Chapter 6 Cooperation

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  Chapter 6 Cooperation
  "You mean, Zhenbaoxuan is now targeting me?" Yang Hao asked.

  Hearing this, Kong Guang chuckled and said: "No, you are not worthy of letting them take action now. But if you show your talent in the future, then maybe." After speaking, he looked at

  Yang Hao meaningfully After glancing at it, he continued: "When I say this, I don't want you to go against Zhenbaoxuan. In fact, I'm here to work with you.

  " Cooperation? "

  "Yes, it's cooperation. " Since you rejected Zhenbaoxuan's offer, you must have some confidence in your talent for making talismans. So, is it possible that the talisman you make next will be sold to Zhenbaoxuan and a handling fee will be charged? "

  Speaking of this, Kong Guang smiled jokingly and said: "Maybe you plan to set up a stall in the market? I know you don't quite believe what I'm saying, but you can find some time to go to the market to investigate and see if there are any civilian talisman makers with no background setting up stalls and selling talismans? Even if there are, how many days can they last? Yang

  Hao was noncommittal and continued to ask: "Then what are the benefits of cooperating with you?" As you said, won't I be retaliated against by Zhenbaoxuan if I cooperate with you? "

  " Hehe, the benefits of cooperating with us are huge. Kong Guang paused for a moment, then continued, "You can exchange the talisman with us for talisman paper and spiritual ink, or you can directly exchange the talisman for spiritual stones without being exploited by Zhenbaoxuan." As for retaliation, if you don’t tell me and I don’t tell you, who can know?

  "And if you choose to cooperate with us, we can give you the highest discount. One first-order low-grade talisman can be exchanged for two hundred talisman-making materials, and two first-order low-grade talismans can be exchanged for one spiritual stone. " How about it? Interested? "

  Yang Hao thought about it in his mind, and it was indeed a lot more cost-effective to cooperate with Kong Guang.

  But because of this, he still doubted whether this was a trap.

  He was still a fledgling in the world of immortality, and he had too little experience. At the same time, the disadvantage of lack of social interaction was also highlighted. When encountering this kind of thing, he didn't even have anyone who could inquire about the information. After

  hesitating for a while, Yang Hao asked: "Do you still cooperate with other people? "

  Kong Guang smiled bitterly and said: "No, the new Talisman Makers who have risen in recent years have been attracted by Zhenbaoxuan. We have been here for so long, and you are the first to reject them.

  "I know you still have doubts. It doesn't matter. You don't need to reply to me now. " Within seven days, if you have made up your mind, you can tell me at any time through the identity jade token. "

  After saying that, Kong Guang waved his hand and left quickly in the other direction.

  Seeing this, Yang Hao also headed back home.


  Soon after,

  Yang Hao sat on the bed and began to think about today's experience.

  Kong Guang's words It left a deep impression on him. If it was true, his idea of ​​quickly earning spiritual stones by making talismans might not be feasible. He had to find a way to

  confirm it.

  In addition, he also realized that he lacked self-protection now. Means.

  The attack skill is only the lv6 Xiaoyunyu Technique, and there are no defensive skills or escape skills.

  Although this is within the sect, there is generally no danger, but if the things about Zhenbaoxuan are true, I am afraid there will be There will be many conflicts.

  He must make preparations in advance.

  After the fireball talisman is upgraded, he will have to learn some combat-related spells.

  Of course, the best case scenario is that everything was made up by Kong Guang to deceive him, and he can make a steady profit. Spiritual stone cultivation is the best, but it really doesn't work...

  It's useless to think too much. He plans to go to Fangshi tomorrow to investigate the situation. Let

  's continue making talismans today.

  Thinking of this, he looked at his skill panel again.

  Name: Yang Hao

  Essence: 0
  1. Xiaoyunyu Technique, lv6 (perfect), 273/3200
  2. Talisman Making, lv0 (not yet started), 203/5000
  (1) Fireball Talisman, lv0 (not yet started), 203/500
  is still 297 points short of With experience, you can upgrade the Fireball Talisman to lv1. Then the success rate will definitely increase a lot, and an entry will be added.

  If the entry is effective, the selling price may be a little higher.

  Although the market price The price of the lower-grade talismans of the previous level is relatively fixed, but if the talisman is of particularly good quality or has some special effects, it can be sold at a high price. Take the fireball talisman as an example. Some talisman makers are extremely talented or have amazing luck

  . , the fireball talismans he occasionally makes are more powerful and faster, and one talisman can be exchanged for a spiritual stone. Compared

  with the original, such talismans will have more obvious fluctuations in spiritual power.

  None of the seven talismans he made before With such characteristics, it can only be sold at the lowest price.


  Six days later,

  Yang Hao once again ran out of materials.

  This time he produced a total of 9 fireball talismans, and the success rate increased to 4.5%, which is gratifying.

  According to the records in "Basics of Talisman Making", this rate of progress is already very fast.

  People without talent will have to make talismans at least tens of thousands of times to reach this level, and even talented geniuses will have to make at least thousands of times. .

  And he has achieved such results hundreds of times by relying on the skill panel, which is so exciting.

  In addition, the fireball talisman skill is about to be upgraded, and he is very much looking forward to the changes after the upgrade.

  These days, in addition to making talismans, he also I took the time to go to the market and pretended to be a passerby to carefully investigate the sale of talismans.

  It turned out that what Kong Guang said was quite different.

  Except for Zhenbaoxuan, there were only a few talisman makers setting up stalls to sell talismans.

  Most of them were very small. They will soon disappear without a trace. Only two of them are always standing there.

  Through insinuations, Yang Hao knows that both of them have elders in the foundation-building period who serve in the sect and have profound backgrounds.

  This result made him feel a deep chill . Since

  entering the sect, Yang Hao has never suffered any suppression or humiliation. Yang Hao thought that the world might not be so cruel.

  It turns out that he thought too much.

  The reason why he had not encountered this kind of thing before was simply because his level was too low and he was not qualified to encounter it.

  Now, if he wants to use talismans to earn spiritual stones safely, there are only three ways.

  Either, sell to Zhenbaoxuan and be charged a layer of handling fees, and at the same time buy materials for making talismans from there, and be shaved off another layer of profits; or, take a little risk and cooperate with Kong Guang; or else, compromise with Zhenbaoxuan, Get involved.

  Yang Hao thought carefully and finally chose to cooperate with Kong Guang.

  This plan allows him to quickly accumulate resources, and then convert them into combat effectiveness and cultivation with the help of the skill panel.

  Maybe before Zhenbaoxuan reacts, he can be directly promoted to the late stage of Qi refining and become an inner disciple.

  The worst outcome is that Zhenbaoxuan discovers him and temporarily quits the charm-making industry.

  There are sect rules and restrictions, and there will be no life threats.

  This risk is still worth a try.

  After making up his mind, he contacted Kong Guang directly through the identity jade tag.

  Because he was worried that Kong Guang's side might be a trap, he directly agreed to meet in the outer office office hall where his uncle, who was in the foundation-building period, was in charge.

   The signing is successful, newbie, new book, everyone is welcome to vote for it
  (end of chapter)

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