Chapter 267 [267] Preparations for the promotion of the fourth-level wizard at the real world experimental site

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  Chapter 267 [267] The Real World Experimental Site Level 4 Wizard Advancement Preparation
  All life phenomena such as the birth, growth, decay, disease, old age, and death of living organisms are related to genes.

  It is also an intrinsic factor that determines life and health, and has dual attributes, representing the materiality of the way of existence, representing the attributes of the target individual, and unique information.

  The former has commonality. Any human being in the wizarding world has this similarity. The same physical manifestation means that the target individual is a real human being, a defining concept of a race.

  Informational differentiation of men and women, tall, short, fat, thin, handsome or ugly, and even some of the effects on personality. This is information that proves that you are you and belongs to you. It is unique and you can also tell the difference among human races. .

  If the information is the same, just like inorganic ores and metals, the parts and products produced in the factory will be mechanically processed and meet the standards, with little difference.

  Wang Ya discovered that the indigenous people of the Deep Blue World had a big problem with the coding, sequence, structural genes and non-structural genes at the genetic level.

  Comparing the macroscopic variables of third-level superpowers and ordinary people, the extra differences in internal organs are the special organs affected by the power of rules.

  On the microscopic level, the genetic sequence and chain have been changed, which is also the key to the superpower having power comparable to that of a wizard.

  This is an appearance. Superpowers are not special. Every ordinary native can also become a superpower if he integrates the power of rules.

  The emergence of super potions is based on this part of the principle. The scientific research direction of indigenous humans is wrong, and they blindly pursue super powers without discovering the true essence.

  Structural genes are the basis of the genome. Prokaryotic structural genes and eukaryotic structural genes are the same, except for human species.

  Wang Ya speculated that all the natives of the Deep Blue World have been artificially transformed, and the template is that the difficulty of ordinary human transformation and creation is different. Even if the Deep Blue Wizard is still alive and wants to create a life race, it is not that difficult. Easy.

  When Wang Ya analyzed the genes of indigenous people and superpowers, he found that the coding sequences represented by exons and the non-coding sequences of introns all agreed with basic human laws.

  There is no difference in this point whether it is the Deep Blue natives or the native humans in the wizarding world.

  The problem lies in non-structural genes. These genes will never be the same. No two people in the world are exactly the same. Even the person they were one second ago is different from the person they were the next second.

  The most microscopic structural substances follow uninterrupted movement, and the genes in the human body also follow the same pattern, replicating themselves and producing mutations. No one can determine what the mutated genes will be like, whether they are good or bad, or some special ones. Certain measures will increase the probability of mutation, such as close relatives and congenital inheritance. It is an aspect of gene expression regulation, and it also determines your potential for future growth based on the human species.

  For example, on the Blue Star in the previous life, those humans who were born with excellent abilities may have some partial flaws, but some parts were somewhat super-powerful.

  Mentally retarded, imbecile, congenital leukemia, and even affect the natural instincts of mental consciousness, similar to the expression of extremely evil genes, making the target individual full of cold blood, unable to empathize, and enjoy bloody killing of similar people or life. This is inherently bad kind!
  Wang Ya's pupils were glowing with four colors, his expression was extremely solemn, and he said in a tone that was almost whispering, "The non-structural genes of the dark blue natives are almost identical in regulating structures and thus affecting structural genes. There are no regulations. "External mutant type."

  This is equivalent to a produced toy. When it is in the factory, the number of functions the toy has has been fixed. It cannot have one more function, but it will not lose any function.

  "The blood type, gestation, growth, apoptosis, reproduction, number of cell divisions, and protein synthesis of the Deep Blue indigenous humans are all artificially controlled. Structural genes are stable and controllable, fixed at 300 to 400 genes, and non-structural genes The gene working group under the influence cannot produce any impact changes."

  "Promoters, silencers, enhancers, and trans-acting factors are almost ineffective, and the mutation lines of the gene working group are useless. There are only a few complementary genes, and modifying genes. Regulate genes, suppress genes."

  Wang Ya took a deep breath, "What a terrible method. The entire Deep Blue natives have become experimental subjects. They have been restrained from the beginning and their future has been wiped out. They cannot rely on normal methods to step into the extraordinary. "

  "This is a group of transformation products without a future and no hope. Every indigenous human being has been transformed into a tool to carry the power of rules from the moment he was born. There are good tools that are easy to use, and there are also tools that are not easy to use. Defective products, this is the origin of superpowers with different levels of rule power." "

  No, maybe not just the Deep Blue natives, the entire Deep Blue Secret World may be just a huge experimental ground, this is the real world experimental ground."

