Chapter 257 [257] The growth period of the bubble land is reached

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  Chapter 257 [257] The growth stage of the Bubble Land has been reached


  The temperature suddenly rises, and black particle energy is generated in the void, until a burning fire environment is formed that ordinary people cannot stand. The gathering wind and snow are dripping snow under such extreme ultra-high temperatures. It evaporated completely before it even took shape for a second.

  The clothes on his body melted under the high temperature. As a first-level sublimation witchcraft, the extraordinary nature of the shadow robe itself was enough to withstand such high temperatures, wrapping Wang Ya's body.

  Those pupils full of four-color luster, small data flow waves are circulating in a loop, and the algorithm database inside the Eye of Truth is in a self-upgrading state, cleaning up the originally useless analysis algorithm loops and improving the analysis and computing capabilities.

  Nowadays, Wang Ya's changes are obvious. Breaking the limit state brings not only the basic balance and resonance of the body, particle energy, soul, and spiritual power in the body.

  There was also attention from the will of the wizarding world, an inexplicable intuitive feeling. Wang Ya raised his head and looked at the sky above the wind and snow.

  I can finally understand why a wizard who is in a limit-breaking state and enters the secret world can help the wizard world devour the secret world itself.

  It is equivalent to being in contact with the wizarding world all the time. It is an alternative anchor point that can fix the floating space buoy in the secret world.

  [Target: Wang Yahalak]

  [Strength: Extreme Sorcerer Apprentice (Breaking Limits)]

  [Current Mental Power: 50]

  [Current Physique: 49.3]

  [Particle Energy: 120 Units]

  [Dream Power: 108 Units]

  [Dream Recollection Meditation Method: 'Basic Chapter (9/9)' 'Advanced Chapter (12/12)' 'Advanced Chapter (15/15)']

  [Current active neurons: 25%]

  Wang Ya slowly fell from the air, down to earth. At this moment, a powerful sense of power was transmitted from the depths of the earth to the whole body, and his biological force field spontaneously extended out, covering a hundred meters.

  [Breaking limit states: Wizards at this stage are concerned by the will of the wizarding world, and their biological information is extremely closely connected with the feedback of nature. They can replace the natural force field with the biological force field, thereby controlling the surrounding environment and affecting the body's feedback.

  Stretched out his hand, thousands of wind and snow spontaneously gathered in the sky above his palm, and a free floating snow ball kept rubbing, and finally turned into snow and dripped on the ground.

  This process does not have the effect of any extraordinary spiritual force, it is just the feedback of the biological force field.

  "The official wizard can activate the celestial phenomena, control the environment and areas, and fight for three days and three nights without any lack of particle energy. The reason lies in the state of the biological force field after breaking the limit and sublimating." Wang Ya can already understand how powerful it is

  . In essence, he is also in this state, but he has not yet completely completed the transition and evolution of the essence of life.


  He stared at the sky. He didn't know when the clouds gathered. They were thick and rotating. It seemed that there was a giant dragon entangled in the wind and snow. Through the vast sky, he met a pair of invisible eyes.

  Exhaling a breath of white air, the feeling of being ready to move disappeared from my heart.

  "It's not the time yet, it's too early."

  He almost had the idea of ​​sublimating directly.

  Now try to sublimate. Although there is some certainty that the sublimation will be successful, perfect balance cannot be guaranteed.

  This was in conflict with what he had in mind.

  [Goal: Transformation of the 'fission path in the body' witchcraft experiment]

  [Current success rate: 50%]

  [Estimated analysis progress: an average increase of 1% success rate, consuming 13 days]

  "Two years."

  This is what Wang Ya said As expected, Eye of Truth has improved after reaching the limit-breaking state. The original prediction time was eight years.

  Just when Wang Yada broke the limit and caused the celestial phenomena, deep in the Maple Leaf Forest, the calm Xinmeng Lake gradually began to ripple, and some fish became active and began to spit bubbles on the water.

  The Dark Light Wizard noticed something and frowned slightly. He stood in front of the window sill and looked at the distant sky where the Dream Tower was.

  "It's so fast. Sure enough, the transformation process of the ordinary extreme wizard apprentice cannot be applied to him. Maybe this time the deep blue secret realm can really bring a surprise." The ghost light wizard suddenly noticed something, turned

  around, and looked coldly. He stared at a figure in the darkness, looming, even the outline was unstable and floating.

  "You haven't made up your mind yet. I can achieve your goal. Light and darkness are inseparable. You should also be waiting for this day. You have been waiting for a long time." The figure made a hoarse voice, obviously

  hiding , unable to identify the true identity.

  "Don't you even want to listen? There is no means or coercion, everything is your own choice." The

  hoarse voice was full of laughter, and even meant to be mocking.

  The Ghost Wizard's face was expressionless, and he stared at the figure with cold eyes. The aura from his body gradually spread out and filled the whole room. Some small objects had turned into powder, and cracks appeared on the walls.

  "Haha, okay."

  The shadow gradually became calm, as if the owner of the voice had left.

