Chapter 210 The bullet is gone

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  Chapter 210: The Bullets Are Out
  It must be said that the method adopted by Lin Fan had very good results.

  Every bullet they fired caused great interference to Zhuang Letian, Liu Zhong and others, so Zhuang Letian, Liu Zhong and others had to slow down.

  In this way, the distance between the two parties will undoubtedly gradually widen.

  Of course, this is also due to Lin Fan and Murong Shan's superb marksmanship.

  If it weren't for the two of them who were very good at shooting, but if someone else were to shoot, they wouldn't have such a good effect, and they might even be quickly caught up by Zhuang Letian, Liu Zhong and others.

  "Uncle Liu, their marksmanship is too good, they will run away if they continue like this!" After Zhuang Letian continued to dodge two bullets, he couldn't help but frown deeply.

  "Master, we have no other choice now but to wait until all their bullets are used up. So many shots have been fired just now, I believe they don't have many bullets left." Liu Zhong said solemnly.

  Why didn't he want to take down Lin Fan and the four of them right away, so that he could avenge Lin Fan for insulting him just now?

  However, Lin Fan and Murong Shan's marksmanship posed a great obstacle to them. No matter how hard they tried to close the distance, they could not achieve their goal.

  "Now we can only wait until they run out of bullets." Zhuang Letian's tone was full of helplessness.

  (End of chapter)

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