Chapter 466 Arrogant look

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  Chapter 466 Arrogant Look

  If Lin Fan’s strength has not broken through to become a fourth-level evolver, then Li Qiushui feels that he still has a chance to defeat Lin Fan, but the problem is that now Lin Fan’s strength is also a fourth-level evolver. Li Qiushui He no longer had much confidence in defeating Lin Fan.

  At least, at this stage, he has no confidence.

  Because he had privately discussed with Feng Kande whether Lin Fan had any special powers.

  Feng Kande believed that Lin Fan had that special power, otherwise his body would not be so strong.

  With the increase in this special power, Lin Fan's strength has obviously improved significantly. How could he defeat Lin Fan by himself?

  You know, he knows very well that Lin Fan is not a vegetarian, unless his strength is enough to crush Lin Fan.

  Hearing what Li Qiushui said, Qin Changkong couldn't help but feel slightly startled.

  From Li Qiu Shui's tone, Qin Changkong could definitely feel that Li Qiu Shui was already afraid of Lin Fan's strength.

  However, he has no other choice now. Lin Fan has to break through to the fourth level of evolution before him. If he wants to defeat Lin Fan, he needs to join forces with Li Qiu Shui.

  Without Li Qiu Shui joining forces, the gap between him and Lin Fan would undoubtedly become wider and wider.

  "Okay, Brother Qiu Shui, I will work hard to improve my strength and strive to become a fourth-level evolver as soon as possible."

  At this point, Qin Changkong rolled his eyes, thought of another question, and said casually: "I hope we can go out this time. After that, I can encounter many evolved zombies. In that case, I can get energy crystals from the evolved zombies, and use the energy crystals to increase my strength to a fourth-level evolver faster." He said this just to hint to

  Li Qiu Shui needs energy crystals. If Li Qiu Shui wants him to break through quickly, he must help him get some energy crystals.

  Li Qiu Shui could naturally hear the meaning of Qin Changkong's words. He nodded and said, "If there is an outbreak of zombies, there will definitely be many evolved zombies. I can provide you with some third-level energy crystals by then. , Let your strength break through as soon as possible."

  Li Qiushui doesn't care much about the third-level energy crystal now. After all, he has become a fourth-level evolver. What he needs is the fourth-level energy crystal and the fifth-level energy crystal.

  There is no need to think about level 5 energy crystals for the time being, but if there are level 4 energy crystals, he will use them himself, so how can he give them to Qin Changkong?

  Therefore, there were only third-level energy crystals, and he could barely give out some.

  Hearing this, Qin Changkong smiled in his heart, and on the surface he thanked him very solemnly: "Then I would like to thank Brother Qiu Shui first. Brother Qiu Shui, don't worry, once my strength breaks through to the fourth level of evolution, we will be the best to deal with Lin. I won't waste a moment when I'm with that guy."

  No matter what the situation will be, he just needs to show his loyalty now.

  "Yes." Li Qiushui nodded slightly and did not say much on this topic.

  While the two of them were talking, the other students on Feng Kande's side also boarded the car, and then at Feng Kande's greeting, they drove towards the gate of the base.

  The teams from both sides met together outside the base gate.

  Qiu Hongxuan and Feng Kangde got out of their cars and met each other.

  "Old Feng, have any students in your camp withdrawn?" Qiu Hongxuan asked.

  "No." Feng Kande shook his head and asked, "What about your camp? Have any students quit?" "

  No." Qiu Hongxuan also shook his head.

  "Okay, it seems that these little guys are adventurous."

  Feng Kande smiled slightly, glanced in the direction of Luo City, and said, "Should your team go in front or mine?"

  "It's okay, it doesn't have any impact." Qiu Hongxuan said casually: "Then let my team go to the front!" "

  Okay, anyway, after we get there, we have to enter Luo City from two directions." Feng Kande said.

  "Then let's agree on the direction now. From which direction will you enter Luo City?" Qiu Hongxuan asked.

  Although the students in their camp went together when they went to Luo City, they would separate when entering Luo City.

  One side wants to go from the east and the other wants to go from the west. They will not let both sides go in from the same direction for training. In that case, they will also worry about conflicts among the students in both camps from the beginning.

  "Let's go from the east!" Feng Kande said.

  "Okay, if you go from the east, we will go from the west. That's it. When we arrive in Luo City, we won't stop and go straight to the west." Qiu Hongxuan said.

  "No problem." Feng Kande nodded.

  East and west, that is, two directions, they don't know what the current situation is in Luo City.

  However, from the perspective of being instructors, they hope that the zombies encountered by the students in their camp can be larger when they enter.

  In this way, not only will the students' experience experience be better, but they will also have the opportunity to obtain energy crystals.

  "Get in the car!" Qiu Hongxuan said, turned around and returned to the car.

  Seeing this, Feng Kande did not waste any time and turned around and walked back to the car.

  Qiu Hongxuan waved his hand and the motorcade started to set off.

  The convoy led by Feng Kande followed closely behind.

  Since each car is covered with cloth, students sitting in the car cannot see what is going on outside when the cloth is covered.

  The students were sitting in the car, chatting and playing, or resting with their eyes closed.

  "Brother Lin Fan, when we go out for training this time, we will definitely meet Qin Changkong and the others. Do you think they will come to cause trouble?" Murong Shan was in better spirits now and didn't really want to rest, so she casually talked about a topic.

  This topic is related to them all.

  Lin Fan thought for a while and said: "If we encounter them, they will definitely cause trouble, but now we don't have to worry about anything. If they come to cause trouble, then teach them a lesson. The more times you teach them, the more likely they will be. Know what you should do when you see us in the future."

  Lin Fan really doesn't need to take Qin Changkong and others seriously anymore, the gap between the two sides is destined to get bigger and bigger.

  If the other party is obedient and doesn't cause trouble, then you can live a more relaxed and happy life, but if the other party definitely wants to cause trouble, you can't blame him for being ruthless.

  Even if he doesn't kill the other party, he will make the other party suffer some unforgettable pain.

  "That's true. Anyway, they only come here to get beaten." Murong Shan said happily.

  "Yes, no matter what they want to do, we don't have to worry. Strength is the foundation." Lin Fan smiled lightly, his tone full of confidence.

  "Brother Lin Fan, I just like to see you so arrogant." Murong Shan agreed.

  As soon as she said these words, Murong Xue, Li Zihan and Mu Hongling all laughed.

  (End of chapter)

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