Chapter 221 [221] Energy Field Test Response Emergency Attack Natural Plan

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  Chapter 221 [221] Energy Field Test Response Emergency Attack
  In the closed laboratory of the Nature Project, the energy supply is at a minimum, and a faint blue fluorescence shines on the walls and a few wizard instruments.

  The Bone Corrosion Pearl is stored in the experimental room at the innermost part of the laboratory. The wizard's instrument is running all the time. It has many means such as energy blockade, mental isolation, particle blockage, heat ray outer net, etc. to prevent any possible accidents.

  The tower spirit monitors any status changes of the Bone Corrosion Pearl at all times.

  What is currently being done is the energy field test reaction of the Bone Erosion Pearl, which resonates with the shadow particle energy and checks its unique particle frequency, thereby converting it into ordinary particles that Wang Ya can control, or fire element particles.

  He is not very good at shadow particle energy.

  The particles can be converted into each other. There are also elemental wizards who have taken this path, but it is too simple and the requirements for strength are often too strict.

  The previous fusion experiment of the White Bone Tiger and the One-Life Bird was neither successful nor failed.

  It should be said that there was a slight problem during the fusion process. As the shadow particle energy flowing through the body of the Bone-Eroding Demon, Wang Ya lacked it. He was unable to control it and could not independently complete the process with the Bone-Eroting Pearl as the core. Limit-breaking sublimation experiment.

  If this particle reaction experiment is successful, maybe Wang Ya can use it to peek at shadow particles that are also special particle energy.

  Inside the Bone Corrosion Pearl, with the injection of energy, the many soul consciousnesses and living wizards began to become restless. Especially those living wizards who have not taken in food or nutrients for many days, and the biological energy in their bodies is lacking to a limit.

  Particle energy and extraordinary mental power can maintain vitality, but there is no biological energy to use. The final result can only be the complete collapse of the physical body, leaving behind the soul and consciousness.

  The attributeless energy particles injected from the outside acted as a catalyst and accelerated the collapse of their physical bodies. Just like a flame burning a stove, the rising temperature, the boiling of the internal water temperature, always removes some substance.

  The Bone Corrosion Pearl is more suitable for the existence of soul consciousness, and does not have any adverse reactions to the injection of attributeless particle energy.

  "No, how can my path as a wizard be cut off here? I haven't become an ultimate wizard apprentice and a formal wizard, so how can I die here." "I don't want to die, I want to

  live, I want to survive, why? Lord Beta is going to do this to us, I want to live!!"

  There are not many wizards left in the Berkeley family. They are lingering in a corner. The particle energy shield provides certain protection, isolating a large amount of non-attributed particle energy. Collision, infestation.

  In terms of quality, the particle energy purified by wizard instruments is already comparable to the level of an extreme wizard apprentice, and the energy radiation pollution it carries is no small matter.

  Some human corpses were piled up next to them. The torn Berkeley family wizard robes, frightened faces, and fleshy areas had been chewed clean.

  In times of crisis, self-cannibalism is the most normal behavior, and wizards cannot escape their animal nature and instinct, especially when wisdom and calm cannot solve the problem.

  The remaining dozen or so wizards of the Berkeley family are all very powerful or have unique minds, so they cannot be easily solved.

  A group of predators are clustered together at this moment, not only to resist the tide of attributeless energy, but also to be wary of each other.

  With an old face, gray hair, and the strength of a third-level wizard apprentice, Hanko can become the final maintainer of balanced order. He stood up, deliberately wanting to say something, but looking at these dozen figures who were suspicious of each other, he could only remain silent.

  He also ate human flesh, the flesh and blood of his fellow tribesmen. Would these people really recognize him as a balancer?

  The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

  The energy tide was enveloping them, trying to engulf them like a wave. The particle energy in their bodies was becoming more and more consumed, and the aura on their bodies became weaker and weaker as time passed.

  In addition to testing particle reactions, Wang Ya also did this intentionally.

  These Berkeley family wizards would be a problem after all if they were alive. If they were handed over, it would not be in Wang Ya's interest to expose the Bone-eroding Pearl.

