Chapter 40 Group fight

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  Chapter 40 Group Fight
  Yang Bo failed to control himself just now and admitted that he was impulsive.

  He is already anxious. If this redhead wants to massacre hostages on a large scale, the authorities may go crazy. If a country on earth fights terrorism and launches a violent attack without caring about the hostages, it will be the end of itself.

  Because seeing the arrogant look on the red hair, it seemed like I saw how a group of people faced the developer. The developer was in suits and ties, and there were a lot of lackeys around him.

  Facing a group of poor people like Yang Bo, he shouted: "Come and beat me, let's see if my lawyer doesn't send you all to jail." "

  You bought the unfinished house by yourself, you blame it on your own bad luck. "

  Don't come here one by one and make trouble, or I will sue you for disrupting the company's operations..."

  Someone was impulsive and went in... Rich people can be useful everywhere. In his previous life, Yang Bo had been depressed all his life. When I was reborn, I was disgusted by the hypocrisy of this government.

  While under the guise of taking care of the residents, it also restricts various behaviors of the residents, let alone consumption, the benefits of free prostitution, some high-end shopping malls, taxis are not allowed, everyone can understand this, otherwise the taxpayers will be tempted Yes, but what about the others? Do you suggest this or that?

  And what Liu Zhijie said about the genetic agent test, Yang Bo knew that it was highly likely to be true. Treating residents as political tools, treating residents as experimental animals, and treating residents as second-hand?

  And this redhead actually called the residents a pariah, as if all pariahs should deserve to die. Damn it, I am a pariah!

  Coupled with the disgusting and arrogant look of this redhead, he might be here for him. It would be a pity not to take advantage of such a good opportunity.

  Then his mind got hot, and Yang Bo happened to be guarding the red-haired man. He raised the laser gun and pressed the activation switch.

  Battleship driving +16! A stream of information flowed through Yang Bo's mind.

  Facts have proved that any genetically strong person will be killed if a laser gun is pointed at his neck. Yang Bo himself is still a little confused and releases the sharp-edged mecha. Yang Bo has no choice but to pay for the consequences of his impulse.

  But he didn't expect that as soon as he was released, he would be in the mecha's cab, looking at the familiar control panel.

  The next second, the warning sound of the mecha woke Yang Bo up. It turned out that the mecha was hit by a laser gun, causing damage to the mecha.

  The next second, the rocket backpack started, and the five-meter-long plasma knife shone with blue light.

  And the people in the stands, no matter who they were, were all confused.

  Just now, they faced the threat of the red-haired knight and were targeted by mecha weapons. No one knew who would be taken away by mecha weapons in the next second.

  As mentioned before, unless they are some genetic evolvers with special abilities, the rest of the individuals are nothing in front of high-tech weapons, and they are often blown up.

  Then the next second, this arrogant and cruel guy who performed a trial in the middle of the stage and beheaded many shareholders of large companies was killed by his own people.

  Then the guy who killed the person released an antique sharp-edged mecha out of thin air. The black-armored knights opened fire one after another. The rocket pack behind the sharp-edged mecha activated and charged.

  Many people felt their scalps numb. A group of people were hit by a big thing with 5 times the speed of sound and 108 tons. What would happen to these people, not to mention a 5-meter-long plasma knife that emitted blue light.

  Those people are like broken eggs. Even if they have the armor used by genetic evolvers, they are useless.

  Not only were these black-armored knights shattered like eggs, but also the twenty mechas blocking the entrance to the stage basement were like bowling balls.

  Because the concerts are all held by celebrities, there is an entrance and exit under the stage to prevent other people from sneaking in and harassing the celebrities.

  The twenty mecha pilots heard the exclamations and realized something was wrong. Before they could turn their weapons around, they were hit by a 108-ton giant at several times the speed of sound.

  The twelve-meter-tall blue mecha was the most unlucky, as Yang Bo's five-meter-long plasma sword penetrated the cockpit. Battleship repair +8!

  Battleship repair +8!

  Battleship repair +16!

  Battleship driving +16!

  In the cockpit of the mecha, Yang Bo ignored the dense flow of information. In fact, Yang Bo really didn't mean to smash the black armored knight into pieces. Yang Bo's target was these mechas. The first one was this big blue mecha, because this Not only does the guy have high-frequency laser cannons and high-energy particle guns on his shoulders, but his body also has an energy shield.

  And Yang Bo had a feeling that his sharp-edged mecha was like his own body. This feeling was amazing, as if this mecha was a piece of his clothes.

  Moreover, Yang Bo is very familiar with the sharp-edged mecha. After all, he has used it to kill birds. The mecha waved the long knife in his right hand and slashed the left thigh of a silver mecha. Seeing that the silver mecha was about to get up, he actually controlled I couldn't get up without keeping my center of gravity.

  "Huh, grandma, although I don't know the weaknesses of you mechas, but wherever the wiring inside the mecha is densest, there will definitely be flaws." Yang Bo used sound waves to check the mecha while wandering in the exhibition hall. Although he didn't understand, he Whichever place has the most lines is definitely the most important.

  What Yang Bo doesn't know is that it is now being broadcast live across the entire league. The top management knows about these lunatics of the Red Earl. The top management has not come to a conclusion yet. The gentlemen in the House of Lords, Senate, and House of Representatives are arguing with each other with red faces and thick necks. What should be done? Action, the military did not dare to give any advice at this time.

  Because once the Red Earl goes crazy inside, the person who made the suggestion will take the blame, and the reason why the council is noisy is because they don’t want to take responsibility.

  Regardless of whether it is saved or not, the parliament will inevitably be scolded this time, and the ruling party is even more angry. The opposition has no virtue and is looking for trouble. This time it is not like a mad dog.

  You ask why the ruling party knows that the opposition will do this, because the ruling party also did this when it was in the opposition.

  But things suddenly turned around. The murderous demon was shot in the head by one of his own. The seemingly low-level sharp-edged mecha instantly destroyed the strongest mecha on the scene.

  Yes, according to the evaluation of the security department, the blue mecha is the strongest and the latest generation of mecha.

  Yes, the mecha has a strong defense, but a 108-ton giant, five times the speed of sound, a plasma knife, and maybe some small battleship defenses cannot withstand it. The blue light on the plasma knife is an energy blade, which can break through energy protection.

  "Definitely an ace mecha master!" When the elders in the council saw this scene, someone immediately shouted excitedly.

  "Absolutely. Look at this guy's second blow. He is definitely proficient in mechas. Anbang's silver series mechas have 68% of the system hub integrated in this leg." Someone saw Yang Bo's second blow. Also exclaimed.

  "Quiet, quiet, don't yell." The person presiding over the meeting shouted loudly, and some members looked ugly because these members were shareholders of Anbang Mecha Company.

  "Damn it, the weakness of our silver series mechas has been exposed."

  "It needs to be redesigned." The senior executives of Anbang Mecha Company are also paying attention to the development of the situation in their own company. Seeing that the weaknesses of the mechas produced by their company have been exposed, They cursed one after another, and then quickly summoned all departments to redesign the internal structure of the mecha.

  Then the next second, the top management of Anbang Mecha Company cheered again: "The weakness of Anbang Mecha Company is actually here?"

  I saw Yang Bo take action for the third time, and slashed the right shoulder of a gold and silver mecha with one knife. Then the mecha seemed to be going crazy, and suddenly collapsed to the ground and started twitching.

  "Quick, record it." Many mecha companies shouted. Every mecha has its own weaknesses, which is the core of the company.

  "Haha, the mechas of the idiots like Red Earl don't have melee weapons!" The next second, many people cheered.

  (End of chapter)

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