entire Burial Team will die in the Black Dragon Research Institute. We must not fail.' "We must not fail

  !! "

  Mo Shilang's eyes were extremely determined, as if burning an invisible flame. The light energy surrounding his body became more powerful and solid, and even tended to develop into a substantial light armor.

  At the end of the corridor was a corner, and the sound of a large number of fast-moving footsteps could be heard. The shadows reflected in the light were also tall patrol officers holding weapons.

  Zian Yuan's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and fierce flames burned in his hands, converging into a huge fireball, then he closed his hands, compressed them, and threw them out violently.

  There was a violent banging sound, expanding light and heat, and broken metal fragments sputtering. This also represented the unfolding of the internal struggle within the Black Dragon Research Institute.

  Mo Shilang took a deep breath, and his whole body almost turned into a burly armored figure surrounded by light energy. His joints were covered with sharp light blades, and he rushed into the smoke and dust that had not completely dispersed.

  "Military Lord, look, the signal is activated, next to the black light pillar."

  The members of the Super Revolutionary Army in the outer area, sharp-eyed superpowers, pointed to the faint light spot next to the black light pillar in the distance. It's almost extinguished, but it's there.

  The black light beam seems to be absorbing light. If you don't pay attention, it is really possible to ignore the light signal.

  "This ghost place is really disgusting. There is gray and white everywhere. You can't even see clearly these troublesome white light waves." A burly man, at least about two meters tall, with bulging muscles and red skin. His upper body was wrapped with a large number of iron chains, and he was also carrying a huge hammer on his back.

  His name is Johnny, and he is considered a figure in the super-powerful revolutionary army. He has his own reputation and is very powerful. He is known as the 'Absolute Physical Destroyer'.

  Because the body is too large, when passing through green vegetation areas, it inevitably comes into contact with thorn trees, causing it to become disgraced.

  Li Shunsheng felt a little uneasy for no reason, and turned to ask several psychics, "Have you contacted the psychics from the Burial Team? How is the situation inside the Black Dragon Research Institute?" "Commander, we have been in contact

  . They are all there, but they are very weak and intermittent. We are also very puzzled, as if there are some external factors affecting it." "

  The member of the burial team named Bai Xue is in the main control room of the research institute, working with the internal staff. Adjust the main control settings and close the doors to other areas, leaving only the confinement area and the research area unimpeded."

  It should be caused by the environment, the white light waves are too weird, and any firepower and external attacks cannot affect the internal environment.

  But now is not the time to dwell on this weird environment.

  "This is the best opportunity to quickly enter the core area, break into the institute through the remaining passages, control the situation and save people." Li Shunsheng's words were very brief, but he clearly arranged what the respective personnel had to do. Clearly.

  "We don't have much time. In half an hour at most, we must evacuate from the inside of the research institute through the safe passage we have opened."

  Li Shunsheng stared at the black energy beam that penetrated the thick dark clouds in the sky, and felt in his heart The uneasiness suppressed, hoping that it was just his illusion.

  With so many members of the super-powered revolutionary army acting together, plus the large number of super-powered people within the institute, even a major power must weigh this force and not dare to take action easily.

  The leader of the Blood Killing Army is famous all over the world. He has fought against level five natural disasters without winning or losing.

  Even if a level 5 natural disaster really comes, we may not lose the battle.

  The only thing we fear is the technological power of the big powers.

  The top technological weapons can destroy a city in an instant, and even with continuous strikes, all humans around the world will be completely wiped out.

  Tick ​​tock!

  The rotten smell permeated the air, making people sick, but black liquid dripped from the pouring test tube, which was very viscous, like some kind of glue.

  In fact, it is alive and has its own operation. The black viscous liquid is constructed from a large number of Halak phages and can give people extraordinary power and new possibilities for physical transformation.

  Everything has a price.

  As for the cost, it is also very simple. Strong willpower, persistence in the various extreme feelings and consciousness caused by cell evolutionary transformation, and the decline of will will cause the target itself to lose itself and God, which also represents the support of the physical body. The spirit is also lost.

  The possibility of obtaining extraordinary power from Harak's phage will be greatly reduced, and in the end he will only become one of the thousands of phage-infected people controlled by Harak.

