Chapter 16 Can be recharged

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  Chapter 16 It can be recharged.
  Yang Bo looked at the batteries on the Internet. The cheapest ones were graphene batteries with dozens of credits, and the most expensive ones were nuclear-powered batteries worth hundreds of thousands or millions. Nuclear-powered batteries are used by mechas.

  Yang Bo bought a graphene battery with more than a thousand credits and adjustable voltage.

  An hour later, the battery was delivered downstairs. Because it is a private community, drone delivery is not allowed in. It can only be delivered to the door of the community, and the property owner delivers it downstairs.

  The battery is a rectangle, 20 centimeters long, 15 centimeters wide, and 12 centimeters high. It is completely black and has two hidden sockets for the positive and negative poles. This battery has almost 5,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity.

  Yang Bo found two forks and stuffed one into the positive electrode. In an instant, Yang Bo knew that his guess was right and felt a stream of heat flowing from his hands into his body.

  The feeling is like the feeling on earth when you soak in hot water in a bathhouse. Every cell seems to be excited.

  Twenty minutes later, the battery power was reduced by 20%, and Yang Bo felt a little sore all over, so he stopped.

  After putting away the battery, Yang Bo dove into bed and fell asleep, feeling as if he was too tired.

  When he woke up the next day, Yang Bo felt full of strength, but he was very hungry, so he quickly drank two cartons of milk.

  "Could it be that the electric current stimulates the body's physical strength?" Yang Bo guessed again.

  "I don't know if there is a black market in this world. It would be great if I could get a living electric eel. I'll talk about it when I get back from work in the afternoon." "

  Since this E-class training is a real thing, will there be other training or similar things that are also real things? What?"

  "Can I play a mecha game when I get back in the evening? Controlling a mecha requires hand speed." While Yang Bo was washing up and making breakfast, a lot of ideas came to his mind.

  As for why Yang Bo didn't ask Liu Zhijie, because everyone's genetic evolution ability is kept secret. Unless you join the army and other large forces, you have the opportunity to come into contact with it. However, this is also the ability of some genetic evolvers of the same type. It can only be used as a reference, because everyone's genes are different, and the activated gene sequences and combinations are different, and different abilities will appear. This has been known on the Internet for a long time.

  Of course, it cannot be ruled out that some institutions have a monopoly on this kind of information.

  Someone asked why?
  This is the same as the mass murder weapons on the earth. Why are they monopolized by big countries? It’s the same reason. These big forces control this information because they are afraid that other people will get the information. If you want to get information, you have to join them. .

  This is what is known as class monopoly!
  Liu Zhijie also said that everyone is genetically tested at birth, and the military with the best talents have already been scheduled...

  Yang Bo checked last night again, and what he saw was the bus he was riding. The news about the C-level genetic evolver who had an accident. The police announced that it was an accident.

  Yang Bo frowned, and had a hunch that this person was coming for him, and he was sure to die in his hands. Otherwise, how could he have the ability to pilot a mecha?

  But how exactly he killed the other party, Yang Bo was not sure...

  Yang Bo took a taxi today. It was a driverless one. All he had to do was get in and tell his destination.

  In the past, when Yang Bo lived in a government house, he was not allowed to take taxis. Even some high-end shopping malls were not allowed to enter, because this would lead to criticism from other people in the society, saying that people who enjoy federal benefits would actually take taxis. .

  Of course, compared to the time on Earth when a large number of people living in low-rent housing drove luxury cars, this world is still relatively beautiful.

  When we arrived at the company, let's take a look at the tasks first. Yang Bo tried his best to choose garden-type tasks. There might be some unexpected gains. Unfortunately, cleaning up gardens was very popular. Because rats, poisonous spiders or other things are found in the garden outside of the service, the employer has to pay extra.

  Yang Bo's authority level is the lowest. A person with high authority and a person with low authority take orders together. The person with high authority will get the task, and the person with low authority has nothing to do.

  "Clean the swimming pool." Since there is no garden, then the most expensive one will be fine.

  After accepting the mission, Yang Bo went to collect the equipment. This time there was a lot of equipment.

  There are also various medicines and various equipment. The company sent a separate car, and Yang Bo got on the car.

  After arriving at the place, we unloaded the equipment outside the gate, and then the people here actually used internal combustion engine vehicles to deliver the tools to the swimming pool.

  Even though Yang Bo had already seen the size of the swimming pool, he was still shocked when he actually saw it. There was a huge swimming pool of at least two thousand square meters. The style was a bit like the puddles in the streams seen on the earth. The appearance was A drop of water.

  Wear protective clothing, first sprinkle the disinfectant into the swimming pool, and then arrange water pumping equipment. Because there is a lot of moss and impurities in the water, various filtering equipment is needed. The water can be drained directly to the forest on the side.

  Opposite the swimming pool is a three-story villa. From the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the layout inside the house, people walking around inside, and very abstract artwork on the walls.

  "I don't know which celebrity it is." Yang Bo muttered in his heart.

  When the disinfectant time is up, start the water pumping equipment and check the filtration facilities. This water pumping equipment is still the most primitive electric motor, with a battery and no intelligent control system, just some buttons.

  Yang Bo picked up the water gun again and started high-pressure cleaning of the swimming pool.

  You rinse and pump water at the same time, and then you have to use a cleaning device, like a lawn mower, but battery-powered and with a brush head on the front.

  After cleaning, rinse it once, continue to spray it with special disinfectant, rinse it one last time, and then drain it.

  For Yang Bo in his previous life, this job was just like playing. The filter elements and other items in the filtration equipment were all put into garbage bags. After completing the task, the housekeeper carefully inspected and accepted it, and then Yang Bo left.

  I got 1,200 credit points, not to mention that this kind of simple physical work can actually bring in money very quickly, which is higher than the income of ordinary genetic evolvers. But that’s right, most of the residents grew up in welfare institutions and are used to it. Who will do the work in such a pig-like life?

  After finishing this single task today, Yang Bo couldn't wait to go back to farm electric eels, and he could still farm E-level simulation training three times.

  It seems that D-level training requires 10,000 points, and then you can choose a simulated assessment object, and you need to add 3,000 points.

  "Calculating it this way, it's still a good deal to get E-level. One electric eel for E-level is +1. I was lucky yesterday. Three electric eels appeared at once. For D-level, even if a genetically contaminated beast appears, it may be +2 at most, but the D-level assessment The points required are three times that of E-level." Yang Bo calculated carefully and felt that D-level was not cost-effective.

  "No matter, let's control the electricity first." Yang Bo thought about it and put on the virtual helmet. Because of the death of the C-level gene user, Yang Bo felt very insecure.

  (End of chapter)

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