204. Chapter 204 Porter (first update)

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  Chapter 204 Porter (first update)
  PS: The second update is before noon.

  Yang Bo was now thinking about ways to make a fortune, and the mecha's movement speed was also stretched to the extreme. He ran back to the base and handed over several mutated animals under the stunned eyes of the base staff.

  Mutated animals can rarely be caught alive. First of all, the mutated animals are fast, and the mecha is so big after all. Once encountered, it is best if the mutated animal can leave its whole body intact.

  If you were a gamer, if you saw the money was about to escape, you would definitely hit it with a laser cannon.

  So over time, these mutant animals will fight tooth and nail when they see the mecha. There are also living mutant animals, but it is very rare to take out four live mutant animals at once.

  After Yang Bo handed it over, he ignored it and then checked out the things that could be bought and sold at the base.

  "It's a pity that there are no living necessities." Yang Bo knew that living necessities were more expensive in the mutant tribe. Ordinary cigarettes and alcohol were hard currency in the mutant tribe.

  Because many mutants came from various countries in the past, some were forcibly kidnapped by major organizations, and some came voluntarily.

  After gaining power, I no longer wanted to work for major organizations, so I went out to work alone.

  I miss the tobacco, alcohol and other daily necessities of civilized society very much.

  "Just buy a shock wave bomb." After waiting for half an hour, the base transferred the game currency to his account and sent him an email to the effect of mutated animals. After inspection, it did meet the requirements.

  "Something is not safe." Yang Bo still had a lot of shock wave bombs in his warehouse, and he bought some more to fill the warehouse, but Yang Bo realized another problem.

  That is, once the game official becomes shameless, the shock wave bomb you put in the warehouse is likely to become a virtual item.

  Maybe if you throw the shock wave bomb out and he puts a special effect on you, you can still settle the score with him?
  In less than three minutes, Yang Bo came up with a solution: "Move all these shock wave bombs to his own territory."

  Yang Bo did what he wanted and hung all the shock wave bombs on his body, including mechas. The storage equipment was also filled, and then he controlled the mecha and ran towards his territory.

  "It's just that the territory is a bit far away, but I don't care anymore." Yang Bo, covered with shock wave bombs, rushed out of the base.

  The players on the road were stunned. Where did this madman come from?
  What is the purpose of carrying so many shock wave bombs in this conspicuous bag?
  "I'm not going to work now anyway." Yang Bo controlled the mecha to move quickly in the underground passage. The operation speed of photoelectric superpower was much faster than that of manual operation.

  "My operation speed should just be slower than the previous neural network control." "

  Just think of it as training yourself to control the speed of the mecha."

  As a result, many players in the underground world saw such a scene. The mecha of the shock wave bomb walked and danced in the underground world passage, sometimes bouncing, and sometimes it even felt like a tap dance.

  Seeing this scene, many players automatically stayed away from this kind of person, fearing that this guy would get nervous the next second and detonate the entire shock wave bomb.

  As soon as he arrived near his territory, Tieniu appeared. Yang Bo took down the shock wave bomb and asked Tieniu to take it back for him.

  After a lot of gesticulating, Tieniu finally understood and nodded.

  After a while, Tieniu and his two brothers came to get it, much faster.

  Yang Bo controlled the mecha to jump around again, and made all kinds of incredible operations along the way.

  For example, in an underground space with a height of only ten meters, the entire mecha jumped up, and then instantly fell from one end of the underground space to the other end of the space.

  He even waved the mecha weapon in his hand like a real samurai.

  Of course, this was Yang Bo's own opinion, and everyone around him who saw this scene thought he was a lunatic.

  Second trip!
  The third trip!
  The fourth trip!
  I finally emptied the warehouse and continued buying.

  "The photoelectric superpower is all good, but it consumes a lot of mental energy." After playing the game, Yang Bo quickly drank a bottle of milk and then went to bed.

  The best way to replenish your mental energy is to sleep.

  On the mecha game side, because the military department has been busy with other things recently, the management of the mecha game side is not very strict.

  As long as there is no data alert, mecha games generally do not allow people to view player information.

  The last time Yang Bo controlled a mecha on Pardo Planet, it was because the matter was so important that he could investigate the information of these players at will.

  That was also a special operation authorized by Parliament and the Lord Chancellor.

  For three consecutive days, Yang Bo stockpiled more than 4,000 shock wave bombs, all of which were placed in his own territory. There was no problem with Tieniu and his brothers in his own territory.

