Chapter 867 Puppet

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  Chapter 867:

  The injuries inside the puppet Lin Fan's body can be said to be the most severe compared to his previous experiences.

  However, this kind of injury was not caused by him being injured, but caused by the martial arts such as the True Yuan Emperor Transformation.

  Facts have proved that martial arts such as the True Yuan Emperor Transformation cannot be used casually until a critical moment.

  After all, once this martial art is used, serious injuries will occur in the body.

  Such serious injuries require good elixirs to recover quickly. Without good elixirs, it will take a lot of time.

  Therefore, Lin Fan felt that if he used the martial art of True Yuan Emperor Transformation in the future, he should really pay close attention to it.

  After recovering from his injuries, he stood up, opened the door and walked out without wasting time.

  They have been in this training cave for a while, and they can clearly know that the best things in this training cave are usually found in the deepest places.

  Therefore, at this time, Lin Fan also needed to rush towards the deepest point.

  "I guess Senior Sister Tang and the others are rushing to the deepest point now, and have even reached the deepest point." Lin Fan thought secretly in his heart.

  He knew that for Tang Xiaoxiao, only the deepest things in this cultivation cave were attractive. The pills and Yuan stones outside were not very attractive.

  With this decision, Lin Fan quickly confirmed the direction and rushed towards the deepest part of the training cave.


  After more than ten minutes, Lin Fan came to an area that looked a bit messy.

  However, there are also passages in this area.

  But this place is different from the previous place.

  In the previous place, there were so many passages that it took a lot of sifting to find a passage to check out.

  But here, there is only one passage.

  The most important thing is that there is no one else around here.

  Standing outside the passage, Lin Fan could feel that there was a rather sinister aura seeping out of the passage.

  This kind of gloomy aura, if placed on the earth, would be enough to remind people of illusory creatures like ghosts.

  When he was on earth before, Lin Fan was not afraid of ghosts. Not to mention that he has experienced so much now and is still in such a fantasy world, and he is even less afraid of anything.

  Taking a deep breath, Lin Fan walked towards the passage without hesitation.

  As he got closer to the passage, the sinister aura became more obvious.

  Soon, he stepped into the passage.

  At this moment, his vision became much wider.

  In front of him was a very spacious area. A rough estimate showed that the area of ​​​​this area would not be less than 3,000 square meters.

  This area is not empty, but there are many densely packed tree stumps.

  Each of these tree stumps is about the size of a person's arms. They are close together one after another, and then branch out into many winding passages.

  As for where the passages separated by these tree stumps lead to, it is impossible to judge. If you want to know, I am afraid you have to walk through it yourself.

  Looking at the tree stump passage in front of him, Lin Fan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

  He seemed to have never imagined that this place would be such a scene.

  Then, he took a few steps forward, glanced around, and suddenly noticed that there were many dark limb-shaped things on the ground in this area.

  "A severed limb?"

  Lin Fan focused his eyes, held his hands, squatted down, picked up one of the pieces and looked at it carefully. It looked exactly like the severed arm of his hand.

  The only difference is that the severed arm in his hand is very dark, with an indescribable black feeling.

  Moreover, the weight of this severed arm is very heavy, and it is not at the level that a human arm can reach.

  Upon closer inspection, it is not difficult to see that this broken arm is actually made of a kind of steel.

  There are still many patterns appearing in many places on the broken arm.

  As for these patterns, if Lin Fan could describe them, it would be in four words - obscure and difficult to understand.

  Yes, these patterns seemed very obscure to him, and he had no idea what they meant.

  But after coming to this world for a while, Lin Fan still knew many things about this world.

  Although he couldn't understand these patterns, he knew that this kind of broken arm came from the puppet.

  According to the division of Tianyuan Continent, things like puppets are divided into three levels, namely lower level, middle level and upper level.

  A puppet, as the name suggests, is a thing that has no independent thoughts and is completely controlled by others.

  Moreover, not only do they have no thoughts, they also do not feel any pain.

  In other words, no matter how you hurt them, unless you destroy them directly, they will not feel the slightest pain.

  Lin Fan could almost tell that the original puppet with a severed arm in his hand was probably not even considered a low-level puppet, and could only be regarded as a scrapped defective product.

  Such defective products do not have much combat effectiveness.

