Chapter 165 [165] The bones in the strange valley are silenced

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  Chapter 165 [165]
  The Kingdom of Brazil is different from the previous one. This kingdom is more luxurious and even plans to build a teleportation array in the capital. It is said that the king's two heirs were found to have wizard qualifications and are currently taking exams in the wizard camp.

  When Wang Ya heard the news, he was also a little emotional. Unknowingly, he had been in the Dark Land for so long. In more than ten years, a new batch of new wizards will be recruited into the Dark Wizard Academy.

  "Dear wizard, Kabi has been waiting here for a long time."

  At the entrance of the capital, Kabi Brazil led a group of nobles and kneeling city guards to welcome Wang Ya's arrival in a large formation.

  He is a relatively young king, around middle age.

  Wang Ya refused the other party's invitation to attend a dinner party or something. He didn't have so much time to waste.

  It's business to go back early to complete your wizard experiment.

  The recent situation in the Dark Land is also somewhat abnormal. More and more wizards are returning, and a depressing atmosphere seems to be gathering.

  At Wang Ya's request, Kabibasi also gave the specific information very simply.

  "Dear Master Wizard, those extraordinary creatures gathered in the Yunyue Forest. I don't know what caused it. They ran out of the Yunyue Mountains deep in the forest and began to attack the surrounding human cities. The extraordinary creatures have gathered together. There is a trend of becoming a beast tide."

  "My people, two of my cities have been destroyed." Kabibasi knows the internal rules of the wizard very well, and when he talks about it, he always talks about the key points clearly and concisely. .

  "But, I need a map. Mark out the location for me where Yunyue Forest is." Wang

  Ya, who got the map, stepped on the back of Harak who turned into a flying griffon, and with the strong wind, he quickly Head towards the destination.

  Wang Ya was thinking about whether he should learn to fly as a wizard.

  The different attributes of the elemental wizards and the flying wizards that can be learned are also different.

  Fire element wizards probably use the energy of fire element particles to evaporate water and form air propulsion to achieve the purpose of flying.

  The most common way is to create flying creature props.

  Using the wings of some extraordinary creatures, or the extraordinary characteristics of flying, they are created through wizard means.

  There is another opportunity for the divine-blood wizard to tailor-make a magic weapon. Wang Ya plans to break through the third-level wizard apprentice after completing this target task.

  After that, he went to find the divine blood wizard to create a witchcraft.

  Roaring sounds echoed one after another in the endless virgin forest.

  Birds flew into the sky in fright.

  Judging from the sound, the number was probably several hundred extraordinary creatures.

  The flying gryphon broke through the clouds and swooped down quickly. Wang Ya stepped on its back and stared at the scene below.

  A human city is being attacked. A large number of extraordinary creatures have trampled the farmland, forming a real beast tide. Although the scale is not very large, it does exist.

  "No, I don't want to die, someone come and save us, help!"

  Wails came from the human city, one after another. They were all mortals. When they found out that they were surrounded by a tide of beasts, it was already too late.

  There was no time to escape.

  The final outcome was that the city was destroyed and people died.

  How can the cities and walls built by mortals stop the ravages of extraordinary creatures? They may be reduced to ruins under the first wave of impact.

  A look of thought flashed across Wang Ya's face. What was the reason for the formation of the beast tide? It was impossible for so many extraordinary creatures to gather for no reason.

  Whether they are carnivores or herbivores, they all have a territory for each other, and they will not invade the river

  unless there is a larger force that forces them to leave their own territory.

  Wang Ya couldn't figure it out either. The True Sight Ball rolled down from his cuffs into his palms, and the injection of particle energy caused the picture and sound to start recording.

  The extraordinary mental power controlled him to float beside him, and Wang Ya drove Harak towards the human city.

  No matter what, just deal with these beasts.

  When the time comes, enter Yunyue Forest and check the specific reasons. If you can find them, it’s good. If you can’t find them, Wang Ya won’t force them.

  Anyway, this indicator task should be considered completed.

  Powerful particle energy burst out from Wang Ya's body, followed by an even more fiery flame demon field, intercepting directly in front of the beast tide.

  The scorching heat scorched everything on the earth to black.

