Chapter 70 Immigration Begins

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  Chapter 70 Immigration begins

  ! Didi didi!

  The mecha sounded a rapid siren, and Yang Bo simply turned off the siren.

  There are at least dozens of mutants in a group. These guys have energy weapons and energy armors. They are more than two meters tall, but their faces seem a bit like orangutans.

  Yang Bo didn't dare to move. The radar warned that these guys were extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous.

  Using energy weapons to cut down my mecha is like cutting tofu.

  A man wearing a golden energy armor came from a distance. Why does this man's face look a bit like a tiger?

  The mutants around were shouting something respectfully, and Yang Bo estimated that this was their unique language.

  "Calamity Star, nice to see you." Just when Yang Bo was shocked at how these people dealt with him, a mutant wearing golden armor was nearly three meters tall. Although he did not bring an energy weapon, he had a pair of golden gloves. conspicuous.

  "Do you know interstellar language?" Hearing the other party shouting, Yang Bo quickly typed and then sent the language. He was a sonic power user, so of course he wouldn't use his own.

  Yang Bo is using the voice module of the leader of the Justice Gang, hehe...!
  "Haha, why not? We are also interstellar citizens." The tiger-faced king looked at the eight-meter-tall third-generation mecha. In his eyes, it was just a pile of junk.

  Yang Bo continued typing: "You won't kill me?"

  "Aren't they just a bunch of broken mechas, haha, forget it, there are too many to mention, I will send someone to take you back to the ground right away." The tiger-faced king thought very much. I said you are not playing a game, but when the words come to your lips, you give up. This is a disaster.

  Moreover, the tiger-faced king thinks Yang Bo is very interesting. Yang Bo is not a real person. What he breaks is just a pile of rags. It is not worth doing it himself. Let this guy go out and continue to harm his neighbors.

  This time, another neighbor of mine is unlucky. Every time he comes out, his neighbor will be unlucky.

  "Uh, why?" Yang Bo asked as he continued typing.

  "No reason, I like, haha, haha, King Kong, take this guy out." The tiger-faced king felt happy when he thought that his neighbors were hungry, had no mines, and lost population.

  It turns out that the underground world also has its own territory. These mutants will breed many creatures, such as cave lizards. Why can cave lizards reproduce so much but there are no predators in the biological chain?
  It is because the predators have been eliminated by the mutants. The mutants will use special means to summon these cave lizards to a place every once in a while as a food reserve.

  A large area needs to be cleared at a time, usually in waves every year or several years. The tiger-faced king is already ready to take action. Under the mutant tribal system, once the tribe runs out of food, there will be civil strife within the tribe.

  A tall man, two and a half meters tall, held two long machetes in his hands, one of which pointed at a certain place.

  Yang Bo was dumbfounded, puzzled, and confused. What... what is going on?

  "Disaster star?" Yang Bo was a little confused, why did he call himself that, and why did he let himself go?
  Half an hour later, Yang Bo looked at the sun and then at the cave behind him. This...

  "Brother Zhanniao is back."

  "Brother Zhanniao is back."

  "I'm here!" Yang Bo controlled the mecha and returned to the base. He felt very distressed during the repairs, and the forum exploded.

  Both the Justice Gang and the Zhanniao Gang hated Yang Bo. Why don't you die? Why don't you die...

  Yang Bo first checked the forum to see if the Justice Gang had been cheated.

  "I'll go." Yang Bo watched the most exciting clip of less than ten minutes. When he was running away, the Justice Gang encountered mutants and killed more than a dozen mutants, and then the mutants exploded the mecha.

  Most of the people on the forum are those who watch movies. What kind of live broadcasts are there? Why are they so beautiful? How beautiful are they? What mutants are powerful and so on. "Tsk, tsk, these guys are what I attracted in the lake last time. The Justice Gang lost almost half of them last time. This time, the entire army was destroyed. Haha, it met expectations." Yang Bo played the game happily.

  I recited the skills silently in my mind, and my eyes lit up. There were two biggest changes.

  Disguise: Grand Master (obtain the biological sample of the disguised object. It is impossible to distinguish the true from the false from the biological characteristics, but the memory and ability of the object cannot be disguised).

  "Ah haha!" Yang Bo almost laughed. This means that as long as you obtain someone else's biological sample, you can become the other person genetically, but you cannot disguise other people's memories and abilities.

  "Then if it's a biological sample of a woman... Bah, disgusting."

  Continuing to read, a biological summon was added: Advanced (162/1000)

  "There are already three master skills, swimming, sound wave control, and disguise."

  "The future We can look forward to it."

  Yang Bo charged himself first, charging slowly now, otherwise the battery may spontaneously ignite.

  "I need to get some homologous energy stones. With that thing, I can go everywhere. I don't know how to make homologous energy stones?"

  Yang Bo went out for a walk, preparing to take another look at this planet. There are things on this planet every day. Traces of laser fall.

  In fact, many people with superpowers have not reported to the government, because you have to take the initiative to report. Also, welfare residents like Yang Bo before need regular physical examinations, while other normal residents will not have forced physical examinations. .

  "Huh?" Yang Bo found a feather on the ground, and his heart moved. This biological sample?

  But this is a public area, Yang Bo muttered in his heart, but still didn't take it.

  When he got home, Yang Bo went online to look at some accessories, mainly to see if they had animal materials or something like that. Then he thought about whether the meat he bought counted.

  "What a pity." After getting the meat, Yang Bo tested it, but there was no reaction and he couldn't pretend.

  What Yang Bo doesn't know is that the meat he buys has been processed, and the cells have no activity. Even the most advanced technology cannot be cloned.

  Next, Yang Bo did not enter the game. He first got a game password. When he arrived at a new place, he could use the password to obtain his own game information. The main thing was that he still had hydrogen bombs and shock wave bombs in stock, otherwise Yang Bo would not bother to do this.

  Yang Bo is more training in metal control, mainly controlling the changes of energy metal and mastering the tricks.

  When it was finally time to leave, the fat boss came to Yang Bo's house in person and took care of the dormitory.

  "So many people?" Yang Bo discovered that the fat boss actually had dozens of subordinates, and there were five to six hundred people including his family members. One guy actually had three wives... This is a civilized society.

  "Yang Bo, residents will take this kind of energy protection cabin. Now let's go to the airport first." Contrary to what he expected, the fat boss actually chartered an aerospace transport plane. Everyone has a seat, and the seat is fully enclosed. The transparent shield is what kind of energy protection cabin.

  After the person next to him sat down, his head was covered by a transparent helmet, and then a blue liquid came out and enveloped the whole person.

  After Yang Bo sat down, a transparent helmet appeared, and his body was wrapped in a warm liquid. Yang Bo discovered that this transparent helmet could watch movies and adjust the temperature of the energy protection liquid.

  "No wonder you have to put on special clothes to get on the transport plane." Yang Bo voice commanded the helmet to display the scene outside the transport plane, muttering to himself.

  (End of chapter)

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