  Of course, the most important thing if you want to maintain yourself is Wang Ya's permission.

  In the incubation chamber, the black flesh cocoon has changed greatly. On the originally rough flesh surface, strange colorful lines appeared, which seemed to be some kind of wizard writing. It was very ancient and possessed extraordinary power.

  Those weird wizard words are still twisting, and various colors have some pollution characteristics of the dream world. As long as ordinary people are in this laboratory, they will be affected, their spirits will be wiped out, and they will become a walking zombie.

  The Book of Halak is an inherited witchcraft book created by Wang Ya. If it is seen by ordinary people, it will be affected by it, and they will pursue the extraordinary knowledge content of the Book of Halak like a man possessed and crazy.

  There is power in knowledge and special words.

  Not having the ability to withstand this kind of force is not a blessing, but a curse.

  As the black liquid dripped into the culture chamber, the originally colorful and strange runes were gradually infected by black. No, it should be said that they were suppressed. They continued to shrink into the black flesh cocoons and formed round ones. Spell symbols.

  The periphery of the spell is a circle with black stripes, as if it circles the stripes of other colors inside. [Target: Harak's heart]

  [Suppression level: 80%]

  [Fusion coordination level: 67%]

  [Details: A special substance created by the nightmare wizard, as a medium that carries the power of rules. Integrate a large number of superpower genes to replace the original role of the tools of the indigenous race and store the power of rules in them.

  What is suppressed is the power of rules. Those special stripes of colorful colors are the embodiment of the power of rules.

  The purpose of adding the phage debugging potion is to enhance the blood lord's rule power in Halak's heart itself, so that it can suppress other rule powers.

  The fusion is reversible, not really a fusion, but a container similar to storage.

  The power of rules is an aspect that only third-level wizards would consider researching, and it is still too far away from Wang Ya.

  Even if it is really researched, it will take a lot of time to analyze with the Eye of Truth, which is not consistent with Wang Ya's current demands.

  The World Experimental Field was about to be swallowed up by the wizarding world, and the fruit trees were about to be uprooted. Wang Ya adhered to the principle of not wasting and decisively took away all the ripe or unripe fruits.

  When the level of suppression reaches 100%, the level of integration and coordination will also reach 100%.

  The Halak heart can also find fruit trees through the connection of the power of rules.

  Wang Yamo rubbed his fingers and raised the corner of his mouth. It would be too wasteful to uproot the fruit. He happened to lack such precious collections in his library.

  It is better to transplant it into his bubble library and fully display its value.

  Colorful lines gradually formed patterns similar to eyes on the ravine surface of the black flesh cocoon. The tiny gaps seemed to be able to open. Wang Ya's face showed a bit of surprise. This change was something he had not expected. The suppression process was not easy. Simple, but not easy. Just the instinctive confrontation with the power of these rules is enough for him to spend a lot of effort to deal with it.

  The Rules of the Lord of Blood are simply the carrier of the medium. They have a stronger personality and can suppress most of the first to fourth level rule powers. The external manifestation of the fifth level rule power is the green color that exists on top of the black flesh cocoon. From the gaps between the eyes, a green shiny liquid flows out, which is very strange.

  It also occupies the most spacious surface of the cocoon, and there are no other eyes in the surrounding area.

  "Interesting, when there are too many rule forces and they cannot compete with each other, and there is the most powerful rule force to suppress them, they will spontaneously display an upper and lower arrangement based on the strength of the rule forces." Perhaps this carrying tool can bring him meaning

  . Unexpected surprise.

  [Tip: It is expected that the suppression will be completed within 24 hours. If new rule power is added midway, the ratio of filling the Halak phage to prepare the medicine needs to be recalculated to enhance the rule suppression power of the Halak heart.

  Wang Ya suppressed the heat in his heart and kept his emotions calm.

  After walking out of this highest-level laboratory and opening the door, there were no experimental targets in the experimental room outside or on the experimental bed in the center.

  Wang Ya completed the preparations required for the experiment, extracted super genes, and integrated the power of rules into the heart of Harak. As for the girl named Mo Tongying, I have to say that the other party's luck and will were very good, and even Wang Ya was a little surprised for a while.

