Chapter 82 The Pirate Leader’s Regret (First Update)

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  Chapter 82 The Regret of the Pirate Leader (First Update)
  The second mecha of the escort team used by Yang Bo was also thrown into space, and the mecha's optical brain was directly burned by Yang Bo with huge electric energy!
  Yang Bo must not let anyone know that he has the ability to control other mechas. Looking at the place where the escort team stored the mechas, Yang Bo was ready to smash this place to pieces and let everything inside go into space. , no one knows.

  After gaining the authority of a mecha again, Yang Bo was ready to kill the boss first.

  The pirate leader never imagined that he had lost five mechas and even several people. Due to communication reasons, there was no way to communicate in time.

  Of course, the pirate leader would never have thought that there was someone on the transport ship who could control the mecha. If he knew that someone could control the mecha.

  He would definitely not be so careless, because with four mechas plus a few pirates, with such a powerful configuration, it would be difficult for a single mecha to win.

  In fact, Yang Bo also underestimates himself a little. He feels dissatisfied with Yang Bo's performance in mecha training, but mecha training is programmed, because your reaction is already known by the optical brain.

  He is reacting to your reaction, and it feels like the opponent is a little bit cheating. That is to say, the opponent in the mecha training knows a little bit in advance that you want to turn left or right, because the main purpose of mecha training is It is the reaction of training mecha masters.

  In reality, when mechas are fighting, they don't know how the other party will react. They have to wait until the other party reacts before they can respond.

  Don’t underestimate the time difference. This is why the last time Yang Bo and the Red Earl fought, many people thought that Yang Bo was an ace mecha master with first-class reaction speed and prediction ability. As for what it looked like at the time The mecha is a bit inappropriate and is considered by everyone to be a third-generation mecha. It is precisely because the third-generation mecha has performed at this level that it truly reflects the capabilities of the mecha master.

  Others had no idea that there was a rookie inside who was new to mechas.

  In the mecha game, Yang Bo can use a sword several meters long to kill a ten centimeter-sized bird in the air. He can jump down and hit a mouse from a distance of several hundred meters. This kind of precise control ability is actually very difficult. of.

  Birds have directions when flying, but birds also have their own temporary reactions, so hunting birds is much more difficult than shooting moving targets.

  The third mecha was obtained. It still took three minutes for this mecha to obtain the permissions. Yang Bo also recharged himself this time. After charging, he felt much calmer.

  Moreover, Yang Bo found that after his skin became metallized, his mind should be extra calm and his reactions should be calmer. Just like the last time he smashed someone's cab directly with his leg, he thought it was incredible when he thought about it later. At that time, he was just subconscious reaction!
  "Will the mechanic eventually evolve into a killing machine?" He murmured to himself while controlling the mecha!

  Yang Bo actually didn't know how many mechas the opponent had, but he estimated that there were no more than 50 mechas, and he had already solved 1/10 of them.

  This time, Yang Bo simply walked through the maintenance channel and directly released the gravity system of the mecha, leaving the mecha in a weightless state. He pulled the wall of the maintenance channel inside with his two hands and moved quickly.

  A lot of places can be avoided by going through the pit lane. Yang Bo didn't know how many mechas the opponent had, and he was afraid of colliding with the opponent's large army, so Yang Bo came to an ambush location of his choice.

  Yang Bo first went out invisible and scouted around, waiting to see if anyone from the other party came. When someone from the other party came, he operated the mecha and waited.

  It has to be said that the Silver Moon Pirates were in bad luck this time. They encountered a pervert like Yang Bo who could not only control mechas, but also be invisible to check on others?

  Yang Bo actually wanted to hide. After all, there were so many capable people. Let's put it this way, Yang Bo would rather be captured by pirates than reveal that he could summon mechas out of thin air, camouflage, and become invisible. Because the above three abilities are exposed, it is almost as good as death.

  There is no need to see the pirates' reaction first. So what?
  These pirates are professionals. Yang Bo himself is a novice who has been exposed to mechas for a few days. He does not want to touch the mechas in his own space. Even if he becomes a pirate or is sold, the mechas are still turning over. Relatively easy.

  On the one hand, I was forced by pirates, but on the other hand, I could control other mechas, which made it feel much better.

  After all, it's not your mecha, so you won't feel bad if it gets damaged, right?
  Then I did it again, and my confidence grew...

  "Where is this person? Where are these pirates?" Yang Bo first searched outside with the stadium as the center, but after searching for a while he didn't see him, so he decided to take a look at the stadium.

  He came to the stadium again. Because he knew where these people were, Yang Bo took a sneak peek from other places and found that there were six mechas and a dozen people here. The number of hostages bound on the ground was more than last time. The other party The boss is still in the stands.

  "These mechas have rich combat experience, and the angle they stand at can easily provide fire support!" Yang Bo still had time to analyze the position of the combat power of these pirate mechas. At the beginning, Yang Bo didn't understand this, but after reading it, he understood in his mind With relevant information.

  Yang Bo actually knows his skills, but he just said that they represent his upper limit, and the real application still requires continuous practice by himself.

  While Yang Bo was waiting, the pirate warship was in chaos.

  "No, we have detected mecha fragments again, and most of these mecha fragments are our mechas." "What

  happened on the transport ship? Why did the mechas that were in contact with us also lose contact? Now The data transmission is less than 20%, and we can't contact the boss. What should we do now?" In the command room on the pirate battleship, everyone looked ugly. The battleship had suffered huge damage, and it had certain effects on the battleship itself. Impact, energy consumption is relatively large.

  Another reason is that because of the shielding ability of the transport ship itself, the people on the battleship are unable to communicate with the leader of the pirate group at any time.

  The pirate battleship has recently detected several violent fluctuations, and then detected a lot of fragments. Through the detection of the fragments, it was found that these fragments were actually its own mecha fragments, accounting for about 80% of the total fragments.

  For every type of mecha, as long as you know its material composition, even if it becomes fragments, you can analyze the data and analyze what kind of mecha fragments it is.

  Without these mecha fragments, the people on the pirate warship would not panic, but the appearance of these mecha fragments proved something, it proved that the losses on their side were increasing.

  "There are still ten minutes. The boss has agreed that we will contact him every half hour. There are still ten minutes left. If the boss cannot be contacted, we will realize that something is wrong." The battleship commander said calmly.

  (End of chapter)

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