Chapter 88 Self Evolution

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  Chapter 88 Self-Evolution
  While dealing with zombie monkeys, Lin Fan kept his eyes on the three evolved monkeys.

  Three attributes that can be picked up are very important to him.

  If three attributes are picked up on the body, all his data will become 6.

  Moreover, during this period of time, he felt that all aspects of his body were getting stronger.

  This trend is a normal improvement brought about by the evolvers themselves after experiencing various battles.

  In other words, if his body's various statistics are increased by 1 point normally, plus the attributes picked up, it will all become 7.

  This means that we are only one step away from becoming a second-level evolver.

  In the doomsday world, the temptation to improve one's strength is stronger than any other temptation.

  Even if Lin Fan was reborn, he would not be able to resist such a temptation.

  The three evolved monkeys have been staying in the tree and have never come down from it.

  The only good thing is that they probably feel safe in the trees and don't engage in extensive activities.

  Click! Click!
  After Lin Fan killed two zombie monkeys in succession, he switched the ax to his left hand. He immediately held a pistol in his right hand and was ready to shoot.

  After spotting the opportunity, Lin Fan didn't waste any time. He quickly pulled the trigger with his finger. The gunshot rang out and the bullet flew out, streaking through the air and heading straight for one of the evolved monkeys.

  This shot, without any accident, hit the evolved monkey's head very accurately, causing a blow to its head.

  The evolved monkey's body immediately fell from the tree.

  "Brother Lin, what a good shot!" Zhong Tianjun couldn't help but praise.

  He could still shoot so accurately with a pistol from such a long distance. In terms of marksmanship, even a captain of the special forces would be ashamed of himself.

  He wanted to ask Lin Fan how he practiced his marksmanship before, but he thought that everyone had their own secrets, so he didn't ask.

  In response to Zhong Tianjun's praise, Lin Fan smiled slightly and said nothing more.

  Because that shot can only kill one evolved monkey, and the remaining two evolved monkeys will not stay where they are after being warned.

  Therefore, the difficulty is not the first one, but how to find opportunities to kill the second and third ones.

  As expected, the remaining two evolved monkeys, although they did not know that the thing Lin Fan was holding was called a pistol, they already knew that it could shoot them from a distance.

  At this time, he was running back and forth on the branches, which greatly increased the difficulty of shooting.

  Three minutes later, Lin Fan still didn't find a suitable opportunity. He thought for a while and said in deep thought: "Brother Zhong, you continue to stay here to deal with it. I have to go out." There was no other way. The two evolved

  monkeys used the trees to escape. Due to the obstruction, they may not be able to see it from their angle in many cases.

  You can't even see it, and it's certainly impossible to hit it with a bullet.

  "Brother Lin, we are here. It is completely easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is too dangerous to go out." Zhong Tianjun said.

  "If we don't get rid of those two evolved monkeys, they might attract more animal zombies later." Lin Fan casually gave a reason. After all, he couldn't tell Zhong Tianjun and others that they must kill those two. Evolving monkeys is about picking up attributes.

  Although this reason sounds a bit far-fetched, it can eventually have some effect.

  "Brother Lin, you must be careful." Zhong Tianjun warned.

  Lin Fan nodded, said no more, held the ax in hand, and rushed out.

  Seeing Lin Fan's flexible and evasive movements, Zhong Tianjun was not so worried. He now felt that even if Lin Fan did not kill the two evolved zombies, at least he would not be harmed.

  Lin Fan was not slow and soon arrived outside the warehouse gate.

  Most of the zombie monkeys continued to deal with Zhong Tianjun and the other three, and only a small number came to chase Lin Fan.

  But with their speed, it's impossible to catch up.

  Lin Fan looked up into the air and once again locked onto the two evolved monkeys.

  He held the ax in his left hand and continued to hold the gun in his right hand. After taking aim, he pulled the trigger and heard another gunshot.

  One bullet, a precise headshot.

  The second evolved monkey falls from the tree.

  The main reason why they were able to kill this evolved monkey so smoothly was because they did not expect Lin Fan to come out of the warehouse, and thought they could use the shelter of the trees to avoid danger.

  However, this also made the third evolved monkey completely wary.

  When it noticed Lin Fan, it quickly ran and jumped on the tree without any hesitation.

  Lin Fan fired his shot, but missed it and missed the tree trunk.

  These big trees have many branches, so it is really difficult for the evolved monkey to hit them if they actively avoid them.

  Lin Fan locked eyes with the other person. He was running and jumping on the tree, and he was moving in the same direction on the ground.

  At such a fast speed, those ordinary zombie monkeys were quickly thrown away.

  boom! boom!
  During the chase, Lin Fan fired two more shots in succession, but still failed to hit the monkey.

  Lin Fan focused his gaze and looked forward, as if he had spotted the right opportunity.

  When we were chasing them all the way, the branches of these trees were too thick, and the bullets could easily be blocked by the branches.

  But at this moment, the evolved monkey is still moving forward, and the trees in front do not have such lush branches.

  This is equivalent to providing more favorable conditions for shooting.

  One person and one monkey kept running in the woods. When the monkey entered the forest area where the branches were not dense, Lin Fan stopped chasing, raised his pistol, relied on his senses to find the right opportunity, and pulled the trigger.

  The bullet flew out again.

  Lin Fan roughly calculated the effect of distance based on the speed of the bullet and the speed of the evolved monkey. When the monkey ran to the tip of a tree trunk and was about to jump to another tree trunk, the bullet hit it. on the head.

  The monkey collapsed and quickly fell from the tree trunk.

  Lin Fan walked over and picked up the monkey's power attribute through the ring.

  Species: Human

  Level: Level 1

  Strength: 6
  Speed: 5
  Reaction: 5
  Power: Acquiring
  Lin Fan read his own data.

  However, at this time, he saw with his own eyes that the data values ​​had changed.

  Species: human

  Level: Level 1

  Strength: 7
  Speed: 6
  Reaction: 6
  Ability: Obtaining
  "Is this improvement caused by his own evolution?"

  Lin Fan was startled for a moment, and then his face was filled with a smile. He was still thinking about his own evolution before. I didn’t expect that the problem of improving data would be realized so quickly.

  After he picks up the attributes of the other two monkeys, his data will become 7, and he will be very close to the second-level evolver.

  Thinking of this, he stopped delaying and turned back towards the warehouse.

  (End of chapter)

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