Chapter 97 The Deterrent Power of the Major General (Second Update)

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  Chapter 97 The Deterrent Power of the Major General (Second Update)

  "What do you mean?" The tiger-faced king was also moved in his heart. The tribe also has plans to improve mechas, but the tribe uses biological mechas and energy armors. .

  But there is still no problem in improving a third-generation mecha, which is to add some additional attributes to the mecha.

  "King, you can think about it, and next time we can make it clear to this disaster star directly. By then, the disaster star can also make money on its own, and we can also kill our neighbors, and just one disaster star will not bring much to the alliance.

  "This Disaster Star behaves weirdly. It's not like those bastards from the Alliance who come up to us and cause trouble for us. You see, this Disaster Star guy is shouted at by everyone on the human side. Let's strengthen his strength and his behavior will be even better. " It will be annoying. If one day this person's identity is exposed and the king reaches out to save him, won't this person become one of ours?"

  The king was very moved when he heard this, and added some special features to a third-generation machine. The consumption of attributes is not very large. In the human world, everyone is shouting about this scourge. Most of them have character problems. There are also some criminals in the alliance who have committed the most heinous crimes.

  Build a good relationship with him first. Not only can you kill the neighbors here, but if this person can't survive in the alliance in the future, coming here is also a good choice.

  "Your Majesty, let's be nice to him first. It's best to get some basic information. If that doesn't work, we'll find someone to frame him. Anyway, the Alliance doesn't know the specific details of our side. If he's framed, he'll go to jail or something. , and then we will rescue."

  "There are many organizations and institutions in the alliance that do these things, and they only care about money. We also have a lot of rare materials here, and these organizations on our side and theirs are not Without communication, it is very easy to frame someone or save someone." The tiger-faced king's subordinate continued... "

  I will consider this matter." The tiger-faced king was very moved.


  Yang Bo didn’t know that he was being cared about by a group of mutants, and the identity of this group of mutants was complicated.

  But if Yang Bo knew about it, he might be very happy, because Yang Bo has no feelings for this alliance at all. Anyway, he doesn’t want to hang out somewhere. He has already prepared to become a pirate. He really can’t hang out in the alliance, so he is ready to go. Being a pirate, let alone hanging out with mutants.

  With the current situation of the alliance, Yang Bo wants to immigrate to other countries quickly. There are extremist elements in the army. What do you think this is?
  Yang Bo knew very little about the upper structure and military organizational structure of the entire alliance.

  Although I have figured out the surrounding terrain clearly, the time limit is not suitable for going further away. What is more important is to listen to the conversations of these people and learn a lot of information, especially information that I had no access to as a previous resident.

  "It is somewhat similar to Ami on Earth. The planets within this alliance are basically controlled by major families. In the past life, each state in the United States actually had a family, and these families affected the entire state. All aspects."

  On this day, Yang Bo took advantage of the soldiers on duty to eat and sneaked out invisibly. This time I wandered into the mecha warehouse and fighter jet warehouse. The fighter jets looked very small in the sky before, but in fact they were bigger than fighter jets on earth.

  The mechas and fighter planes on this battleship are divided into manned and unmanned mechas and unmanned mechas and fighter planes.

  The reason why fighter planes and mechas require human control is because their electronic protection capabilities are very low. This is very low compared to battleships and the like.

  Unfortunately, no one was using these devices. Yang Bo wanted to touch them to see if he could get permission, but he thought about it. Seeing that the time was almost up, Yang Bo quickly left here.

  As soon as he arrived at the canteen, Yang Bo found that everyone in the canteen was standing together, and a major general with a golden star on his shoulder was speaking.

  When Yang Bo took a look from behind the scenes, he found that the major general turned his head and looked towards him. He was so frightened that Yang Bo quickly retracted his head and left quickly. "I*." Yang Bo came to a storage room near the entrance of the passage guarded by soldiers. He felt that his heart was about to beat. He didn't know what kind of super power this major general had, but he almost saw through him.

  "Sixth sense superpower? Or mental superpower?" Yang Bo is not sure. The world is very big and there are many types of superpowers. Invisibility is a very strong ability, but Yang Bo guesses that there must be restraint. There can be no superpowers without any restraint.

  "Everyone must be careful during this mission. We will enter the mission airspace in two days. At that time, we will enter the highest alert state. Those residents will not be allowed to go out." "Do you understand?" The major general spoke in the cafeteria


  "Understood." Below, thousands of soldiers replied one after another. Depending on the clothes they wore, these soldiers included mecha divisions, fighter pilots, and various other personnel.

  Battleships are actually unit by unit. Each unit has its own independent backup system, so that once the middle of the battleship is hit, the entire battleship will not lose its combat effectiveness.

  That is to say, the length of the battleship is a separate combat unit, from the energy supply system to the weapon system, etc. This prevents the battleship from being hit by others, which will lead to the entire paralysis.

  In addition, this has the advantage that once the war is over, the destroyed parts are discarded, and the rest can be assembled to form combat effectiveness.

  After the major general finished speaking, he frowned slightly. He clearly felt like there was something there just now, but it was nothing. Could it be that this mission put too much pressure on him?

  The major general thought about this mission and rubbed his forehead. It was an S-class secret mission. This was the mission level second only to going to war with an enemy country. He didn't know what this secret mission was. He just received the order. In the mission airspace, there is no authority to know what this secret mission is.

  This person received the news that he was escorting one thing, and then returned to the alliance's highest military research base. There was no information at all about the rest.

  "Could it be that an S-class mutant creature was discovered?" The major general left this combat mission unit and headed to the next combat mission unit. He was thinking about the area where the mission was to be carried out, and an incredible idea suddenly came to his mind.

  The rear admiral is considered the combat officer of this battleship, not the captain.

  As for the major general who thought there was someone just now, he didn't go into it at all.

  The warning system inside the battleship is the most advanced in mankind so far, and can detect 100% of known energy.

  Of course, there is no way to detect the unknown. Even main battleships like humans will sometimes encounter some unknown impacts in space.

  How to put it, just like humans on earth feel that they have many detection methods, but many times some meteorites are not known to humans until they rush into the earth's atmosphere.

  As for why no one knows, perhaps scientists will discover these reasons through continuous exploration.

  (End of chapter)

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