Chapter 12 Huge Potential

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  Chapter 12 Huge Potential
  The name Murong Xue can be said to be known to everyone at Jiangnan University.

  Jiangnan University has four campus beauties, and Murong Xue deserves to be ranked first. There are countless suitors, but no one has succeeded in plucking this proud rose.

  Murong Xue rarely had contact with her classmates. Her identity was a mystery, and many people who wanted to know her information had no way of getting started.

  When Zhou Jun saw Murong Xue, his eyes widened. He didn't expect that there was such a beautiful woman. He thought Liu Yun was already very pretty before.

  Now if we compare Liu Yun and Murong Xue together, I don't know how many streets Liu Yun has been dumped.

  When Liu Yun faced Murong Xue's beautiful figure, even though she was a proud girl at heart, she still felt a huge sense of frustration.

  It's not that she's not good-looking, it's that Murong Xue is too good-looking.

  Lin Fan also looked at Murong Xue and Murong Shan, but he did not appreciate the beauty of the two sisters. He was reading the data of the two sisters through the ring.

  Species: Human

  Power: 2
  Speed: 2
  Reaction: 2
  Evolved Status: Not yet evolved
  This is Murong Xue's data information.

  Species: Human

  Power: 2
  Speed: 2
  Reaction: 2
  Mutagen: None
  Potential powers: Yes
  This is Murong Shan's data.

  Lin Fan was a little excited when he saw the data displayed on the two illusory light screens.

  This was just the beginning of the apocalypse, and few people knew how to extract mutagenic factors from animals like him.

  This means that there are mutagenic factors in Murong Xue's body itself. He is the so-called innate evolver, but he has not started to evolve yet.

  Once you start evolving, your strength will increase at a very fast pace.

  As for Murong Shan, that was even more special.

  Although there are no mutagenic factors in the body and he is not an innate evolver, he does possess potential powers.

  You know, among a thousand evolvers, there is only one person with superpowers.

  Murong Shan has potential superpowers. As long as she becomes an evolver, her superpowers can be activated, and she may be even more powerful than them.

  At this moment, Lin Fan already had a desire to embrace the two sisters.

  If you want to live better in the apocalypse, or even become the maker of rules, you will definitely not be able to rely on him alone.

  A person's ability is always limited, and he must have the support of a huge force.

  Since you have to live a new life, you must live a more wonderful life than anyone else!

  "Why did you come to my house?" Murong Xue glanced at Lin Fan and the four of them and asked doubtfully.

  "This is your home?"

  Wang Jianwei was startled and couldn't help but sigh. No wonder Murong Xue's identity is so mysterious and she has never agreed to anyone's pursuit. It turns out that this is the reason why her family is so excellent!
  I conservatively estimate that this villa cannot be bought without 200 million yuan.

  This is the real princess-level school beauty!

  "Let's take a rest for the night."

  Lin Fan didn't care about Murong Xue's identity. The end was coming, and no amount of money would have any effect.

  To put it more bluntly, money is not as useful as the paper you wipe your butt.

  Lin Fan stepped forward and said straight to the point: "There are zombies everywhere outside. If you plan to leave here now, you'd better give up this idea." Murong Xue knew the truth of what

  Lin Fan said. After all, she and Murong Shan came from outside. Those who escaped naturally knew that the situation outside was worse than here.

  "There are also zombies in the villa. It's not safe for you to go in." Murong Xue said.

  "Don't worry about this, I can take care of it."

  Lin Fan glanced at the ax in his hand, then looked at the Murong Xue sisters and said: "This is your home. I'm sorry that we came here to disturb you, but for safety reasons, I I think it would be better if we go in together."

  Murong Xue and Murong Shan are both potential strong men, so Lin Fan will naturally give them the respect they deserve, and at least gain their favor first, so that he can keep them by his side.

  "Aren't you afraid of zombies?" Murong Shan, who had been silent until now, spoke up.

  "Although zombies are scary, they are not invincible," Lin Fan said.

  "Yes, please rest assured. We are here and we will not let the zombies hurt you."

  Zhou Jun quickly stood up and said, "My name is Zhou Jun, and I belong to the Marriott Group. I'm glad to meet you."

  In the United States In front of sex, he simply couldn't resist such temptation and wanted to leave an impression on Murong Xue.

  Anyone who is not a fool can tell that he is trying to show off by deliberately revealing his background and identity in the Marriott Group.

  Murong Xue had heard of the Marriott Group, but she only nodded symbolically: "You already know my name. This is my sister, her name is Murong Shan." Zhou Jun did not notice the coldness in Murong Xue's attitude

  . , when he heard Murong Xue answer him, he was immediately elated and ready to say something.

  However, before he could say anything, Lin Fan interrupted: "Since you are so powerful, the zombies inside will be left to you. You can deal with them first, and then we can come in safely.

  " When Zhou Jun came out, his face became ugly as if he had eaten a fly, and he opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

  He has no ability to deal with zombies, he just wants to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman.

  Lin Fan gave Zhou Jun a sneer, then without further delay, turned and walked towards the villa: "You guys will come in again in three minutes."

  Seeing Lin Fan walking into the villa alone, Murong Xue and Murong Shan were slightly startled. I didn't expect Lin Fan to be so courageous.

  "Don't be surprised, Xiaofan is very powerful. He brought us out safely when we were at the zoo before." Wang Jianwei said with a smile.

  His words played a very good role in making Lin Fan leave a deep impression on Murong Xue and Murong Shan.

  Lin Fan walked into the villa and soon saw a female zombie wearing nanny clothes. Before the female zombie noticed his figure, he had already rushed behind the female zombie and killed the female zombie with a swing of his axe.

  In this villa, except for the parents of the two sisters Murong Xue, the remaining people are nannies and housekeepers.

  For Lin Fan, it was not difficult to solve at all, and the fate of these zombies was ended in less than three minutes.

  When Murong Shan saw the zombies that Lin Fan had transformed into by killing his parents on the second floor, tears flowed out unsatisfactoryly.

  "Xiaoshan, my parents are gone, they are just zombies." Murong Xue comforted her.

  "Yes, sister, I know." Murong Shan nodded, she just couldn't help but want to cry.

  Lin Fan stood by the window on the second floor and waved to Wang Jianwei and others.

  "Let's go in, Xiaofan has already taken care of it." Wang Jianwei said.

  "Okay." Murong Xue took Murong Shan's hand and walked into the villa together.

  Wang Jianwei walked at the back. When they all entered, he immediately locked the door of the villa.

  Seeing this scene, Lin Fan smiled slightly. It seemed that Wang Jianwei would quickly adapt to the rules of the doomsday.

  (End of chapter)

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