Chapter 506 Luo Qingshan’s anger

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  Chapter 506 Luo Qingshan’s Angry

  Luo Men.

  As the most powerful force in Luo City, Luomen's territory can be said to be quite large.

  At this moment, deep in Luomen, in a spacious study room, an old man about sixty years old was sitting on a chair, looking through an old book.

  This book existed before the apocalypse broke out. After the apocalypse broke out, the old man was not willing to throw it away.

  And this old man is Luo Qingshan, the sect leader of Luo Clan.

  Luo Qingshan has the strength of a fifth-level evolver. He deserves to be the leader of the Luo Sect, and no one has any objections.


  After the silence lasted for a while, there was a knock on the door.


  Luo Qingshan asked calmly.

  "Master, it's me, Xiaotian." Luo Xiaotian replied outside the door.

  "Come in!" Luo Qingshan said.

  Luo Xiaotian pushed open the door and came to the desk.

  "Xiaotian, do you have anything to do with me?" Luo Qingshan put down the book in his hand, looked up at Luo Xiaotian and asked.

  "Master, my second uncle and the others have been searching for so long, but there is still no news. I am worried that they will encounter any trouble." Luo Xiaotian said.

  In the past few days, he had been thinking about Murong Xue, Murong Shan, Li Zihan and Mu Hongling. If he didn't get Murong Xue and the four of them, he would feel uncomfortable every day.

  "I have sent them more manpower, what kind of trouble can they encounter?"

  Luo Qingshan said with a smile: "Didn't you say that among those people, only one is a fourth-level evolver?" "

  Yes, only that one The boy is a fourth-level evolver, and the other four women and the dog are all third-level evolvers," Luo Xiaotian said.

  "Then what are you worried about?"

  Luo Qingshan smiled again and said: "Bai Jun, including himself, has a total of four fourth-level evolvers, thirty third-level evolvers, and even more second-level evolvers. There are hundreds of them. How can such a lineup not be able to defeat that kid?" "

  If you are worried about encountering other troubles, it is even more impossible. In this Luo City, which force would dare to Don't you give us Luo Men face? How dare you provoke our Luo Men?"

  Regarding Luo Men's reputation and majesty, Luo Qingshan is still full of confidence, and he does not think that Luo Baijun and the others will encounter any trouble.

  There has been no news for so long, just because Lin Fan and others were not found in the search.

  "The sect master is right." Luo Xiaotian nodded.

  In fact, he was not worried about Luo Baijun and others, he was mainly thinking that if Murong Xue and the others escaped, he would lose four beauties, which would be the biggest loss.

  "Okay, Xiaotian, don't worry. If there is no news from them tomorrow, then I will send someone out to inquire and see what the situation is like over there." Luo Qingshan comforted.

  "Okay, Sect Master, I understand." Luo Xiaotian nodded again.

  Just when he was about to say goodbye and go back, a hurried voice came from outside the door: "Master! There is something urgent to report!" "

  What's the emergency? Come in and tell me, don't panic!" Luo Qingshan said calmly .

  A man of about thirty years old walked in quickly outside the door. This man could be said to be Luo Qingshan's secretary. He was responsible for taking care of many of Luo Qingshan's things.

  The man saluted Luo Qingshan, said hello to Luo Xiaotian, and then said: "Master, I just received news that Luo Baijun and the others are all dead." "What did you say?"


  ? At this sentence, Luo Qingshan could no longer remain calm and stood up from his chair suddenly: "Luo Baijun and the others are all dead?" "

  Yes, Master, this is the news I just got." The man looked solemn. nodded.

  "Where did you get the news? Who told you?" Luo Qingshan quickly asked.

  "It's our brothers from Luo Men who are patrolling outside. When they were patrolling, they saw the bodies of Luo Baijun and others in a building." The man replied.

  "Did you see it clearly?" Luo Qingshan asked again.

  "They said it was absolutely true." The man nodded.

  Luo Qingshan slapped the desk in front of him.


  As the slap fell, the desk couldn't help but make the sound of cracks, and the naked eye could see the cracks spreading as densely as a spider web.

  When such cracks spread all over the desk, the desk suddenly fell apart.

  Luo Qingshan was very angry, very angry.

  Four level four evolvers, thirty level three evolvers, and hundreds of level two evolvers.

  This kind of lineup is also quite a strong lineup for Luo Men.

  Just die? Or are they all dead?

  He must find out what is going on, and he must not let Luo Baijun and others die in vain.

  The most important thing is that this means that someone is provoking their Luomen's majesty and provoking their Luomen's status as the largest force in Luo City!

  When Luo Qingshan was furious, Luo Xiaotian remained silent beside him.

  When he heard the news that Luo Baijun and others were all dead, his first reaction was shock, even disbelief.

  But after being shocked, the figures of Lin Fan and others suddenly appeared in his mind.

  For some reason, he always felt that the deaths of Luo Baijun and others were related to Lin Fan and others.

  "Impossible! It should be impossible!"

  Luo Xiaotian thought again in his heart: "The strongest among those people are only the fourth-level evolvers. Even if they have the ability to control objects through the air, the second uncle and the others are fourth-level evolvers. There are two Level 4 Evolutionaries together, how can four Level 4 Evolutionaries not be able to deal with one Level 4 Evolutionary?"