  The area covered by the Flame Demon Realm is also farther than before.

  Wang Ya's strength is not static, but is steadily improving.

  The range has now reached about 60 meters.

  The scope of the phantom realm formed by performing combined witchcraft will also increase accordingly.

  Wang Ya directly asked Harak to transform into his original form.

  The crow, which was dripping black like oil, spread its wings and glided over the beast tide, making a clear cry, waving its arms, and with the swing of its wings, the black liquid was quickly secreted.

  It was like a black rain falling.

  Some of the extraordinary creatures in the direction where Wang Ya was forced to stop rioted. They were afraid of Wang Ya's existence and felt particularly uneasy about the black sticky rain.

  Tick ​​tock!

  There are many extraordinary creatures, but their quality is not high. Most of them are low-level extraordinary creatures or medium extraordinary creatures.

  As the black liquid stained the scales and skin of the extraordinary creature, the Halak phage began to rapidly activate and move.

  As if coming to life, it turned into black filaments and invaded the body of the corresponding extraordinary creature.

  The extraordinary properties could not stop the invasion of Harakphage. Each flesh and blood cell was swallowed up, replaced, and copied again to produce more Harakphage.

  Starting from the infected part, all the black flesh and blood material spread towards other parts of the body.

  This process is very fast. When the infected extraordinary creature is finished, it will become a puppet controlled by Harak.

  It is also a creature under Wang Ya's control, and under Wang Ya's control, it bites other extraordinary creatures and continuously cross-infects them until the entire beast tide becomes phage-infected.

  But the process of infection requires a process after all.

  The mortal city was still destroyed, and the tide of beasts in other directions was not stopped.

  A large number of mortals trembled and hid in their houses, blocking the doors with tables and cabinets.

  The extraordinary creatures with red eyes and crazy creatures kill and bite everyone they see, and start wreaking havoc. Especially after tasting human flesh and blood, they become even more crazy.

  Harak turned into a flying griffon again, with Wang Ya on his back, hovering over the city, overlooking the situation below.

  Watching indifferently as each human being is killed.

  The number of phage infected people is constantly increasing, and those extraordinary creatures that wreak havoc are infected one after another, causing damage that cannot be restored.

  But at least this human city can be preserved.

  Most humans can survive.

  After a simple wizard's dissection, Wang Ya observed the internal structure of a medium extraordinary creature.

  All biological organisms are normal and there are no adverse effects or pathological changes.

  Focusing on the brain position, the analysis results given by the Eye of Truth are also the same. In response, Wang Ya raised his eyebrows. Could it be that the result was really what he guessed.

  Some problems occurred deep in the Yunyue Mountains, forcing these extraordinary creatures to run out and leave their original habitat.

  After washing his hands, Wang Ya raised his head and glanced at the scorching sun in the sky.

  Ignoring these cautious mortals who poked their heads out of the building, Wang Ya let Harak carry him and quickly flew to the Yunyue Mountains.

  However, the flying height is far beyond what can be seen with the naked eye.

  Those extraordinary biological phages, also under his control, quickly surged towards the Yunyue Mountains.

  Wang Ya still has the necessary caution.

  Let these extraordinary creatures test it and see what the specific reason is.

  I don't know why, Wang Ya always feels a little uneasy in his heart.

  Tall trees, humid environment, and extremely high air temperature, the situation inside Yunyue Forest unfolded in Wang Ya's eyes.

  Through the exploration of phage-infected people, Wang Ya also discovered strange places.

  There is no trace of any small life, no trace of insects or birds, it is very quiet, I don’t know what happened.

  No wonder these extraordinary creatures came out, this is too exaggerated.

  The phage-infected people have reached the deep interior of the mountains. This is a valley and flat land, where a large number of corpses of extraordinary creatures are piled up, dying for unknown reasons.

  The insects and birds have also found traces, and the corpses are also here, densely packed, looking very horrified.

  What was the reason? Wang Ya seemed to have discovered the reason. He was horrified to find that his phage-infected patients began to die one by one.

  At the same time, there is also a terrible attraction that makes the phage-infected people move deeper into the valley.

  But he died halfway.

  The Halak phage in the body also died without exception.

  What a joke! !

