Chapter 18 Not doing business properly

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  Chapter 18 Not doing business
  PS: Embarrassing, the scheduled release time was wrong, sorry.

  What left Yang Bo speechless was that there was something in the fish pond. It was a group of shrimps. The colorful shrimps seemed to be protected animals. Party A increased the budget by five hundred.

  "It's really nice to work on Saturday." Yang Bo came home from get off work and calculated carefully. He earned 4,200 credit points today.

  "Try to see if the light energy can be replenished after the light energy is consumed." Yang Bo thought about it today, light energy control, electric energy control, what exactly is consumed?
  Is it my own 'power'?
  In the bathroom, Yang Bo's palms were in the bathtub, making a sizzling sound. Frying fish in his palms was no longer a dream.

  It lasted for half an hour. Yang Bo felt a little weak. He got up and put on his bathrobe. This was the feeling of excessive consumption. Then Yang Bo directly put his hand on the positive terminal of the battery.

  A numb and warm feeling ran down the palms and arms, and then spread to the whole body. The reason why I didn't test it in the bathtub was because I was afraid that leakage would cause unnecessary trouble, such as a circuit trip.

  Twenty minutes later, Yang Bo was full of energy and looked at himself in the mirror: "Do I need to take such a large battery with me when I go out in the future?" He

  entered the mecha game in high spirits. Mecha driving tests your reaction ability. , the strongest mecha warrior, can fight at a mecha speed of 15 times the speed of sound.

  Fighting at this speed is almost invincible.

  As for Yang Bo's combat training in the game, he only needs to reach supersonic speed.

  Of course, the sharp-edged mecha that Yang Bo is currently driving in the game cannot reach 15 times the speed of sound.

  Blade: The third-generation humanoid mecha is 8.2 meters tall and weighs 115 tons. It is equipped with a rocket backpack, has a maximum speed of 5 times the speed of sound, and a maximum operating time of 20 minutes at full power. It is equipped with a plasma cutting knife and an energy shield.

  Most mechas are in melee mode, and there are very few long-range ones.

  If you really need long range, you might as well summon a space battleship laser cannon. It is still difficult to lock on and hit an object moving several times the speed of sound from thousands of meters away.

  Of course it's not impossible. What is needed is a genetic evolver with special abilities, otherwise he will not be able to react.

  Yang Bo was now familiar with controlling his mecha. He made several rapid movements with his left hand, squatting and rolling to avoid the attack of a mecha.

  After a series of controls, the mecha kicked off with its left foot, and the rocket pack behind him exploded. Yang Bo's mecha instantly rushed toward the opponent at twice the speed of sound. At the same time, the plasma cutting knife in his hand shone with dazzling light. Every second Up to 180,000 vibrations.

  "Congratulations to the long-winded Master Ba, you have completed the basic combat training and can enter the game." Seeing that the opponent's mecha was cut into pieces by himself, a pleasant voice rang out.

  Entering the game, the background of the game is the spread of viruses in an anti-human laboratory. Some people have become mutants, possessing many incredible abilities, and even beasts have mutated.

  Yang Bo took a brief look at the background of the game and paid no attention to the rest. Yang Bo just came to experience it. After all, this is a legendary thing.

  "It's so dark. It charges an information service fee of 300 credits per hour." Yang Bo looked at the scenery in front of him, it was beautiful.

  A huge steel fortress stands on the top of the mountain, with endless plains on the right and endless mountains on the left. The birthplace of the game is a base called No. 16.

  What exactly is the information service fee for? It’s similar to a point card.

  "Forget it, quit the game after playing for an hour. This dog-fighting game is probably really profitable." Yang Bo found that there were many players, and there were at least hundreds of players that could be seen in his field of vision.

  After looking at the mini map, the officials divided the map into safe and dangerous areas based on the skills of the game players. Players are not recommended to go to the officially marked dangerous areas.

  Yang Bo followed the road signs and walked out of the steel fortress. The huge laser cannon on the steel fortress was so realistic.

  Look at the sky again, it's gray.

  After leaving the base, there were two roads. The one with high mountains was a dangerous area. Yang Bo was the one who listened to others and went to the plain.

  Yang Bo controlled the mecha while making various actions, such as picking up the plasma cutting knife and waving it around like a toy in a child's hand. Accelerate from time to time and experience the speed and passion. Unfortunately, there is no physical sensation, only visual sensation.

  There was a big tree in front of him. Yang Bo smiled and charged. The rocket backpack quickly opened. The mecha jumped out at supersonic speed. The plasma cutting knife in his hand instantly cut through the big tree.

  Flying +1!

  Flying +1!

  Flying +1!

  Yang Bo was stunned, what is this situation?
  Stopping the mecha, Yang Bo looked at the chopped half of the tree crown, then turned back to search carefully in the tree crown, and soon saw a bird's nest with three birds on the ground.

  "What's going on?"

  "Is this planet real?"

  "Are the so-called mutants and anti-human organizations real?"

  "Why can't you see the starry sky?"

  countless thoughts flashed through Yang Bo's mind. I don’t know if it’s because of his enhanced ability. Now Yang Bo feels that his thinking is very quick.

  Yang Bo recited the skills silently and soon saw Flying: Elementary (3/10).

  "I'll go, is it possible that this skill will eventually allow physical flight?" Yang Bo thought excitedly, then turned on the mecha radar to scan for this kind of bird.

  Soon there were many traces of birds on the radar. This is a new technology in the future. Every plant and animal has a different structure and gene. The waves emitted by this search radar are refracted back into different waves. , distinguish various living things.

  Let's put it this way, with such a radar, if you want to find fungi, it is very simple. After going up the mountain, scan for the fungus you are looking for, or it may be in the database. With this kind of radar, you will know where the fungus is.

  So many players saw a strange scene. A rudimentary mecha was waving a plasma knife, jumping up and down, occasionally ejecting, and then... a five-meter-long plasma knife, slashing a person weighing no more than Of course, the two-kilogram bird was easily cut in half, and the players who saw it were all talking about it.

  "This person must be sick."

  "I guess he's a newbie."

  "He's killing small animals. Report him."

  "What is this guy doing? He's paying 300 an hour for information service, but he's here to kill small animals?"

  "There are weird things every year. When this guy goes back to maintain his mecha, he will know how powerful he is." "

  I guess he is honing his skills, right?" "

  What the hell, if you are looking for these little animals to hone your skills, why do you have to go to the plains to look for mutated animals? "

  Maybe he is a coward who was bullied in real life and came to the game to vent his anger."

  How could Yang Bo care so much? Now Yang Bo regrets a little: "If I had known this, I should have chosen other mechas with laser weapons."

  (End of this chapter)

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