Chapter 186【186】The energy of particles of all calamities plays with the expansion

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  Chapter 186 [186] The particle energy of the Ten Thousand Tribulations was played with as it swelled
  . Victor had almost no hesitation. The particle energy exploded with the extension of the biological force field, and a medium witchcraft converged into an astonishing wind blade on the palm of his hand.

  The figure that came out of the shadows, wearing a blue wizard robe, with a neutral face and cold eyes, was clearly Wizard Kelan.

  The particle energy shield enveloped the whole body, and the pupils reflected the sharp wind blade, cutting the air and carrying an astonishing air wave.

  Wizard Kelan stretched out his right hand. When the palm emerged from the cuff, strands of blue ribbon exploded instantly, flying all over the sky and sticking to all parts of the room like spider webs.

  The ceiling, walls, and floor are all connected to each other, forming a world of blue spider webs that cannot be ignored.

  The amazing wind blade cut open the walls, and the top floor of the ring tower almost collapsed, but in the end it was destroyed by those blue spider webs. The intercepted energy turned into wind element particles and disappeared.

  Victor disappeared and grabbed Comoros's shoulder with his right hand. If he doesn't understand what happened now, he will not be worthy of the strength of the ultimate wizard apprentice.

  A tough enemy!
  Victor frowned and gave up taking away Commorragh who was in a strange state, and instead extended the particle energy shield to protect Commorragh.

  The biological force field collided with the expanding biological force field of the unknown limit wizard apprentice, and violent wind pressure shook this layer of space.

  Extreme pressure, the screeching sound of compressed air.


  The walls had cracks and seemed about to collapse.

  Both parties are extreme wizard apprentices, and their biological force fields can reach at least one hundred meters.

  Although the circular tower is built extremely high and contains various witch formations, more knowledge maintains the stability of the internal space.

  If a fierce battle occurs between wizards, it will cause the entire ring tower to collapse.


  Another collision.

  A large amount of dust filled the air, and was blown away by a strong wind, revealing traces of the scene.

  The Kolan wizard is wrapped with blue silk threads, mixed and connected with more blue thin threads.

  There is such a blue thread in the biological force field, which is her world, her dream territory.

  All enemies and things within her dream territory will be under her control.

  An extremely domineering dream witchcraft, and the characteristics of the dream territory.

  Victor's face was gloomy, and the other person looked like a tortoise shell. All the witchcraft he cast went in, like stones sinking into the sea, and they were pierced and absorbed by those blue silk threads.

  Even if those blue threads were cut off, more blue threads would be generated continuously, giving him an extreme headache.

  If you want to leave, you will be immediately attacked by the opponent.

  He didn't care. He was confident that he could leave here safely, but there was still a bottleneck.

  His master, Comoro, didn't know what was going on and closed his eyes. His mental power and consciousness were in turmoil, but he fell silent from time to time.

  Really weird.

  The qi of both sides are entangled, and any abnormality may lead to serious consequences.

  Victor didn't dare to let go and fight. Once the opponent found a flaw, he killed Comoros.

  Even if he wins, it means nothing.

  "Who are you, why are you attacking us, and for what purpose?" Victor and Wizard Kelan finally spoke after fighting for several rounds.

  "If you want extraordinary resources or something else, we can give it to you. Everything is easy to discuss."

  Wizard Kelan's face was still expressionless, as if there was an extra layer of mask on his face, looking very stiff. .

  In fact, it is indeed a special mask, a special face-fitting mask modified from the Mask of Remnant Dream, which changes the facial features and hides the changed aura.

  Her answer was simple. Under the control of her extraordinary mental power, the blue thread drowned towards Victor and turned into a blue dancing ocean.

  Victor's face was extremely gloomy and he had no clue at all. He didn't know the other party's purpose or identity. Even for the attack that occurred today, Victor could not find any relevant information clues.