  The engulfment of the energy tide is irresistible, unless this group of Berkeley family wizards can have the particle energy as profound as the sea, which can match the energy supply of the entire Fantasy Tower.

  The dark bat wizard's spiritual consciousness was also paying attention to these wizards. After sensing that the breath was weak to a certain extent, he condensed the illusory medium form, and a ferocious smile appeared on his looming facial features.

  The bone-corroding bead isolates everything, and he has swallowed a lot of soul consciousness bodies. The intensity of his own consciousness has recovered to a certain level. In addition, the living wizard's body has usable particle energy and extraordinary mental power.

  After a little transformation, it can turn into shadow particle energy, perform his unique witchcraft, and transfer this part of the dark bat's consciousness memory to the main body.

  He wanted to let the main body know that the Bone Erosion Pearl was in the hands of Wang Yahalak, so that he would have a chance to take it back again.

  As the last blast of particle energy poured into the United Wizarding Shield, Hanko Berkley stepped back, giving his place to the others.

  Fatigue made him close his eyes, lean on a place, and rest.

  "Since you are so tired, why not give your body to me."

  A chill enveloped Hanko Berkeley's whole body, causing his expression to change drastically. He just wanted to do something, but he couldn't open his closed eyes and mouth. As if sewn together.


  The stiffness and numbness of the body, along with the cold feeling, spread throughout the body, and Hank Berkeley felt great fear in his heart.

  His body was being taken over by something else.

  Hanko Berkeley opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely indifferent, and when he glanced at the other Berkeley family wizards, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  They are all excellent blood food!

  There are a total of twelve dream creatures, which can increase Wang Ya's mental power.

  Some directly increase the value of mental power, while others stimulate emotions and affect some neural tissues in the mind, thereby increasing the activity of extraordinary mental power. As long as you grasp that active feeling, you can increase your mental power.

  Wang Ya next performed it with the Eye of Truth and wrote it in the Book of Halak.

  A dream creature named 'Garuru Leopard' is the most special. The whole body can be eaten. It not only has a spiritual benefit, but also has a good effect on improving physical fitness.

  Long-term consumption can pull up Wang Ya's weak body and carry more Fenji particle energy. He already felt a little tired. The Fenji particle energy was too powerful. Even if the volume of personal particle energy was continuously reduced, it was still gradually eroding his physical body.

  There are records of such wizards in the algorithm database, and they all ended badly, being killed by their own particle energy.

  During the White Lake Wizard City incident, one of the five extreme wizard apprentices who died in Wang Ya's hands, the extreme wizard apprentice named 'Johnson', was eroded by his own particle energy, unable to control his power, and became a puppet of power. Wang Ya is the creator of Fenji particle energy, so how can he be affected by his own creation.

  As for the improvement of physical body values, the schedule has been started.

  The appearance of the 'Garuru Leopard' really surprised him, and he even came up with the idea of ​​raising it in the Foam Land as a specialty.

  Equivalent to golden ant rice!
  I don't know if it's because of the acclimatization, or because Fantasy Garden has a unique ecological environment. The golden ant rice planted in the foam land is not growing very well, and there are only a few mature ones at present.

  There should be no problem in breeding the 'Garuru Leopard'. In terms of food sources and ecological environment, expanding the territory of the Bubble Land, and transforming it, and being protected by the consciousness of Gendas Evil God, there will be no problem in terms of safety. Wang Ya thought about what could be done To elaborate, if the Bubble Land is attacked by a dream creature, he will be helpless and can only acquiesce that the core of the dream has been taken away.

  What kind of existence would it be like to be a dream creature that even ignores the consciousness of Gendas Evil God?

  In addition to analyzing dream creatures and cooking ingredients according to the extraordinary recipes analyzed, Wang Ya also goes to the inheritance place every day to absorb extraordinary knowledge.

  The unrestricted reading of basic and advanced extraordinary knowledge made his eyes tingle slightly every day, changing all the time.

  Looking at the fair and handsome face reflected in the mirror in the bathroom, another color appears in the ink-stained pupils. It is a pure rippled white light, very shallow, but it does exist, replacing the original ink staining.

  It is estimated that after his strength is promoted to the ultimate wizard apprentice, the Eye of Truth will transform into the level of rippled white light.

