Chapter 57 Shameless

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  Chapter 57 The shameless

  tiger-faced king takes people to the neighbor's house to see if there is anything that needs help. If the neighbor is nice, then he will be a guest. If the neighbor is not good, then the tiger-faced king will be the host and should take it. Take, move what needs to be moved, kill what needs to be killed...

  Yang Bo looked at a string of metal controls +8! After counting carefully, there were already nine.

  Suddenly the mecha sounded an alarm. Yang Bo took a look and saw half of the head of a silver-armored rhinoceros exposed at the entrance of the valley. He bowed his head and saw a figure picked up by the horns of the silver-armored rhinoceros. This person was all over the head of the silver-armored rhinoceros. Shivering.

  "Who did this silver-armored rhinoceros collide with? Is it the mutant who attacked these advanced mechas?" Yang Bo's mind has now regained some clarity. The short ten seconds just now were really terrifying. At that time, Yang Bo Beau forgot about the game he was playing and seemed to be literally running for his life.

  It is normal for mutants to be underground. Once these guys fly, they will be locked by the railgun. Yang Bo has the best say on this point.

  Controlling the mecha, he put the energy shield in front to prevent the silver-armored rhinoceros from sneak attacks. Looking at the silver-armored rhinoceros, someone had an idea in his mind.

  "The official requirement of the game is to catch the silver-armored rhinoceros alive. Other players don't come to kill this silver-armored rhinoceros because there is no profit." "

  But I don't need profit. I have been paying money to play the game. I am satisfied with killing small animals. Then I will take this for myself." When the silver-armored rhinoceros is lured out, will the rail gun fire?"

  "Give it a try. If the rail gun doesn't fire, then if you encounter some mutant beasts officially announced by the game in the future, stay away."

  Yang Bozhi So if you are not afraid of mutants, your biggest reliance is the rail gun. Last time you killed a cow, what happened to those flying mutants? Help yourself to clear the monsters.

  After looking at the remaining shock wave bombs in the mecha, Yang Bo controlled the mecha and threw a shock wave bomb at the silver-armored rhinoceros, provoking this guy.

  Unexpectedly, the silver-armored rhino's horn emitted energy, and the shock wave bomb exploded halfway.

  "This guy has weird abilities." The alarm sounded as Yang Bo's mecha was shaken.

  Then Yang Bo was dumbfounded when he saw the silver-armored rhinoceros put that mutant in front of him and trampled it hard with its thick, silver-armored feet, and even turned it over.

  "Brother, you don't think the mutants are with me, do you?"

  "It's very possible that we have to provoke the silver-armored rhinoceros to kill the mutant and see what he is capable of."

  Said Gan Just do it, Yang Bo controlled the mecha, landed in the valley, and removed one of the mecha's arms in three strokes.

  "Uh, how come I'm so proficient in mecha structure?"

  "Could it be that the ability to repair mechas works?" Yang Bo watched as he dismantled the arm of this advanced mecha in less than five seconds, and pondered for half a second.

  Then he swung the arm of the advanced mecha and hit the silver-armored rhinoceros hard.

  The silver-armored rhinoceros stepped back this time, and its arm fell hard on the mutant who was stepped on by the silver-armored rhinoceros, causing the mutant to twitch.

  In the next scene, Yang Bo was dumbfounded again. From where he was now, he could almost see the cave where the silver-armored rhinoceros was. He saw that the silver-armored rhinoceros actually opened its big mouth and used the mecha's arm like a spicy bar. Swallowed it into the stomach.


  Yang Bo was surprised when he saw this scene and had an immature idea.

  "This guy's IQ is not very high. He knows how to get a mutant to provoke him." "

  But if I'm talking about his high IQ, it's obvious that this mutant is not on the same side as him. In other words, this guy is probably a little bit stupid." "

  This guy has a low IQ." The goods may also be in this game...or one of the important resources of this planet, otherwise it would not live so long." There is

  a general idea in my mind, but it is a bit immature. This idea is a bit whimsical, that is, it is the same as this two Good deal with goods.

  Of course, the main reason is that these abandoned mechas don’t cost money, and they were secretly taken away by mutants when they were thrown on the ground. When they picked them up themselves, they were laughed at by others for picking up rags. Damn! So Yang Bo began to dismantle the mecha, eight high-level mechas, legs, and arms.

  After dismantling it, he threw the mecha wreckage to the silver-armored rhinoceros. As expected, the silver-armored rhinoceros ate the mecha wreckage, not the kind that bit out of anger and rage.

  It took less than ten minutes for all eight mechas to be dismantled and then thrown to the silver-armored rhinoceros. They were all eaten by the opponent, and the remaining ones were the batteries used by the mechas.

  Batteries are useless. Each mecha is equipped with a matching battery. Others cannot be used. There are safety procedures.

  Throwing a battery over, the silver-armored rhinoceros refused to eat and looked at Yang Bo with his eyes.

  Then he kicked the mutant at the entrance of the cave towards Yang Bo.

  Then the mutant landed on the ground dozens of meters away from Yang Bo. The mutant's state looked very strange, and his whole body was stiff, as if he was ill.

  The mutant glared at Yang Bo. Unfortunately, the mutant himself was a very powerful metal-altered mutant, but he encountered a silver-armored rhinoceros. The energy released by the silver-armored rhinoceros can age metal.

  After this group of mutants successfully attacked the advanced mecha, they got into the cave and heard the movement in the cave. They just gathered together to see what happened.

  Yang Bo misunderstood and stuffed two hydrogen bombs directly into the passage. The mutants were stunned.

  The two hydrogen bombs almost collapsed the mountain. These mutants had superpowers after all. Who knew that they had just released their superpowers and escaped the attack of the miniature hydrogen bombs, and the next second they were discovered by the violent silver-armored rhino.

  Then this group of mutants were tortured. If the mutants were sure to kill the silver-armored rhinoceros, the silver-armored rhinoceros would have been killed long ago.

  In the small underground space, there was no place for the mutants to hide. Except for a few who ran fast, the rest were killed by the silver-armored rhino.

  In the eyes of the silver-armored rhinoceros. The two-legged ones are all from the same camp, and they are also very worried about Yang Bo's mecha, so they will keep the most powerful one to provoke Yang Bo.

  Who knew that Yang Bo actually gave the mecha metal? The metal of this mecha was exactly what the Silver Armored Rhino needed. This idiot might have thought that letting the mutant go was to give Yang Bo face, so he kicked the mutant away. He came out and gave it to Yang Bo.

  Yang Bo actually didn't know how to choose. Who was this mutant? What abilities do you have?
  Fortunately, Yang Bo struggled for less than ten seconds before a silver mecha landed twenty meters away from Yang Bo's mecha.

  boom! At this time, there was an explosion in the sky.

  Yang Bo was excited, "Good guy, here comes the peach picker." With a move of the operating lever in his hand, the mecha wielded a five-meter-long plasma knife and slashed at the mutant.

  Metal Mastery +16!

  The silver mecha was dumbfounded. What he was rushing to catch was the mutant leader alive. Who knew that the sharp-blade mecha was actually going crazy?

  At this time, in the cave in the distance, the silver-armored rhinoceros kicked another dying mutant and landed in front of Yang Bo.

  "I can't afford it..." Yang Bo was about to take action when the screen went black and Yang Bo cursed angrily.

  After scolding, the game resumed, but the living mutant was gone, only the shadow of the silver mecha taking off...

  "Shameless, shameless, shameless."

  "I want to complain."


  (End of this chapter)

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