Chapter 456 You are still right

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  Chapter 456 You are right about
  this question, which made Lin Fan feel a little distressed.

  He is not an ungrateful person. If Dong Tianzhuo treats him well, he will not be able to take down Dong Tianzhuo in turn.

  But in the apocalypse, strength itself is respected. Whoever is stronger can become the one who makes the rules.

  When he thought of this, he also had an epiphany.

  "Strength is respected, strength is respected, right! Why didn't I realize this problem just now? Since whoever is stronger can make the rules, why should I think about such a problem when I am not as strong as the leader? ?"

  Lin Fan could not help but flash a light of understanding in his eyes.

  Although he will definitely become famous if he participates in the global talent competition, this does not mean that he has the capital to compare with Dong Tianzhuo.

  In any case, Dong Tianzhuo is a genuine sixth-level evolver. If he becomes famous in the global genius competition, he will reach the level of a fifth-level evolver at most, and it is absolutely impossible to reach the level of a sixth-level evolver.

  Therefore, it is too far away to consider such a problem now, and there is no need to let such a problem affect his own thoughts.

  Furthermore, when he has gained fame abroad, he can also develop abroad.

  Anyway, the earth has such a large area, he does not have to be limited to the country, he can first go abroad to occupy a piece of land of his own and build it.

  When his strength grows to exceed that of Dong Tianzhuo, in that case, Dong Tianzhuo will automatically come to him if he doesn't take the initiative to propose anything.

  After all, Dong Tianzhuo also knows very well that in the last days, strength is the most important thing.

  He is stronger than Dong Tianzhuo, and Dong Tianzhuo is willing to surrender. This is not a question of whether it is worth it or not, but a question of crushing strength.

  In other words, Dong Tianzhuo must accept it even if he accepts it, and he must accept it if he doesn't.

  After thinking about this problem, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth. Then he didn't dwell on anything anymore and lay down on the bed to rest.

  The next morning, they got up on time, ate, and went straight to the waterfall.

  Qiu Hongxuan stood in front of all the students and glanced at the sandbags on the ground next to him.

  Then, he looked at all the students and said loudly: "Everyone, the weight of the sandbag given to you yesterday was forty pounds. After training all day yesterday, I believe you should have adapted to it."

  " So, today we will reduce some weight on your sandbags."

  "Instructor, how much weight have you reduced for us?" someone asked curiously.

  Qiu Hongxuan stretched out five fingers and gestured, and said: "Not much, just lost five kilograms of weight." "

  That's it..."

  Many students clicked their tongues. Isn't it a lot to lose five kilograms at once? ?
  For them, it really felt like it was so much lighter.

  Just imagine, a person who wants to lose weight loses five pounds in one night. What is the concept?


  Qiu Hongxuan took the students' expressions into his eyes and said, "Are you miserable after just losing five kilograms of weight? Then I will let you train without any weight on any sandbags. Aren't you going to be with me?" Crying in front of me?"


  After hearing what Qiu Hongxuan said, everyone cheered up and replied.

  "Very good, this is the attitude you should have!"

  Qiu Hongxuan clapped his hands, waved his hands, and said: "Now, carry these sandbags on your back and continue your training today. Remember, don't be lazy, don't think Please rest for a while. This is responsible for yourselves and you are improving your strength!"


  Everyone responded in unison again.

  "Okay, let's start!" Qiu Hongxuan nodded.

  Without wasting any time, everyone went to the ground to pick up sandbags and carry them on their backs.

  As for Lin Fan, if he didn't need sandbags yesterday, he certainly wouldn't need them today.

  "Brother Lin Fan, you are right after all." Murong Shan put the sandbag on her back and walked back to Lin Fan and said with a smile.

  Lin Fan said yesterday that Qiu Hongxuan might take measures to reduce the weight of the sandbags for training, and Lin Fan guessed it.

  Lin Fan smiled and said: "I only lost five kilograms today. Maybe I will lose ten kilograms tomorrow. It is not impossible to lose even fifteen kilograms." "It is understandable to lose ten kilograms, but would it be

  too much to lose fifteen kilograms?" Too much?" Murong Shan opened her mouth in surprise.

  "You'll know tomorrow." Lin Fan smiled slightly and kept it secret, not discussing this issue in detail with Murong Shan at this time.

  Soon, Murong Xue, Li Zihan and Mu Hongling also carried sandbags on their backs.

  Of course, there was also a sandbag tied to Andy's back.

  "Okay, let's go train too!" Lin Fan glanced at him and said with a slight smile.


  Murong Xue, Murong Shan, Li Zihan and Mu Hongling naturally had no different opinions. They kept their heads together and walked towards the waterfall with Lin Fan to start their training today.

  The second day of training ended quickly. Compared with yesterday, all the students had made great progress even though the weight of the sandbags had been reduced.

  This also inspired their confidence even more. Originally, they thought that reducing the weight of five kilograms of sandbags would greatly compromise them, but they did not expect that they could persevere.

  In fact, as Lin Fan said, after gradually finding a good angle during training, the body's endurance and adaptability will become much stronger.

  They had gone through a whole day of training yesterday, and although they didn't feel anything obvious, their bodies had already begun to find a good angle.

  This is also the main reason why they were able to perform no worse than yesterday despite losing five pounds of sandbag weight today.

  They went back to rest for a night, and when eight o'clock came on the third day, they gathered here again.

  Qiu Hongxuan still stood in front of them and said with a smile on his face: "Not bad, very good. I saw all your performance yesterday and found that you have made great progress." "According to the old rules

  , Before today's training started, the weight of the sandbags you were carrying was still a little lighter."

  "Instructor, have you lost the same five pounds today as yesterday?" Someone else asked.

  "Of course not."

  Qiu Hongxuan shook his head and said, "I lost five kilograms yesterday. If I still lose five kilograms today, it means there is no change. Do you think that your instructor, me, will be the kind of person who does not seek change? Human?"

  When he said this, Qiu Hongxuan seemed to have a smile like an old fox on his face.

  Such a smile could not help but make everyone feel a bad feeling in their hearts.

  (End of chapter)

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