  Wang Ya clenched his hands subconsciously. The information currently available and the relevant conclusions drawn from research all proved this point.

  Things that were only recorded in ancient books now truly appeared in front of Wang Ya. His mood was extremely heavy. He had both the unknown fear of the owner of the experimental site and the shock and excitement that he could achieve this.

  Who will be the owner of the experimental site?
  Can third-level wizards and fourth-level wizards use the world as a testing ground? Can they achieve this? Wang Ya is not sure, but the name of this world is called the Deep Blue Secret Realm. The answer is that there is a 100% chance that it is the Deep Blue Great Wizard. Over seventy.

  What is the purpose of the deep blue wizard?

  What is the purpose of indigenous people carrying the power of rules, giving birth to so-called super genes, and becoming level one to level five superpowers?

  A cloud of mystery shrouded it. After Wang Ya thought about it carefully, many results may have emerged in his mind, but they could not be confirmed.

  There is a huge gap between the strength of a wizard who exists like that and Wang Ya, and the level of thinking between the two parties is not at the same stage. It is difficult to speculate using wizard thinking.

  "No matter what, my purpose is to enter the sublimation state and replenish the number of collections in the experimental library. The level of the power of the rules is too high. Even the rusty iron sword and gold pocket watch I own cannot analyze the essence." Wang

  Ya Have a clear understanding of one's own strength and purpose.

  The scientific research knowledge of the indigenous world is used to improve the algorithmic database capacity of the Eye of Truth.

  The fragments of rule power can be studied and contacted, provided that they are under his control and will not interfere with his purpose and plan.

  The wizard's curiosity gave him a desire to explore the source of the power of rules, as well as the reason why the Deep Blue Wizard was suspected of transforming the indigenous race and carrying the power of rules.

  "The possibility of the Deep Blue Wizard is the greatest, so it can be inferred that the source of the power of rules comes from the Book of All Things."

  Wang Ya's eyes flickered, and greedy desire inevitably emerged in his heart.

  This is not a bad thing. Desire drives forward. The wizarding civilization can achieve its former glory. It is also the desire that drives the legendary wizards to expedition to the star sea and plunder the civilized universes, thereby improving the heritage of the wizarding world.

  The Book of All Things can absorb and contain the rules of blood. The Deep Blue Wizard personally said that a page of the book is the words of a rule.

  There are more than a hundred pages in the book, which means there are many types of rule powers.

  There are notes in the Black Sun Heritage that after the third level wizard, if you want to advance to the fourth level, it is related to the power of rules. You need to carry the rules or give birth to the rules.

  Wang Ya's ambition will not stop at becoming a formal wizard. He also has prospects for the future path of a wizard.

  If they get the Book of Everything, or collect more rules and powers, and by studying super genes, can the Deep Blue indigenous humans start a wizard's forward-looking experiment in advance?

  The name [Level 4 Wizard Road Breakthrough Preparatory Experiment]

  is as ambitious as it is, and it has great motivation to move forward.

  It is no longer difficult for Wang Ya to be promoted to an official wizard. Especially after defeating three official wizards in the virtual battlefield, the official wizard class is no longer mysterious and unknown. He has enough confidence to pass the test of will of the wizard world. If not for achieving a perfect balance, in one fell swoop, in the process of sublimation, we would gain the greatest benefits and recreate the glorious record of the legendary era.

  He had already tried to break through to become a formal wizard.

  Becoming a formal wizard is not his end. The other world, the boundless starry sky, the civilization and world in the chaotic void sea, the endless unknowns and mysteries are also what he yearns for.

  The next day.

  Wang Ya began to conduct the remaining two experiments. After discovering the genetic sequence problem of indigenous humans, his ideas became more open.

  The virtual laboratory conducted the [Super Gene Fusion Promotion Experiment Conjecture], and the progress was much faster than the first time, and the success rate reached about 80%.

  The selected target was Li Qiang, followed by the two previously simulated third-level superpowers, both of which had superpower genes in the physical direction. Their external manifestations were to enhance the essence of life, from strength, defense, endurance, speed, and vitality. Start in five directions.

  Li Qiang has restored his defense and vitality, and can neutralize the other two level three superpowers.

  The most convenient thing about the virtual laboratory is that you can realize your own ideas without having to consider any possible experimental problems.

  There is no need to worry about any consumables.

