Chapter 462 Never doubted

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  Chapter 462 I never doubted that
  a day of rest would naturally pass by very quickly.

  On this day, Qiu Hongxuan did not go to Dong Tianzhuo in the morning, but waited until late afternoon to go.

  Inside the office.

  Qiu Hongxuan and Dong Tianzhuo sat opposite each other.

  "Brother Dong, let me report on the training situation in the third week." Qiu Hongxuan said.

  "Okay, you tell me." Dong Tianzhuo smiled and nodded.

  Qiu Hongxuan quickly told the situation of the other students.

  After Qiu Hongxuan finished talking about the other students, Dong Tianzhuo took the initiative and asked, "Lin Fan is playing again, right?"

  "Yes." Qiu Hongxuan also nodded.

  However, he did not say it outright, but kept it secret and said: "Brother Dong, guess how long Lin Fan stood under the waterfall without any weight." Hearing this, Dong

  Tianzhuo He frowned and thought for a while, and after about five or six seconds, he said, "Is there six and a half hours?" "

  Yes, it's more than that." Qiu Hongxuan said.

  "Oh? It's been more than six and a half hours?" Dong Tianzhuo was obviously surprised.

  He guessed six and a half hours, which in his opinion was a very liberal guess. He didn't expect Lin Fan to exceed such a long period of time.

  Then, he guessed: "Then six hours and forty minutes?"

  "Continue to exceed it." Qiu Hongxuan said.

  "Six hours and fifty minutes?" Dong Tianzhuo guessed again.

  "It's still exceeded." Qiu Hongxuan replied.

  "Seven hours?" Dong Tianzhuo said.


  Qiu Hongxuan nodded heavily and said: "No more, no less, exactly seven hours!"

  Dong Tianzhuo's face clearly showed a look of surprise, and his tone was full of surprise as he said: "Seven hours , was able to persist under the waterfall for seven hours. If I remember correctly, his strength seems to have just broken through to the fourth level of evolution, right?" "Yes, Brother Dong, I brought

  him here last week The night before he came to find you, he made a breakthrough with his strength." Qiu Hongxuan said.

  "Then this time is a bit powerful." Dong Tianzhuo said thoughtfully.

  "I also think it's very impressive." Qiu Hongxuan nodded and said, "Originally, I guessed that he could persist for six hours at most. Who knew that he persisted for an extra hour, a full seven hours? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought I can't believe it."

  What Qiu Hongxuan said is true. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that a person who had just broken through to the fourth level of evolution could persist under that waterfall for seven hours without bearing any weight. time.

  After all, this is not a simple and easy thing, but something full of difficult challenges.

  Thinking of this, Qiu Hongxuan felt a little amazed.

  "This little guy Lin Fan is really a talent!" Dong Tianzhuo sighed from the bottom of his heart.

  "He is indeed a talent. I think that as long as nothing unexpected happens, Lin Fan will definitely be able to compete with the top geniuses in the world if he continues to grow!" Qiu Hongxuan said firmly.

  "Yes, judging from the talent and growth potential he has shown now, he indeed has such capital." Dong Tianzhuo agreed. He also believed that Lin Fan's talent and growth potential were limitless.

  "By the way, Brother Dong, in addition to reporting on the training situation in the third week, there is one more thing I want to tell you." Qiu Hongxuan said.

  "What's the matter? Just tell me." Dong Tianzhuo said.

  "For the fourth week of training, and even for the subsequent training, I discussed with Lao Feng and planned to arrange for the students to be in the wild." Qiu Hongxuan said.

  "In the wild?" Dong Tianzhuo muttered.

  "I feel that their training in the base is almost complete. It has almost reached the limit of this stage. If they continue to train in the base, it will not improve much for them." "Moreover, their actual combat

  experience , it also needs continuous improvement. The most important thing is that I heard our people say that there are a large number of zombies gathering around Luo City, and it is very likely that there will be a zombie wave of a certain scale in Luo City." "So,

  I What Lao Feng and I wanted was to arrange for the students to go to Luo City, let them face the zombie tide, and train and improve in the zombie tide."

  Qiu Hongxuan's eyes showed a firm look, and then he changed his voice and said: "But we I am also worried that Brother Dong will not agree to such an adventure plan, so I will come to discuss it with you first and see what you think." It has been so

  long since the apocalypse broke out, and they have some concerns about many behaviors of zombies. Understand, for example, the formation of a zombie tide, and almost everyone has summed up a certain amount of experience. They know when the zombie tide will break out, and they also know which city the zombie tide will surround.

  The Luo City he just mentioned is about three to four hundred kilometers away from the training base.

  Before the apocalypse, Los Angeles was a third-tier city.

  However, the population of this third-tier city is quite large, with a permanent population of seven to eight million. When the flow of people is large, it can even exceed 10 million.

  Their people monitored that there was at least a 95% chance that a zombie wave would break out in Luo City in the next period of time.

  Therefore, both he and Feng Kande wanted to use this tide of corpses to allow students to conduct wilderness survival training.

  If they can survive such a tide of corpses, it will undoubtedly prove that the students' wild survival ability and practical combat ability are very strong.

  And this kind of training also has a very great effect on improving the strength of students.

  After all, the students have been training in the base for three weeks, but these three weeks have been normal training. There have been no fights or anything like that. It is time for them to go out and stretch their muscles.

  "Hongxuan, since I have left the training base in the hands of you and Kande, it means that I have complete trust in you two." "You can

  arrange whatever you want about the training base. I won't go. I won't interfere even if I ask questions. You just need to report your results to me after each training session." "

  Because I believe you will not let me down."

  Dong Tianzhuo looked at Qiu Hongxuan and said seriously. .

  Hearing what Dong Tianzhuo said, Qiu Hongxuan was a little moved. He didn't expect Dong Tianzhuo to trust him and Feng Kande so much.

  "Okay, Brother Dong, don't worry, Lao Feng and I won't let you down." Qiu Hongxuan said solemnly.

  "I have never doubted this."

  Dong Tianzhuo smiled slightly and said: "As for what you said about arranging students to go to Luo City for training and let them experience the zombie wave, I personally think there is nothing wrong. The doomsday world itself is Everywhere is full of danger. If we don’t let them experience the danger, then we would be sorry for the training we arranged for them. Do you think this is the truth?” (End of


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