Chapter 874 Duan Yuanzheng attracts hatred

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  Chapter 874 Duan Yuanzheng attracts hatred.

  "I said, if Xiaoxiao is in danger, we will definitely help. But if Xiaoxiao is not in danger, other people have nothing to do with us." Yue Shan emphasized again



  Guo Yuanjie and Qiu Chengzhi looked at each other and nodded.

  They all knew that Yue Shan wanted to show off in front of Tang Xiaoxiao.

  As for Lin Fan's life and death, Yue Shan didn't want to care at all. He even wished that Lin Fan would be eliminated by someone else. This would save them from looking for opportunities to take action later.


  Qi Qingxue quickly came to Lin Fan and Tang Xiaoxiao.

  "Qingxue." Tang Xiaoxiao greeted.

  "Smile, none of the three of them are coming." Qi Qingxue said directly: "But forget it, and even said some sarcastic words."

  Since Yue Shan has done this, Qi Qingxue also feels that there is no need to save any face for Yue Shan. , just let Yue Shan continue to leave a bad impression on Tang Xiaoxiao.

  Tang Xiaoxiao nodded slightly and said: "I'm not surprised at all that they don't come over. After all, everyone knows that the current situation is tense. It only takes a little fuse to trigger the battle here." Tang Xiaoxiao said to Yue Shan, Guo Yuanjie and

  Qiu Chengzhi and the three of them have always been looking down upon, and have never taken them seriously.

  But Qi Qingxue saw the current situation clearly and came towards them, which meant that Qi Qingxue really regarded them as friends. Otherwise, Qi Qingxue couldn't come here, and neither could they. What to do with Qi Qingxue?

  Lin Fan also sneered and said, "Those three people probably want me to be in danger, right?"

  Hearing what Lin Fan said, Qi Qingxue was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Lin Fan to have such a high level of ideological consciousness, so she clicked He nodded and said: "Yes, they did say such things just now."

  Tang Xiaoxiao suddenly became angry, and when he was about to say something to curse Yue Shan, Guo Yuanjie and Qiu Chengzhi, Duan Yuanzheng on the opposite side finally started to take action.

  Duan Yuanzheng took two steps forward, then glanced at everyone and said loudly: "It is a different kind of fate that we can come together here." After the opening remarks,

  his His eyes were locked on the heart of creation.

  "There is only one creative heart here."

  "Do we all know what the creative heart means?"

  "I won't say any unnecessary nonsense. I just want to say one thing now. I have taken a fancy to this creative heart. You can spontaneously Come challenge me."

  "No matter what means you use, as long as you can defeat me, then this heart of creation will be yours to fight for, and I will not participate again."

  Duan Yuanzheng said word for word.

  After Duan Yuanzheng finished speaking, there was an uproar in the palace.

  They were all shocked by Duan Yuanzheng's words. They didn't expect Duan Yuanzheng to say this.

  This means that Duan Yuanzheng has attracted everyone's hatred to himself!

  No, it should be said that he attracted the hatred of everyone except Shengtian Sect to himself.

  After all, it is impossible for people from Shengtian Sect to oppose Duan Yuanzheng or challenge Duan Yuanzheng.


  "Senior Brother Shu, this guy is too arrogant! He just stood up and said that he has taken a fancy to the heart of creation..."

  Next to Shu Hongtu, a man said slowly.

  "Yeah, I didn't expect him to be so arrogant and confident in his own strength?" Another man said.

  Hearing the conversation between the two of them, Shu Hongtu frowned slightly, his eyes fell on Duan Yuanzheng, and said: "Although it sounds very arrogant, I have to say that he does have such strength. What's more, this heart of creation must belong to someone. We can't let this heart of creation continue to stay in this cultivation cave?" "

  In other words, a battle for the heart of creation will begin no matter what. ."

  "Duan Yuanzheng standing up like this will indeed attract everyone's hatred, but if you attract, you must have enough strength to defeat Duan Yuanzheng." Shu Hongtu is worthy of being the genius student leader of Tianwu Sect

  . , when analyzing the problem, the analysis is still in place.

  Hearing this, the man nodded and said: "Senior Brother Shu is right, our view just now was too one-sided." "

  Yes, Duan Yuanzheng is a master in the realm of perfect cultivation in the Wild Core Realm. I don’t know how many methods he has mastered, but if he explodes with all his strength, I estimate that his strength can be comparable to those in the early stage of the Formation Realm." Another man said.

  "That's right."

  Shu Hongtu's eyes flashed and he said, "This is the reason why he dares to stand up first."


  Zhanyue Sect's side.

  "Senior Sister Yu."

  A woman looked at Yu Shuiyao and said slowly: "Duan Yuanzheng is too arrogant!"

  Another woman also nodded and said: "It is very arrogant! So many people are looking at her. Attracted by the heart of creation, he even stood up and said that he had taken a fancy to this heart of creation."