  For level four superpowers and level five superpowers, the power of rules is so powerful that the simulation of the Eye of Truth may have shortcomings.

  On the other hand, Level 2 Li Qiang and two Level 3 superpowers are just suitable for Wang Ya's current level of fourth-level computing power of the Eye of Truth.

  After all, it is the power of rules. Its essence is extremely high. It is not at the same level of difficulty as studying indigenous flesh and blood and genes. It is equivalent to adding an extra flesh and blood pendant.

  Or maybe it’s the sharp blade and wooden material on the handle.

  It took him a day and a night to get the results in the virtual laboratory.

  Perhaps there are factors such as the single power of the rules and not enough superpowers conducting experiments, but the actual results are indeed achieved.

  Wang Ya opened his eyes, his pupils glowing with four colors. He was sitting on a chair in his personal library, a subtle look appeared on his face, and his fingers tapped lightly on the desk in front of him.

  "It's both expected and unexpected." He muttered silently in his mind.

  The experiment progressed very smoothly. The superpower genes in Li Qiang and the other two superpowers could indeed be fused with each other, but they were very unstable. It was like two different super creatures grafting their limbs to each other with sutures. With repulsion, the extraordinary nature in the body will also conflict.

  This will happen even if it is two extraordinary creatures of the same race.

  As a researcher on the path of flesh and blood, Wang Ya naturally understands that this is the result of the influence of non-structural genes. Personal information is single, and no matter how similar it is, it is essentially different.

  The final result was that in the isolation chamber in the virtual laboratory, the superpower genes extracted from the two third-level superpowers were injected into Li Qiang's body, thus transforming his flesh and blood, expanding his body, and turning it into a volume of more than ten meters. A monster of black flesh and blood, even the human form cannot be seen.

  Under the observation of the Eye of Truth, the two super genes injected into Li Qiang's body will spontaneously affect his body, and the existing super genes will also affect his body.

  If three people fight for a usable tool, only one person will be left using it in the end.

  During the scramble, the tool will be damaged.

  The specific manifestation of the cost is that Li Qiang's body expanded and squeezed inside the isolation room like a balloon. The observation glass cabin in front of Wang Ya was covered with hideous black ravines of flesh and blood, and Li Qiang's painful cries could even be vaguely heard. The twisted and huge facial features were facing the reinforced glass, and his desperate eyes were praying to Wang Ya.

  Wang Ya's eyes were indifferent, and his expression did not change at all. As cracks appeared on Li Qiang's body, the black flesh and blood mud that spattered and collided with blood hit the reinforced glass, and then slowly slid down, becoming sticky and clinging. With a nauseating feeling that makes people physically uncomfortable.

  Li Qiang's final result was that he exploded.

  "The uncontrollable power of rules and its strong exclusivity mean that even the powers of similar rules will not simply merge together."

  Wang Ya stood up from his chair, his eyes flashing and he pondered in his heart.

  He probably understood the purpose of the existence of this world's experimental field, and the reason why the power of rules was so dispersed and integrated by indigenous humans.

  "It's a really flawless idea, a genius idea. I understand why these rules are so weak in power, why there are divisions from level one to level five, and why super genes emerge in endlessly!" Wang Ya raised his head slightly and seemed to see through it

  . He looked at the ceiling of the library, the building of the Black Dragon Research Institute, and the sky outside.

  He narrowed his eyes and said solemnly, "The Book of All Things definitely exists and is definitely in this secret world." Suddenly,

  Wang Ya's expression changed slightly, and his dream power rippled, and even his extraordinary mental power It was also triggered spontaneously.

  This is
  "a change in the world's malice. Sure enough, a chain reaction has occurred, and the world's malice will change."

  Wang Ya looked strange. The world's malice in him has most likely been upgraded.

  This kind of spontaneous reaction is the instinct to detect relevant things or danger.

  The more profound you master the dream wizard's path, the more hints and premonitions you will receive in this regard.

  At the entrance of the Black Dragon Research Institute, the Black Dragon Captain led a team of ten police officers and rushed into the checkpoint of the research institute.

  The Black Dragon Captain's expression was unprecedentedly nervous, as if he was worried about something, or a certain existence.

  Behind him were a group of figures wearing red tight-fitting combat uniforms and red armor, numbering six people.

  They are the close bodyguards of the Red Dragon Emperor, and they are the strongest combat force in the entire Red Dragon Alliance Heavenly Kingdom.

  (End of chapter)

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