Chapter 138 [138] Signing of a Contract to Cultivate a First-Level Wizard

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  Chapter 138 [138] The contract to train a first-level wizard is signed
  in the dark tower.

  The Ghost Wizard still swayed his little feet and sat on the chair in his study, looking very leisurely. He held the quill in his little hand and did not stop writing on the blank parchment.

  Another mature woman's voice sounded, "Among the freshmen in the House of Commons, there are three Sons of Darkness, Wang Yaharak, Rod Stark, and Fox Grandet. In terms of potential, Rod Stark should be the highest, regardless of his own ability. With the strength and talent, or the support given by the Stark family behind him, I believe that when he grows up in the end, he has a high chance of being promoted to an official wizard." "

  The second is Fox Grandet, who is taking the path of a dark wizard. According to the investigation, he He is born to be very sensitive to the soul body and spiritual matters. He has more outstanding abilities than other dark wizards and improves his strength very quickly. He is a good candidate to be promoted to an official wizard. Under the dark training plan, he is expected to be able to Catching up with the first secret realm, the potential can be ranked second."

  The ghost light wizard put down the quill in his hand, his eyes fell on the figure in the shadow of the room, and said: "Zi Nightmare, I don't like to make my own decisions. The person who keeps you by my side, you should know why."

  "I hope you won't betray my trust in you!" The

  ghost light wizard's tone was very calm, but the figure in the shadow had cold sweat on his forehead. When he was about to speak, he heard the Dark Light Wizard say something in surprise.

  "Wang Yahalak was able to defeat a third-level wizard apprentice with the strength of a second-level wizard apprentice. This is the first time in the Land of Darkness." A smile appeared on the face of the Dark Light Wizard.

  The Purple Nightmare Wizard's eyes changed instantly, and she was obviously shocked by the news. Then the Ghost Light Wizard's words made her lower her head even further.

  "It seems that the Dream Wizard has accepted a good disciple. Wang Yaharak is really an interesting little guy." The face of Wang Ya appeared in the mind of the Dark Light Wizard, and then said: "Purple Nightmare, now it is up to me to arrange the darkness." The planned training levels are tentatively determined to be King Yaharak as the first level, and Rod Stark and Fox Grande as the second level." "

  As for the quotas for third-level wizard apprentices and extreme wizard apprentices, their strength will be determined through the battlefield. Only those who can win will be eligible to get a quota."

  "You go ahead and make arrangements for the follow-up regulations of the Dark Training Plan." The Dark Light Wizard picked up the quill and continued to write.

  The figure in the shadow began to retreat, and finally disappeared directly into the room.

  The long purple hair is spread around the younger generation, and he wears a purple human face mask, covering his true face, not even his eyes are exposed.

  The Purple Nightmare wizard walked out of the dark tower and did not enter the headquarters area. Instead, he passed through the teleportation array and came to a wizard city near the headquarters.

  Many guardian wizards near the teleportation array lowered their heads when they saw the appearance of the Purple Nightmare Wizard, with awe on their faces, and shouted in unison: "Dear Purple Nightmare Wizard, welcome your return." Purple

  Nightmare The wizard ignored these wizards from the city lord's palace and went straight to the inner city area of ​​the wizard city.

  This is where the Stark family resides.

  After receiving the news, Pony Stark personally came out to welcome the Purple Nightmare Wizard in. The

  Purple Nightmare Wizard also told him some information about the dark training plan and stayed there for about an hour.

  When leaving, he also reminded you, "This is the decision made by the Netherlight Wizard himself. It will only depend on your follow-up arrangements. If I know the candidates of the school's lineage, I will inform you in advance." "Wang Yahalak.

  " "Pony Stark murmured the name, with a look of uncertainty on his face.

  Fantasy Tower, three levels of space.

  Wang Ya walked out of the study, the energy and blood on his face had recovered a lot, and his body was not as weak as he had been in the past few days.