  Some wizards in the Licorice camp who were lucky enough to survive were running away like crazy. There are burning flames and raging extraordinary creatures everywhere. The beast tide is so terrifying that it has occupied half of the area of ​​Licorice Camp. Even the law enforcement wizard can't have any effect. It only slows down the spread of the beast tide. speed.

  "Look, there!"

  Many wizards discovered the strangeness of the natural ring tower, the terrible particle energy fluctuations of collisions, and the collision pressure caused by biological force fields.

  Any wizard who breaks into the battlefield will be oppressed by the biological force fields of both sides.

  Even wizards with the same level of strength would have a headache and would not try to intervene.

  "There was a fight among the ultimate wizard apprentices. What happened to the Licorice Camp? Why did such a terrible thing happen?" "

  Is the Licorice Camp really going to be destroyed today? It has existed for more than a hundred years. I have struggled. I just established a foundation in the Licorice Camp. My shop, my hard work, were all destroyed at the feet of those damn extraordinary creatures." "Wait a minute. No, there are actually

  fluctuations in the battle of the Ultimate Sorcerer Apprentice. Come on. Run, we can't stay in this place anymore, if it affects us, it will be over."

  Obigao stared at the short wizard with an old face in front of him with an ugly expression.

  The aura on the opponent's body belongs to that of a wizard of the same level, and the degree of danger it brings to him is quite high.

  A series of things happened too fast in the Licorice camp. The beast tide appeared and then raged, which greatly disrupted the development of the process. Even he did not react in time.

  When he was about to take action, this unknown extreme wizard apprentice came to the door.

  It is almost certain that this was a premeditated action.

  Is it the Land of Rot or the wizarding force in Thorn Ridge?
  Could it be that he couldn't bear it anymore and didn't want to abide by the balance, so he launched an attack on them?

  The thoughts in Obigao's mind were spinning wildly, but Antoun would not give this guy time to think.

  The body surface is glowing with blood, and a steady stream of biological energy is transmitted from the pumping blood of the heart to the limbs and bones.

  His wizarding path is that of a blood wizard.

  The corners of Daben Antun's mouth curved up, and his smile was particularly ferocious. There was only one goal he wanted to achieve, and that was to hold this guy back or beat him to death.

  Wang Ya, who has the Eye of Truth, can naturally tell the strength of his team.

  The strength of Ben Antun is the weakest.

  In his plan, all he needed was Antoun to hold back an extreme wizard apprentice.

  At this moment, Wang Ya stood on the flying griffon, overlooking the licorice camp below that was burning with fierce flames. The flames were also energy flames, spreading extremely quickly and not easily extinguished.

  Especially after some improvements made by Wang Ya, the energy flame will cling to all combustible materials in the shortest possible time.

  What is suspended in front of you is the Heart Dream Mirror.

  What is shown in the mirror is also the representation of Commorragh in the dream world.

  As long as the dream seeds are planted in advance, even if they are not present, they can be shrouded in witchcraft from a distance through the Heart Dream Mirror.

  Wang Ya naturally planted the dream seeds when he was exploring the dialogue between Comoros and Qiu Qiudong.

  Those black eyes, in the past three months, have clearly collected Comoros's living habits, as well as subtle changes in expressions and small movements.

  Commorragh destroyed the ring tower and even everything in the surrounding area, but still did not break away from the dream world.

  He also noticed something was wrong. To perform dream witchcraft, there must be a dream gap, and the dream wizard cannot leave the dream gap too far.

  To pull into the dream world, the dream wizard himself must be in the dream world.

  The Licorice camp was destroyed in his hands, but the unknown dream wizard was still not seen.

  "No, I fell into a misunderstanding. There is another way to break the dream witchcraft." "

  This is my dream world. I should control the entire dream. Use my extraordinary mental power to find this guy."

  Ke Moro flew into the sky, overlooking the shrinking scene below. Extraordinary spiritual power surged out from the spiritual sea, intervening in the entire dream world with him as the center.

