Chapter 469: Reading speed is so fast

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  Chapter 469: Looking so fast
  Lin Fan, Murong Shan, Li Zihan and Mu Hongling looked in the direction of Murong Xue's finger, and sure enough they saw figures moving around on the tenth floor.

  A rough estimate is that there are at least a dozen people on the tenth floor.

  "They are indeed trapped inside. Looking at this trend, if they don't have outside help, they will only be pushed away by the zombies higher and higher. Soon, they will be forced by the zombies to the rooftop of the top floor. Lin

  Fan's eyes narrowed and he said slowly: "At that time, they have only two choices, either to fight the zombies or to escape by jumping off the building." "


  Murong Shan opened her mouth and said, "This This office building has thirty floors and is almost a hundred meters high. If you jump from such a high place, you will probably die!" "That's for sure, unless there are level four

  evolutionaries among them. ."

  Lin Fan said with a smile: "But it is obvious that there are no evolvers of this level among them. If they existed, these zombies would not be able to trap them inside."

  What Lin Fan thought of was that before In the mountains, Li Zihan was forced to jump off a hundred-meter-high cliff.

  But at that time, the place where she jumped was a forest with trees and soil.

  The ground here is cement, not as soft as soil.

  If you jump from the top floor, unless you are a fourth-level evolver like him, you will definitely be seriously injured or fall to death.

  "Their life and death has nothing to do with us. Let's first find out if there are any level 3 zombies among these zombies! It would be great if there are level 3 zombies." Murong Shan curled her lips.

  It's not that she is hard-hearted, but that she should maintain such a mentality in the apocalypse.

  Take care of yourself first, then you can take care of others.

  "Let me take a look."

  Lin Fan said, and then started scanning the ring without hesitation.

  The speed of scanning the ring is naturally much faster than the speed of seeing it with the naked eye.

  While Murong Xue and the others were still searching slowly, he had already mastered all the information about the zombies here.

  However, he did not speak out quickly, but waited for about three minutes before speaking: "I took a look, this group of zombies, including the zombies in the office building, there are about three level three zombies, This means that we can get three level three energy crystals. Well, it's not bad. At least it's a good start." "

  Brother Lin Fan, are you looking too fast? You've already cleared the office building. I've looked inside, but I'm still looking at what's outside on the street!" Murong Shan couldn't help but sigh.

  She did not think that the data Lin Fan mentioned was casual. She believed that this data must have been carefully verified by Lin Fan.

  Murong Xue, Li Zihan and Mu Hongling were also surprised by the speed at which Lin Fan watched. They did not expect that Lin Fan could watch so fast.

  "I may also have a strong sense of scanning these zombies."

  Lin Fan smiled lightly and did not say anything more on this issue. He changed his voice and said, "Okay, now that we have determined the target, let's start taking action. !"

  "Lin Fan, you don't have to participate in dealing with these zombies, right?" Li Zihan glanced at Lin Fan and said with a smile, "Wouldn't it be better to leave it to us to practice?" "That's true,

  then I'll wait here. Come on, you go and deal with them." Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

  He is now a level 4 evolver. If he were to deal with these zombies, it would simply be an overwhelming trend like a wolf rushing into a flock of sheep. These zombies would not be his opponent at all.

  The most important thing is that he has very rich combat experience, and he no longer needs to use these zombies to improve his combat experience.

  Then, if these zombies are handed over to Murong Xue and others to deal with, the effect will be better, and the actual combat experience of Murong Xue and others will be improved.

  "Brother Lin Fan, just wait here and leave it to us!" Murong Shan winked playfully.

  "Anyway, don't be careless and pay attention to safety." Lin Fan warned.

  He took a look at the three level three zombies just now. Two of them had a data of 13, and one had a data of 14.

  With such data, any one of Murong Xue, Murong Shan, Li Zihan, Mu Hongling or Andy can deal with it, as long as they are not careless.

  "Don't worry."

  Murong Xue and others responded, and then rushed out with Andy without wasting any more time.

  Lin Fan took a look and saw that there happened to be a chair next to him. He walked to the chair and sat down, slowly watching the performance of Murong Xue and others.

  Murong Xue and others quickly rushed into the zombie group and fought fiercely with the zombies.

  At the same time, in the office building, the tenth floor area.

  Three people who were obviously the leaders of the group were sitting on the sofa, all of them looking unhappy, talking about how they could solve the predicament at hand.

  "What do you think we should do now?" A woman in her mid-thirties said with a frown.

  Although this woman does not have a particularly outstanding appearance, her figure is indeed very hot. The small vest she is wearing can clearly feel that it is being stretched up. There is a kind of small vest that will be stretched if it is smaller. Feel.

  Coupled with the pair of hot pants worn on the lower body of the woman, the two long legs exposed, even though the skin is not very white, it is a healthy wheat color, which does look a bit attractive.

  Hearing the woman's question, the other two men looked at each other. The man on the left said: "The situation is now very clear. We are surrounded by zombies here. There is no way out. We must fight them. Or we can only keep retreating to the floors above."

  "There is no problem in retreating to the floors above, but the floors above do not extend infinitely. When we reach the thirtieth floor, don't we no longer be able to retreat?" The woman said helplessly said.

  "Then I have no choice but to fight with them." The man on the left said.

  "What do you think are the chances of us fighting them and breaking out of the encirclement?" the woman asked again.

  The man thought for a while, stretched out a finger to make a gesture, and said, "10% chance, not even 10%." "


  Seeing this, the woman also sighed deeply.

  After hearing the conversation between the two of them, the man on the right said after a while: "Let's not be so pessimistic. Although we haven't found a solution yet, it doesn't mean that we have a dead end."

  " What do you mean?" the woman asked.

  "It means that we still have a lot of food resources prepared so that we won't starve to death here. During the process of retreating to the floor, if someone else comes to deal with these zombies, then we won't have any Any chance of surviving?" the man on the right said.

  (End of chapter)

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