  The particle energy in the body was extremely abundant at this moment. With the surge of extraordinary mental power, the study door that had not been closed and an object on the table in the study flew towards Wang Ya as if being pulled by an invisible big hand.

  He grabbed it in his hand and put it into his cuff.

  It was a black key, a key that could open a certain space in the Dream Tower.

  After Wang Ya defeated Hades, the Dream Wizard came to the door and gave it to him.

  It is also a voucher. You can use this to go to the Divine Blood Tower and find the Divine Blood Wizard to create an extraordinary witchcraft for yourself.

  When Wang Ya learned the news, he was also stunned.

  What a treat it is to have an official wizard personally tailor an extraordinary wizard weapon for you.

  Even if you are an extreme wizard apprentice, there is no such possibility.

  There is simply no condition for a formal wizard to take action, whether it is magic stones or other resources, it is unlikely. The two sides are not on the same level.

  Wang Ya guessed that this should be some kind of beneficial relationship between the Dream Wizard and the Divine Blood Wizard, which allowed him to obtain such an extremely precious opportunity.

  Wang Ya is still very happy. In terms of extraordinary witchcraft, as the main witchcraft, the Shadow Killing Blade can still be used.

  His strength has reached the level of a second-level wizard apprentice. When injecting particle energy, he needs to be careful not to be too violent and destroy the original particle energy transmission line, which seems a bit constrained.

  If there is a more powerful attacking magic weapon, the strength can be improved a few points.

  Wang Ya subconsciously recalled the magic cube magic weapon he saw when he was in Gulin Mountain. It belonged to the advanced category and had already been solidified in the form of a magic array.

  Wizard Yisi's extraordinary witchcraft should have reached a higher level in terms of grade.

  Wang Ya felt that the custom-made witchcraft weapon made by the official wizard himself, no matter what, could not be much weaker than the magic cube witchcraft weapon of Wizard Yi Si.

  The pupils flashed with tiny blue luster.

  [Target: Dream Return Meditation]

  [Advanced Chapter: The Fifth Wizard Rune]

  [Estimated Analysis Time: 50 Days]

  There is about a month and a half left, which is a normal standard.

  The dream-returning meditation method is much better than the Haohai meditation method in terms of difficulty and other aspects.

  Later, as Wang Ya collects more knowledge and information, and the function of the Eye of Truth is improved, this time will be relatively shortened.

  Wang Yade admitted that at the level of a second-level wizard apprentice, improving mental power was much more difficult and more time-consuming than at the level of a first-level wizard apprentice.

  He has the advantage of a dream wizard, which is the dream creature that exists in the dream world.

  In terms of improving his mental power, he wasn't too worried.

  [Target: Six Advanced Extraordinary Knowledges]

  [Tips: Successfully parsed.

  With a thought in his mind, a large amount of information and knowledge emerged from the memory area of ​​his mind. Wang Ya closed his eyes and began to accept everything.

  Through his own extraordinary foundation, all this extraordinary knowledge was absorbed by him.

  When he opened his eyes again, Wang Ya already had more ideas about the changes in the properties of particle energy and the direction of intensity research.

  What method can be used to strip out the rest of the extraordinary properties of the wizard's variable experiment on the Dog of Gendas?

  As for the extraordinary nature of the remaining part, Wang Ya's plan is to integrate it into the blood-sucking vine core species he brought back.

  Harak's own infinite genome has reached a relative balance and is perfect enough.

  All that's left is to absorb and devour more extraordinary creatures and living substances to make up for the defects in one's own genetic fragments.

  The term "complement" is not used accurately. It is better to say that it is "perfect evolution".

  Let yourself become more perfect until there is no longer any flaw.

  Wang Ya's dream wizard system, the media carrier of the dream gap, also falls on Halak.

  The Dream Infinite Genome has also begun to be cultivated. It is not available for the time being. It is buried in the Maple Leaf Forest. We can only wait for Wang Ya to further improve his dream power before considering it.