  Moreover, Yang Bo's territory is now an autonomous territory and has many privileges. The alliance government will not mess around in its own territory.

  Yang Bo did not buy a miniature hydrogen bomb because it was expensive and the purchase was restricted.

  Besides, Yang Bo is not a mutant. It is impossible to trade miniature hydrogen bombs to mutants. Who knows what kind of virtue these mutants are?
  Yang Bo continued to carry shock wave bombs, but on the game forum, Yang Bo became famous again.

  The most eye-catching thing is a video shot in an underground space. It shows a ninth-generation mecha with shock wave bombs hanging all over its body. It looks like it is doing a tap dance like a neurotic.

  There are tens of thousands of comments under this video, and the top comment is: This person is either a genius or a madman.

  Yang Bo took one look and lost interest in watching this. The main thing was to quickly transport the shock wave bomb.

  In fact, Yang Bo can use other methods to transport these shock wave bombs.

  For example, use flying pendants to directly send mechas loaded with shock wave bombs to your own territory.

  This method is very fast, but it has two disadvantages. First, flying pendants cost money. The second will reveal the approximate place where you are going.

  There is another method that is also quick, find a place to buy it directly, and then pay the shipping fee to have it delivered to the place where you can put it.

  There are also disadvantages. First of all, the delivery cost is not low. Secondly, Yang Bo cannot take away thousands of shock wave bombs at one time. It is impossible to receive the goods in the valley where the Iron Bulls live.

  Yang Bo also wanted to think of it as training his own photoelectric superpower to control the mecha.

  Not to mention, in the past few days, Yang Bo found that he had become very proficient in controlling the mecha, but he still had to put his two hands on the joystick and keyboard.

  You should develop a good habit. If you don't put it on the keyboard or joystick now, it will be troublesome if others find it in the future.

  It was the fifth day, and Yang Bo was already very familiar with the underground world because he had traveled back and forth so many times in the past few days.

  The hurricane outside is still going on. Through the huge windows, you can see waves exceeding 20 meters in the distance, pressing on the coastline layer by layer.

  The lawn in front of my house is filled with all kinds of garbage, as well as some fresh seafood.

  Yang Bo also saw a fish that was at least two meters long and was blown to the Red Rock Mountains at an altitude of hundreds of meters.

  The formation of tides is mainly due to the rotation of the planet, the gravity of the sun, and the gravity of satellites. After eating and drinking, he continued to play the game. Yang Bo had already started to top up money, converting credit points into game currency.

  "It seems that the Green Devil's base has just been restored. At least there are sufficient stocks of these shock wave bombs." Yang Bo muttered to himself while attaching shock wave bombs to his mecha.

  Yang Bo's mecha can now hang more than 200 shock wave bombs on its arms, chest, back, and shoulders at one time.

  Because Yang Bo bought six mecha attachments, these pendants are auxiliary equipment for the mecha and can be used to carry more supplies.

  "It's a pity that I didn't carry the beetle on my back." Yang Bo set off again.

  The players here at Base 16 are already used to it, and they are not so surprised to see Yang Bo, but everyone is curious about where this guy transported the shock wave bomb.

  Yang Bo has been transporting shock wave bombs for another day. The stock of shock wave bombs in Base 16 has reached the warning line.

  The intelligent system at Base 16 on the Green Devil Star submitted this data and requested additional shock wave bombs.

  When Yang Bo purchased it, he purchased it directly from the system. The base placed the shock wave bomb directly in Yang Bo's mecha warehouse.

  Because the base has just been rebuilt, there are a lot of things going on, and there are also mutant tribes complaining about gamers interfering with their normal lives.

  He didn't notice the data. The first person to discover the data anomaly was the Green Goblin's new fleet.

  Shock wave bombs are all manufactured through equipment in the fleet. There are many asteroids in space with enough materials on them. The new fleet is also responsible for rebuilding the Green Goblin planetary warning system.

  Therefore, there is no shortage of materials. If you give a battleship enough time, this battleship can even rebuild a battleship. Of course, it is just a hardware device and a software system. There is no way to do this. The optical brain of the battleship needs to be specially manufactured.

  The battleship looked at the abnormal consumption of shock wave bombs in Base 16 and realized something was wrong, but the base did not have the authority to check specific records.

  Eventually, the information was reported to the military.

  The department responsible for mecha games at the military department checked the data and found that the transactions were all normal transactions and were purchased by players with game currency. There were no violations.