  The Netherlight Wizard's indifferent face had a gloomy look on his brows, as if he had thought of something. His figure faded and disappeared, shrouded in teleportation waves, and condensed at the top.

  The coffin is placed in the center, and dark crystals fill every corner that can be placed inside.

  Staring at the figure inside the coffin, the Ghost Wizard's face became uncertain.

  one year later.

  The land of foam once again changed its appearance, and the scope of the territory expanded to an unprecedented level. Various colorful lights seemed to shine out from the depths of the soil, forming colorful pillars of light.

  The corpses of dream creatures buried deep under the soil melted into a nutritious fleshy liquid under such colorful light beams, and were more fully absorbed by the foam land.

  The residue also contains nutrients and becomes the soil in the flower bed, which is the best catalyst for dream plants, including the farmed dream creatures of the foam land. Their excrement is mixed in the foam river, becoming nutrients for the races in the river, and also nourishes the garden area. dream plant.

  Wang Ya walked on the stone path, and some dream flowers and plants along the road were swaying, as if welcoming the arrival of the Lord of Foam.

  Feeling the rich and abundant power of pure dreams, the corner of his mouth raised a curve.

  It's almost tonight.

  The night sky in the dream world is more realistic and a bit dreamy. It is as black as a graffiti scroll and dotted with stars. It is still a cartoon version.

  The light reflected by the moon turned into actual moonlight and was absorbed by some powerful dream creatures. Some dream creatures even spread their wings and flew into the sky, actively devouring more moonlight.

  Wang Ya watched everything indifferently. Moonlight can bring benefits to these dream creatures, but it is also poison. When swallowing moonlight, the heart will be occupied by greed. The corresponding dream creatures will die of some kind of body function in the process of rising. Decline.

  Under the observation of the Eye of Truth, the whole body vitality of those dream creatures was absorbed by the diamond-shaped moon.

  In other words, the moon is alive.

  Gulu gulu!

  The water in the foam lake began to boil, and a smile appeared on Wang Ya's face. "Finally, it's time for a breakthrough in the land of foam." [Current pure dream power: 199 channels.

  Years of accumulation have allowed the Bubble Land to grow to the limit of the seedling stage. One step forward is the growth stage.

  This process requires taking some risks. The seedlings are completely separated from the protection of the seed shell, allowing the roots to connect to many foam trees, relying on the core of the dream itself to face the pressure of the dream world.

  Wang Ya's expression was very serious. He needed to face the will of the wizarding world and experience the limitless sublimation.

  The core of dreams must sooner or later face the dream world and rely on tenacious vitality to seize the power of dreams and obtain the nutrients for growth.

  The core of dreams in the growth stage can only acquire more pure dream power, which also gives Wang Ya the possibility to master the realization of dreams.

  It is no longer difficult for the Dream Wizard to replace reality with the dream territory in the battle field.

  The time has reached midnight, and the moonlight has reached its peak. Through the induction in the dark, Wang Ya can clearly sense that the Bubble Land actively exudes its own energy to attract the energy from the sky. The moonlight released by the 'moon'.

  When that ray of silver light, which was like substance, was absorbed and integrated into the earth of the Bubble Land, the amount of pure dream power reached an integer of 200.

  The foam river completely erupted, as if an unstoppable earthquake wave erupted from the depths of the earth. Wang Ya's expression was moved, and his pupils were glowing with four colors. What he saw in his eyes was the transformation of the core of the dream, and the complete shattering of the seeds. Split, the roots must be completely extended and penetrated into the soil.

  The seed fragments also have a seven-color luster, which is blended into the soil, turning the color into seven colors.

  The colorful soil has some special effects. Wang Ya intuitively feels that this is a rare and good thing.

  In the center of the wizard's residence, where the core of the dream is, the branches painted with colorful patterns grew rapidly, reaching a height of ten meters, and there was a faint flicker of divine light.

  The breakthrough was very successful.

  The corner of Wang Ya's mouth raised a slight arc, and his pupils reflected the branches full of vitality. Although there were not many branches and leaves, he knew the terrifying potential contained therein.

  Everything has just begun.

  [Target: Dream Core]

  [Current Stage: Growth Stage (1%)]

  [Range: 10001 meters]

  [Pure Dream Power: 0]

  [Tip: 5 pure Dream Power can be generated every day.

  The limit of 10,000 meters has been completely broken. The core of the dream in the growth stage, its powerful rhizome tentacles can even absorb and transform, to the point where it can satisfy the power of five pure dreams every day.

  Only with such a powerful ingestion and transformation ability can the realm of dreams replace the real world and achieve the behavior of reversing reality. As for the realization of dreams, it further distorts reality and transforms the adverse effects on oneself. Wang Ya uses truth The eye of the eye estimated that one attempt to master it would consume a month's accumulation of pure dream power. This is under the condition that the internal cycle of the bubble land is satisfied.

  As for mastering it proficiently and even using it in battle, it is too reluctant and far beyond what Wang Ya can hope for now.