  Continuing to conduct related wizard experiments in the Fantasy Garden, Wang Ya just gave up after going through it in his mind.

  Every wizard has his own privacy, his own secrets.

  He also has this secret.

  I believe that for the Dream Wizard, the Dream Territory is also his place of privacy.

  It's not appropriate, and you can't do it this way.

  Anyway, he also has the idea of ​​exploring the dream world and shaping his own dream territory.

  At worst, after the power of dreams is raised to meet the standards for exploration, all it takes is to devour and occupy part of the dream world land. Wang Ya walked out of the castle and came to the virgin forest outside. The huge trees were far taller than ordinary trees, older and more majestic.

  Walking along the warm stone path, Harak flew down from the sky and landed firmly on his shoulders.

  "Tower spirit, teleport to the magic plant cultivation room."

  The teleportation wave enveloped one person and one bird, and the next moment, the figure disappeared directly from the place.

  The magic plant cultivation room exists in an open-air environment. It should be said that there are no strict restrictions on the house, and there is a witch formation cycle to control it.

  There are no extraordinary creatures in the third floor, so it is almost impossible to break into the magic plant cultivation room.

  Wang Ya looked at the rocky area in front of him. A large number of thorny vines clung to the stone walls and everywhere on the ground. There were also many skeletons of creatures nearby, some fresh and some old.

  But the furthest is no more than three to five months.

  These green vines have ferocious barbs on their tips.

  It was the Vampire Vine King seeds that Wang Ya brought with him after he returned from that wizarding mission that were planted here. After four or five months of natural growth, he did not expect that they would have grown to such a large scale.

  Wang Ya had a look of satisfaction on his face, showing his amazing survivability. You should know that he was almost free-range, just throwing the seeds into the place where the magic plants were cultivated and it was done.

  The witchcraft array was not opened to allow this area to circulate, with the influx of various natural particle energies.

  The vampire vine king species can reach such a scale because it spontaneously releases corrosive and irritating green body fluid, attracting creatures from the surrounding primeval forests.

  It continuously absorbs flesh and blood and grows step by step. Although it is not on the scale of absorbing human flesh and blood in a city in the human kingdom, it is still enough to complete some of Wang Ya's wizard experiments.

  But the prerequisite is to recover this little guy.

  Wang Ya took the initiative to walk towards the Vampire Vine King. A large number of vines began to riot, trying to drive Wang Ya away and surrounding and protecting the central bud.

  The vampire king vines clearly felt the terror of the two-legged beast in front of them. Facing Wang Ya's approach, they kept retreating back until the massive volume was unable to retreat, forming a huge thorny vine surrounding the sphere.

  Wang Ya's eyes were covered with a light silvery luster, with strong mental power, accompanied by the use of a little dream power.   The invisible and ignorant spiritual power of