  Wang Ya's pupils flashed with a look of horror. The Harak Phage was dead, which meant that the Dog of Gendas would also die if he came here.

  The levels of the two are almost the same.

  But only Wang Ya knows that the activity and survivability of Harakphage are so powerful that it shouldn't be, what is in that valley!
  Suddenly, Wang Ya's expression changed a little, and he looked in one direction with horror.

  It seemed that I had narrowed the distance and saw the specific things that happened in that place.

  Wang Ya has almost developed a habit of storing dream seeds in the bodies of some creatures and letting them move on their own.

  Through the perspective of Mengzhong, Wang Ya was able to detect some possible dangers in advance.

  It is equivalent to Wang Ya's eyes.

  That place is still some distance away from Yunyue Forest, in a forest near another city.

  It is also connected to the Yunyue Forest and the mountains.

  Many extraordinary creatures are also migrating there.

  It should be an instinctive fear of some unobservable pheromones, microscopic substances, radiation amplitudes, etc. released by this valley.

  Wang Ya did not personally arrive at the scene inside the valley, and could not determine what the specific situation was.

  A preliminary judgment can only be made based on the death of Halakphage.

  It is precisely because even the Halak phage entered the valley and caused death.

  A look of fear appeared on Wang Ya's face. He would not enter the valley without knowing the situation in detail.

  The perspective shifted to the dream species. The one being parasitized was a Moroccan white jade bird. It was very small and was also a kind of extraordinary creature.

  They are just low-level extraordinary creatures. Their extraordinary nature allows them to hide their aura from being detected by first-level wizard apprentices.

  Powerful particle energy fluctuations erupted in this primeval forest. In terms of high quality and terrifying momentum, it has reached the level of an extreme wizard apprentice.

  At the same time, there were seven or eight bio-force fields colliding with the third-level wizard apprentices, and the particle energy fluctuations were completely suppressed.

  The Morogao white jade bird parasitized by Wang Ya almost collapsed under the collision of this biological force field.

  He quickly controlled it, stayed away from the edge of the battlefield, and watched from a high altitude.

  Its white feathers match the color of the sky very well. Coupled with its own scent, it is difficult to find traces.

  Wang Ya's heart was filled with doubts and a bit of uneasiness. Forget about that weird valley, why was there a battle between wizards here?

  The strength is still so strong.

  Even in the Dark Land, the number of Extreme Wizard Apprentices is limited.

  At this moment, one person was fighting against nine people. It was extremely exaggerated and he still had an absolute advantage.

  Wang Ya was a little frightened. This extreme wizard apprentice should be a strong one among the same level of strength.

  But why does it appear here?

  Is it the wizards from the Dark Land, or other law enforcement wizards from the headquarters who go to various places to arrest the escaped wizards? He also knows some of the situation, but it is absolutely impossible to be so outrageous.

  Whether it is nine law enforcement wizards against one extreme wizard apprentice, or one law enforcement wizard against nine third-level wizard apprentices, this is unreasonable.

  Law enforcement wizards all operate in small teams.

  This is when
  Wang Ya's pupils contracted, his eyes were frightened, his hands were subconsciously pinched, and his expression became a little uncertain.

  The pupils of the Morogao White Jade Bird reflected the deep forest area, and the dense white particle energy secreted by the continuous expansion and secretion directly occupied the sky and turned everything into bone.

  The trees, the earth, and the various forms of released witchcraft were all oppressed and turned into dense bones.

  This white particle energy is so powerful and terrifying. It also makes Wang Ya extremely familiar.

  This is actually the energy of white bone particles!

  Only the inherited wizards of the White Bone lineage can master the special particle energy of learning.

  The figure of Wizard Yisi appeared in the mind of Wang Ya, the ultimate wizard apprentice.

  Could it be him!

  But why are you here, fighting nine third-level wizard apprentices in a life-and-death battle?

  The doubts that filled it made Wang Ya frown.

  The auras of the nine third-level wizard apprentices began to disappear one by one.

  It's not hard to imagine what the result would be.

  Wang Ya's eyes were solemn, and he patted Harak at his feet. As his wings flapped, the flight height increased for another distance, covered by clouds.

  (End of chapter)

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