Chapter 22 [22] The power is so terrifying, the vastness of the wizard system

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  Chapter 22 [22] The power is so terrifying. The vastness of the wizard system

  creates a feeling of fullness in the spirit, like eating and drinking wildly. The stomach is full, and it is difficult to breathe. This intuitive feeling, A slight dizziness made Wang Ya subconsciously hold on to the bookshelf next to her.

  The extraordinary knowledge that was originally incomprehensible and difficult to understand becomes clear after being analyzed by the eye of truth.

  Between heaven and earth, there are a large number of natural energy particles. They have different attributes, inertia, activity, and elemental differences. Life comes from heaven and earth. The particle energy in the wizard's body also has the same properties. But it is even more difficult to find, very small.

  The spiritual power of wizards is the source of extraordinary things. After meditation and sublimation, it can gradually affect reality.

  [Fear of Burning Fire] Witchcraft uses spiritual power to activate the particle energy in the body and release it.

  Everyone is different, and the suitable elemental particle witchcraft is also different.

  The particle energy in the body is more suitable for fire element particles, so releasing the fire element particle energy witchcraft will get twice the result with half the effort and be more powerful.

  Wang Ya silently said six words: "Element particle affinity."

  He was curious about whether the particle energy in his body was inclined to this aspect. I also have a new understanding of the wizard's path choice in the books on the bookshelf that introduce wizards.

  This is just one of the branch systems of elemental energy wizards.

  In the general system, there are blood wizards, mechanical wizards, white wizards who study life, and black wizards who chase souls. These systems also have more subtle differences.

  Not to mention some wizarding systems that have disappeared in the long river of history.

  At this moment, the wizarding world, as profound and vast as the endless sea, opened up to Wang Ya, just the tip of the iceberg.

  He took a deep breath, no matter which elemental particle he preferred, he still had to give it a try.

  The Eye of Truth continues to analyze the new low-level witchcraft, [Fire Elemental Particle Energy Shield].

  Wang Yaze began to learn and master the [Fear of Burning Fire] witchcraft.

  Five days passed.

  There is still the same seascape outside, except for the different sea conditions and the unpredictable sky.

  The thing that makes all the new students on the wizard ship have lingering fears is the storm they experienced last night.

  There was thunder and lightning, howling winds, and undulating waves. Under such circumstances, the huge wizard ship was like a toy, ready to be manipulated.

  Everyone knows the consequences of capsizing.

  Even Wang Ya rarely studied extraordinary knowledge. Harak huddled in the corner, flashing thunder and white light hitting his fair cheeks, which showed a frightened expression.

  Through the closed window, there seemed to be a terrifying existence in the turbulent waves. It had an extremely huge body and turned around wantonly, making the seabed tremble because of him.

  "This is the extreme power of nature."

  Breaking through the storm, seeing blue sky and white clouds, and flying seabirds.

  There is also good news that comes with it. He has thoroughly understood the [Fear of Burning Fire] witchcraft, perfected the calculation of particle energy, and can try to release the witchcraft.

  The most difficult point of this witchcraft is to control the particle energy and maintain the stability of the blossoming energy fire.

  If he accidentally exploded, the whole room would be in ruins. If he was lucky, he might be able to leave a charred corpse.

  The amount of energy fire is based on the level of particle energy output by the wizard himself. So is the power.

  Of course, Wang Ya couldn't release witchcraft in the room. To be on the safe side, he participated in today's sea beast hunting.

  Harak was flying and hovering in the sky as a warning and to observe whether there were any new wizards swimming in this direction.

  The reefs stand in this sea, and the scene is very strange and rare. The largest piece of reef has withstood the wind, sun, and waves, but it is still hard and stable.

  Wang Ya stood on this rock and his eyes fell on a rock out of the water not far ahead.

  He was also very curious about how powerful the Burning Fire witchcraft was.

  Generally speaking, it is judged by the particle energy unit output by the wizard.

  According to the inheritance witchcraft book, the complete release of the Burning Fire witchcraft can reach at least 13 degrees. Physical resistance can correspond to the power of witchcraft, providing a certain degree of defense.

  Of course, if the gap is too large, it will only become a coke.

  The power of the energy flame can turn even steel into liquid in an instant.

  The improvement brought by the second wizard rune, and the particle energy direction reached a value of 1.6.

  Wang Ya calmed down, and the wizard's mental power began to sense some of the natural particle energy around him.

  This is a little trick for mastering and releasing unskilled witchcraft. It uses the elemental properties of heaven and earth to trigger the energy reaction of particles in one's own body, which can even increase a bit of power.

  But it takes a certain amount of time and is particularly clumsy when applied in actual combat.

  Raising the white palm, a large amount of particle energy in the body gathered in the palm, and with the participation of extraordinary mental power, a touch of red bloomed on it.


  The flame was small at first, like a seed. Then, with the injection of particle energy, it grew larger and larger, and the fluctuating fireworks also tended to be stable.

  Finally, a red energy flame, the size of the mouth of a bowl, appeared in the palm of the hand, fluctuating under the sea breeze, and seemed to extinguish at any time.

  At least 80% of the particle energy in the body has been consumed.

  Wang Ya's complexion changed slightly, and his pupils flashed with blue glitter.

  The flame is condensed with high-intensity particle energy, which is extremely restrained and barely maintains balance under the control of extraordinary mental power.

  However, the energy and properties of each fire element particle show high-intensity activity, and they will spontaneously move and collide together, destroying this stability.

  Wang Ya suddenly felt his scalp numb and suddenly threw the flame in his hand.

  The next moment, the expanding flames turned into exploding light and heat in a rapid scream, sweeping across the area. The range is about five meters, and the reef is within the coverage range.


  There was a lot of steam rising from the sea, but the witchcraft was still too unfamiliar and unskilled, so it couldn't last for long, only two seconds.

  Wang Ya narrowed his eyes. The fire had gone out, and the rock had turned into a carbonized black shape.

  The Eye of Truth has seen the essence, and the interior of the reef has also suffered absolute damage. As long as it is lightly grasped, it will be like soft soil.

  Of course, the high temperature inside creates a crystalline state.

  [Target: Fire of Fear]

  [Degree: 13]

  [Maintenance time: 2 seconds]

  [Release time: 10 seconds]

  Perhaps it is also because of being in a maritime environment. The external element medium tends to be water and is in an inert state.

  The perception of spiritual power is too slow.

  In ten seconds, even a mortal could come up and stab him seven or eight times.

  Wang Ya frowned slightly, the speed had reached the standard, but the casting time and maintenance time could be further optimized.

  It is inevitable that the environment will affect witchcraft. On land, the power should be greater.

  With the assistance of the Eye of Truth, it should be possible to put aside the sensory induction of extraordinary mental power and directly use the particle energy in the body to activate witchcraft.

  The analysis of [fire element particle energy] witchcraft has also reached the final stage.

  You'll make it tonight!

  (End of chapter)

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