  witchcraft [weariness to win] shows the changes in the material reality at this moment.   The large number of entangled vines seemed to be impacted by an invisible force and instantly shattered, with green slurry scattered everywhere.   Stepping over the broken vines on the ground, Wang Ya broke into the core area of ​​the Vampire Vine King with extremely violent force.   The palm of his hand was pressed against the trembling bud, leaving his own spiritual imprint.   Everything went very smoothly. Compared with the fear at that time, energy flames were used to destroy this extraordinary demonic plant. At this moment, Wang Ya could directly suppress everything with just his extraordinary mental power.   The strength is completely different.   Extraordinary magic plants are different from ordinary plants. They have extraordinary properties that allow them to give birth to instincts and basic thinking, such as whether they are delicious or not, whether they can be eaten, and whether they are dangerous enemies.   After being imprinted by the wizard's spirit, one can go a step further in terms of wisdom and discern what the master's orders are.   At this moment, he was like a puppy, using the remaining vines to gently wrap around Wang Ya's feet, seeming to express his intimacy.   Wang Ya looked at the docile Vampire King vine and nodded slightly.   Harak on his shoulder also looked at the Vampire King's vine curiously. Just now, it also had a strange feeling, as if it had an extra companion.   Green vines clung to Wang Ya's body and reached Wang Ya's shoulders, tentatively touching Harak, appearing a little cautious.   Harak blinked his black pupils, touched it with his mouth, then quickly took it back, and then touched it again.   The green vines relaxed completely and began to surround Harak.   Wang Ya passed an order through his spiritual brand, and the surrounding vines slowly retracted.   With the activation of the witchcraft formation, the circulation of particle energy in the magic plant cultivation area also began.   The Vampire King's vines can also feel the difference tomorrow. Many vines have spread to more places in the stone pile area, almost occupying the gaps in the stones, enjoying the infiltration of particle energy.   The magic plant cultivation area is of course not just this one place, there are other areas suitable for the cultivation of different magic plants.   Just like the biological cultivation room, it is also open-air. You can choose different places to cultivate according to the characteristics of the corresponding organisms.   Wang Ya took out his notebook from his sleeves.   Use a quill pen to write down the relevant wizard experimental plan.   [Magic Plant Gene Breeding Plan]   [Target: Vampire King Vine]   [Purpose: To extract the remaining extraordinary properties of the Dog of Gendas and give them to the Vampire King Vine to achieve transformation at the genetic level and complete the evolution of the species. evolution. ]   [Attachment: This is the secondary selection target of the dream gap medium.   Everything has a preparation plan. The magic plant gene cultivation plan is Wang Ya's confirmation of extraordinary knowledge, and it is also the second choice after the failure of the infinite genome in the dream.

  The Eye of Truth now has another target to choose from.

  Wang Ya put it into the perfect deduction of the flame demon witchcraft flow.

  From many aspects, we will strengthen and improve the flame demon witchcraft flow and enhance the strength of Wang Ya's elemental wizard path.

  Compared with the weirdness and mystery displayed by the Dream Wizard now.

  The powerful attacks of Wang Ya's elemental wizards, especially the powerful bursts of the fire elemental wizards, were not reflected. Instead, they were at an absolute disadvantage when fighting Hades. ,

  the one who was beaten couldn't even use the Balrog fear witchcraft, and could only use the Balrog domain to dodge constantly.

  This is unacceptable to Wang Ya. In terms of attack, he has to admit that the [Fire Demon's Fear] witchcraft and [Fire Demon's Roar] witchcraft are somewhat lacking. The shortcomings are too obvious.

  It is necessary to enrich more attack methods and have multiple attack and magic options.

  [Target: Fire Demon Witchcraft School]

  [Analysis Purpose: To supplement and improve this witchcraft school so that it can have stronger combat capabilities. ]

  [Estimated analysis time: 60 days]

  Two months is not a long time, but it is within Wang Ya's psychological expectations.

  During this period, Wang Ya can also make subsequent improvements to his dream witchcraft system.

  Winter in the dark land has finally come.

  The cold wind on the first day of winter is so biting that people subconsciously tighten their clothes.

  There were not many wizards coming and going on the streets of the business district.

  Wang Ya was wearing a black wizard robe, and the cold wind blew against his cheeks. His hair was slightly messy in the wind, and the breath he exhaled turned into white puffs and dissipated far away.

  He came to make an appointment with Kazantun to complete the remaining aspects of the wizard's contract, that is, to obtain the reward of the bet.

  It was supposed to be completed a few days ago, but Wang Ya delayed it and restored his own state first.

  In addition, he also thought about one thing over the past few days and finally made up his mind.

  When I came here, I also wrote two wizard contracts.

  Soon, the agreed place, 'Bashan Discussion Hall' appeared in front of Wang Ya.

  He walked straight in.
  ps: There is another update, and the guarantee is 13,000, I am a thin dog!
  (End of chapter)

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