  Luo Xiaotian didn't want to believe that Lin Fan did this.

  Furthermore, when Lin Fan was alone against Luo Baijun and the thin man that day, he obviously chose to retreat.

  If Lin Fan had the strength to deal with four level four evolvers by himself, he wouldn't have chosen to retreat that day. Wouldn't it be better to kill them directly?

  Thinking of this, Luo Xiaotian gradually ruled out the possibility of Lin Fan taking action.

  Mainly, he didn't want to believe that Lin Fan was so powerful.

  "Master, what should we do now?" the man asked.

  "First take me to the low point where they died. I want to see how they died." Luo Qingshan made a decision immediately.

  "Okay, Master." The man nodded.

  "Xiaotian, you come with me." Luo Qingshan looked at Luo Xiaotian, and then saw that Luo Xiaotian's face looked a little strange, and couldn't help but frown and asked: "What are you thinking about?"

  "Master, I was just wondering if it was that kid and the others who did it." Luo Xiaotian said.

  "Impossible, absolutely impossible." Luo Qingshan shook his head and said, "How could that boy be able to deal with the four of Bai Jun and the others by himself?" "Okay, let's not think about

  this for now. Let's go to the place where the accident happened first. I I will never let Bai Jun and the others die in vain."

  "As long as I know who did it, I will never let him go no matter where in the world!"

  After saying this, Luo Qingshan didn't waste any more time and stepped out of the door. Went out.

  Seeing this, Luo Xiaotian and the man hurriedly caught up.

  After sitting in the car, the man asked the person who came back to report the incident to take them to the scene of the accident.

  Soon, the car stopped outside the building.

  The car door opened, Luo Qingshan, Luo Xiaotian and others walked out of the car, walked towards the building door and entered the courtyard where the battle was taking place.

  Luo Xiaotian glanced at the many corpses and was 100% sure that these people were Luo Baijun and others.

  "No! Many of their knees have marks of being bitten off!"

  "It's that dog! It must be that dog that did it!"

  Luo Xiaotian noticed a detail, that is, the kneecaps of the Luomen people were all broken. There are bite marks.

  As soon as he discovered this detail, he said it loudly.

  Hearing this, Luo Qingshan also stared at everyone's kneecaps, and sure enough he saw that the kneecaps were bitten off.

  This was obviously not a human bite, but a dog bite mark.

  "Sect Master, look at my second uncle's body, there are still scars from hidden weapons!"

  Luo Xiaotian's eyes focused on Luo Baijun's body again. He noticed that there were many scars from hidden weapons on Luo Baijun's body: " I know that the three hidden weapons controlled by that boy are darts, daggers and steel needles, which completely match the scars on my second uncle's body!" "

  Then how did he do it?"

  Luo Qingshan's face was serious, and he muttered: "Bai Jun and the others But four level four evolvers, even if that kid has the ability to control objects through the air, he shouldn't be able to do this!" "

  Master, although I don't want to believe that that kid did it, but Judging from the current situation, we can basically be 100% sure that it is them." Luo Xiaotian said with clenched fists.

  The bite marks, the marks of hidden weapons, all of these prove that they are related to Lin Fan and the others.

  Even if he didn't want to admit it in his heart, the facts were right in front of him, and it was meaningless to deny it.

  Luo Qingshan took a deep breath and accepted this fact.

  "Maybe they still have helpers in Luo City."

  After a while, Luo Qingshan said this.

  After hearing the descriptions of Luo Baijun and Luo Xiaotian, he could tell that Lin Fan was not a mid- to late-stage fourth-level evolver, but had just been promoted to become a fourth-level evolver.

  With such strength, even if he were to kill him, he would not believe that he could kill four Luo Bai Army members with just one person.

  Therefore, he believed that Lin Fan and the others should have other partners here.

  Only in this way can it be explained that Luo Baijun and others were completely wiped out.

  "Anyway, that kid said at the time that they came to Luo City for training. Sect Master, if you say so, it's not impossible. Maybe they really have other accomplices here." Luo Xiaotian said solemnly. road.

  "No matter how many accomplices they have, if they dare to kill our people, they are destined to die!" Luo Qingshan said angrily.

  The loss of so many manpower also hurt Luomen's vitality.

  If he doesn't seek revenge for this kind of thing, then he, Luo Qingshan, is no longer worthy of being the leader of the Luo Sect.

  "From now on, call all the people from Luomen back to me. I will personally arrange it and direct them to search." Luo Qingshan said slowly.

  "Yes, Sect Master, I'll call them right away!" The man who followed nodded, replied, turned around and left here to make arrangements.

  After Luo Qingshan and Luo Xiaotian continued to stay here for a while, Luo Qingshan said: "Okay, Xiaotian, we are going back too. Don't worry, I will definitely avenge Bai Jun." No matter what

  , He said that Luo Baijun was Luo Xiaotian's second uncle, and he was so optimistic about Luo Xiaotian. If this kind of revenge was not avenged, Luo Xiaotian would probably have a grudge in his heart.

  "Thank you, Master." Luo Xiaotian thanked him.

  Then, they did not delay here and drove back to Luomen.

  (End of chapter)

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