  It seemed that he had really found a pattern, and the entire dream world began to shake, with tiny cracks appearing.

  "It's true. No matter how tricky and weird the dream wizard is, the dream world is bidirectional. He can affect me, and I can also affect him." The corner of Comoro's mouth raised

  a slight arc, it was just a little trick.

  With the sound of 'click', he left this dream world and returned to reality. The cold wind blowing in his face made his golden hair fly. He was still standing where he was, with the lights of the Liquorice Camp below and the moon in the sky in the distance.

  He could also feel Victor standing in the shadow behind him.

  'It's just a dream wizard, but it's just a wizard in the outer area after all. Comoros

  sneered in his heart, he had almost judged the opponent's strength level. Even the dream that he couldn't trap was like a wizard of the same level at best.

  He is the strongest in the Black Tower at the same level.

  "Victor, pass my order and ask the three Obi brothers to come to see me. At the same time, be alert. A group of uninvited guests have come to the Licorice Camp." "Well, Victor!" Comoros' pupils changed slightly, and then became

  vicious. The wizard The ring shimmered, and his right hand instantly grasped the extraordinary witchcraft-Qianbai Flower Sword, and suddenly drew a sword wave carrying special particle energy towards the back.

  The gray sword wave spread from a small area to a range of ten meters, and all the materials it came into contact with were turned into regular fragments.

  This is actually because Commorragh has not fully mastered it. The complete version of the 'Particle Energy of Ten Thousand Tribulations' will turn everything it comes into contact into powder, and it is very regular.

  Whether it is matter, energy, or witchcraft, it will all be offset.

  It is also the Black Tower, one of the core inheritances of the four star wizard families.


  Red firelight bloomed in the darkness, and the terrifying particle energy carried the explosion of the fire element, forming a huge expanding energy flame, accompanied by a sound like a dragon's roar.

  The dazzling light made Comoros narrow his eyes, but soon the burst of red light and the witchcraft effect like the dragon's breath were all wiped out by the Ten Thousand Tribulations Slash.

  A mocking smile appeared on Comoro's lips. He was so stupid that he actually wanted to use witchcraft to confront him head-on. Ten Thousand Tribulations Slash is one of the abilities of Qianbaihua Sword, which can increase the energy of Ten Thousand Tribulations particles and form a high-concentration sword wave.

  Perfectly exert the characteristic ability of the eternal particle energy.

  The sword wave enveloped that part of the building.


  The ring-shaped tower building on this level began to collapse, unable to withstand the power of such witchcraft.

  Comoro spread his wings of energy from his back and flew into the sky, overlooking the collapsed ruins below. A dazzling red light suddenly appeared in the diffuse smoke and dust.

  Extremely condensed and extremely fast, the moment his pupils saw it, it had already hit Comoro's chest.

  The energy wings stabilized the body that was flying upside down. The scorching black air dispersed from his chest. The slender sword was filled with gray particle energy. Comoros looked ugly and almost hit him. .

  Although there are particle energy shields and other means, they will definitely make them miserable.


  Waves of ultra-high-temperature clustered particle waves turned into fleeting rainbow light, filling Commorragh's pupils.

  damn it!
  It's this troublesome fire element witchcraft again.

  Comoro frowned and clenched his fist with his free left hand. The extraordinary mental power and particle energy were mixed and gradually turned into substance. They resonated with the witchcraft on his left arm and inspired special extraordinary abilities.


  With him as the center, an inexplicable gravitational force began to repel the outside world, forming an invisible realm of vacuum spheres with a range of ten meters.

  All the ultra-high-temperature cluster particle waves disintegrated and disappeared the moment they touched the invisible realm, leaving behind a few residual sparks.

  As he waved his left hand, the invisible realm of vacuum began to shrink, converging on his left fist.