  Yu Shuiyao glanced at the two women with beautiful eyes, then looked at Duan Yuanzheng and said, "I think so too. Duan Yuanzheng's behavior is very arrogant, but the problem is that he has the capital to be arrogant." "

  If nothing else, among the people here, he is the strongest in terms of ability to fight alone." "

  That's true!"

  Listen ! When Shuiyao said this, the two women looked at each other and nodded.


  Here at Lieyang Academy.

  He Hongyun glanced at the Heart of Creation, then at Duan Yuanzheng, and said, "Senior Tan, do you think that after Duan Yuanzheng said this, someone will stand up and compete with him for the Heart of Creation?" He didn't wait for the conversation

  . Wen Yao answered, and Yan Binbin said next to him: "How is it possible that no one stands up to compete for the heart of creation? You know, that is the heart of creation! Once you get it, it means that your cultivation level will be greatly improved. In this way Do you think anyone can resist the doubts?"

  "Yes, the temptation of the heart of creation is too great. Not only others have ideas, but I also have ideas."

  Tan Wenyao nodded and said: "I I will also fight for it, but I have to decide based on the situation and see how others react first." "

  In short, what is certain is that Shu Hongtu of Tianwu Sect will definitely fight for it. If he doesn't fight for it, he will fight for it. If so, then others will definitely not fight for it."

  Tianwumen is the second-ranked existence among the five major forces. In the eyes of others, among the people gathered here, except for Duan Yuanzheng, who is the strongest, Shu Hongtu is the strongest.

  Therefore, if even Shu Hongtu doesn't fight for it, then others probably won't fight for it either.

  "That's what Senior Tan said."

  He Hongyun and Yan Binbin looked at each other and replied in unison.


  "Brother Yue Shan, what should we do now?"

  Guo Yuanjie glanced at Duan Yuanzheng, then looked back at Yue Shan, and whispered: "After Duan Yuanzheng said this, the fight for the heart of creation has almost become A one-on-one challenge."

  "In a one-on-one situation, I'm afraid no one can beat Duan Yuanzheng, right?"

  As soon as Guo Yuanjie finished speaking, Qiu Chengzhi said: "Yes, this guy has a flaw. It is indeed not that easy to deal with the cultivation state of the Dan Realm. If we people here fight alone, it is really difficult for anyone to beat him." Hearing this, Yue Shan looked

  at Guo Yuanjie and Qiu Chengzhi . He glanced over and said: "I also admit that if the people here fight alone, no one can be Duan Yuanzheng's opponent, but let's not forget the most important point." "The most important point?"


  Yuanjie and Qiu Chengzhi were slightly startled, with doubts on their faces. Apparently they didn't understand the most important point Yue Shan said.

  "This point is that he will be challenged by us in turn. As long as we challenge enough people, the more he will consume."

  Yue Shan's eyes narrowed and he said: "He can't withstand such constant consumption, right? "

  Yes! Brother Yue Shan is so right. We are consuming him in a round-robin battle. When he is almost exhausted, his combat effectiveness will naturally be greatly reduced. Then it will be our chance to turn defeat into victory." Guo Yuanjie He reacted suddenly.

  "Yes, that's what I mean."

  Yue Shan nodded, with an evil smile on his face, and said: "So, we have to be patient and wait for others to challenge him first and wear him down. Then We can play."


  Guo Yuanjie and Qiu Chengzhi nodded quickly.

  No matter what decision Yue Shan makes, the two of them will stand by Yue Shan and support him anyway, as if they have become Yue Shan's little followers.


  "Is this guy so arrogant?" Qi Qingxue was stunned for a moment, not expecting Duan Yuanzheng to say these words.

  This is the hatred that attracts everyone!

  Lin Fan was also stunned. Just now, he thought that there would be a relatively chaotic battle to fight for the creation heart. He really did not expect that Duan Yuanzheng would stand up and attract hatred.

  "I'm also surprised that he would say such a thing." Tang Xiaoxiao also nodded.

  "However, this is beneficial to us." Tang Xiaoxiao added.

  At the beginning, what she thought was that they were guarding the heart of creation, waiting for others to fight for it, and defeating others one by one.

  If they can do it, then they will take away this creative heart.

  If it cannot be done, then this creative heart can only be given away.

  This is naturally very challenging.

  But after Duan Yuanzheng said this, Duan Yuanzheng was instantly attracted to such challenging things.

  This means that if everyone wants to challenge, they should challenge Duan Yuanzheng, not them.

  "If anyone can defeat Duan Yuanzheng, it is estimated that no one else will dare to stand up and compete for the heart of creation." Lin Fan said.

  "Yes, that is to say, as long as we defeat Duan Yuanzheng, we can take away the heart of creation." Tang Xiaoxiao nodded lightly.

  "Xiaoxiao, it is still very difficult to defeat Duan Yuanzheng! In any case, he has a perfect cultivation state of the Wild Core Realm. He is also a genius disciple of the Shengtian Sect, and the methods he masters must be very good. "More." Qi Qingxue said.

  "Well, that's for sure."

  At this point, Tang Xiao joked and said, "However, this does not mean that we have no chance. There is still a chance."

  (End of Chapter)

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