  Even the distortion and replacement of the Dream Territory cannot last too long. Holding on for one minute is the maximum price he can bear.

  The more powerful the Bubble Land is, the greater the consumption of pure dream power. This is most obvious in battle.

  [Target: Reality Distortion Witchcraft in the Dream Territory]

  [Estimated analysis time: 2 months]

  Wang Ya’s background in the dream wizard path is not weak. A lot of this part of the extraordinary knowledge has been mastered, and more needs to be deepened. The details make it possible to realize the dream gap in the apprenticeship period.

  Each ray of luster represents a level of analytical power of the Eye of Truth.

  Two months, this is based on the consumption of the computing power of the first level of analysis. If the four levels of analysis are performed at the same time, the speed will be even faster, and it is not impossible to complete it within a month.

  In Wang Ya's wizard plan, the four layers of analytical computing power have their own analytical goals and functions. One of them is already analyzing the 'individual physical body fission path adaptation wizard surgical transformation'.

  [Goal: dream materialization]

  [Estimated analysis time: 6 years]

  [Current analysis computing power: Level 1]

  Wang Ya's eyelids jumped. Despite his psychological expectations, he knew that dream materialization was comparable to the true body of elements and true blood. Six years is still too long for the wizard's trump card. Even Wang Ya can't accept it. He needs to leave part of his time to do other things.

  After hesitating and thinking for a while, Wang Ya finally did not give the fourth level of analytical computing power.

  After completing the 'Dream Territory Reality Distortion' witchcraft, the vacated analytical computing power can just be applied to the analysis of dream embodiment. The six-year period is not certain, but floating.

  The freed layer of analytical computing power is used to prepare for future troubles and deal with some things that may happen.

  [Current Dream Power: 114 units]

  Wang Ya's figure gradually faded away from the bubble land.

  After pouring a cup of hot water, the water steamed, and he turned the pages of a witchcraft book in his hand. Wang Ya read it very carefully, and there were many notes on it.

  Maintaining good wizarding habits is also his strict requirement for himself.

  Even if what he holds in his hand is not some extraordinary witchcraft book, it is more of a popular science witchcraft book.

  "The collection of the Eye of Truth is a different feeling than reading and checking it by yourself."

  Wang Ya said with some emotion. It is often the latter who has a deeper memory and can think about the truth in it for the first time, thus corresponding to On your own wizarding path.

  "The Hidden Traces of the Magic Mountain", "The Legend of the Ring of Time", "The Low-end Exploration of the Hundred-Split Grand Canyon" and "The Strange Deeds of the Snake Land" Wang Ya read

  these books, and the wizard could not completely explain the existence of these places. The principles, essence, and related words spoken by the Dream Wizard and him are still vivid in my mind. These places all have one thing in common, that is, they are related to the Deep Blue Wizard.

  The Great Wizard of Black Sun is also looking for traces of the Great Wizard of Dark Blue, chasing the landforms and environmental areas of the Wizarding World that he has visited, and has also personally gone to the corresponding recorded places to explore Wang Ya's face flashed with memories, and wrote about the Great Wizard of Black Sun's essays , the information written down is more of speculation and praise for the Deep Blue Wizard.

  "The place that cannot be explained. The object of the rules that you are looking for. The key for a third-level wizard to advance to a fourth-level wizard."

  The appearance of the Disaster Wizard gave Wang Ya a deeper understanding of the wizarding world.

  The other party once said that there is a special item in the Deep Blue Secret Realm, which is of great help in participating in such special things.

  But why doesn't the other party get it himself? With the other party's strength and position, and his deep knowledge of the Deep Blue Secret Realm, it is obvious that he can get it without alerting anyone. Wang Ya frowned slightly, but he was a little worried. Guessing, but not sure whether the inner guess is correct.

  "In the ancient memory of the evil god Gendas, the deep blue wizard has the identity of a purifier, and his duty is to judge wizards who violate the purge agreement. The Blood Lord Gendas violated the purge agreement, privately plundered the world, and devoured several small children. The world, thus causing the disaster of killing."

  "Is the emergence of the Ninety-nine Tribulation Sky Locking Formation the result of discussions between high-level wizards in the upper class of wizard civilization at the end of that legendary era?" Wang Ya did not Thinking about this information again, it is still too far away for him. What is important now is the situation inside the Deep Blue Secret Realm and how to achieve a perfect balance. Wang Ya checked
  this information in order to be more prepared. There are less dangers in the Deep Blue Secret Realm.

  An hour later, he put down the book in his hand. The liquid in the teacup had cooled down. He shook his head and remembered the situation with Black Soul King Ya.

  At this time, Black Soul Wangya should also have collected a lot of information he needs.

  In fact, Black Soul Wang Ya's gains far exceeded Wang Ya's predictions, and he even investigated the top leaders of every wizard force in the land of mountains and seas, as well as key marked dangerous people.

  Even one of the wizarding forces has a lot to do with Wang Ya himself.

  (End of chapter)

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