  The algorithm database has rich heritage, and together with some ongoing target analysis work, the time continues to shorten.

  [Target: The Sixth Wizard Rune of the Advanced Chapter of the Dream Meditation Method]

  [Estimated analysis time: 20 days]

  In about three days, it will almost be shortened to successful analysis.

  The Dream Wizard also learned a thing or two about Wizard Kolan’s arguments at the Supreme Wizards’ Meeting.

  Wang Ya was deeply moved. She opened the bedroom window and saw the natural scenery on the third floor. The alternating autumn wind blew the wind chimes on the curtains, swaying softly, crisp and sweet.

  "It's a new year, it's coming."

  Wang Ya was almost forty years old before he knew it, entering the middle-aged and elderly category of mortals. For wizards, this is just the beginning, and they will be considered young wizards within a hundred years.

  He decided to prepare some gifts to give to the Dream Wizard in the New Year.

  The dream creature 'Garuru Leopard' from the laboratory appeared in my mind.

  Teacher Huanmeng will probably like it.
  Fumbling for the Heart of Huanmeng on his finger, Wang Ya entered the laboratory under the shroud of the teleportation wizard formation, changed into a white lab coat, and prepared some other small gifts for Ke Wizard Lan, Mona and some people are all beneficial to Wang Ya in terms of interests and emotional maintenance.

  Three months later.

  The cold wind was biting, blowing the wind and clouds above the Dark Land, and a little hail caused ripples on the shield of the witch formation, but it did not affect the spring-like weather inside the Dark Land all year round.

  The headquarters seemed to have noticed that the winter of this year was extremely cold, which could even attack some low-level wizards, so it activated a level of authority for the underground wizard array.

  There were obviously more wizards walking on the street than in the winter of previous years. They all had excited smiles on their faces, which made Wang Ya, who was in an illusory body and walked on the street hidden, curious. got up.

  "I think the first place in this secret realm competition will definitely be born in the heart of perseverance. As a well-known wizard group, they can even defeat the second-level wizard apprentices, and have a resume of completing multiple C-level wizard tasks."

  "Don't underestimate the family wizards. According to rumors, the Stark family, the head of the top ten wizard families, has fallen to second place and was replaced by the Mader family. It seems that in order to change this situation, they have begun to make every effort to cultivate the younger generation. This The new generation of the Stark family may be able to show the new style of the 'Nightmare Wizard' era." "Is

  this possible? The batch of wizards from the 'Nightmare Wizard', even the second-rate Harich, can be here. The top one among the batch is the Nightmare Wizard, who left a permanent change in the landscape of the White Lake Wizard City and formed the inhuman existence of the 'Lake of Halak'." "I think that the newly emerged wizard

  'Ai Si' is very hopeful to get into the top three. He masters the two elements of water and fire witchcraft. It seems that he wants to go down two paths together. He has defeated a real second-level wizard apprentice." Wang Ya's expression under the black lotus mask

  , He looked a little surprised, 'Nightmare Wizard', are you talking about him?

  He was a little uncomfortable with the sudden title of wizard. It seemed that only formal wizards, or wizards with sufficient prestige, could obtain the title.

  The impact of the White Lake Wizard City incident seemed to be greater than he expected.

  I was attracted by the conversation about competition in the secret realm.

  There was a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

  The competition in the secret realm has become a talk among the wizards in the headquarters, and it is expected that the same situation will be the same in the wizard city near the headquarters.

  Some betting institutions are probably already gathering momentum.

  These are all minor. The important thing is that Wang Ya seems to have seen that the Dark Land headquarters deliberately used other things to divert the impact of the incident in White Lake Wizard City.

  Could it be that something big is about to happen?

  Before the storm, there is great calm.

  A piece of news from the Wizard of Dreams came from the wizard's mark, causing Wang Ya's pupils to shrink.

  The message mentioned a wizarding project.

  [Rapid Attack Natural Plan]

  I'm taking a day off today, maybe only the second update, eight thousand or six thousand, something happened!

   Travel through the wizarding world, obtain a proficiency panel, and start your liver experience with the ancestral knight's breathing method!

  (End of chapter)

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