  But there are some high-level puppets that even a strong person in the Creation Realm may not be able to do anything about.

  As for whether there are higher levels above the superior puppets, Lin Fan doesn't know yet, but he guesses that there must be.

  After all, the levels of cultivation do not end at the realm of creation. There are still stronger realms above.

  With this comparison, it is not difficult to judge that the puppets also have stronger levels.

  In the Great Feng Dynasty, there was no big force specializing in forging puppets.

  But in some places outside the Great Feng Dynasty, there are such big forces.

  This kind of big force specializes in forging puppets. Their own strength may not be very strong, but the strength of the puppets they forge is very strong.

  Relying on these puppets is enough for them to deal with many people and solve many troublesome problems.

  After standing there and meditating for a while, Lin Fan's keen perception suddenly noticed the fluctuation of some elixirs.

  "There are actually elixirs here?"

  Lin Fan's heart moved slightly, and he was indeed surprised to feel the fluctuations of elixirs in such a place.

  After all, it is difficult to associate a place full of gloomy atmosphere with something like elixir.

  But he believed that his induction was not wrong, so he decided to follow the direction of the elixir wave to see what was going on.

  With this plan in mind, Lin Fan did not waste any more time. He moved forward and quickly shuttled through the passages of these tree stumps.

  While walking through the passage, Lin Fan clearly noticed that there were many puppets with severed limbs.

  In addition, there are some signs of fighting.

  It is not difficult to guess that someone has fought against the puppets here before.

  After continuing to walk for some distance in the direction of the fluctuations coming from the elixir, Lin Fan also encountered some puppets on the way.

  However, after he actually fought against the puppet, he understood why there were so many severed limbs on the ground here.

  After all, these puppets are really not powerful puppets. Apart from being incapable of feeling pain and slightly stronger, they have no other specialties and can only be reduced to things that can be destroyed by others.

  He casually destroyed many of the puppets that were attacking him, and then he had no extra time to tangle with them, so he selectively avoided them and accelerated his speed.

  However, after running at a faster speed, more than ten minutes later, Lin Fan discovered that the tree stump passage in front of him was still endless.

  "Impossible! When I looked at this area just now, although it is not small, it is only a few thousand square meters. With such an area, at my speed, how could I run for so long without reaching the end?"

  Lin Fan's brows suddenly furrowed.

  But his pace still did not stop.

  "Something's wrong!"

  After this state continued for five minutes, Lin Fan finally stopped.

  He discovered a very important problem, that is, he kept going in circles here instead of actually running through many channels.

  The most important thing is that he hasn't seen any other people for such a long time. If he couldn't still see the traces of the fight, he would have thought that he was the only one here.

  "I must be trapped in the formation now, right?"

  Lin Fan frowned again.

  He felt that he was trapped in a formation now.

  Naturally, he didn't know the name of this formation, but what was certain was that this formation was the same as the maze on earth.

  If you can't find the right way, you will keep going in circles in the maze. Only when you find the right way can you get out of the maze.

  In the maze on the earth, you need to keep walking with your arms close to one side, and you can basically get out of the maze.

  But the psychedelic formations in this world are obviously not something that can be solved easily.

  If it could be solved so easily, it wouldn't be worthy of being called a formation.

  "You have to break this formation! Otherwise, even if I keep running in here, I won't be able to get out until I am exhausted."

  Lin Fan took a few deep breaths.

  He had never had much contact with formations before, but fortunately he had heard it said that there were basically only two ways to break through a formation.

  The first one is to use strong strength to directly destroy the formation by force.

  This method is the simplest and crudest, and also the most efficient.

  But the only bad thing is that you must have strong strength.

  This kind of powerful strength must be based on being stronger than the person who arranged the formation.

  The owner of this training cave already has the cultivation level of the Creation Realm, and the formations here are naturally arranged by him.

  Obviously, it would be absolutely impossible for Lin Fan to break through this formation by force.

  After all, his current cultivation state in the late Tianhuang Realm is really far away from the cultivation realm of Creation Realm. Even if he desperately tries, he cannot forcefully break this formation.

  Therefore, he could only give up the first method.

  This was not something he gave up voluntarily, but his strength forced him to give up.

  In the face of strength, he must also learn to bow his head. Only when his strength becomes truly strong in the future can he choose this first method to break the formation.

  (End of chapter)

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