Chapter 434 How does it feel?

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  Chapter 434 How does it feel?
  After Lin Fan reached the top, he took a condescending look and almost took in the scenery of the entire training base.

  However, he didn't look at it for long, he only looked at it for a few seconds and then looked away.

  Then, without further delay, he climbed to the back of the wall and continued climbing.

  In fact, the process of going down is not simple either.

  Because when you go down, you have to lower your head to see where the things that can be stepped on are.

  And in the process of looking down, you will definitely see the height of the ground from you. Many people with poor psychological quality will still be scared.

  For Lin Fan, this kind of problem was not a problem. He quickly slipped down. In almost half a minute, he slipped down from above and stood firmly on the ground.

  At this time, Mu Hongling also completed the task of climbing to the top.

  "It's a lot slower than him!" Mu Hongling lowered her head and glanced at Lin Fan standing below, and said secretly in her heart.

  At first, she thought the gap between her and Lin Fan was only about ten seconds, but unexpectedly, the difference was more than twenty seconds.

  You know, the time gap of more than twenty seconds cannot be made up by simply being more proficient.

  After all, while she was in the process of becoming proficient, Lin Fan didn't just stay where he was without training.

  What's more, Lin Fan's talent may be stronger than hers.

  When she becomes proficient, Lin Fan can continue to become proficient. When the time comes, compared to the two, Lin Fan will still be more proficient.

  After letting out a gentle breath, Mu Hongling stopped thinking about this matter. She just regarded Lin Fan as her target and relaxed when she surpassed Lin Fan.

  Mu Hongling also quickly came down from the top of the wall. She glanced at Lin Fan, and Lin Fan happened to look at her as well, and the two of them looked at each other.

  But this look at each other was very short-lived, and both parties withdrew their gaze.

  Although they looked at each other without saying a word this time, Lin Fan could feel from Mu Hongling's eyes that Mu Hongling seemed to regard him as a goal to surpass.

  Realizing this situation, Lin Fan could only sigh helplessly in his heart. He just wanted to train well, but he didn't expect that Mu Hongling would be the one to surpass him.

  "Sister, we have climbed seventy meters now, how do you two feel?" Murong Shan held her hands tightly and took advantage of the break to glance at Murong Xue and Li Zihan who were beside her.

  Since the strength of the three of them is not very different, the distance between the three of them is not very different when climbing.

  Upon hearing Murong Shan's inquiry, Murong Xue was the first to speak: "There's nothing too obvious about it."

  "Me too." Li Zihan followed.

  To be honest, none of them are afraid of heights and have no problem overcoming heights.

  The only problem is that the rock climbing on this wall is not easy, especially as they go up, there are fewer places for them to climb. They must have a good sense of balance during the rock climbing process.

  If you don't have a good sense of balance, you may fall down.

  "Xiaoshan, how about you? How do you feel?" Murong Xue looked at Murong Shan and asked.

  "I think it's okay, it's not as difficult as I thought." Murong Shan smiled slightly, this was her true feeling.

  "That's fine. Safety comes first anyway. Give up when you feel like you can't hold on any longer. Don't hold on. Such a height is no joke." Murong Xue warned worriedly.

  "Okay, sister, I know." Murong Shan nodded obediently.

  Then, the three of them didn't waste any more time and continued climbing up the rock.

  Lin Fan stood under the wall, always paying attention to every move of Murong Xue and the others. He could clearly guarantee that if anything went wrong with Murong Xue and the others, he would be able to rush over and catch them as soon as possible.

  With his current strength, it is difficult to catch someone at such a height to ensure that neither he nor the other party is injured, but it is not insurmountable.

  After a while, Murong Xue and three others came to the wall.

  "Finally climbed up!"

  Murong Shan sat on the top of the wall and let out a small sigh.

  Murong Xue and Li Zihan looked at each other and smiled.

  The three of them looked at Lin Fan together and said hello to Lin Fan at the same time.

  Lin Fan extended his thumb in response.

  "Okay, it's time for us to go down." After sitting and resting for half a minute, Murong Xue said.


  Murong Shan and Li Zihan nodded. Naturally, they couldn't sit here forever. After all, the people behind them had to keep trying to climb the rock.

  The three of them climbed over the wall and walked down from the other side.

  It took almost a minute to successfully return to the ground.

  They walked back to Lin Fan. Lin Fan glanced at them and asked with a smile, "Did you feel your arms were a little sore?" "


  Murong Xue, Murong Shan and Li Zihan replied in unison.

  They had just been climbing for a few minutes. It stands to reason that with their physical fitness, if they exercise for a few minutes, even the kind of training that specifically targets their arms, they should not feel sore in their arms.

  But just after a few minutes of rock climbing, their arms felt sore.

  Lin Fan smiled slightly and said: "This shows that the training arranged by instructor Qiu is indeed very effective. After repeated rock climbing every day, after the training is completed, our strength will be greatly improved again."

  In fact, in Lin Fan's opinion, after this second rock climbing training, his strength should be able to break through and become a level four evolver.

  Therefore, he can say with certainty that the benefits of such training are very great.

  "I wonder what kind of training Instructor Qiu took Andy to do?" Murong Xue asked curiously.

  "Yeah, I'm quite curious too, and so is Instructor Qiu. He won't tell us a word. It would be nice to reveal a little bit!" Murong Shan curled her lips.

  "Haha, no matter what kind of training Instructor Qiu takes Andy to do, in short, it must be training that has a great effect on improving Andy's strength."

  Lin Fan said with a smile: "What we have to do is to do our training well. , Andy doesn't have anything to worry about, I still have great faith in Instructor Qiu."

  "That's right."

  Murong Xue and the other three nodded.

  At least, for now, they all feel that Qiu Hongxuan is a good person, or a good instructor.

  After everyone had tried it once and came to the second round of rock climbing, Lin Fan and the others also devoted themselves to the training process again.

  (End of chapter)

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