  Moreover, no complaints were received, and no complaints were received from the mutant tribe on the Green Goblin.

  As long as the transaction does not violate the rules, you can continue.

  Therefore, the military department did not make any suggestions on how to deal with it.

  The Green Goblin planet fleet resupplied base 16 with shock wave bombs.

  In fact, in the view of the captain of the Green Goblin Planet Fleet, this type of shock wave bomb poses no threat.

  "It will be sunny soon, the shock wave bombs are almost ready, and the money is gone. Should we find a way to expose this bug and let the officials deal with it." "Otherwise, everyone will buy shock wave bombs to fight the mutants

  . If you trade, you won't make any money. After all, there are too many mutated animals, and the military department will definitely lower the price." Yang Bo shipped nearly 60,000 shock wave bombs in half a month, and sold them when there were no mecha pendants in front. The mecha pendant at the back is faster, and the control speed at the back is much faster than the front. The money in Yang Bo's hand has been exhausted, and the game coins are basically gone.

  Yang Bo discovered as early as ten days ago that someone was following him, but he got rid of him.

  No one in this underground world can keep up with the speed of his own mecha.

  Yang Bo came back with mutated beasts again, but this time, Yang Bo acted as a conspicuous bag and directly used the hands of the mecha to carry two large mutated animals. These were two crocodile-like mutated animals, with a length of Six meters long, Yang Bo's two mecha hands carried it back to the base by its tail.

  This crocodile is also a D-level mutant animal, but its price is several times more expensive than those small mutant animals.

  Mutated animals of the same level are larger and more expensive than smaller ones. This is easy to understand, as larger animals produce more materials.

  "Where did this guy get such a good thing?" Many game players were envious and jealous after seeing this scene.

  A living large mutated animal like this is worth a lot of money, with one animal worth around one million game coins.

  Of course, if the dead ones are only worth about 200,000, after all, the officials can keep the live mutated animals there and draw blood at any time.

  Dead things are disposable things that are gone once they are decomposed.

  "There might be some good things in his mecha storage box."

  "Did this guy find some bug?"

  Yang Bo came here deliberately to be a conspicuous bag. Two big crocodiles brought the person in charge of Base 16 to attention. I was alarmed. The research value of such a large mutated animal, especially alive, is too high, let alone the economic value.

  "This is a male and a female. Don't you want to pay more?" Yang Bo asked loudly at the place where he paid the task.

  "Sorry, we don't have this rule here." The staff at the base replied politely while looking at the mecha.

  People from the military department here at the base naturally know that these mechas are controlled remotely.

  "Okay then." Yang Bo just wanted to attract others' attention. He also wanted to see if the price of one male and one female was higher?
  After handing over the crocodile, several small lizards from the mecha's storage device were also taken out.

  Seeing this scene in the game, players are even more certain that Yang Bo has found some bug.

  When Yang Bo left the base with the shock wave bomb again, no one was seen following him.

  But as soon as he entered the underground world, Yang Bo found that he could meet some gamers every few minutes.

  "Hey, buddy, I just want you to see it." Yang Bo pretended to take a detour, and then came to the place where he often trades.

  The people on the mutant tribe were very excited when they saw the shock wave bombs all over Yang Bo.

  It seemed that Yang Bo's mecha had no communication with these mutants. Yang Bo came to a passage that led to a closed underground space.

  There are no mutants inside, but there are already several mutant beasts, including as many as four giant crocodiles.

  It was left alone on the ground, as if no one wanted it.

  Yang Bo controlled the mecha, put down all the shock wave bombs, and carried the four big crocodiles. In the past, Yang Bo needed to knock the big crocodiles unconscious, but now there is no need at all. The mutants have seen Yang Bo knock out the big crocodiles before. Knocked out, so now it’s the mutants who take action first.

  Yang Bo swaggered back with four large crocodiles on his shoulders, pretending not to see any players.

  "I'll go." The two gamers who saw this scene were shocked. They and others were chasing mutant creatures in the underground world. They didn't expect that they could use shock wave bombs to trade with mutants.

  So we immediately arranged for the players in the team to buy enough shock wave bombs in the base to prepare for trading.

  "I just don't know if being discovered by the game official will give some virtual game bombs, and then the mutants will complain about fraud." Yang Bo certainly knows the background of the game official, and he can definitely do this kind of thing. As for Yang Bo, he has already reserved enough .

  (End of chapter)

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