  The figure in black wizard robes wearing a white lotus mask, with the witchcraft of the Balrog doppelganger covering his whole body, rose into the air from the ruins, and the burning water vapor served as the driving force to propel him, meeting the conditions for flight.

  The Flame Demon Domain spread out and spread to an area of ​​70 meters in an instant. The temperature above the Licorice Camp suddenly increased.

  Comoros' eyes were gloomy. This guy's strength was not simple, and it brought him a lot of pressure.

  He did not expect that in addition to the dream wizard, a second wizard would appear to attack him.

  Victor went there again. Before Comoros had time to think about it, the collision between the biological force fields began. The two sides occupied the home rights of the surrounding world, causing the natural particle energy to instantly riot.

  "There's something wrong with this guy's biological force field!"

  Comoro's vicious eyesight naturally revealed some of Wang Ya's lies.

  After thinking about it, I already had a countermeasure.

  Instead of retreating, he advanced forward, allowing his biological force field to forcibly collide with the Balrog realm.

  In this regard, his biological force field is much more powerful.

  It actually suppressed the Flame Demon Realm and retreated. At the same time, the sword wave of Ten Thousand Tribulations came again, spreading to an astonishing twenty meters.

  The biological force field is invisible but closely related to natural particle energy. The Ten Thousand Tribulation Slash severed this connection, weakening Wang Ya's biological force field by three points.

  Comoro squeezed in directly along the gap. He noticed the changes in the surrounding environment and the significant increase in temperature. He sneered at the corner of his mouth and rushed towards Wang Ya regardless.


  The invisible energy flame began to burn at maximum intensity.

  However, they were all absorbed by the vacuum field gathered by Commorragh's left fist, and turned into fire element particle energy and dissipated.

  "As expected, he is a wizard from the outer area. His witchcraft background is too shallow. How can such a simple change be hidden from me."

  Comoro slammed his left hand at Wang Ya from the air.

  He won this boring battle.

  The power that Kazian Tun had shown once again appeared at this moment, but it fell on Wang Ya.

  The Flame Demon Realm collapsed in an instant, and the terrifying decompression firmly locked Wang Ya's position in the area, directly becoming a vacuum realm.

  Substantial fluid air wave fist seals filled Wang Ya's pupils.

  The range reached an astonishing fifty meters.

  The sharp sound of air compression and the pressure of large air waves caused by diffusion even dispersed a lot of clouds in the sky.

  No life can survive such witchcraft.

  Comoro put the Thousand Flower Sword into the wizard's ring, and looked at the exploded wizard's body with cold eyes. The white lotus mask, as well as the body's flesh and blood, turned into blood mist and disappeared completely.

  In the real reality, Wang Ya stood on the flying griffon and watched the scene in the dream mirror.

  There was a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes.

  This should be the opponent's witchcraft method in battle.

  It was indeed very tricky, especially the vacuum realm, which was somewhat similar to his Heart Dream Mirror, both capable of absorbing witchcraft.

  However, with the Dream Bubble witchcraft, the witchcraft damage can be transferred to the opponent.

  At this point, his dream mirror still has the upper hand.

  Knowing the means, the threat level will be greatly reduced.

  At least he is 70% confident that he can defeat Comoros.

  But at this time, he was not the one to deal with.

  The real threat is the four extreme wizard apprentices.

  'Approximately the second oldest Obido and the third oldest Obi Shao also noticed the news about the Licorice camp and should be on the way to support. '

  'It's time to plan. The corner of Wang Ya's mouth

  raised a slight arc, which seemed to indicate that he was confident.

  The rising energy flame burning below gradually extinguished, and the restless extraordinary creatures also surged in one direction under the control of Harak.

  Harak, who spreads his wings in the night sky, also wants to show the power of his beast king.

  : Twenty thousand words were completed today. Start writing 20,000 words tomorrow (please subscribe, don’t buy the book.)
  (End of this chapter)

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