  The potential of any life cannot be ignored, and change may only be an opportunity away.

  She may be the only indigenous human in this deep blue secret world who has seized the opportunity to truly transcend and step into the transcendent.

  Dr. Heilong's office is now his office. He sits on a soft leather swivel chair and taps the table with his long white fingers.

  There are books on display. There are various precious pens in the pen holder. Essay papers belonging to Dr. Black Dragon are scattered around. Arowanas farmed in the corner of the room are scattered. Harak grabs the edge with his claws, flaps his wings to maintain balance, and tries to bite with his beak. It grabbed the arowana's spine, frightening it so much that it kept rolling and tossing in the water, causing a burst of mud and blisters. There was a playful teasing in the black bird eyes.

  Wang Ya raised his hand and lightly scratched the void in front of him.

  A white light glowed in the void, and a curtain of light appeared in the ripples. There were clearly different areas, the actions of different people, and even the words they said could echo in the office.

  Among them are the various efforts made by the members of the Burial Team, such as sending out signals, sealing off major areas, opening the doors of many confinement rooms in the confinement area, and releasing super criminals who have not been experimentally dissected by Wang Ya. The number of superpowers gathered is very large. Considerable and confronting armed patrols.

  There are traces of fighting in each corridor, and the light tube lines are also damaged. When the light flickers, the corpses on the ground, the blood flowing, and the ferocious expressions are very scary and terrifying.

  The light screen screen changed again, and it was the super-powered revolutionary army passing through the core area and entering the base. The young figure wearing a red hat, with the help of the spiritual superpower, quickly rushed to the place where the battle was the fiercest and the burial team was in the most intense position. Areas of disadvantage.

  Chi Ryuko leads ten Red Dragon Army and has just entered the core area. In another ten minutes, it is estimated that they will be able to enter the interior of the research institute and come into contact with the members of the Super Revolutionary Army and the Burial Team.

  Wang Ya intertwined his fingers with his hands, rested his elbows on the table, his chin gently touched the back of his hands, and his calm eyes showed some fluctuations.

  He was somewhat interested in what would happen if these people really met.

  The Black Dragon Research Institute is like a pot of stewed porridge, but there is only one person cooking the porridge.

  The corners of Wang Ya's lips raised in an arc. The first two of the current three major experiments can be said to be completed. The results will be obtained within 24 hours, making it almost impossible to fail.

  The third experiment is now possible to be completed.

  Everything is going according to his plan.

  The ability of the dream wizard occupies too many advantages in this dark blue secret world, and it is not even necessary to use Harak's powerful power comparable to that of a formal wizard.

  "The soul and emotion testing experiment seems quite interesting." Wang Ya shook his finger gently, and a picture of an experimental room appeared on the light screen in front of him.

  The huge nutrient tank in the center is very conspicuous. A large amount of nutrient solution has been poured into it, but only half of it is left at this moment, and the remaining nutrient solution is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Fair skin, slender body, black hair stuck to the neck and shoulder blades, strange black spells appeared on the surface of the skin from the heart, spreading towards the arms, thighs, abdomen, back, and head

  Her body began to undergo astonishing changes. This was a benign alienation reaction that allowed for a more perfect biological system, bones, muscle structure, and even the replacement of internal organs. The aura continued to grow stronger, even the nutrition warehouse was shaking, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the walls of the warehouse.

  This is truly extraordinary! !

  "Let me see how much the power of the mind can benefit the extraordinary."

  This is some speculation about the sublimated state, and it is also a guess that emerged from the initial study of the Dog of Gendas.

  I once discussed it with the Gusai wizard and learned about the four words of the unity of spirit and body.

  The fusion of illusion and reality, the integration of soul and body becomes an official wizard.

  The sublimation to achieve perfect balance must also fall on this.

  It will even be of great help to the subsequent improvement of the wizard's path.

  ps: In the next chapter, before twelve o'clock, I will write an update of 10,000 words today. It depends on my strength. If I say that the daily update becomes 10,000, it will become 10,000.

  (End of chapter)

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